Chapter 373
"There is a qingming fruit in Duoerxing that is ripe, we can go there and get it." Xiaotong said.

Take Qing Mingguo!
"Huamao Star has discovered a top-grade iron concentrate, speed!" Xiao Yun urged.

Get the top grade iron concentrate!
"Another meteorite belt has been declared to be occupied, and it is a fairy. Forget it, it is meaningless to occupy it."

"The martial arts contest in the gossip contest is over, we have to get back in time within ten days!"


Success can be achieved once or twice by chance, but never by chance for the third time!

With the full support of the intelligence network maintained by Xiaoyun and Xiaotong, the legendary journey codenamed Huo Qingling has just begun!

Fuyu Xiaoxianjie.

Huo Qingling's strong rise certainly caused a huge earthquake, but the party to welcome the new and send off the old was still held as scheduled!
It is called a party, but it will last for three days. It is a special stage for freshmen and graduates!
The freshmen will set up food stalls on the east side of the square with the class as the unit; the graduates will form their own teams and set up food stalls on the west side of the square, and the two sides will jointly compete in the PK competition!

The ingredients, kitchen utensils, booths, etc. are all provided by the college for free, and the judges are all the other teachers and students!
The content of PK is just one word - eat!Compete to see whose food stall has the best food and can attract the most customers. Finally, count how many plates the customers have eaten, and decide the winner by the number of plates!

The top ten will receive generous rewards from the academy!

For the graduates, Cocoa is a rare gold-plated opportunity and a very important life experience. If you get the top ten, you may get a good job that the college gives priority to!
Therefore, the graduates are all working hard, working overtime in various ways, soliciting votes and popularity, fighting hard!
Freshmen, as rookie troops who have just joined the college, have just started on the long road of culinary arts. Naturally, they cannot be the opponents of outstanding graduates, but can only be used as green leaves to set off the red flowers.However, all the freshmen are gearing up, wanting to perform well and show their faces.

There are exceptions if it is not enough!There are two star students who passed the entrance examination, Wu Xiahuai and Liu Xing, in the special first class of freshmen. With their strength, they will definitely be able to compete with the graduates!
It's just...Wu Xiahuai has always been indifferent to the teacher, and has been indifferent to the teacher. It has been several days since I saw her come to the classroom, probably because she can't expect it!Fortunately, there is another Liu Xing, who arrives in the classroom on time every day!
That day, as soon as Liu Xing entered the classroom, he was surrounded by the other [-] students from Special Class One.

"Ah Xing, whether our class can win the first place this time depends entirely on you!" The monitor grabbed Liu Xing.

The squad leader of the special class is none other than that shaggy, tiger-backed and bald-headed Chao Qian.

Liu Xing was startled, what's wrong?What is this for?

Classmates, you quickly explained the whole story clearly with one glance at her, and then acted with emotion and reason, because it is a food stall, so as long as Ah Xing makes pumpkin dumplings for passing the entrance examination, we will Ban will definitely get No.1!Ah Xing, it's all up to you!

Liu Xing scratched his head in a daze, this...

The students talked all kinds of things, but Liu Xing really couldn't refuse, saying that he would consider it.The students didn't dare to force too much, they could only agree to do Liu Xing's ideological work from time to time, as a member of the class, he should think more for the class, the class honor is greater than the individual and so on.

Liu Xing didn't want to keep it private, but the pumpkin dumpling was actually a skill taught by Master Bao. The common problem of ordinary chefs is that the craftsmanship is not passed on. Liu Xing had to ask Master Bao for instructions first.

After the one-day class, Liu Xing came to Mo Xuan's small courtyard and asked Master Bao for instructions.

Because the three words Bao Qingyun are too sensitive, Bao Qingyun only said that his surname is Bao, but did not tell Liu Xing his full name, and did not officially accept Liu Xing as a disciple, so Liu Xing called Bao Qingyun very formally. Grandmaster.

Bao Qingyun smiled slightly and said: "Xiao Xing, the skills I teach you are your own, and you can do it yourself."

Liu Xing oh oh nodded, got it.Liu Xing then used the student jade card to send a message to the bald squad leader Chao Qian, yes, but there are many procedures for pumpkin dumplings, just make pumpkin cakes directly, and it is guaranteed to be no worse than pumpkin dumplings.

Very good!It's done!Chao Qian immediately told the students in the class the great news.

The whole class cheered and couldn't sleep anymore, so they worked overtime and started to prepare materials, pumpkin pumpkin or pumpkin... No matter what, stock up first, so as not to run out when you get it!

Finally, it was the day when the party officially started. After the morning class, the students of Special Class One finished their lunch, took a short rest, and went straight to the square!

When they arrived at the square, the students of the special first class found that the square was already crowded with people. Fortunately, the special first class had already occupied a good position several days in advance and set up the booth, so there was no need to worry.

Squad leader Chao Qian hummed a little tune and led the students to the stall area of ​​special class one, huh?Why didn't I see you?
"Squad leader, where is it?" A female student asked curiously.

Chao Qian touched his bald head and wondered, "I remember it was near here, and I even erected a special flag for the first class! Why is it missing?"

No, there is no flag of the special class around here!
"Squad leader, did you remember the wrong place?" "Speed, time waits for no one!" The students chattered.

Chao Qian led the students around the neighborhood, but found nothing. Strange, where is the booth of the special class?Why is it gone?
In the end, there was no other way, Chao Qian had no choice but to say: "Everyone spread out to look around, there is no reason why you disappeared?"

The nineteen students had to disperse, and after a long search, a male student finally saw a lonely stall in a quiet corner and the flag of the special class that was trampled black on the ground. ...

"Who the hell did it? What the hell is going on here? Why did our stall with a golden position come here! What are you doing!" Chao Qian roared to the sky!
The students in Class One also gritted their teeth for a while, it's too disgusting!Who the hell is it, how dirty, my own didn't go to occupy the booth earlier, but just snatched the good position we worked so hard to occupy!It is tolerable or unbearable!

This is the special first class who has just arrived and has no experience. Other classes have seized a good position. Who doesn't send three or five students to guard around the clock!All kinds of battles of wits and courage, if one is not careful, the booth will be away from people for a while, and basically it will be lost!

But Team One did a good job. After setting up the booths and putting up the flags, they all went back to rest. They lost the square for several days, so it’s no wonder they weren’t seized!

Liu Xing flattened his mouth and said consolingly: "Okay, the matter has come to an end, it's useless to scold him harshly. Time is running out, let's hurry up."

Chao Qian gritted his teeth fiercely, sighed, and said, "It's too remote here, no one will come here at all, everyone spread out quickly to find a better place."

This is already at the last juncture, not to mention the slightly better seats, even the second-tier seats are full of people!In the end, the special class had no choice but to place the booth in a remote location, and formed a row with a dozen other classes that had also been robbed of their good seats, sighing and complaining together.

Before the competition even started, Class [-] already lost half of the competition. What a competition!Depressed!

Moreover, there are only 50 students in the special first class, and one of them is absent; the other classes have at least 200 people;

Liu Xing clapped his hands and greeted: "Everyone, don't complain, the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, come on!"

Chao Qian bald his head fiercely to boost morale: "Cheer up everyone, as long as we work together and have Xiao Xing's unique pumpkin pie, we still have a good chance of achieving good results."

Liu Xing immediately put on the apron and scarf, and started making pumpkin pies!

The rest of the students in the special class all helped to fight, their eyes were sneaky, and they all secretly looked at Liu Xing's actions, stealing the teacher without explaining.

Hey, it seems very ordinary, nothing special!Could it be that Ah Xing still hid a song, not wanting to expose his unique skills?This is also human nature!
Soon the first pot of pumpkin pie was freshly baked, full of aroma!

The students in the first class tasted it in surprise, wow, is this really pumpkin pie?I have eaten countless delicacies from mountains and seas, but nothing like this pumpkin pie is so crispy and delicious!

Now Liu Xing has obtained [-]% of Bao Qingyun's true biography of pumpkin pie, and he can handle it completely!

After a while, a pot of pumpkin pie was eaten up without knowing it!

awesome!Chao Qian was going to be dizzy and said: "With Ah Xing and your pumpkin cake, it's really hard to justify if we can't get a good ranking!"

Liu Xing smiled slightly, this is all taught by Master Bao!
"Ah Xing, let's help cut the pumpkin too. Do you have any requirements?" The students were gearing up, ready to do a big job, and steal the teacher by the way.

Liu Xing talked about the pumpkin processing requirements for pumpkin pie. They are all very common cutting methods, which are really a piece of cake for the students in the special class.

After a while, the students in the special first class formed an assembly line operation, and the work efficiency doubled.

Liu Xing was in charge of the cooking, and the five large pots were operated together, and pot after pot of pumpkin pie was freshly baked.

The current students help to pack the plate, because the final settlement result is to count the plates, so the academy also has requirements for the plate, for example, for this pumpkin pie, one plate needs to hold four!And customers have to eat all four pumpkin pies to count as a plate, and if they only eat three pumpkin pies, the plate does not count.

No matter the teachers or students in Fuyu Culinary Academy, they are all experts in food, and the requirement of liquidation counts is not low!
Accompanied by a melodious bell, this year's welcome party officially begins!
The teachers and students who were responsible for tasting the snacks of the freshmen and graduates rushed in!

Soon, the distribution of teachers, students and judges became clear at a glance. The west side was full of people, while the east side was sparsely populated in front of the stalls. The two sides were clearly separated!

And graduates are divided into grades. There are junior chef graduates, intermediate chef graduates, and senior chef graduates. Each grade is divided into five sub-grades: Tiandi A, B, and C!
No matter how advanced, there are super chefs, and even more advanced are star chefs, from one star to ten stars, similar to the rules of Chess Academy, survival of the fittest!

However, the only ten-star chef is the legendary Chef Bao Qingyun, who is recognized as a ten-star chef, and he is the only one. Nowadays, there are only three nine-star chefs at the highest level!
High-end certificates such as super chefs and star chefs are not issued by Fuyu Culinary Arts Academy. They are all evaluated and assessed by the chef authority established by Qingyu Xiaodaojun, which is very formal and strict!

Therefore, on the west side of the square, the senior chef graduates have the most tasters, followed by the intermediate chef graduates, and then the junior chef graduates!
There are a lot of teachers and students on the east side who are going to the special first class, but after shopping around, they can't find the stalls of the special first class. They tasted a few stalls at random, but they didn't taste very good, so they all went. It's west!
And the special first class booth in a remote location has never had a single customer, can this be fixed?

The students in the first class could only shake their heads secretly and sigh as they ate their own crispy and delicious pumpkin cakes. The students from a dozen stalls nearby could not recognize the smell of the pumpkin cakes, so they took a few plates and tasted them. It was out of control, and I couldn't stop my hands!However, they themselves set up the stalls. In order to avoid each other's grades, it is useless for the students who set up the stalls to eat too much, and the grades are not counted!

The lively night passed, and the sky gradually turned white, but the grades of the Special Class One were still a big duck egg!After all, Liu Xing was only in the Qi training period. After working hard all night, he was already tired and had to lie down on the table to rest.

It can't go on like this!Chao Qian hastily called the rest of the students to hold a class meeting, and everyone hurried to help find a way!
(End of this chapter)

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