Interstellar Miner

Chapter 369 Advanced Assessment

Chapter 369 Advanced Assessment
Liu Xing hurried to the fish pond, there are freshwater fish ponds and seawater fish ponds.Liu Xing took a net and searched in the seawater fish pond. Where is the catfish?Yes, what a big one!Liu Xing exclaimed, it was the first time he had seen such a big catfish, how much would it cost to buy it, he didn't expect that Fuyu Culinary Arts Academy was only used for admissions examination, it must be too rich and powerful!
Liu Xing calmed down his mood, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he swung the net to catch fish. He didn't expect that big catfish to react quickly. Although he was caught, he twisted his body and escaped!
Liu Xing frowned, Xiao Mian, he ran quite fast, look at me!hey, ha, hi...

Liu Xing bent over and was out of breath, didn't he, did this guy become a genius?Forget it, time is running out, I don't want you anymore, Liu Xing found another smaller catfish, calm down, and you have to be fast and steady when copying the fish!
Liu Xing swiped the net violently, haha, finally got it!
But this catfish also weighs about [-] kilograms, which is quite heavy!Oh, what strength!Liu Xing carried the copying net on his shoulders and brought back the alive and kicking catfish.

Start working fast!Liu Xing swiftly removed the scales, viscera, head, tail and bones of the catfish, pounded all the fish meat into catfish meat, and then squeezed it into noodle shapes.

At this time, Kong Ling was almost finished. Seeing Liu Xing's routine, she couldn't help blinking her big beautiful eyes. Xiao Xing chose to make delicious catfish meat with no fishy smell, no earthy smell, and no sea level. The noodles are indeed delicious, but they have a fatal flaw. If they can't be solved, it may be difficult to pass this round of assessment.

Kong Ling smiled and raised her hand.

Why is it also the fourth round of advanced assessment, the five judges came over together, and they couldn't help being stunned when they saw Kong Ling's prepared face, there was no heat at all, and this face was actually cold? !Can I eat it?
Why did Kong Ling get the only sky-level result in the examination room? The five judges looked at each other and picked up a piece of noodles with their chopsticks. It turned out to be crystal clear noodles, so beautiful!The five judges sucked the noodles into their mouths.

Well! ! !
The eyeballs of the five judges were suddenly rounded, this... this is... what an amazing elasticity, just took a bite, the noodles seemed to come alive in the mouth, jumping around, hitting Teeth, tongue and palate!So much fun!

What's more, this bowl of noodles uses so much chili, so it should be so hot that it is hot, but it is paired with the cold soup that makes people feel refreshing just by looking at it, which makes the spicy taste unexpectedly smooth!
It's really cool and delicious!awesome!
By the time the five judges came back to their senses, the noodles in the bowl had been eaten up before they knew it!This is actually a taboo for judging. After all, there are so many students’ noodles waiting for them to judge. Eating too much will affect the next review, but it is really delicious!I can't stand it with my hands!
The examiner was not in a hurry to score, but asked: "Student Wu Xiahuai, how did you do this side? How did you play like that?" Generally speaking, it is taboo to ask other chefs about their techniques, but it is really I'm so curious, I'm afraid I won't be in the mood for the next review if I don't ask.The most important thing is now the assessment. The judges can indeed ask a little about the raw materials, production methods, etc., which is more conducive to giving a pertinent score.Of course, students can also choose to keep it secret.

Kong Ling revealed the mystery with a slight smile: "I grind the potatoes into mash, press them into the shape of noodles, throw them into boiling water to cook them, and then throw them into ice water to tighten them up, which creates a first-class noodles. The elasticity! However, it will soften when the soup is hot, so eat it with cold soup.”

Wow, today is really enlightening!Unexpectedly, the noodles made of potatoes are so crystal clear, and the cold soup is also impeccable, which complements the potato cold noodles, and the noodles also have a hint of sweetness, which is just right with the spicy!The five judges were amazed, and after a little summing up, they gave the second best grade in the examination room!
Although it is a sky-level result, it is reasonable to skip two levels, but there are only five assessments in total, so Kong Ling still has to attend the last one.

It's heavenly again!That fairy chef is too amazing!The remaining more than 100 examinees couldn't help but click their tongues, and the cultivation level of that female chef fairy is also very high, is it a fairy?

Although Tianxian is not as beautiful as Xuanxian, at least he can get a good job like an iron rice bowl. He even came here to learn how to cook. Hehe, it seems that the chef has a bright future!

What?She is not a fairy, but a mysterious fairy, isn't she? ! !Although there are quite a lot of Profound Immortals in the fourth level of time and space, they are still Profound Immortals!The status and treatment are far superior to those of the gods, even if they start a sect!

Isn't the Four Immortals sect, which has been booming lately and out of control, founded by three Xuanxians and one Celestial Master, not to mention how beautiful it is!

It can only be said that the chef is indeed very promising, and the dignified Xuanxian even made a special trip to learn how to cook!We have to work hard too!

With a loud shout, a strong man at the Jindan stage suddenly stood on his head, not an ordinary headstand, but a handstand with one right hand thumb!

Hey, what is this little guy doing?Mo Xuan couldn't help being surprised, and blinked.

Although the other candidates were also surprised, they really didn't have the time to watch, and took the time to make their own faces.

The judging teacher group was quite strict, and none of the works completed by more than a dozen students failed, and they were all eliminated.

The rest of the students couldn't help but click their tongues, secretly sighing that this advanced assessment is really extraordinary!One by one can only stiffen their necks!

"Unqualified!" "C and so on!" "D and so on."...

Finally, the non-face made by another student moved the five judges.The examiner asked, "Are you egg flower noodles?"

The bald-headed male student with a thick waist and thick back smiled honestly and said, "The face is under the floating egg flower."

Oh~ The five judges used chopsticks to push the egg flower away, and finally saw the thin silk noodles underneath. Hey, this is... The five teachers picked up a chopstick and sucked it into their mouths. Well, this is beef!

The five examiners nodded approvingly. This noodle is made by cutting the beef along the tendon and replacing it with flour, and then added scrambled eggs as the topping. This is a noodle made of beef.

Slender and scrambled egg ingredients slide into the mouth together, and when you bite down, the beef gravy overflows and combines with the scrambled egg ingredients to produce a rich and mellow taste. At first glance, it seems a simple idea, but it can produce such Fresh effect, I have to say, Xiaowa is really not easy now!The younger generation is awesome!

The five review teachers finally gave the district-level grades. This is the second district-level grade for the bald male student!

At this time, Liu Xing also finished making it. He tasted the catfish noodle made by himself, and it was delicious!Liu Xingle laughed, then his expression changed, and he chewed a few mouthfuls. This... the catfish noodles tasted good, but they didn't chew at all!

If the noodles are not chewed, it can still be called noodles!Liu Xing's complexion immediately collapsed, looking at the time incense has burned more than half, it's too late to change his mind!Oh, what can I do?How can this catfish noodle be remedied so that it can be chewed up?

Liu Xing scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, oh, it's too bad!Is there any way?

"Unqualified!" "Class C!" "Class D." "Class B."...

The vast majority of students were dismissed, and only a handful of students passed the assessment with grade B or above.

With another loud shout, the strong Jindan stage man with one thumbs upside down made a new move, using his fist to lift a large piece of dough over his head and spin it rapidly. The dough became flatter and flatter, until it was more than three meters in diameter.

Kong Ling glanced at it, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Mo Xuan asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Kong Ling leaned over and bit Mo Xuan's ear: "That kid has been messing around for a long time, thinking what to do, but in the end, it's just noodles. If you change the soup but not the ingredients, you probably won't be selected."

Is it?Mo Xuan watched as the strong man at the Jindan Stage finished making the dough, dropped it into several stacks and put it on the table. He flicked his thumb again and again, and the noodle rolls were flicked into the ordinary bowl one by one.

After a gorgeous operation, the strong man in Jindan stage suddenly raised his hand, I'm done!
The five judges walked over and stared blankly at the noodle rolls in the bowl without moving their chopsticks.

Why don't you eat it?The strong men in the Jindan period are puzzled, you should eat it quickly, it will not be strong enough when it is cold!
"Unqualified." The examiner said coldly.

"Why? You haven't tasted it yet, why should you say I'm unqualified!" the strong man at the Jindan stage yelled unconvinced.

The chief examiner gave him a sideways look, and said, "The test questions are non-synonymous, but yours is still non-sensical!"

The strong man in the Jindan period snorted angrily: "Why is this me noodles! I have traveled all over the food planets, and I finally found a master in a remote town who taught me this. It is very kneaded. The uniform dough, relying on the strength generated by the thumbs, coupled with the difficult skills, make the rolls, after the aroma of roasting is overflowing, it is seasoned with the exclusive secret sauce, which breaks the traditional situation and has an absolutely fresh taste."

The examiner shook his head speechlessly, and said: "麺, this word originally refers to mixing wheat flour, then sticking it into a plane and then making it into a strip or silk shape! You just changed the shape of the noodles. In the final analysis, this is still noodles. ! If it’s a face-to-face exam question, your gorgeous skills can indeed help you get a good score, but our exam questions are not face-to-face.”

"Just changing the shape is not a face, you underestimate this test too much! Poor imagination and obsession with skills are the fatal injuries of chefs. You should reflect on it."

The chief examiner flicked his sleeves and left with the four judges.

The strong man in the Jindan period opened his mouth, looked at his face paper, and felt dejected for a while. He thought this test question was his own score question, but it turned out like this, sad reminder!

Seeing that the time limit is about to end, only Liu Xing and the three candidates are left to finish!
Mo Xuan looked at Liu Xing furiously threading silk-like stuff into the noodles he made one by one, and couldn't help but secretly wondered, what is Xiaoxing doing?

Kong Ling smiled slightly, not bad, a solution has been found, but time is running out, is there enough time?

Hurry up!Liu Xing gradually became proficient in threading, faster and faster, and finally finished the work before the burning of the time incense, but only one of the other three candidates completed it, but still failed, and the other two were unfinished. The default is unqualified.

The five judges came to Liu Xing's stove and glanced at the catfish heads and tails in the stacking basin. They were noodles made of catfish meat. The idea was good. Some candidates had made this way before, but no matter how good the taste was, the noodles Lack of chewiness is fatal after all!
The five judges took a sip, hey, no!How can this catfish noodles be so springy? Are these really noodles made of catfish meat?
(End of this chapter)

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