Interstellar Miner

Chapter 375 Final Ranking

Chapter 375 Final Ranking

Liu Xing can't remember the specific content of the dream, but he only remembers that in the dream, he grew up and married his wife. When he lifted his hijab at the wedding night, the one who appeared in front of him was a familiar and beautiful nightmare. , and then Liu Xing woke up suddenly!

Liu Xing sat up in a daze, frowned and tapped his head, making you think wildly.

"Ah Xing, you are awake, hurry up!" Chao Qian shouted.

Liu Xing responded, and started to get busy!Once again, more and more customers gathered in front of the booth of Special Class [-], and more and more empty plates came out in batches!
Before I knew it, it was getting dark again!

Chao Qian wiped the sweat off his face with a rag, took a break from his busy schedule, and checked the rankings. No.1 has 31 empty plates, No.2 has 29, and No.3 has 26.And our Special Class 19 already has 6 empty plates, temporarily No.[-]!

"Keep working hard, everyone. We have reached No.6. As long as we hold on, we will definitely be in the top three. Come on everyone! Come on! Come on!" Chao Qian shouted loudly.

The students in the special class one are more agile in their hands and feet, and the speed of the assembly line operation is getting faster and faster!
Liu Xing is becoming more and more proficient, and his speed is getting faster and faster. In order to reduce consumption as much as possible, Zhang Xiaomei will help, and let Zhang Xiaomei do some non-critical physical work.

This is something that can't be helped, Liu Xing is at the Qi training stage, and although Zhang Xiaomei is a girl, she is already at the Golden Core stage, her strength and physical strength are much stronger than Liu Xing's!
persist in!effort!struggle!

Time passed by every minute and every second!It's the last day!

"Ah Xing, just squint for a while, and then go all out when you have enough energy!" Chao Qian urged.

"It's good for me to sleep for two hours, wake me up when the time comes." Liu Xing was indeed exhausted, lay down on the bench, and soon fell asleep.

The students of Special Class [-] also took the opportunity to slow down and rest for a while, preparing for the final sprint!

The number of customers in front of the special first class booth gradually decreased, but it didn't matter, when Liu Xing woke up, the customers would naturally come back!Ah Xing's pumpkin pie is so awesome!

Chao Qian was always paying attention to the progress of the top three on the ranking list, and found that the increase in empty plates for the top three was getting slower and slower, but the growth of the top ten to twenty was much faster.

Chao Qian touched his bald head, it seems that everyone is tired of eating!It is said that these days everyone relies on pumpkin pie to satisfy their hunger, but they are not tired at all!Ah Xing's unique skill is really a fortress!

In other words, we have learned everything we should learn, why can't we make that delicious food?Where is it missing?
The students in the special class took a break for a while, and then started to tinker with the pumpkin pie again. I still don't believe it, will we learn it!
Practice makes perfect, and the pumpkin cakes made by the students gradually became much more delicious. Although they were still far from Liu Xing's craftsmanship, it was true that the customers' evaluations were getting higher and higher, and the number of empty plates gradually increased!

The students in the special class one couldn't help but rejoice and make persistent efforts.

Liu Xing slept for two hours, and immediately started the final sprint after being shaken awake!
The graduates are also having all kinds of explosions. It is the last moment, so you must hold on!

The top three are far ahead, but the sprinting speed of the special first class is extremely fast, and it is already No.4!The competition for [-]th to [-]th place has entered into a fierce battle!The ten to twenty people are also exerting all kinds of strength to carry out the final charge!

It's the last hour!


Liu Xing's vision has become blurred, there is no way, Liu Xing panted and buried his head in the water tank suddenly, oh!Liu Xing suddenly woke up!

"A Xing, wipe off the water, don't catch a cold." Zhang Xiaomei gently handed over a towel.

Liu Xing said thanks, took the towel and wiped his head, and immediately started working again!
At this time, the dean, Old Xuanxian, walked into the square unhurriedly with his hands behind his back. This is also his old habit. He only dispatched at the last hour and tasted them one by one according to the order of the top [-] on the ranking list. One round, and then just in time to award the top ten.

The first is No.1. The dean Lao Xuanxian walked to the No.1 booth, but it was an elite team formed by five prefecture-level senior chef graduates and twenty A-level senior chef graduates. Their booth snacks are Steamed dumplings!
The director, Lao Xuanxian, took a plate of steamed dumplings. The size of the steamed dumplings was not small, there were only two on a plate!At first glance, this savory morsel looks like a doughy, bland dish.

But after taking a bite, it turns out that it contains a hot broth made from minced pork, crab meat and vegetables.

The dean and the old dean nodded approvingly. This is to add the frozen broth to the dumplings. When the dumplings are steamed, the jelly will melt naturally and the taste will be even more delicious.

Then there is No.2, an elite team formed by [-] graduates of Grade A senior chefs, and the snack is kebabs.

A traditional kebab is a plate of grilled lamb served with creamy rice.However, this stall uses a more common fast food similar to it today, which looks like a sandwich, with barbecued meat from a rotary barbecue grill in the middle, with salad and yogurt base, which is very visually impactful. The fragrant meat is even more mouth-watering!

Come to No.3 again, it's the special class!The dean, Old Xuan Xian, smiled happily, and walked to the east of the square, huh?where is it?The crowds of people in that corner must be over there!

Hey, it's pumpkin pie!The dean, Old Xuanxian, used his magical powers to roll out a plate of pumpkin pancakes through the dense crowd, took a bite, tsk tsk, the taste is not bad, even more delicious than the pumpkin dumplings eaten during the entrance examination!Liu Xing, this little guy's craftsmanship is getting better and better, but Huashan's Taoist couple has not been able to see it, let's forget about that little girl, she looks like a proud master, I don't know how she would look at it Can you get into our Fuyu Culinary Academy?
The dean, Old Xuanxian, ate and played with a plate of pumpkin pie, and couldn't help but eat another plate. Last time, he failed to win the patent for pumpkin dumplings. This pumpkin pie is really super good, and he must find a way to win it!The dean, Old Xuanxian, rubbed his chin and thought about leaving.

A melodious bell rang through the square!Time is up!
The judges and teachers finally counted the empty plates of each booth, and the final ranking came out!
No.1 is still the original No.1. An elite team formed by five local senior chef graduates and 36 first-class senior chef graduates won a total of [-] empty plates for steamed dumpling snacks!

No.2 is the special class, with a total of 36 empty plates!

Hey, it's only a little bit short!The students in the special class sighed and hammered their thighs hard. It would be great if Ah Xing could be stronger, or the pumpkin pie we made would be stronger!

However, it is still No.2, and it is still a very good result, thanks to Liu Xing!

Huh!What about the Axing people?The students looked around and saw Liu Xing who was lying on the ground and sleeping soundly.

Dizzy, the students hurriedly moved Liu Xing from the ground to the bench, this time it was really hard for Xing!We are all exhausted, let alone Ah Xing who is only in the Qi training period!

No.3 is the original No.2. The score of 34 empty plates is already quite good, but we met the most powerful special class in the millennium, and No.1 was almost pulled down. We are not wronged!

The dean, Old Xuanxian, immediately awarded rewards to No.1 to No.10 in order. In addition to directly rewarding a large number of fairy stones, there is also a medal of honor!

No.1 rewards fifty first-grade fairy stones, No.2 is forty first-grade fairy stones, No.3 is thirty first-grade fairy stones, No.425, No.5 twenty, No.6 fifteen, No. .7 ten, No.8 eight, No.9 six, No.10 four!
Even if it is divided equally, for the graduates, this is still a considerable fortune.

Although there were no rewards for the ten graduates, they spent an extremely unforgettable three days. They were all beaming with joy and full of confidence to leave the academy and go outside to work hard!

Senior chef graduates are scarce wherever they go, and their salaries will never be bad; mid-level chefs and junior chef graduates need to work hard, but they still return to their alma mater after a period of experience to continue their studies and become senior chefs. Keep going!

No matter whether the future is beautiful or difficult, it is ahead, and there is no way to avoid it, only to go forward bravely!
Liu Xing slept for two days and two nights, and when he woke up, the graduates had almost left!Fuyu Culinary Academy seems to be deserted all of a sudden!
Although Liu Xing is still very young, he also felt a little sadness of parting. In the future, he will leave the academy one day!Liu Xing was in a daze for a while, although he was very reluctant to leave the academy, but he was even more reluctant to leave Master Bao!I sincerely hope that I can always learn cooking skills from Master Bao!

At this time, the class should have started, Liu Xing quickened his pace and rushed to the classroom, but when turning the corner, Liu Xing accidentally collided with a group of people.

Liu Xing groaned and fell to the ground.

"You're so blind! Even I dare to bump into you!" "A good dog doesn't get in the way! You're tired of working!"...

The two second-generation ancestors roared again and again, and the newly recruited younger brother also shouted endlessly.In fact, in terms of responsibility, it is obvious that they walk sideways and have no eyes!

"I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose." Liu Xing stood up from the ground, and couldn't help being stunned when he saw the group of people opposite him. Isn't this the two second-generation ancestors who wanted to cut in line forcibly and punched and kicked him?Thinking of his miserable experience back then, Liu Xing couldn't help but tremble with fright, it's too bad, he might be beaten again!
Wang Er and Li San are actually not the real names of the two second ancestors, but their ranking in the family, and everyone calls them that in private!But even though they knew that they were not good birds, there were still flies that loved the smell of money actively surrounded them, and they were willing to be their little brothers, serving them on the saddle.

Snakes have snake ways, rats have rat ways, and others can't say anything, just take care of yourself!

oops!It's Liu Xing!The two second-generation ancestors were startled, and the yelling of the younger brothers stopped abruptly, and the group stared at Liu Xing in a daze!

Liu Xing is not the poor bumpkin back then, but a super newcomer of Fuyu Culinary Arts Academy. In the eyes of all the teachers, Xiangmomo already has a patent in hand. It is only a matter of time before he becomes rich and handsome!Most importantly, Liu Xing seems to have an inexplicable relationship with that teacher Huashan!Those two second-generation ancestors in front would not pay attention to it, but this last point, with the courage of the two of them, they dare not provoke Liu Xing again!

After all, Wang Er and Li San had a lot of experience in domineering, and they came back to their senses immediately. The main reason was that after seeing Liu Xing, their swollen mouths started to hurt again!The two second-generation ancestors hurriedly put up smiles all over their faces, and said with a dry smile: "Oh! It turned out to be little brother Liu Xing. The flood really rushed into the Dragon King Temple. Sorry, it hit you! Are you not injured? "

Liu Xing shook his head in a daze, huh?what's up?So why did the two second-generation ancestors who were arrogant and domineering become like this now?
"It's good that it's okay. We still have something to do. Let's meet again next time. Let's go, please go slowly." Wang Er and Li San led a group of younger brothers and fled in despair.

Liu Xing scratched his head in a daze, this...what's going on?I can't figure it out!Forget it, hurry up and go to class!

As soon as Liu Xing entered the classroom, he was about to say sorry to the teacher and the teacher, when the students in the special class rushed over and lifted Liu Xing up, and kept throwing them up!
The teacher on the podium happily saw this scene, stroked his beard and smiled.

Hey, what are you doing!Liu Xing was puzzled, and couldn't help wondering, could it be that he was actually still in a dream at this moment, and didn't wake up?

Liu Xing pinched his thigh, it hurts, what's wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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