Interstellar Miner

Chapter 368 Entrance Examination

Chapter 368 Entrance Examination
Liu Xing stood up and looked back at Master Bao Qingyun's cooking process just now. He didn't have the slightest confidence to reproduce the original taste, but right now the master is waiting on the sidelines, and he can only rush the ducks to the shelves.

Liu Xing took a deep breath, calmed down, and made it again according to the previous process of Bao Qingyun. There were still some small mistakes in the process, but fortunately Liu Xing came back out of his wits, but in this way, the deliciousness of the soup can be reduced. It's hard to say how much you have as a master.

Although Bao Qingyun didn't taste it, he was able to judge it through Liu Xing's production process. It was barely [-]%, which was not bad.

Mo Xuan and Kong Ling tasted Liu Xing's soup. Although the taste was good, it was obviously far inferior to the bowl of soup made by Bao Qingyun!

Liu Xing also tasted it himself, and sighed secretly, he really is still far behind!

Bao Qingyun nodded slightly, and said: "So-so, I will teach you how to make pumpkin cakes later."

Bao Qingyun used the diced pumpkin that Liu Xing had cut before, took half of it, mashed it and kneaded it into cakes, and then started cooking. It still looked inconspicuous, but in fact it was an antelope with horns, which was unpredictable.

Liu Xing didn't even blink his eyes, and watched with all his attention.

Eight golden pumpkin pies are now ready, just looking at them makes my mouth water!Liu Xing picked up a piece with chopsticks and took a bite. It was crispy and delicious. It turns out that ordinary pumpkin pie can be so delicious.

Liu Xing closed his eyes, and reviewed the whole production process of Master Bao Qingyun by himself. It was so exquisite that it would never reach that level without hundreds of years of hard work!
Mo Xuan was biting into the pumpkin pie, and with God of Cooking by his side, it was really difficult not to gain weight!Fortunately, we are all immortals, otherwise we wouldn't have become a big fat family!

Kong Ling blinked her big eyes. She has a well-polished foundation, but she has seen a lot of tricks. The master comprehensively evaluates Liu Xing's level through all the details in the actual cooking process, and then teaches Liu Xing according to Liu Xing's own characteristics. The cuisine that suits him best.

After all, Liu Xing is still too young, whether it is cooking skills, experience or experience, he lacks. Too high-end skills will be counterproductive to him, so the master uses some simple but not ordinary cooking skills to guide , Enlightened Liu Xing.

Liu Xing opened his eyes, no longer flinched, and boldly started to make pumpkin pies, not a complete copy, but also mixed with some of his own special skills.

Mo Xuan had already finished eating the pumpkin pie made by Bao Qingyun, and then he ate Liu Xing's pumpkin pie, woo woo, not bad, the little guy has a lot of comprehension.

A smile appeared on Bao Qingyun's face, and he said, "Next, I will teach you how to stew pork ribs with wax gourd!"

Although it is a very simple home-cooked dish, Liu Xing still nods again and again, the master cooking is naturally extraordinary!
Bao Qingyun said: "Winter melon is cool in nature and sweet in taste. It can reduce heat and detoxify, diuresis and swelling, quench thirst and relieve troubles. It is effective for phenomena such as the intractability of summer heat. A table of banquets is often full of fish and meat, and if you add a little winter melon appropriately, it will not be easy to gain weight."

Bao Qingyun demonstrated the method of stewed pork ribs with winter melon, and Liu Xing knew almost as little as he did. He also washed the pork ribs and scalded them for later use, then poured oil into the frying pan and sautéed shallots and aniseed ginger. of clear water, cover with high heat and bring to a boil over medium-low heat.It's just that Bao Qingyun used some not-so-esoteric tricks in the cooking process, but these little tricks are like the finishing touch, and the ordinary stewed pork ribs with winter melon is sublimated immediately!
Although it is not yet cooked, but the intoxicating fragrance has already permeated, Liu Xing took a deep breath intoxicated.

"The bottom is simmering slowly, and you can lift the lid when the heat is up. Come and try it, Xiao Xing."

Liu Xing can't do it like Bao Qingyun, who is as light as Bao Qingyun, who is meticulous, unhurried, and earnestly makes it, and finally puts a lid on it and stews it.

Bao Qingyun nodded approvingly, the little guy has a high level of comprehension, which is not bad.

After Mo Xuan and Kong Ling finished their meal, they went to the bedroom to practice.

Liu Xing waited until the pork ribs stewed with winter melon was cooked, and tasted the taste by comparison. Obviously, his own craftsmanship still lacked a lot of heat.Liu Xing no longer pestered Bao Qingyun to learn more skills, and practiced the three skills he had just learned over and over again to hone himself.

How could Liu Xing have been a chef before, and his heart is like a mirror, just these three skills are enough to become a gold-lettered signature dish, not only can keep Liu's restaurant, but also make a fortune easily!
Bao Qingyun was even more appreciative, knowing that you can't eat too much, you can't chew too much, the young man is really good, maybe you can really accept him as a disciple!Bao Qingyun is not in a hurry, now that he has embarked on the journey of ghosts and immortals, he no longer has to worry about running out of life energy, he has plenty of time, so he can take his time.

Two days passed in a flash, and it was time to take the entrance examination.When Mo Xuan walked out of the bedroom with Kong Ling in his arms, he saw Liu Xing still immersed in carving a winter melon!Bao Qingyun returned to his miniature form, watching from the sidelines, occasionally dialing a few words.

Mo Xuan shook his head amusedly, the old and the young really get along quite well, they are all culinary idiots!
Mo Xuan walked over to Kong Ling with his arms around her, and said, "It's getting late, let's go quickly."

Liu Xing was taken aback for a moment, then remembered that there was still an entrance examination, oops, I really forgot all about it!But... Liu Xing glanced at Bao Qingyun in admiration from the bottom of his heart. With the master and his old man here, no culinary art academy can compare to his old man!

Bao Qingyun nodded and said: "Let's go, let's go, this winter melon will be carved later, go to school first."

The group arrived at the crowded admissions plaza. The staff of the admissions office had already set up ten huge teleportation arrays, which could be directly teleported into the assessment hall. It was quite convenient to enter without queuing slowly.

Most of the students have already entered the examination room, and most of those staying in the square are parents!
Mo Xuan and his party walked to a teleportation array.Kong Ling and Liu Xing showed their test cards.

The two staff guarding the teleportation array glanced at them, smiled slightly and nodded to Kong Ling, please stand on the teleportation array.

Mo Xuan showed his ID card.This is... the two staff members were taken aback, and hurriedly bowed and bowed, my lord, please be careful of the steps.

The teleportation array was not full yet, but the two staff members didn't dare to keep Mo Xuan waiting for a long time, so they hastily activated the teleportation array.

Liu Xing only felt dizzy for a while, and then appeared in a huge vegetable market!Wow, so many ingredients, already piled up like a mountain!It was the first time for Liu Xing to see such an exaggerated scene, and he couldn't help but look around, up and down.

Mo Xuan glanced at it. It was a building similar to an ancient Roman Colosseum. In the middle was a flat examination room, densely packed with small stoves, and surrounded by circular grid slots for stacking ingredients. Each grid was filled with the same type of ingredients, and they all had Fresh function.

The ingredients are obviously very fresh, and many vegetables are obviously just picked from the mud, so they are tender and tender.

And this is just one of the top ten exam rooms!

There are 300 million students who have signed up for Fuyu Culinary Arts Academy this year. However, teachers and other resources are limited, and only [-] students can be recruited at most, that is to say, one in a million!

This kind of student selection conditions has actually been relaxed. Those culinary arts colleges that are really high-end are not just for those who have money, but they are truly one in a million!

Therefore, the number of teachers and students of Fuyu Culinary Arts Academy is still quite impressive, with more than 130 million people!

There are 30 candidates in an examination room, and there is more than enough for each person.

Kong Ling and Liu Xing chose a side-by-side small kitchen and waited patiently for the assessment to begin.

When the time came, the staff immediately closed the examination room, and the person in charge of the examination room announced the first round of examination questions: cooking rice.

Why?What's so good about cooking this rice?How can it be cooked differently?Many candidates couldn't figure it out, you looked at me, I looked at you, and couldn't help whispering.

Kong Ling smiled slightly. Cooking rice seems simple, but there is a lot of knowledge in it. The climate, temperature, humidity and water conservancy conditions of different planets are different, and the rice produced is also different.For example, the millet produced in Bolanxing is dry at night, and the rice body will be hard after drying in the daytime, so add more water and cook for a while; the fragrant rice produced in Jiangliuxing is dried by machine because of the humid weather. The surface is slightly cracked, but it is soft when cooked.

In short, depending on the rice, the way to cook it varies!

The person in charge of the examination room scolded: "Silence! Our Fuyu Culinary Arts Institute has prepared 160 six kinds of common rice for you. You can choose by yourself. Each person takes a small bowl of rice, and the cooking method is not limited. The time limit is one hour. Raise your hand when you are done, and the assessors will give you the assessment results based on the rice you cooked, which are divided into six grades: Heaven, Earth, A, B, C, and D. The sky level skips two rounds of assessment, and the prefecture level skips one round of assessment. A and B can enter the next level. Round of assessment, Bing Ding rolls up and leaves. Now the official start."

Mo Xuan nodded approvingly. This is not bad. After all, those who come to the Culinary Academy to learn cooking are more or less lacking. It is not easy to pass all five rounds of assessments. However, if you have one or two specialties, you can get a grade skip , there is more hope of making it to the fifth round.

Kong Ling smiled slightly, and was the first to move. She went to the rice trough to pick out a small bowl of rice, returned to the small stove, scooped a basin of water from the water tank, and began to wash the rice.

so fast!Liu Xing exclaimed, and rushed to the rice trough with a small bowl.

The examinees were stunned for a moment, and immediately acted, pushing each other to snatch the rice!
Although Liu Xing was the first to run, but his strength was too weak. When he got to the rice trough, he couldn't squeeze in. He was dragged to the end. There are only a few grains of rice left, and there are only seven or eight rice troughs that can fill a small bowl.

Liu Xing frowned and chose a variety of rice, none of which he was familiar with, so he had no choice but to choose a rice trough, and hurried to his small stove.

At this time, Kong Ling had already raised her hand, all right.

An assessment teacher walked quickly to Kongling's small stove, picked up a small bowl of rice, first looked at the rice grains, the crystals were full and clear; then smelled the smell, the rice grains were mixed with a peculiar fragrance , obviously not the usual cooking method; in the last taste, the more you chew a small mouthful of rice, the more fragrant it becomes, and the mouth is still fragrant now.

The assessment teacher hurriedly called three more teachers in charge of the assessment, tasted it together, discussed it together, and gave a prefecture-level result.

Kong Ling curled her lips, a group of ignorant guys, the local level is the local level, and it is indeed difficult to get a high score simply by cooking rice.

The other examinees completed cooking rice one after another, and their grades were mostly in categories A, B, and C.

"The rice is mixed with raw food, which is unqualified."

Whoops, it's a pity that there are some students who can't even reach Ding's grades.It seems that there are not one or two, but it is also a wonderful thing!
Although the Fuyu Culinary Academy is an academy, it is not a culinary academy that starts from scratch. At least one must have a certain culinary foundation, otherwise they will definitely not pass the entrance examination.

Although Liu Xing chose rice that he is not familiar with, he still has a lot of experience in cooking rice, adding some fragrance of lotus leaves, and successfully got the second grade.

More than half an hour has passed, and most of the students have completed the assessment and obtained their respective results.Most of the remaining unfinished rice is the failure of cooking rice for the first time, it's choking!
Bingding grades and unqualified ones can only pack up and leave with a sigh, and prepare to study and cook rice after going back!Many students still have two brushes, but they are stumped by an ordinary rice cooker, so depressed!
The four assessment teachers for Kong Ling tasted at least [-] bowls of rice after they dispersed, but at the end of the day, when they were free, it was still Kong Ling's bowl of rice that lingered in their mouths!
This... The four assessment teachers involuntarily came to Kong Ling's Xiaozao again, tasted it again, and overturned the ground-level results given before, and gave the only sky-level score in the entire examination room!
That's about the same, Kong Ling smiled lightly.

Surprised all four!
All the students and teachers in the examination room couldn't help but pay attention to Kong Ling!

The next two rounds can be exempted from trial, Kong Ling was very leisurely, so she simply put down two futons and a 21-way chess pier, and asked Mo Xuan to accompany her in a game of guided chess.

There were 30 candidates in the entire examination room. Excluding Kong Ling, there were only two candidates who achieved prefecture-level results.There are only about three out of [-] students who get grades A and B.

Candidates can only envy Kong Ling when they see how leisurely she is!
The second round is knife work!There is no limit to the material, no limit to the skill, and the time limit is still one hour!
A chef may not be good at cooking, but he must have sharp knives!None of the candidates who came to participate in the assessment had never practiced knife skills. After so many years of hard training, success or failure depends on it!Whether he can be selected depends on the second round!As long as you pass this second round, you will have half a foot in the door of Fuyu Culinary Academy!

Hurry up, candidates all know that the first mover has a huge advantage, and there is nothing left behind. After a period of chaos, Liu Xing, who fell to the end, smiled wryly and walked back holding a crooked wax gourd.

According to the material conditions, Liu Xing used this crooked winter melon to carve a lifelike green dragon, which was appreciated by the assessment teacher and got a good grade at the prefectural level, which allowed him to be exempted from the third round of the test.

Having nothing to do, Liu Xing leaned over to watch Mo Xuan and Kong Ling's guiding chess!Although Liu Xing has always devoted himself to cooking, but Go is quite popular in the fourth layer of time and space, and Liu Xing can still play it, just to compare his level.

Wow, that's amazing!Senior Huashan's chess skills are really good!Liu Xing could only tell that Mo Xuan was very powerful, but how powerful he was was not something that could be seen with his junior chess skills!

After two rounds, of the 30 candidates in the huge examination room, only about [-] were left.The candidates who stayed were all beaming, and they finally passed the exam. It was not easy!

The third round of assessment, after all, is an advanced selection, so the difficulty has increased a lot!Fish cooking!

The fish in the examination room can be chosen at will, and the time limit is one hour.

Fish is even more particular. Different types of fish have different ways of removing scales and viscera, and there are as many cooking methods as there are stars!Whether you can make further progress depends on whether you have more outstanding abilities!

Not long after, the smell of fish wafted in the examination room.

Of the 100 candidates, only a little over [-] were able to enter the fourth round of assessment!
Candidates who failed the advanced examination could only follow the teachers to the ordinary student area to check in.

The fourth round of assessment: face, not face!
Liu Xing scratched his head for a while, what kind of exam question is this?Noodles, or not?Liu Xing felt that his head was not big enough!
After more than 100 examinees pondered for a while, many of them already had solutions, so they acted immediately!There are only so few people left now, no need to push and shove, you can choose at will.

Kong Ling carefully picked out a basket of potatoes and went back.

Liu Xing stared blankly at Kong Ling quickly peeling the potatoes and crushing them into a puree, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, so it was like this!Have!
(End of this chapter)

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