Chapter 370
The five judges looked at each other in amazement, and tasted it again. It was indeed the taste of catfish meat, but there was no reason, the catfish noodles should be very soft!

The examiner carefully observed the noodles, hey, there seems to be something in the middle of the noodles?The examiner bit off a noodle and finally discovered the mystery of its core. The catfish noodles used to have a core. Because of this core, the originally soft catfish noodles became so chewy, both in taste and texture. Great!

The examiner asked curiously: "What is the core of this catfish noodle?"

Liu Xing smiled innocently and revealed the answer: "It's dried squid! After I soaked the dried squid in boiling water, I cut it into long filaments, and then stuffed them into the catfish noodles one by one! Let the chewy catfish noodles have Chewy!"

It turns out that this is really a dreadful young man!So creative!

The five judges finally gave the second day-level result of this assessment!Liu Xing couldn't help smiling, and scratched his head honestly.

Catfish and squid double-flavored noodles are paired with sea bream soup and sea bream rolls. This is a seafood noodle made of all fish!Tsk tsk, it is completely possible to apply for a patent, and it is sold at a high price!
Although Wu Xiahuai's potato noodles are extremely delicious, the ingredients are ordinary potatoes after all, the price cannot be set too high, and eating too many potatoes will make you feel tired!

The seafood noodles are completely different. They are high-end noodles in themselves, so it is only natural that they are sold at a high price, and they are very durable.

The five reviewers all nodded their heads together, and immediately reported to the higher authorities, and they were quickly approved.One word, well.

The five judges immediately proposed to sign an agreement with Liu Xing to buy the patent of this seafood noodle dish.

Liu Xing seemed to understand but didn't understand, so he had to ask Mo Xuan for advice.

Mo Xuan looked at the agreement. For every bowl of seafood noodles sold by Fuyu's restaurant chain, Liu Xing can get [-]% of the bonus.Mo Xuan nodded.

Liu Xing immediately signed and pledged, and then completely reproduced the production of catfish noodles, and the examiner recorded it with the recording crystal as the material for patent declaration.

The five judges wanted to buy the patent of potato noodles from Kong Ling, and because of Mo Xuan's relationship, they gave a [-]% bonus.

Uh... Mo Xuan felt ashamed for a while, and looked at Kong Ling, Ling'er, you should make up your own mind.

Kong Ling nodded, yes, and immediately demonstrated it completely.

Fuyu Culinary Arts Academy obtained two patents at once, but first of all, they had to go to the chef authority established by Mr. Qingyu Xiaodao to apply for patents. The restaurant, according to local conditions, is officially sold as a monopoly.The whole process takes less than one and a half months. If you want to make a big sale, you need the right time, place and people.

Sometimes, there is no market for patented delicacies that are delicious and inexpensive, which makes people feel helpless.

Of course, because the climate, humanities, geography, etc. of each planet are different, the demand for taste is also different. Generally, as long as it is really delicious, it will not hit the street.

This is the end of the fourth assessment, and there are only a few of the more than 100 examinees left, which shows its strictness!
However, even if they fail the selection, they can enter the fourth assessment based on their strength, and the academy will definitely pay more attention to it and focus on cultivation.

The final assessment of the fifth round was not in this examination room anymore. The group of people followed the examiner to the teleportation array, and were teleported to a noisy auditorium full of [-] spectators!

Liu Xing was startled, wow, there are so many audiences, what is this for?Liu Xing weakly shrunk behind Mo Xuan, seeing the other students were more or less afraid of the scene, but Senior Huashan and his wife were as motionless as a mountain, so calm and calm.Liu Xing couldn't help calming down a lot, and straightened his waist. I made it to the finals with my strength, so I have nothing to be afraid of!
Liu Xing is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, so he looked around curiously, wow, what a high-end feeling!

Mo Xuan glanced lightly. The center of the venue was the examination room. There were a total of [-] large stoves. The best fresh ingredients were piled up on both sides. Most of the auditorium was students wearing school uniforms. Whoops, the center of the venue is still there. There is a live broadcast of ten examination rooms on a large screen. This technology is not bad, so I will study it later.

Looking at other candidates who were shortlisted in the examination room, there were basically only three or four candidates, and each examination room only needed one!Kong Ling and the others who arrived at the end were such a large group, quite conspicuous.

In fact, Mo Xuan just idled on the sidelines, so he couldn't be regarded as a shortlisted candidate.

Candidates from the ten examination rooms have all arrived, and each has chosen a big stove.

Well, what is the dean doing all the time?Mo Xuan directly sent a text message to urge, hurry up!

After a while, the dean, Old Xuan Xian, happily appeared on the high platform, first nodded slightly to Mo Xuan and Kong Ling, then stroked his beard and said to the candidates: "Master, I suddenly want to eat dumplings today. The topic of the last assessment is dumplings! You can choose dumplings, fried dumplings, steamed dumplings, as long as I can eat a whole dumpling, even if I pass the assessment, the time limit is still one hour." After finishing speaking, the dean sat down in the courtyard On the long throne, the old god closed his eyes and rested on the ground.

Is the last assessment dumpling?

None of the examinees was impatient, and they began to think secretly!It's not easy for the dean who eats delicious food all over the world to eat a whole dumpling!A dumpling usually only takes two or three mouthfuls, and the dean must have the desire to continue eating after taking a bite!what can we do about it?

Kong Ling pondered for a while, and then came up with an idea. In the past, she selected flour, river prawns and related ingredients, and began to make it.

Liu Xing thought for a long time, although the dumplings in his own restaurant are delicious, but obviously there is no way to catch the eyes of the dean, if he used his previous strength, he would not be able to pass this test, but he was surprised After getting a few true biography from the puppet master, I can fight for it.Hmm... Liu Xing's eyeballs gurgled around for a while, there it is!

Liu Xingbian took ingredients such as pumpkin, flour, and beef cubes in the past, and started to make them.

The rest of the candidates also took action one after another. Everyone knew in their hearts that the further this round of assessment was, the worse it would be. If you ate too many dumplings, you would naturally lose your desire to eat them!Hurry up!

The first one to complete was Chao Qian, a male student with a shaggy waist and a tiger back and a bald head. He walked like flying, carrying a basket of steamed dumplings onto the high platform, and gently placed it on the long table in front of the dean, the old Xuanxian. Open the lid, and there are eight small and cute red steamed dumplings inside.

The dean, Old Xuanxian, narrowed his eyes, glanced lightly, and slowly picked up a red steamed dumpling with chopsticks, handed it to his mouth and blew lightly, then put it in his mouth, and bit it lightly. A fraction of less than a fifth was down.

The dean, Lao Xuanxian, moved his jaw like an old cow gnawing grass. Before he finished eating, he used chopsticks to put the steamed dumplings back into the cage.

Chao Qian looked at half of the steamed dumplings left, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he walked down the high platform in desperation.

Seeing this scene, the other candidates couldn't help but froze, darling, this is too difficult!Candidates who are about to finish have to reconsider. Ordinary dumplings will definitely not work!what should I do?

Kong Ling also made steamed dumplings, which were already finished, but Kong Ling didn't bother to send them to the old man to eat. The main thing she learned from cooking was to make delicious food for Xuan, so that she could shine on the Four Immortals. On the contrary, it is the second.

So the examiner from the previous examination room did it for him.

Wow, whose shelf is really big!What?She is Xuan Xian? !Be good, no wonder!Who dares to let Xuanxian Da Neng serve the dishes himself, the old dean is also Xuanxian!

There was an uproar in the Great Hall.

The examiner walked quickly to the high platform and announced his name: Shenlong Steamed Dumplings!
What a big breath!Cooking skills are not directly proportional to strength. Jinxian's cooking might be ignored. The audience will wait and see to see what the name of this steamed dumpling is.

As soon as the chief examiner lifted the cover, steam immediately overflowed, and four figures suddenly stood up in the hazy steam!This... this is...

The headmaster, Old Xuanxian, couldn't help but stare, not to mention the audience!

After the steam dissipated, I saw four Shenlong steamed dumplings slowly standing upright!
Wow!Gosh!The audience exclaimed, what is this?Are the dumplings still alive?

The dumbfounded audience stretched their necks to take a closer look, but there were dragon heads carved from shrimp heads on top of the four steamed dumplings, and dragon tails carved from shrimp tails underneath!At first glance, it looks like a living dragon, piercing through the clouds and raising its head!Shenlong steamed dumplings are worthy of the name! come the steamed dumplings still move?Could it contain live shrimp?But it's not that the actions are so consistent!

The audience was shocked!

Kong Ling smiled lightly, and brought a basket of steamed dumplings to Mo Xuan like offering a treasure, and lifted the lid to show the dragon with its head raised.Mo Xuan couldn't help blinking in surprise, oh, it's amazing!

Mo Xuan was much faster than the slow-moving dean, Lao Xuanxian. He picked up the steamed dumplings and ate them, oh, woo, delicious, and after a while, four steamed dumplings from Shenlong entered Mo Xuan's stomach.Mo Xuan smacked his lips beautifully, feeling unsatisfied, tsk tsk, Linger's cooking skills are getting better and better!
Many students and teachers at the scene were not convinced. Even if the dumplings can move, in the final analysis, dumplings are dumplings after all, and they still have to be delicious!It looks good but it doesn't taste good, and it can only be a decoration!

The dean, Old Xuanxian, came back to his senses in a daze. It was really the first time he had seen live dumplings at such a great age. Today, he really gained knowledge!The old Xuanxian couldn't help but took a deep look at Kong Ling. Instead of using chopsticks, he pinched the head of the shrimp with his hands and picked up a steamed dragon dumpling. The dragon's tail fell off automatically, and the old Xuanxian took a big bite!

Wow! ! !

The wrinkled face of the dean, Old Xuanxian, stretched out all of a sudden, and his face was full of intoxication.

Now, everyone can see how delicious the Shenlong Steamed Dumplings are, the old dean turned into that expression, it has been many years since I saw it!

My God, Shenlong Steamed Dumplings are so delicious? !How did you do it?

The dean, Old Xuanxian, let out a long breath, and ate all four Shenlong steamed dumplings one after another. Why are there only four? Are there any more?I really want to eat another seven or eight baskets in one go!
Kong Ling made two baskets of steamed dumplings in total, and the other basket had already entered Mo Xuan's stomach.The dean, Old Xuanxian, could only smack his lips and sigh secretly.

The dean, Old Xuanxian, gave the examiner a look!
The chief examiner rubbed his hands eagerly and approached Kong Ling, wanting to buy out the patent of Shenlong Steamed Dumplings.

Kong Ling pouted, this is an exclusive patent, not for sale!

The chief examiner looked at Mo Xuan for help, but Mo Xuan ignored him.After all, it was Kong Ling's own craftsmanship, and of course Kong Ling had to make up her own mind, so Mo Xuan would not interfere.

Helpless, the dean, Old Xuanxian, could only sigh secretly, and thought of another way.

Next, the other candidates served a variety of dumplings, such as vegetable and green dumplings, seafood dumplings, open-mouthed dumplings, mountain delicacies dumplings, etc. Even if they were really delicious, they could only be reduced to the cannon fodder of Shenlong Steamed Dumplings, Dean The old Xuanxian couldn't even eat half of it!
The other candidates are all desperate. Is there any need to continue?
Before I knew it, it was Liu Xing's turn!

"Pumpkin dumplings." Liu Xing reported his name.

The audience couldn't help but roll their eyes, please, all the delicacies from the mountains and seas are all on their knees, what kind of pumpkin are you using, there are so many top-quality ingredients, but pumpkins from the rotten street are used instead, this guy is so funny!
As a judge, as long as the plate is not dirty or undercooked, you must always taste the work on the side!Although the dean, Old Xuanxian, had no interest in this inexplicable pumpkin dumpling, he politely picked it up and took a bite.

Huh!The dumpling skin is crispy and delicious, and the pumpkin filling inside is even softer, which is really good!The dean, Old Xuanxian, couldn't help but ate the whole pumpkin dumpling!
The audience were all dumbfounded. Is there any mystery about this pumpkin dumpling? Why did the so picky old dean eat and play with one, right? The old dean wanted to eat the second one, what is the situation? !

Liu Xing smiled foolishly, actually, this so-called pumpkin dumpling is just a pumpkin pie that he modified in a flash of inspiration, the essence is still the pumpkin pie taught by Master Bao.

Liu Xing already has almost [-]% of the authenticity of Bao Qingyun's teaching of pumpkin pie, and now even if it is made into dumplings, he can still keep [-]% of the authenticity!Sure enough, I passed the last level as I wished. I can only say that the master is really amazing. I have only studied with the master for two days, and I have already been reborn!
Liu Xing doesn't really want to study at Fuyu Culinary Arts Academy anymore, it would be great if he could worship the master as his teacher!

In the end, Kong Ling and Liu Xing were the only ones who successfully passed the final assessment of the fifth level!

The dean, Lao Xuanxian, really wanted to win the patent of pumpkin dumplings, but Liu Xing also shook his head and refused to sell them!This is the craft taught by Master Bao Qingyun, and it is not my own. I don't sell it, I don't sell it, and I don't sell it.

In the usual entrance examination, it is a blessing to have one patent that has never been seen before. I didn't expect that there were four patents this time. Although I only won two of them, it is not bad.

The dust has settled, and the admissions assessment for this year's Fuyu Culinary Academy has come to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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