Interstellar Miner

Chapter 364 tit for tat

Chapter 364 tit for tat
The second layer of time and space.

The tortoise-shell warship that Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others used to cross the boundary membrane was a one-time warship, so Old Man Black Star didn’t set up a security system. The supply system has been successfully imitated, and it is named as the fortress battleship!

After the evaluation, the offense and defense are so strong and excellent, the fortress battleship deserves its name, it is indeed a movable fortress!
Since the mini battleship needs to use high-end materials of four layers of time and space, it can only be studied first to see if there is anything that can be used for reference.

Xiao Moxuan No. [-], who was guarding Mojialing Island, learned of the Tianjianmen military parade through a secret channel, and couldn't sit still anymore. He began to practice the immortals of Kongjianmen wantonly, and planned to organize a military parade!

Gao Shan, Lu Zhi and the others also knew that this is not a time for leisure, so they all gave their full support!

However, many years have passed since the war. It turns out that the illustrious generals are now in high positions and have gotten used to the current comfortable life. The immortals of Kong Jianmen are mixed and used to being idle. The big military training is not going well. , the big military parade is nowhere in sight!

Even though Little Moxuan No. [-] is just Mo Xuan's avatar, the news that Mo Xuan has become a Xuanxian is no longer a secret. Everyone can see Mo Xuan's awesomeness. It's good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. Who wouldn't want to hug such a thigh? up?
Unless you don't want to hang out in Kong Jianmen, the immortals in Kongjianmen have to grit their teeth and persevere even if they are trained to death by 1!Persist, work hard, struggle!
The arrival of the old Qingyuan Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three mysterious immortals did not cause much impact. Li Taishi and Kong Jiandaojun have been staying in the third layer of time and space, and are still in the process of experiencing in the fairy palace. .

But seeing Kong Jianmen's side doing a lot of exercises, the other three schools are not idle, and start all kinds of big training!

The result is that the Heiming Little Immortal Realm is suspicious, secretly guessing whether the Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm thinks that Hei Ming is a super unstable factor, and wants to get rid of us directly?

The intelligence system of the Heiming Little Immortal Realm is still very powerful. We already know the arrival of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng, the three Xuanxians, and the news that Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, and Mo Que'er have become Xuanxians. It's really completely behind, it's really bad!
Unknowingly, the situation where Hei Ming and Qing Yuan were evenly matched, and even Hei Ming had the upper hand, has turned into the current situation where they are gradually losing the wind.

Hey, the two remaining Daoist Lords of Hei Ming couldn't help but sigh from time to time. At first they either didn't fight, or they tried their best to kill Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie directly. Now it's good, Hei Ming has almost stopped singing!Depressed!
The only consolation is that the output of the Treasure Mine is extremely gratifying. If it can be maintained, it is only a matter of time before Hei Ming is promoted to return to the third layer of time and space. At least [-] times stronger than this poor and poor second-level space-time!

Under such an urgent situation, the two Dao Lords of Hei Ming had to take special actions. They secretly built a high-defense battleship, personally shot through the boundary membrane, and smuggled Hei Ming's elite earth immortals to the third floor Space-time undercover!

The boundary membrane is not so easy to cross, once it fails, the group will be wiped out, the chance of success is really not good, Mr. Heiming Xiaodao tried seven times, five of which were all the soul lamps of the immortals went out at once, and in the end he only succeeded two times. Batch!

The two little Taoists really wanted to smuggle a few more batches, but the cost was too high, and they didn't want to be noticed by Qing Yuan, so they had no choice but to give up. They could only pin their hopes on the two batches of elite earth immortals who survived fortunately and were expected by everyone. Being able to withstand the heavy pressure of the three layers of time and space, paved a fairly solid road for the Heiming Little Immortal Realm to come out!

In fact, it would be great if there are one or two angels who are willing to go there. However, the angels are well aware of the danger of forcibly crossing the boundary membrane, and none of them dare to try. Voluntarily formed a death squad, and indeed sacrificed a large area!

The angels were all secretly thankful that they didn't have a feverish head, otherwise they wouldn't know how they died, and they finally became angels, so they died so vaguely, thanks ah!How could the verbal promises of the two Dao Lords be worth such a real angel like myself, if I die, I will first rush to carve up my family's power, maybe these two Dao Lords will be the ones!

No one is a fuel-efficient lamp!
A layer of time and space.

After all, Xiao Moxuan No. [-] is a newcomer, with the strength of an immortal, and usually devotes himself to self-cultivation, so Jin Lengyu is the most important host of Xiuxian Academy.

Even if Jin Lengyu has no ideas, the students all have their own ideas. On the one hand, there is a high-weight, knowledgeable and amiable Tianxian teacher, and on the other hand, there is an avatar who has little real power and right to speak. Of course, the priority is to follow Jin Lengyu. up!
Before he knew it, Jin Lengyu had the final say in Xiuxian College, and Xiao Moxuan No. [-] could only assist from the side!
Xiao Moxuan No. [-] was also very anxious, but what could be done, he couldn't get in touch with the main body at all, and he didn't want to be caught by the other two avatars, so he could only hide it as much as possible, pinning his hopes on Jin Lengyu He has always understood righteousness, and the gentleman is magnanimous!
After all, Xiao Moxuan No. [-] is still too tender!

It's not that Mo Xuan didn't have such worries, it's just that the Tianjianmen on the third floor and Kongjianmen on the second floor are obviously more important than the Immortal Academy on the first floor, so he can only send Xiao Moxuan No. [-] to take charge of the first floor.

As for Jin Lengyu's strong rise, Mo Xuan had already foreseen it, but after all, he was his own senior brother, so he just opened and closed his eyes.

Four layers of time and space, rainbow bridge galaxy.

In a meteorite belt that almost no one cares about, Yuwengmen, which is as big as a sesame seed, has already submitted a mining application, and is going to win the 1-year mining right of this meteorite belt!
Of course, this meteorite belt must have been mined out in less than 1 years!

Under normal circumstances, no high-end forces would take a fancy to this meteorite belt that seemed poor at first glance.Yuweng, the master of Yuwengmen, is a newly promoted Xuanxian. He founded the school for 100 years and has recruited more than 3000 disciples. At the bottleneck, we have to open up new resources.

Yu Weng had already contacted a meteorite betting shop in advance, and the mined meteorites could be sold to them in batches at a fair price.

This small-looking meteorite belt is Yuweng's test sample. If the harvest is not bad, he can make a fortune from the meteorite in the future!

Although the submitted application needs a review period of about ten days, but such an unremarkable meteorite belt may not be appreciated by any Xuanxian. Even if the Tianxian is interesting, it can be seen that a Xuanxian like himself is guarding, and he can only make a detour.

Time is precious, and Yu Weng has already gathered disciples from the sect and drove over ten spirit transport ships, preparing to stay in this meteorite belt for a long time.

Just relying on selling meteorites is a temporary solution, not the root cause. The main source of income is to mine awesome meteorites!If a mysterious meteorite can be mined, it will be developed. In the next 1000 years, the whole sect will be able to eat and drink hot food, and develop and grow!Yu Weng can only imagine and add some motivation to work hard.

However, just as the deadline for the declaration was about to end, a strange warship with two pairs of large wings suddenly appeared!
A female Xuanxian flew out of the battleship in a hurry, and threw out a Liangyi martial arts competition plate, and urged: "Who is competing for the martial arts, speed! Auntie is in a hurry!"

No way, there really are Xuanxians who can see it. In other words, you can find this kind of meteorite belt if you look carefully. A Liangyi competition disk is not cheap. What about you?But now that everyone is looking for him, Yu Weng can only sigh secretly, and fly over with some puzzlement.

"Four Immortals, Huo Qingling." The female Xuanxian didn't even give Yu Weng a chance to say hello, and directly reported her name to the Liangyi competition plate.

Um?Four Immortals?Huo Qingling, what the hell!Isn't that the great power who made a fuss three years ago and entered the black list after only two battles?
I am just a newly promoted Xuanxian, this is more than a chicken feather!Yu Weng was dumbfounded for a moment, signed up with a wry smile, and immediately gave up!

Boring, Mo Que'er curled her lips and said, "I'll just pick a few meteorites and leave. If you want more of this meteorite, I can exchange the mining rights to you. Then I will give you [-]% of the bonus!"

Yu Weng was stunned for a moment, but still nodded!It would be quite troublesome to find another unowned meteorite belt, so it is acceptable to give up a [-]% bonus.

Mo Que'er immediately signed an agreement with the sect master, and when the time comes, just submit the agreement and deposit the money in the bank, which is very convenient.

Mo Que'er hurriedly returned to the strategic ship Explorer, and Xiao Ba drove the battleship into the center of the meteorite belt, picked out the best three meteorites, and then immediately went to the next place!
Yu Weng looked at the strategic ship Expedition going away, smiled wryly and shook his head, what can he do, consider yourself unlucky!
Department of Armed Forces.

Bei Junxian and Fang Tiancheng, who were so idle that they were about to get moldy, immediately received the news that Huo Qingling had won the match, and immediately cheered up as if they had been pumped!
After Huo Qingling entered the Xuanbang, he has been living in the Chess Academy, but the Niu Xu Xuanxian who was squeezed out of the Xuanbang by Mo Que'er turned his grief into strength and started a new round of fighting. Defeated three first-rank Profound Immortals and six second-rank Profound Immortals, a remarkable record!
If the famous Huo Qingling doesn't act anymore, he might be pushed off the list by Niu Xu Xuanxian!

Both Bei Junxian and Fang Tiancheng are now counting on the Four Immortals to make a fortune, and they can also follow the tide and live a well-off life!

Bei Junxian and Fang Tiancheng once sent news to Huo Qingling in a sneaky way. The lower rankings in the Xuanbang are prone to changes. It's better to rush up to a few places in one go, that's much safer!
It has been three months since the message was delivered, and Huo Qingling still hasn't moved at all!Just when Bei Junxian and Fang Tiancheng were about to pass on the news again, Huo Qingling finally dispatched!

Bei Junxian and Fang Tiancheng immediately started tracking around the clock, also to protect Huo Qingling as much as possible, lest the shameless Hanlifang make another small move.

In fact, Hanlifang also got the news in the first time. Although assassinating Xuanbang Da Neng is tantamount to digging his own grave, it is okay not to assassinate but only target!

To target the great powers on the Xuanbang in the open, those half-baked Xuanxians of the assassination force Shayi are obviously not qualified, so Hanlifang dispatched an elite Xuanxian squadron, all of which are high-end Xuanxians of the first and second ranks. It's water attribute, hmph, even if you can't beat Huo Qingling, you still have to disgust her to death!
What we are comparing is that there are so many people, you, a little Four Immortals, dare to oppose our Hanlifang, you are huddled in the Chess Academy, we really can't do anything about you, but you have come out now, then no You're welcome!If you don't let you know how powerful it is, how can you know what it means to be tall and thick!Just one word - do it!

(End of this chapter)

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