Chapter 374
The aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, but the current situation is that each small area has a Taoist enchantment to block the spread of aroma in each area!So the booth of the special first class is very embarrassing!

However, the college is not allowed to go out of the booth to attract customers, and can only wait for the customers to come to taste it, so what can be done?

Chao Qian scratched his head anxiously, alas, what should I do?Really anxious to death!

Sorry!If I had known that the booth would be robbed, I would have guarded the booth. I regret it!The students in the special class one sighed, but how can they fix it?

As the saying goes, it’s hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. We don’t even have a customer, so we can only sit and wait for death?

Liu Xing squinted for a while, woke up and looked up, well, there was still no customer, and the sun was already almost overhead.

The students in the special class 1 sat together listlessly, checked the leaderboard through the student jade badge, No. 2 has accumulated 7 dishes, No. 10 has more than [-] dishes... No. [-] has [-] dishes !We have fallen too far behind!Most of the day has passed, and there are less than two and a half days left, can we still catch up?

No.10 has [-] plates, and it is estimated that you will be exhausted just to make so many plates of snacks.What's more, Liu Xingcai's weak cultivation is only in the Qi training period, and he can't support working day and night without rest and sleep!

Our dream of getting a good result of No.1 is too whimsical!
Liu Xing stood up, moved his body briefly, and began to struggle again!The pumpkin pie made yesterday was half eaten by my own people and the students at the nearby stalls. Although the rest was stored in the fresh-keeping box, the taste was still not as good as the one just out of the pan!

Chao Qian and the others were embarrassed to let Liu Xing be busy alone, so they hurriedly stood up to help cut the pumpkin.

Three poles in the sun.

Mo Xuan, who got a three-day vacation because of the New Year's Eve party, walked out of the small courtyard with Kong Ling in his arms, and was going to join in the fun in the square.Bao Qingyun in miniature form also accompanied him, and soon arrived at the square where the party was held!
Tsk tsk, there are so many people!It's just a mini version of the gourmet street!
Mo Xuan glanced around, but he didn't see Liu Xing. He sensed it a little, but he was in an extremely remote corner. Why?

"Teacher Huashan."

"Mr. Huashan, you are here."

"Mr. Huashan, your husband and wife are really loving."


Wherever Mo Xuan and his party went, there were students or teachers who took the initiative to say hello and move out of the way.Mo Xuan always nodded with a slight smile, not bothering him at all.

Although countless female students and teachers looked at Xuan affectionately, and their intention to join Xuan's backyard was so obvious, Kong Ling did not get jealous like she used to.After all, they are old couples, and Kong Ling knows Xuan well. She knows that Xuan will not mess with women. Besides, Xuan's vision is not ordinary, and vulgar fans will definitely look down on her.

Kong Ling took a long breath and smelled some pretty good fragrances, so she hugged Mo Xuan and went to those small stalls to taste them.

As expected of the senior chef graduates of the endowment college, they all have two brushes. Although they only make simple snacks, they are delicious in color, flavor and taste.

There are only two middle-level chef graduates that Kong Ling can look up to, and there is not even one junior chef graduate!
Mo Xuan is not picky, he tastes good ones when he sees them, and basically eats up a plate, adding a point to that stall.

And often the stalls that Mo Xuan ate, the business will suddenly explode, and there will be a lot of profits.

After shopping around for a long time, Mo Xuan felt a little boring. After all, this place is just a college, and there is still a clear gap with the real food street. If you eat too much, you will get a little bored!
Mo Xuan enjoyed this package of exquisite meals made by Qingyun and Kong Ling every day, and his mouth gradually became picky.

Mo Xuan and his party came to the east side of the deserted square, "Teacher Huashan!" "Teacher Huashan, please try it."...

The freshmen were all screaming hysterically as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

Mo Xuan was quite talkative, so he picked some snacks that seemed to suit his appetite and tasted them.

Comparing the standard of the freshmen's stalls with those of the graduates, it is obvious that they are not very good, and it is inevitable that the business will not be good.

Finally, Mo Xuan and his party came to Liu Xing's stall, which seemed to have not opened yet.Mo Xuan and Kong Ling became the first customers of Special Class One.In other words, Kong Ling is in the special class, so she cannot be regarded as a customer!
"Teacher Huashan!" "Senior Wu." "This way!" "We are here!"...

When the students of Special Class One saw that Mo Xuan really came, they couldn't help crying with joy, it's great!

Mo Xuan and Kong Ling tasted the pumpkin pie, and they couldn't help but nodded in approval. Not bad, Xiao Xing is indeed very talented in cooking, and this pumpkin pie is no less than Bao Qingyun's [-]% true inheritance!

Mo Xuan glanced at Bao Qingyun, Xiao Xing is so good, you have not formally accepted him as an apprentice, it seems that your requirements for apprenticeship are really not low!Mo Xuan sneaked another look at Kong Ling who was forcibly apprenticed to her teacher, uh... let's not make a statement.

Mo Xuan ate the second and third set, and then waved to Liu Xing, let's go, come on.

"Wow, Teacher Huashan ate three plates!" "It's great!"...

The students in the first class have a deep understanding of what it means to be full of happiness.

"Ah Xing, is Teacher Huashan familiar with you?" "By the way, I heard that during the enrollment registration, Teacher Huashan got angry because of you and taught Wang Er and Li San a lesson." "What are you doing?" Did you know each other when you were here?"... The friends have actually wanted to ask for a long time, and now they finally took the opportunity to speak.

"Well, Mr. Huashan and I met in the square when we signed up, and then I helped to line up. Actually, I don't know Mr. Huashan very well." Liu Xing didn't dare to tell his friends that he is actually staying in the In Teacher Huashan's small courtyard, it would be too envious and envious.

Everyone else is trying to play a game of Go with Teacher Huashan, but Liu Xing has been busy specializing in cooking, and it is true that he has never played a game of Go with Teacher Huashan.If others find out about this, why don't you roll your eyes and call me an idiot!

"The guests are here, let's go to work quickly." Liu Xing hurriedly changed the subject, so as not to show his flaws by talking too much.

"Start work! Come on everyone, let's catch up!" Chao Qian yelled to boost morale.

"Okay! Come on, come on, come on!" The students promised loudly.

One empty plate after another quickly piled up!
Awesome!The customers nodded in praise, their mouths were filled with oil. The pumpkin cakes in the first class were really delicious. No wonder Liu Xing was able to pass such a difficult entrance examination. He really has two brushes!

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, one hundred pass ten thousand!

It didn't take long before the booth of Special Class One was overcrowded!The row of small stalls near the special first class, although the craftsmanship is not very good, but it is also dirty, and the empty plates are piling up.Of course, there must be no way to compare with the special first class!

Before I knew it, it was getting dark!

Chao Qian wiped the sweat off his face with a rag, and counted the mountains of empty plates. A small square is 1 empty plates, and a large square is 11 empty plates. One, two, three, four, five... Wow, There are already more than [-] empty plates!marvelous!
Chao Qian checked the leaderboard again, No.1 has already exceeded 26, there is still a big gap!

"Come on everyone, we have successfully entered the top ten, and now we are No.7!" Chao Qian yelled to boost morale!

The other students are fine. After all, their cultivation base is not low, and the worst is the foundation building stage. It is no problem to last for three days and three nights, but the core Liu Xing can't hold it anymore. His body is already wobbly, and he almost fainted!
Chao Qian hurriedly rushed over to support Liu Xing, A Xing, you are our backbone, you must not fall down!
"Ah Xing, hurry up and rest, let's come, just give me some instructions." A male student said with rolling his eyes.

Liu Xing nodded, that's fine.

That's great, just watching and stealing the teacher is still very laborious, and you can't learn the essence!It would be much more convenient if Liu Xing could personally direct the operation!

"I'm coming!" "I'm coming!"... In order to fight for the spot to steal the teacher, the special class one, which was originally united, suddenly fought among themselves, and everyone was blushing and thick-necked!

"Why are you arguing, we are at war now! I'm coming!" Chao Qian shouted.

dizzy you!The students in the special class [-] threw their eyes at Chao Qian wildly, but they could only acquiesce.

Chao Qian rubbed his hands together, took a few deep breaths, and began to take the spoon under Liu Xing's command.

"Put the pot on faster and stick it evenly. If the fire is too strong, slow down. This pot will be turned over. The fire in that pot is too low..." Liu Xing finally found out that light commanding is also so tiring man!

Chao Qian was in a hurry, and realized that he couldn't do it alone, so he yelled, "Amei, come and help me!"

Come on, value color over friends!The male students in the special class one thought for a while, if they really couldn't spare their hands, they would draw a few circles and curse the class leader!
Zhang Xiaomei gave Chao Qian a sweet smile, rolled up her sleeves and went over to help!

It didn't take long, pot after pot of pumpkin pie was freshly out of the pot.

"It's not as delicious as before!" "It's not good!" "We want to eat the pumpkin pie made by Liu Xing!"...

The customers didn't buy it and made a lot of noise!

"Liu Xing is exhausted and needs to rest. Let's eat as much as we can first." Chao Qian clasped his fists profusely in sweat, and please be patient!

The number of customers in front of the booth of the special class is gradually decreasing.

"Ah Xing, hurry up and go to sleep for a while." Chao Qian yelled, and when he looked back, Liu Xing was lying on his side on the bench and fell asleep.

Zhang Xiaomei walked over, carefully put a blanket on Liu Xing, and set up a silent Taoist enchantment for Liu Xing, so that Liu Xing could take a good rest.

Although the business of the special first class is much worse, it is still countless times better than before without a single customer. The students are as fierce as chicken blood, working hard day and night!

And the graduates have already got the news that the special first class is starting to rise strongly, but fortunately Liu Xing has limited physical strength and can't work around the clock like us. Hurry up and take the opportunity to expand the advantage. If we rank among the top three, what is the face of our graduates?

And the special first class gradually fell out of the top ten. Chao Qian wanted to wake Liu Xing up countless times, but he endured it all!There is plenty of time at present, as long as Ah Xing can make a big splash after waking up, we still have hope!

In other words, how is the pumpkin pie made? The process is very simple, and Ah Xing should not have kept it privately.I can't figure it out!

The rest of the students in the first special class tried to make pumpkin pies, but they didn't work. What they made was just ordinary pumpkin pies. Few people were willing to eat the discs. On the contrary, the business of the surrounding stalls improved a lot.Depressed!

Liu Xing Meimei fell asleep, she slept extremely soundly, and even had a beautiful dream!

(End of this chapter)

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