Chapter 372
Mo Xuan returned to the small courtyard, and Kong Ling did not go to class today, but practiced cooking under Bao Qingyun's guidance.Because some courses are really redundant for Kong Ling, going to class is a waste of time.

Kong Ling and Bao Qingyun came to Fuyu Culinary Art Academy mainly to get familiar with today's kitchen technology, learn from each other's strengths and adapt to the trend of the times.There is no need to abandon some good old traditions, only the combination of ancient and modern can complement each other!Bao Qingyun is constantly trying to adjust, there is plenty of time, so take your time.

"Xuan, you're back!" Kong Ling smiled sweetly as always, and threw herself into Mo Xuan's arms.

Mo Xuan smiled and hugged Kong Lingxiang and took a bite.

What a heartwarming scene when a gentle and caring wife welcomes her husband back from get off work.

Bao Qingyun curled her lips, still not used to the love and sweetness of the young couple, but since she is a puppet body, she is always ignored, so there is nothing she can do!By the way, back then we were also in groups of wives and concubines, but it’s a pity that the years make people grow old. All the wives and concubines were buried in the ground before I bought middle age. Since then, I have not continued the strings, and turned to accepting apprentices to teach apprentices to pass the time .Hey, the past is unbearable!

As usual, Mo Xuan washed his hands, rinsed his mouth, and tasted Kong Ling's masterpiece today. He was nodding his mouth full of oil and admiringly. Liu Xing hurried over after finishing the day's class.

Although Liu Xing has a private courtyard assigned to him by the college, he still lives in Moxuan's small courtyard most of the time.Bao Qingyun still likes Liu Xing very much, although he has not formally accepted him as a disciple, but it is not much worse.

Liu Xing first reviewed his homework during the day, and then began to practice hard, while Bao Qingyun watched from the side.Even if Liu Xing made a mistake or something, Bao Qingyun was not in a hurry to point it out, and let Liu Xing grow up through the failure.The master leads the door, the practice is in the individual, the teaching is too rigid, and the apprentices brought out will only be inferior to each other!A really good chef has to be creative and challenge himself!

The catfish noodles and pumpkin dumplings that Liu Xing worked out in a flash of inspiration during the entrance examination were all appreciated by Bao Qingyun!
Bao Qingyun taught Liu Xing steadily, while consolidating and strengthening his basic skills, while enlightening his thinking on cooking.

Just over a month and a few days after the new batch of freshmen from Fuyu Culinary Academy entered school, a group of old students graduated successfully and are about to start a new life of real combat.

It's useless to be able to call the wind and call the rain in the academy, the outside world is too big and wide, and there are real masters like forests!Whether it's a mule or a horse, you have to pull it out for a walk to know!

In the college, you only face the teachers and classmates, which is an extremely small circle; but outside, you have to face the whole world, where the waves wash away the sand, and only gold can shine!

As usual, Fuyu Culinary Academy will hold a grand party to welcome the new and send off the old. However, when the party is in full swing, a piece of explosive news ignites the Fuyu Culinary Academy.

The Immortal Huo Qingling of the Four Immortals Sect, who entered the Profound Ranking in two battles, had been silent for three years, and resolutely came out of the mountain to record his record for a month and a half, and he rushed up to No. 49, and now he is No. [-] on the Profound Ranking!

It's amazing to be obedient!

You must know that it may not be possible to reach the first place in the ranking on the Xuanbang for 80 or [-] years. The Huo Qingling of the Four Immortals is really too powerful!

The people of the fourth level of time and space all paid attention to it. It turned out that in this short period of one and a half months, Huo Qingling won 22 games!Most of them won without fighting, but there were also four tough battles against first-rank Xuanxian!

Hey, those four first-rank Xuanxians are all from Hanlifang?They are all Water Xuanxians, how shameless they are, obviously wanting to snipe Huo Qingling Xuanxian in a despicable and shameless way, wanting the former famous cow Xu Xuanxian to rush to the Xuanbang once again, let Huo Qingling fall out of the Xuanbang and lose Umbrella!
In the end, he lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot, instead, he gave Huo Qingling so many solid victories, which made his ranking rise one place.

However, winning 22 Xuanxian-level martial arts competitions in one and a half months is really too exaggerated!

You must know that it is very common for Xuanxian to fight for a month or two in any martial arts competition. A martial arts competition judged by the gossip competition will take half a year at the fastest. I really don't know how Huo Qingling did it?
Curious people inquired a lot, and finally found out, it turned out that Huo Qingling's 22 martial arts competitions were completely one after another, almost without stopping!
There are even two martial arts competitions in the Eight Diagrams Competition and three arbitration competitions in the Four Elephants Competition. Of course, the competitions are not over yet, and they are still in progress!

Huo Qingling just rushed to the field like this, running here and there, all within the time limit stipulated in the competition to participate in one competition after another, interspersed with a lot of competitions with the Liangyi competition. A total of 22 victories were collected in one and a half months!

So it's not that Hanlifang is foolishly giving Huo Qingling his record, but that he really has to bloom more, and he really can't hold back Huo Qingling's mighty strength!Even the tit-for-tat first-grade Water Mysterious Immortal couldn't hold back for a few rounds in front of Huo Qingling, and was beaten until he vomited blood due to internal injuries. If you really don't want your life, you can only admit defeat!
Huo Qingling's strength once again shocked the entire universe!People seem to have seen the second Lei Batian rising strongly, unstoppable!
The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

Ordinary people think that Huo Qingling has risen one place all of a sudden, which is really amazing!

It is not difficult to achieve 22 victories in this one and a half months, and any faction can organize it in private, and it can be done.It's just that if you want to take into account two martial arts competitions of eight trigrams and three martial arts competitions of four elephants at the same time, the difficulty is not ordinary!Just thinking about it makes my head feel big, almost impossible!
But Huo Qingling of the Four Immortals Sect did it!

Huo Qingling's formidable strength is of course the foundation, but strength alone is not enough. If you want to achieve such a brilliant record, the most important thing is the intelligence system!
Experts from various forces couldn't help but secretly startled by the extremely powerful intelligence system of the Four Immortals. Could it be that the Four Immortals were not just running a single gang, but there was an extremely huge force standing behind them?

The strong rise of the Four Immortals was not just a coincidence?But there is a pair of mysterious hands pushing in the dark?

There are not only a few forces with such thoughts, but there are not many clues yet!

Although Ruisiyuan has a close relationship with the Four Immortals Sect, Ge Yixian, the head of the sect, even played on his behalf during the battle for the Yin-Yang Mirror and won the most crucial victory, but Ruisiyuan is not even a middle-level power now. Obviously, there is no such condition!
Ge Yixian's participation in the battle should only be to repay Master Shuiyue's favor for helping him restore the Qiankun Fan, and there is not much overlap.

In other words, since Ge Yixian's victory, Ruisiyuan's development strength is really fierce, and many small forces around have taken the initiative to seek refuge. It should only be a matter of time before Ruisiyuan is promoted to a middle-level force!

Who is standing behind the Four Immortals?Could it be a little Daoist?In the final analysis, the rise of the Four Immortals was too fast and violent. It would be too coincidental to say that it was just luck. Master Shuiyue, Huo Qingling, and Hua'an Fifth Stage popped up all at once. How could there be such a coincidence in the world? matter!

For a while there are different opinions!

At this time, the elite Xuanxian Squadron dispatched by Hanlifang was facing the censure of Feng Gaojun Jinxian.

You guys are all pig heads, you've done more than failed!I asked you to snipe Huo Qingling, instead of giving her a record, I actually helped her rise to one place quickly, so the difficulty of stopping Huo Qingling was doubled!

In fact, things like sniping are thankless at all. If Huo Qingling is an ordinary Xuanxian, it will be fine, but even if she is targeted to meet her with a first-grade Xuanxian of water attribute, she is not her opponent at all. In such a situation Under the circumstances, how to snipe?And seeing Huo Qingling participating in the martial arts competition, we can only fight with our heads stiffened with the order of death on our heads, we really can't fight, what can we do?
The members of the elite squadron could only swallow their anger and dare not speak out.

I'll give you another month, if you can't stop Huo Qingling's momentum, you don't have to come back!Feng Gaojun Jinxian said a harsh word, which shut down the communication.

what to do?Huo Qingling picked 22 rounds in one go, and Zheng'er's class fought seven or eight rounds, all of them were blushing and breathless, what should we use to snipe her?Isn't this giving food for nothing?
The members of the Elite Squadron discussed for a while, and there was no other way. Under such circumstances, they could only use one drag-and-drop tactic, and it could be delayed as long as it could, and there was no need to use the first-rank Xuanxian and second-rank Xuanxian to fight. Even if he loses, the rating of Huo Qingling by the Fighting Department will not improve much!
In addition, there is an ongoing gossip contest, so why don't you just abstain, and the other Xuanxians participating in the contest probably don't have much intention of fighting, so don't give Huo Qingling a chance to achieve actual combat results!
Even though the Four Immortals have won a lot of territory, they only have four people in total, so they can only be left idle!If there is real strength behind the Four Immortals Sect and it emerges from the water, we can act accordingly and stop as soon as possible, so as not to cause too many problems!

But for the time being, our combat policy remains unchanged, desperately delaying time!Even if Huo Qingling's ranking can go up further, we should disgust her to death and not give her a good life!
Hmph, blindly catering to Huo Qingling is too passive, we took the initiative to disperse and attack, filling up all the vacancies in the surrounding competition, fundamentally not giving Huo Qingling a chance to win the battle!After all, Huo Qingling's strength is already obvious to all, even if she takes the initiative to find someone to compete in martial arts, there must be no stupid Xuanxian who will accept it!

If there is no competition, there will be no record. Huo Qingling, no matter how good you are, so what can you do?
The Elite Squadron of Hanlifang even applied to the higher authorities. We still don’t have enough manpower. If we send more Xuanxians to cooperate with us, we can use the guise of sniping Huo Qingling to rob money, food and land. !

There will be a reply soon, here.

The Xuanxian army of Hanlifang is heading for the Rainbow Bridge Galaxy!

There are two more pairs of large wings of the Expedition strategic ship.

Mo Que'er sat cross-legged on the futon and seized the time to recover. After a series of fierce battles, and another series of battles with first-rank Xuanxian, Mo Que'er actually consumed a lot, it was not easy!

Xiaoyun and Xiaotong peeled off all kinds of information they gathered, and selected the most beneficial and convenient information for the Four Immortals!
Mo Que'er was able to achieve such a brilliant record in such a short period of time, of course the biggest contributor is Xiaoyun!

As the saying goes, soldiers and horses go ahead without using food and grass, and do not fight unprepared battles!

At the beginning of the battle for the Yin-Yang mirror, the Four Immortals suffered a great loss due to insufficient information, and were almost defeated. Although they won in the end, it was quite embarrassing!
After learning from the pain, Xiaoyun has not been idle at all during the three years of idleness in the Chess Academy. He worked overtime and finally worked out a powerful enough intelligence system for the Four Immortals!

How should I put it, all forces in the four layers of time and space are hostile forces, so all forces have their own intelligence systems, and there are very few direct contacts!Although there are some factions that rely exclusively on buying and selling information to make a living, they can't get on the table after all. They are just some small forces, the intelligence system is not strong, and the price is too high, which is not worth it.

The cultivation of an intelligence system requires a huge amount of manpower and material resources, and it also needs years of steady development. Of course, the Four Immortals, who have just arrived, do not have such capabilities!
Therefore, Xiaoyun spent a lot of effort and time to crack the intelligence systems of various forces directly and thanklessly. Of course, once successfully cracked, the profits will be extremely rich!

In three years, Xiaoyun cracked the intelligence systems of 36 small forces and four medium forces!In this way, the intelligence network of the Four Immortals is almost no less than that of a major force, and it is especially aimed at the three neighboring galaxies, the Rainbow Bridge Galaxy, the Zilin Galaxy, and the Feiyun Galaxy!

With the full support of such a powerful and powerful intelligence system, Mo Que'er was able to use the Hanlifang sniper force to score wildly and skyrocket!
(End of this chapter)

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