Interstellar Miner

Chapter 367 Revealing one hand

Chapter 367

The staff quickly wrote the test card, and handed it over respectfully with both hands: "This is the test card for Madam, please keep it, sir, and remember to ask Madam to come over when the time comes, it doesn't matter if you are a few hours late, call Just say hello."

Mo Xuan took the sign, smiled at Liu Xing who was staring blankly, and said, "Ah Xing, let's go."

Liu Xing followed behind Mo Xuan in a daze, still couldn't help looking back and looking again and again, why did those staff members suddenly change, they were also registered, why the words were different before and after, and the exam cards were also different. What do the extra five-pointed stars drawn on the examination boards mean?
Mo Xuan smiled and explained: "This is the way of the world. A Xing, you are still young, you will understand when you grow up. If you don't have a place to live, then go to my place."

Liu Xing was taken aback, and then nodded, thank you senior!Liu Xing originally planned to find a corner to play on the floor until the assessment began.

Liu Xing followed behind Mo Xuan, it was very strange, obviously he couldn't walk fast, but he could still keep up with the footsteps of his senior, he saw the landscape on both sides and retreated quickly, what kind of magical power is this, senior is really amazing .

After a while, Mo Xuan took Liu Xing back to the inn, and as soon as he opened the door, there was a scent rushing towards him!
Liu Xing took a breath intoxicated, and took a closer look, only to see a very big living room, which was as big as the entire first floor of Liu's Restaurant, with three long tables placed inside!

A long table is filled with all kinds of vegetables and fruits, a long table with all kinds of meat, and a long table with all kinds of finished dishes.

Wow, it is simply a dream paradise!Liu Xing was amazed again and again.

Kong Ling was busy cooking vegetables, and asked curiously, "Husband, did you pick up this little guy again?"

"This is Liu Xing." Mo Xuan introduced Liu Xing.

"Hello Ma'am." Liu Xing had already guessed Kong Ling's identity, and hurriedly bowed.

"You're hungry, eat whatever you want. Put the food aside first." Mo Xuan greeted casually.

Liu Xing nodded gratefully, and his stomach immediately growled a few times.Liu Xing stuck out his tongue in embarrassment, put the luggage and knife box in the corner, and then happily ran to the long table where the finished dishes were placed.

At a glance, most of the dishes are dishes that have never been seen before, and the appearance is all first-class, just looking at it can make people drool!
I really gained my knowledge today!Liu Xing picked up the chopsticks and started eating!Wooooow, it's delicious!
However, there are also some dishes that are slightly lacking in taste, but ordinary people can't taste it. Liu Xing's taste is quite developed, and he can taste many flavors.

Liu Xing nodded suddenly, no wonder Mrs. Senior's cooking skills are so good, and she still wants to sign up to learn how to cook. She really lived to learn how to cook!
Mo Xuan walked up to Kong Ling, carefully wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said, "Okay, the assessment is actually not that difficult, let's take a rest."

Kong Ling smiled sweetly and hummed, "Fry this pot of cabbage and let's rest."

Bao Qingyun in miniature form took a look at Liu Xing's exquisite knife box, flew over old-fashioned, and asked, "Little Xing, you also came here to learn how to cook, right?"

Liu Xing blinked in surprise, staring at Bao Qingyun, this... what is this?How can you still talk?
Bao Qingyun said casually: "I am a ghost, this is my puppet body."

Liu Xing murmured, this is the first time I have heard and seen it!
"I see that you eat more of some dishes and less of some dishes. It must be good or bad." Bao Qingyun glanced at the long table and asked.

Liu Xing scratched his head and said, "They are all delicious. It's just that some dishes have a little taste."

Bao Qingyun nodded approvingly, and said: "The little guy has a good taste, show the old man a few hands after eating later, if you behave well, then I will teach you a few hands, and I will protect you for the rest of your life."

That's great!Liu Xingkuang nodded, quickly stuffed a few buns into his mouth, and ran over to get the knife box.

Liu Xing put the knife box on the long table, clasped his hands together in silence for a moment, unlocked the knife box, and opened it gently.

The box is quite big, but there are only three kitchen knives in it: a kitchen knife, a meat cleaver, and a carving knife.There are also whetstones and other tools at the bottom of the box.

Bao Qingyun glanced at it, and saw that the material of the knives was very ordinary iron, but each knife was polished and maintained so that it shone brightly, shining so brightly in Liu Xing's eyes!
Bao Qingyun sighed secretly, and his current apprentice used all the top-quality black iron kitchen knives that he could only have in his dreams, but at the beginning of his learning to cook, he always threw them away after use, and they were as strong as diamonds. A lot of floor tiles were smashed, and after repeated instructions like brainwashing, I have developed the habit of taking good care of the kitchen knife!
Just from the kitchen knife, you can know that the little guy treats the kitchen knife sincerely. Bao Qingyun nodded approvingly and said: "Three kitchen knives, let's each show the same knife skill."

Liu Xing responded, and gently took out the kitchen knife, carefully wiped the blade with a white silk scarf, and then formally held it in his hand!

The moment Liu Xing held the handle of the knife with his right hand, a huge change took place in Liu Xing's temperament.

At this time, Mo Xuan and Kong Ling happened to pass by and couldn't help but stop and watch.

Bao Qingyun glanced at it, picked a squashed pumpkin in the corner, and controlled it with his mind to fly to the cutting board.

Kong Ling blinked, isn't this ugly pumpkin the one she casually threw aside?

Liu Xing grabbed the pumpkin with his left hand, fiddled with it for half a circle, put it on the table, and began to cut it!
Liu Xing's movements are not fast, much slower than those fancy vegetable cutting performances that people can't keep up with the eyes, but they can't be considered slow either. The whole process of peeling, slicing and dicing is smooth and flowing. The size of the final cuts is also almost the same.

Kong Ling blinked in surprise. Although this little doll's knife skills are still lacking, but the basic skills are quite solid, which is a good thing!

Bao Qingyun nodded approvingly, the young man is good and has a bright future.Bao Qingyun picked another piece of steak that was mostly dented, and tried this.

Liu Xing rinsed the kitchen knife with clean water, then used a white silk scarf to absorb the water droplets, carefully stored it back in the knife box, took out the meat cleaver, wiped it, and began to process the shredded steak.

Pieces of pork ribs with meat and skin were quickly formed under Liu Xing's skillful hands and a kitchen knife, and they were all processed in a short while.

Kong Ling fiddled with the ribs a few times with a chopstick, but it still felt a little messy. The main reason was that there were too many broken bones, so the ribs became bigger and smaller.Hey, but the size of the ribs is very well-proportioned, so that they can be cooked at the same time through the different degrees of heat on the bottom and sides of the pot.Kong Ling couldn't help but look at Liu Xing with admiration, for she can be so sophisticated at such a young age.Tsk tsk, Xuan is still a golden hand, any child he picks up at random has such good aptitude.

The jewel eyes of Bao Qingyun's puppet body flickered, and he nodded approvingly. The chef only uses high-quality ingredients, and discards all defective products. As time goes by, the road will only become narrower and narrower. A real good chef must be able to adapt to the material. Good dishes are exquisitely made, and second dishes can also be turned into magic!
And finally the carver!

Bao Qingyun chose a winter melon with a crooked neck for Liu Xing.

Liu Xing put away the meat cleaver, took out the carving knife, and began to carve carefully!
Although Kong Ling felt that Liu Xing's workmanship was clumsy, it was really remarkable. If it was her, she would not be happy to make that ugly, crooked-necked winter melon. She thought it was a waste of time, so she would definitely choose a big and A good round melon to carve!But Liu Xing carved the crooked-necked winter melon meticulously, with such seriousness and heart.

From little Liu Xing, Kong Ling saw a lot of things. Although she would not change her concept because of this, it still helped her in the development of culinary skills in the future.

It took a quarter of an hour, and Liu Xing used the crooked wax gourd to carve out a picture of a white crane spreading its wings. The crooked head of the wax gourd became the high head of a white crane, complementing each other, turning waste into treasure!

Seeing Liexin's joy, Kong Ling also chose a big wax gourd. Within three blinks of Liu Xing's eyes, she carved out an extremely exquisite octagonal Qionglou, sublimating the big winter melon into art!

Liu Xing's eyes widened at once, wow, it's really amazing!
Bao Qingyun curled his lips, he didn't feel that the octagonal Qionglou carved by Kong Ling was better than Liu Xing's white crane!

"Xiao Xing, come here with the old man, I will teach you a few tricks, if you can learn quickly, I will teach you a few more tricks." Bao Qingyun led the way in front, did not hear any movement, looked back, but Liu Xing looked at him eagerly. Looking at Kong Ling, obviously wanting to worship Kong Ling as a teacher, sometimes dizzy.

Mo Xuan smiled cheerfully, and said, "Ah Xing, that master is my wife's tutor, and he has great abilities. You should go there quickly and study hard."

What?That villain was actually the teacher of this fairy chef, no wonder he was so old-fashioned, Liu Xing hurried over.

Bao Qingyun still wanted to save face, so he flicked the mini storage bracelet on his wrist, released the puppet body with a primary taste system specially made by Master Shuiyue, and changed his body.

Liu Xing was dumbfounded again, it was amazing.

"I'll only teach you once, and I'll teach you the next one when I get six points of my true biography." Bao Qingyun said even more old-fashioned.

Liu Xingkuang nodded, stared round his eyes, concentrated, wait and see!

Bao Qingyun picked up the kitchen knife and explained while operating: "Take half an autumn radish and cut it into thin shreds, then add two spoonfuls of tofu, three taels of wolfberry, ten apricots, four oil leaves, and two money eggplants. Look after it." !"

Liu Xing didn't feel that the simple ingredients and cooking skills were not enough. He only felt that Bao Qingyun's movements were like that of an antelope hanging horns!As the saying goes, an expert will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move!Liu Xing has never seen such a master chef as Bao Qingyun in charge of cooking!
After work was over, Bao Qingyun poured a bowl of soup into the bowl, and said leisurely, "Come, try my good bowl of shrimp soup."

Shrimp soup?How can there be shrimp?Not only Liu Xing, but also Mo Xuan and Kong Ling, who were concubines of Zhenglang and concubines, were also amazed and moved over to have a taste together.

Liu Xing scooped up a spoonful with a soup spoon and sucked it into his mouth. He was stupefied and exclaimed, "What a bowl of shrimp soup!" Liu Xing had never tasted such an extreme delicacy in his life!Today I met a real expert!
Mo Xuan and Kong Ling took a sip. Although they are used to eating big meals every day, they still couldn't help but nodded in admiration. They are indeed chef gods!It's so perfect to show off casually!

When Liu Xing came back to his senses, he had already picked up a large bowl of soup and drank it all.Liu Xing hurriedly put down the big bowl, knelt down and worshiped Bao Qingyun, Master, please accept me!
Bao Qingyun smiled lightly like Mo Xuan, and said: "Get up, I said I will teach you a few tricks. If you learn quickly, I will teach you again." Other chefs always like to hide their secrets. Tuck it in, for fear that others will learn it secretly at the bottom of the box, I would rather carry my craft into the coffin than teach it to my disciples easily!
But Bao Qingyun did the opposite, always wanted to find a few good apprentices to inherit the mantle, but he couldn't find it all the time, so he had no choice but to survive with the help of the Soul Sealing Jar.It can be said that Bao Qingyun is not private at all, he likes to help others and exchange cooking experience with other chefs, this is also the main reason why he can have such high achievements in cooking!

Those who can't be tolerated in the eyes can only be a clown after all, and can't stand on the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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