Interstellar Miner

Chapter 366 Untidy

Chapter 366 Untidy

"Brother Wang, why are you so angry?" Another second-generation ancestor walked over with two celestial bodyguards, waving a paper fan and walking in four-character steps!
"It's Brother Li. It's not that this kid doesn't know how to compliment. I saw that there was an empty seat behind him, so I stood there, but this guy actually said that there was already someone behind, and asked me to line up at the back! Isn't this just looking for a ticket?" What!" Wang Ershizu hummed.

"Oh, such a thing, then this kid is really looking for it!" Li Er Shizu nodded knowingly, closed the paper fan with a snap, walked over and kicked Liu Xing's feet, and said: "It's just right, Tell the boy to go away, there are two places, we just happen to be a companion! Let's discuss the big plan of picking up girls together."

"Wonderful!" Wang Ershizu nodded cheerfully. Brother Li is indeed a fellow-spirited fellow. He chose not to go to a better culinary art academy because there are so many female students in Fuyu. Competitors of sufficient grade are rare, it is simply our amusement park for picking up girls!
Wang Er Shizu signaled to the two angelic bodyguards with his eyes, and left the country bumpkin behind, and if he died, he would die far away, it is really an eyesore!

"A Xing, are you alright?" Mo Xuan hurried to the scene, Liu Xing had already passed out, bleeding from his mouth and nose!

Mo Xuan's thick eyebrows twitched, and he hurriedly checked Liu Xing's injuries. The flesh wounds lying all over his body were not serious, but two ribs were broken by kicking, but it was the second generation ancestor Li who repaired the black feet.

Mo Xuan raised his thick eyebrows immediately, jumped up involuntarily, and waved his hand like a slap in the face!

With a snap, the sound shook the sky!

Li Ershizu couldn't react to anything, his neck twisted 180 degrees with a squeak, followed by his body and flew up to complete a 720-degree difficult turn, and finally hit the bodies of the two fairy bodyguards behind him!

The two celestial bodyguards caught the young master's body in a daze, and it took a while for them to react, screaming like a pig!
"Master! Are you okay, Master? Don't scare me!" "You're going to die!"

One of the celestial bodyguards immediately took out an attack weapon and wanted to attack Mo Xuan. Another celestial bodyguard hugged Li Er Shizu whose face was swollen rapidly and passed out, and glared at Mo Xuan viciously.

Mo Xuan snorted coldly, and the attacking celestial bodyguard trembled all over. He staggered back a few steps, bleeding from his orifices.

The two celestial bodyguards looked at Mo Xuan in awe, this... is so terrifyingly strong!Could it be that he is the great power of the Golden Immortal? !

Wang Ershizu and his two bodyguards suddenly became pale, wanting to get rid of their feet.

Mo Xuan was not so easy to talk, rushed over and slapped him again!
The two celestial bodyguards of Wang Ershizu wanted to protect the young master, but they couldn't keep up with the speed!
Another snap!It's just that this time Wang Er Shizu just swayed and tilted his body, and didn't fly out, but his face also swelled up quickly!

The two celestial bodyguards rushed to Wang Ershizu's side and looked at Mo Xuan vigilantly, you...don't mess around!It's enough to open your mouth!
Wang Er Shizu covered his hot face and looked at Mo Xuan stupidly, dare to hit me, do you know who my grandfather is!

Seeing that the young master hadn't been able to distinguish the situation clearly, the two celestial bodyguards hurriedly gagged and hugged each other!Little ancestor, this one in front of you is definitely not easy to provoke, even if the lord comes here in person, I'm afraid he won't be able to match him!Forbearance is calm for a while, don't look for smoke again!
"You guys are really an eyesore." Mo Xuan glanced coldly.

The four celestial bodyguards immediately understood, and immediately carried their young masters and ran away in despair.

The onlookers were all stunned, wow, is this the legendary super iron plate?Should!Let those two second-generation ancestors be so arrogant, this is a sad reminder.

Mo Xuan glanced around, is there no one who is willing to stand out?The so-called high-level space-time is nothing more than that!

Being swept by Mo Xuan's gaze, everyone could not help but lower their heads in shame, but they really couldn't control it if they wanted to. Instead, they caused a commotion, and they might set themselves on fire!
Mo Xuan curled his lips, it's the same everywhere, there is oppression and power!There is no other good way except to become stronger and no one dares to bully!
Mo Xuan helped Liu Xing deal with the injury urgently, broken ribs are not so easy to repair, it takes a while to recuperate!

Liu Xingyou woke up, still a little confused, what's wrong?By the way, I was beaten!Um?Was it Senior Huashan who saved me?Oops, my chest hurts!
Mo Xuan helped Liu Xing up from the ground, patted off the dust on his body, and comforted him: "You, your ribs are broken, you need to recuperate, don't use your strength! Remember next time don't be so blunt, if you want to jump in line, you will be fine." Let him insert it, and I will take care of it myself. You are new here, you must know how to bear it!"

Liu Xing scratched his head, responded, and stood up the tool box from the ground, then went to pat the dust on the luggage, grinning and wanted to put the luggage on his back again.

Mo Xuan went over to help and said, "Why don't I lend you a treasure bag."

Liu Xing shook his head and said, "Thank you senior for your kindness, I can stand it."

Mo Xuan patted Liu Xing's shoulder, nodded and said, "Okay then, I still have something to do over there, come back later."

Liu Xing nodded and continued to line up.

Mo Xuan returned to the side of the chess game and sat opposite the old Xuanxian.

The old Xuanxian nodded slightly, and said: "Now there are some little brats who just need to be cleaned up and beat well. Well, I'm here."

Mo Xuan nodded and placed a sunspot.

The old Xuanxian seemed to have a good idea, and quickly settled down.

Um?Wait a moment!Mo Xuan blinked in surprise, no!How did the good chess game change?
Mo Xuan frowned and compared the previous chess game, damn it!The positions of four black stones were reversed by the white stones, three white stones were missing from the originally removed black stones, and two black stones were inexplicably added to the black stones that had been removed!Although Heizi now has the upper hand in this scene, he has quietly lost the upper hand!

This... Could this old man be the legendary black hand?This chess game is too bad!Do you think I will be confused by your clever embedding?Buddies can play blindfolded chess at will!

"Hurry up!" Old Xuanxian urged.

Mo Xuan shook his head amusedly, and glanced at Old Xuan Xian.

The old Xuanxian didn't blush or breathe, the old god was there.

I have to say, this guy is really thick-skinned!Mo Xuan curled his lips, forget it, anyway, he's just applying for a job, so let's play with him!
The old Xuanxian secretly rejoiced, it seems that this kid didn't notice it, he can only say that his methods are too clever, not something this kind of dumb-headed green-haired boy can match!

But... after thirty or forty moves, the old Xuanxian blinked blankly, something seemed wrong, Bai Zi fell behind again!This... isn't it? !
Near the end, Bai Zi became so horrible, the old Xuanxian's face was so brilliant, his beard was shaking, he was convinced!It can only be taken!
The old Xuanxian didn't stop, he grabbed Mo Xuan's arm and said, "This little brother, it's you! I'll take you to go through the formalities!" After finishing speaking, the old Xuanxian quickly put away the chess pieces Chess piece, lead Mo Xuan into the academy and report to the Academic Affairs Office. After a few words, the formalities are complete.

Mo Xuan received an emerald identity card, with which he can go unimpeded in the Fuyu Culinary Academy!In addition, Mo Xuan was also allocated an elegant small courtyard, which was much bigger than the small courtyard in Chess Saint Academy!

Without it, the old Xuanxian is none other than Fuyu, the founder of this Fuyu Culinary Academy.

"Dean, aren't you a student of the Chess Academy?" Mo Xuan had already expected the identity of the old Xuanxian, so he was not surprised, but rather surprised that the old Xuanxian opened a culinary art academy.

The old Xuanxian sighed, and said depressedly: "My family used to run a restaurant, but I just like Go. I secretly signed up for the Chess Academy without telling my family, and became a student as I wished. However, my family disagreed with life and death after they found out. I had no choice but to go back to my hometown to inherit the family business, and after I became a Xuanxian, I won this small fairy world through a martial arts competition, and I just opened a culinary academy, which turned out to be a bad idea."

Mo Xuan nodded suddenly, and said: "That's right, I thought you were cheated when you were playing chess and were discovered by the Chess Academy and kicked out."

Cough cough cough... The old Xuanxian coughed, his old face flushed red, this... this... the old Xuanxian quibbled: "I was just joking, it's not very good for the opponent to leave the table during the game. "

That's true, Mo Xuan nodded, and said, "Don't make such jokes again in the future."

"It will definitely not be opened again." Old Xuanxian hurriedly patted his chest to promise.

"Then I'll see you later." Mo Xuan waved his hand and returned to the square.

Mo Xuan and Lao Xuanxian played a game of chess for nearly six hours. At this time, Liu Xing, who was queuing up along with the long dragon, finally arrived at the front, but after all, he was only in the Qi training period, and he was still carrying a bag and a knife box. He was still tired. Quite choking, already drenched and panting.

"Ah Xing." Mo Xuan patted Liu Xing's shoulder lightly.

Liu Xing only felt a shock all over his body, and immediately all the fatigue was swept away, and he said happily: "Senior, you are back, what information have you found?"

Mo Xuan casually took out his ID card, inquired about the registration system set up by Fuyu, and explained: "There are three types of registration specifications in the registration office! The first one is that you can apply for money, and pay a yearly fee of one first-grade immortal stone or ten A second-grade fairy stone."

Liu Xing stared straight at it, darling, you need eleven second-grade fairy stones a year, and your own restaurant has struggled for ten years, but you can't earn a second-grade fairy stone!

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and continued: "The second way is to participate in the assessment. There are five rounds of assessment, and if you pass two rounds, you can sign a part-time work-study agreement with the college, study for one year, and then go to the chain restaurant opened by the college Working as a handyman for one year, until you pass the graduation examination, you can be given priority to work in the college's chain restaurants."

This is good, Liu Xing nodded excitedly. It is unlikely that he will pass all five rounds of assessment, but if he only passes two rounds, he is still confident.

Mo Xuan continued: "The last one is to pass all five rounds of assessments, and the school will exempt all tuition fees and focus on cultivation."

Wow!Liu Xing exclaimed, it feels really good, but unfortunately, his experience is still inexperienced, and it may be impossible to pass five rounds, so let's be more realistic and go for two rounds steadily!
After a while, the two advanced to the registration point.

"Name, age, origin, do you have cooking experience? Pay the fee to avoid the test or take the assessment." The staff of the admissions office asked mechanically.

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, didn't he ask about his strength? Also, cooking skills have nothing to do with strength.

Liu Xing reported nervously: "Liu Xing, 13 years old, from Yejuxing, has been a chef in his own restaurant for two years, and I want to take part in the assessment."

The staff directly wrote the examination card, handed it to Liu Xing, and said, "Two days later, arrive at the examination room on time! Late arrivals will not be waited for!"

Liu Xing nodded again and again, I got it.

Finally it was me, Mo Xuan took a step forward, and said: "I am helping my wife to sign up. Her name is Wu Xiahuai, she is two thousand years old, she is from Gaoshuang Valley, she has studied cooking for two years, and she is taking part in the assessment."

The staff patted the table and snorted coldly: "What do you think our Fuyu Culinary Academy is! She must sign up in person! This is also to prevent anyone from pretending to take the exam!"

Mo Xuan smiled, showed his emerald identity badge, and said, "Please do me a favor."

The staff was stunned, darling, this...isn't this a special identity card, isn't there only three chefs hired with high salaries in the entire academy!real or fake?The staff hurriedly inquired, but it was Huashan Go teacher recruited by the dean himself!

The five staff members at the registration point hurriedly stood up and bowed to Mo Xuan with smiles all over their faces. Since they are our own, feel free to do as you please. Sir, please wait a moment, we will do it right away!
(End of this chapter)

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