Interstellar Miner

Chapter 365 Registration

Chapter 365 Registration
Fuyu Xiaoxianjie.

The team had to wait in line to enter, so Mo Xuan and Kong Ling took it easy and landed directly in the Fuyu Small Immortal Realm with the Red Tears.

Although it is obviously not as prosperous as the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Academy, it is still quite good, full of people and lively.

Mo Xuan and Kong Ling found an inn to stay in, and Kong Ling released Bao Qingyun from the storage bracelet.

At this moment, Bao Qingyun is in a miniature form, and the identity of the God of Cookery is also very important. If he accidentally reveals the coquettishness, it may cause a huge commotion and cause various disputes, so Bao Qingyun offered to remain anonymous.He almost regarded himself as a deceased ancient man, and he didn't plan to show his face again!

Bao Qingyun wholeheartedly wanted to find a good disciple to inherit the mantle. It would be great if he could improve his culinary skills!
Although the taste puppet made by Master Shuiyue is extremely powerful, there are still many inconveniences after all, and Bao Qingyun's current strength cannot control the taste puppet for a long time, so it is urgent to improve his strength!

Under such circumstances, Bao Qingyun retreated behind the scenes, and self-cultivation was an excellent choice.

No matter how reluctant Bao Qingyun is, Kong Ling has become his official disciple. Although he is often blown bearded and stared at by Kong Ling's unconventional and unconventional way, at first he was not pleasing to his eyes. However, the disciple who forced himself to hang himself has really persevered and has worked hard until today. His cooking skills are already remarkable, and Bao Qingyun couldn't help but look at Kong Ling with admiration, and his face is much more pleasant.

If Bao Qingyun was not very satisfied with Kong Ling, a disciple, he was 1 satisfied with Mo Xuan, a disciple and son-in-law!Many times I couldn't teach Kong Ling how to teach, but Mo Xuan, who passed by and watched for a while, learned it easily, and learned it as soon as possible!Bao Qingyun couldn't help sighing secretly, it would be great if he could receive an apprentice like Mo Xuan!It's a pity that Mo Xuan has been devoting himself to self-cultivation and didn't have the time to study cooking, so Bao Qingyun can only accept it. I hope that Liu Meilin, whom Mo Xuan recommended with all his strength, is really so good!
Taking advantage of the fact that there were still a few days before the admissions meeting officially started, Kong Ling hurriedly crammed together and made another surprise attack, so as not to fail the exam in time, which would be too embarrassing for Chef Chef and herself!

Mo Xuan went to the admissions office to help Kong Ling sign up, apply for a Go teacher, and then inquire about relevant information.

Wow, so many people!There are huge crowds of people on the registration square, with many parents and few students.

Basically, a student is surrounded by a group of eager parents who are full of expectations. There are also exceptions. Mo Xuan saw a short winter melon boy who only had a Qi training stage and was carrying a big bag and a knife box. Lang stood in the square conspicuously and stupidly, looking around in a daze, not knowing what to do.

"Look, there are still people who don't have magical artifacts these days!"

"It looks like a poor country boy from a remote planet."

"It's the Qi training period. Such a guy dares to sign up for the assessment. It's really beyond his control!"

"It will definitely be brushed off in the first round."


People in the square were pointing and whispering.

Having nothing to do, Mo Xuan walked over, patted the young man on the shoulder, and asked, "Are you alone?"

The young Lang Mumu let out a groan, and looked at Mo Xuan strangely. Could it be that this person is a member of the admissions office, he couldn't help asking: "Senior, there are so many registration points, where should I go to register?"

"I don't know, but I didn't see a vertical flag to distinguish the registration points. I guess they are all the same." Mo Xuan looked around and replied.

That's right, the young man casually found a slightly shorter long queue and queued up.

Mo Xuan followed and asked casually, "What's your name? How old are you?"

"My name is Liu Xing, and I am 13 years old. What do you call me, senior? Are you also here to sign up for the admissions conference?" The boy replied.

"Oh, Ah Xing, you're so young. My name is Huashan, and I'm here to help my wife sign up." Mo Xuan said familiarly. For safety reasons, Mo Xuan and Kong Ling are nominally practicing in the Chess Academy. , so again use an alias.Mo Xuan's pseudonym is Huashan, and Kong Ling's pseudonym is Wu Xiahuai.

On the other side, Mo Que'er, Xiao Yun and Xiao Ba formed a team to rob money, food and territory to contribute to the Four Immortals!By the way, let Mo Que'er stretch his muscles and improve his ranking in the Xuanbang!
Mo Xuan chatted with Liu Xing, and learned that Liu Xing came from a small planet called Yejuxing. There was a Liu family restaurant in his ancestors. It was originally the most famous restaurant in Yejuxing. After his death, Liu Xing's father, uncles and uncles didn't have much talent in cooking, and the business of the restaurant was worsening day by day, and they could only rely on their old capital. If this continues, they will close down sooner or later!

Liu Xing was born with the hope of the whole family. Since he was a child, Liu Xing has been proved to have excellent culinary talent, so this time the family entrusted his relationship to send him to Fuyu Culinary Academy. Because the travel expenses are too expensive, The family can only see him off at Yejuxing, they can't escort him like other parents!
Liu Xing, who is still very immature, embarked on the journey alone, with no relatives, no wonder he was so at a loss.

Being able to meet Mo Xuan, Liu Xing only felt that he had met a noble person, and after a few small chats, he was no longer so embarrassed and didn't know where to put his hands and feet, and felt much more at ease.

Mo Xuan patted Liu Xing on the shoulder, and said, "Ah Xing, you line up first, I'll go for a walk around, collect information, and come back when the time comes."

Liu Xing nodded awkwardly, then patiently lined up.

Mo Xuan wandered around the surrounding area with his hands behind his back, and found that most of the people who signed up to learn how to cook were young men with half-immortal cultivation. The students of the Eight Classics have not been seen for the time being.

Mo Xuan felt ashamed for a while. Speaking of which, it's really strange that Kong Ling, who is already a Xuanxian, came to learn how to cook!Mo Xuan wondered if he should falsely report Kong Ling's strength, but after thinking about it, let it go, Kong Ling also has a personality that cannot be hidden, she is more careless, not much better than Que'er.

Mo Xuan sighed and shook his head, his own backyard is really troublesome, so in comparison, the bouncing Huali is relatively quiet!sweat!

The long queue couldn't be finished for a while, anyway, I asked Liu Xing to help line up, so Mo Xuan went to apply for a Go teacher first, and helped Kong Ling pave the way.

Naturally, applicants at the teacher level do not need to wait in line in the square, so Mo Xuan walked directly to the gate of Fuyu Culinary Academy.

There is only an old rattan chair at the gate ten feet away, on which lies an old Xuanxian with gray hair and beard, holding a simple teapot in his hand, humming a little tune, leisurely Shaking Erlang's legs.

The sudden Mo Xuan thought he had seen the former Grand Master Li!

Mo Xuan walked over, bowed to the old Xuanxian, and asked: "Senior, I'm here to apply for a Go teacher, how do I get there?"

The old Xuanxian squinted his eyes, glanced at Mo Xuan, and muttered, "Are you just a yellow-haired boy? Do you have a rank?"

Mo Xuan replied: "Yes, for a while."

"It's only one level." Old Xuanxian pouted and shook his head, sat up, and said: "One level is actually not very good, there are a lot of fake ones, and there were two first level chess players who came to apply for the job, but they were not good at all. It's just a matter of luck, even the first class of students may not be able to pass."

This old man knows the market quite well, Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and said, "You'll know if it's a mule or a horse."

"That's right." The old Xuanxian nodded, and immediately waved out two gray futons and an old 23-way chess pier, stood up and greeted, "Then you play a game like the old man, the same rules, I will let you two sons, if you can win the bet, the application will be considered successful."

It's so simple, Mo Xuan chuckled, and sat opposite the old Xuanxian, hey, this futon doesn't look good, sitting on it, a Xuanxian like himself obviously feels refreshed, obviously not ordinary ;Looking at this chess pier again, ouch, Mo Xuan couldn't help but blink his eyes, it's truly superb!

When Mo Xuan was in the Chess Academy, he also slipped out from the back mountain to go shopping with the three daughters. Mo Xuan was thinking about finding a top-quality chess pier, but he found out that even if you have money, you can't buy it!The real best chess pier is hard to come by!
The little guy is quite knowledgeable, the old Xuanxian smiled complacently, and urged: "Hurry up and put on two sunspots."

Mo Xuan smiled and said, "Senior, let me let you two."

The old Xuanxian immediately blew his beard and stared, and scolded: "Don't be ignorant, the old man was also a student at the beginning, but he had to quit halfway because of a change in his family. My strength, old man, is much better than ordinary chess players. Yes. If you think you are strong enough, we can play one after the other."

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin and nodded, that's okay.

The two immediately grabbed the children and divided them first, with Mo Xuan holding the black first.

The old Xuanxian didn't pay much attention to it at first, thinking that Mo Xuan just had a good mouth and didn't know the heights of heaven and earth at all. After less than thirty moves, the movements of stroking his beard from time to time became more and more stiff. This... This guy is really good Two brushes!

The old Xuanxian also had to deal with it cautiously, but the white pieces he held gradually lost the wind. When did a group of chess players become so good?Is he really just a chess player?

Old Xuanxian was sweating faintly on his forehead, and his eyes were rolling, but he didn't raise his head to look at Mo Xuan.

Going down here, Mo Xuan has a good understanding of the old Xuanxian's chess strength, which is almost between the second and third tiers. It's not bad. It just happens to be Xiaoguang's opponent, but it's definitely not Xiaoliang's opponent.

Although Mo Xuan is currently a [-]th dan in name, his real chess strength is definitely not just a [-]th dan, and he has never lost against Shang Xiaoliang.

"Hey! Excuse me." Mo Xuan frowned, and disappeared from the futon.

The old Xuanxian sensed it for a moment, and immediately understood it. He shook his head speechlessly, staring at Hope, his eyes rolled.

Admissions Square.

"You country bumpkin, I think highly of you by jumping in line behind you, but you still dare to make irresponsible remarks, you're impatient!" A guy who looked like a second-generation ancestor was kicking and punching Liu Xing who was lying on the ground .The two celestial bodyguards stood behind the second ancestor like door gods with their hands folded on their chests, looking around coldly.

The people around dared not speak out, and sighed secretly, that little baby is too tender and ignorant, the kind of guy who looks like a second-generation ancestor must of course be avoided if he can, and it is best to stay away!

Although the Second Generation Ancestor only had a low level of cultivation equivalent to that of the Foundation Establishment Stage, he was really overwhelmingly powerful against Liu Xing, who was at the Qi Training Stage. On the ground, tightly guarding the knife box in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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