Interstellar Miner

Chapter 376 Patents

Chapter 376 Patents
"Let me down! Let me down quickly!" Liu Xing yelled for a while, but he was thrown flying, and finally he was on the ground!

Liu Xing exhaled, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and wondered, "What's wrong?"

Chao Qian giggled and rubbed his hands, took out two first-grade immortal stones and handed them to Liu Xing as if by magic.

What is this for?Liu Xing stared blankly at the two crystal clear fairy stones shining with intoxicating light in Chao Qian's palm!Oh, this should be the first-grade fairy stone in the legend, Liu Xing only saw it once when he was a child, and he will never forget this intoxicating light in his life!

"This is the No.2 reward for our special class! Our class has a total of forty first-grade fairy stones, so each person can get two." Although Chao Qian took it for granted, he was the same as other students. , I was a little uncertain, after all, this time the booth of the special first class was able to get No.2, all thanks to Liu Xing's pumpkin cakes are extremely awesome!
Liu Xing can be said to have contributed the most, and it stands to reason that he should be given the bulk of it!However, the college practice is to divide evenly. As the class monitor, Chao Qian was pushed to the front by the students. At that time, you kept rushing to the front when learning pumpkin cakes. Now you should be the first!
Chao Qian had no choice but to test the waters first. If Liu Xing agrees to share it equally, then each of us can get two first-grade immortal stones.

Just made a fortune!You must know that a senior chef may not be able to earn a first-grade immortal stone even after ten years of hard work!With these two first-grade immortal stones, everyone's life in the academy can be well-off in no time!
At this moment, all the students were looking at Liu Xing eagerly, waiting for Liu Xing's choice.

It turned out to be a reward, it was so rich, it was worth two first-grade immortal stones, you got rich!Liu Xing's eyes were full of little stars, he swallowed hard, and asked in disbelief: "Are these two first-grade immortal stones really for me?"

"It's true, everyone has two!" Chao Qian accentuated the word "everyone".

Very good!Liu Xing immediately felt relieved, and snatched the two first-grade immortal stones into his hands, held them in his palms and looked at them fascinatedly, and then put them in his arms, for fear of losing them or being stolen. Posture!
Chao Qian and the students couldn't help laughing secretly, saying, with two first-grade immortal stones, we are also rich!

Hurry up, hurry up!After some urging from the students, Chao Qian immediately distributed them to everyone, two first-grade immortal stones per person, keep it up!

Oh, such a small pile of first-grade immortal stones, there are only four left in the blink of an eye!Although Wu Xiahuai didn't participate, but she led Teacher Huashan to join in the show, which gradually improved the small stall that no one cares about. Her contribution is not inferior to Liu Xing's. The two first-grade immortal stones are also indispensable to her!But Wu Xiahuai hasn't come to class for the time being, let's talk about it when she comes.

Chao Qian even thought about rolling up forty first-grade immortal stones and running away, but after all, he just thought about it, it would be stupid to let Liu Xing, a cash cow, not cling to him to death!
The rest of the students in Special Class [-] also had the same idea. The idea of ​​stealing the teacher kept turning in their minds. Liu Xing must not only have a unique skill like pumpkin pie, let's dig slowly and steal the teacher slowly!If you can steal a few unique skills, you will definitely be able to make a lot of money in the future, which is far beyond the comparison of a few first-grade immortal stones!

No one is stupid to be able to enter the special first class!
"Ah Xing, this is your medal of honor." Chao Qian handed Liu Xing a small and exquisite medal. Although the medal was made of ordinary materials and not worth much, it represented honor. What a treasure that money can't change!
One per person, the other students have already shared it at the awards ceremony. It's been so cool for a long time, and they still wear it when they sleep at night!
"Okay, everyone, hurry up and go back to class." The teacher greeted kindly.

The students then sat back in their seats.Liu Xing, who had always been attentively listening to the lecture, was out of his mind today, and touched the two first-grade immortal stones and the medal of honor in his bosom from time to time, for fear that they would suddenly disappear!
Class is over without knowing it!

During the recess, everyone was laughing and chatting. You chatted and discussed how to spend two first-grade immortal stones. It felt like it was too much, and I couldn’t spend it no matter how much I spent!So cool!
Liu Xing secretly thought about consigning the two first-grade immortal stones back to his hometown, but he heard that the consignment fee was not cheap, and the living expenses he carried with him were obviously not enough!Then do the same as everyone else, melt a first-grade fairy stone, and replace it with eighty third-grade fairy stones and [-] top-grade spirit stones according to the current market conditions. In this way, you can not only buy powerful knives, magic weapons, etc., but also Used to assist in practice.

Liu Xing is in the Qi training period, and a top-grade spirit stone is enough for him to practice for a month. It feels so good to be rich!

Just as the next class was about to start, a teacher came over and said, "Liu Xing, come with me."

Hey, isn't this the chief examiner in the examination room? What's the matter?Liu Xing walked out curiously, and followed the examiner to an office.

Liu Xing covered his chest with his hands, afraid that he would accidentally lose the two precious first-grade immortal stones and the medal of honor while walking, so he couldn't be more distressed!

The examiner didn't know why, and thought that Liu Xing hadn't rested well, and felt uncomfortable, so he said a few words of comfort to let him have a good rest, and then went to the topic, directly took out a small cloth bag and handed it to Liu Xing.

what is this?Liu Xing unwrapped it curiously, wow, there are crystal clear third-grade fairy stones inside, a rough look shows that there are at least thirty of them!
The examiner smiled slightly and said, "Liu Xing, you have won the patent for the catfish seafood noodle. The first batch of [-] chain stores received a good response from the trial operation, and they are ready to roll out the promotion in an all-round way. This small bag is a trial operation. The ten-day bonus will be settled for you every month in the future, and I will notify you to come and withdraw the money at that time."

In only ten days, there are so many third-grade immortal stones, wow!Liu Xing was stunned again, his family's restaurant worked hard from dawn to dusk for a year and still couldn't earn a third-grade fairy stone!I didn't expect that a patent that I tinkered with had only been in trial operation for ten days, and there were already so many third-grade fairy stones. Am I dreaming?
Liu Xing couldn't help pinching his thigh again, it didn't seem to hurt much!

The chief examiner was very envious of Liu Xing. Although he also worked out two patents, the freshness period had already passed, and there was nothing to make money from!But seeing Liu Xing like this, the examiner couldn't help but smile, what a simple and honest boy!
The examiner waited for Liu Xing to calm down, and then began to insinuate, Xiao Xing, your pumpkin cake looks very ordinary, but it is so delicious, it should be possible to apply for a patent, even if the application fails, pumpkin dumplings It is very novel, and nine times out of ten it is possible to win a patent!
Liu Xing was already dizzy from being smashed by the huge pile of fairy stones, he had no ability to think, so he answered in a daze, and sold it!I'm sold!

The examiner directly asked Liu Xing to sign and draw a pledge, and took down the pumpkin pie and pumpkin dumplings in one go. The specific operation should be left until tomorrow. At this moment, Liu Xing is dizzy, obviously not in the state!
After Liu Xing was settled, the examiner rushed to Mr. Huashan's small courtyard again, begging to see Wu Xiahuai.

Mo Xuan went to work in the Go classroom. Kong Ling, who was practicing in the yard, took off her apron and received the chief examiner in the living room.

The examiner came straight to the point and said that the potato noodles had already won the patent, but the name of the potato noodles was too silly, so they named it Starlight Cold Noodles. First, they tried operation in more than 3 small stalls and small restaurants, and the results have already sold. Go crazy and become famous all at once.Although such a bowl of cold noodles can't make much money, but the accumulation of a small amount makes a lot, and the harvest in ten days is more than three times that of Liu Xing's catfish seafood noodles!

Kong Ling accepted the purse, smiled slightly, and nodded. This is considered unintentional!
The chief examiner again insinuated about Kong Ling's idea of ​​steaming dumplings with the dragon.

Kong Ling shook her head, the same sentence, not for sale!
The chief examiner did not give up, and was sure that Kong Ling would think about it again, the terms were negotiable.

Kong Ling agreed temporarily, and immediately got up to see off the guests, but she just got up.

The chief examiner didn't dare to let such a powerful Xuanxian like Kong Ling escort him out of the yard, so he bowed respectfully and left on his own initiative.

Kong Ling stuffed her heavy purse, opened it and looked at it, it was not bad, it seems that selling patents is quite profitable, accumulating a small amount, accumulating over a long period of time, can make a considerable profit!
Shenlong Steamed Dumplings is an exclusive skill, and it will be of great use in the future. It is not planned to be sold for the time being, but some other small patents can be considered. It is also good to make some extra money for the Four Immortals!
For the next two days, Liu Xing stayed with the chief examiner.

Pumpkin cakes and pumpkin dumplings look quite simple, but if you want to make them as delicious as Liu Xing, ordinary junior chefs really can't do it well. At the very least, you have to be an intermediate chef to master them within a day or two. This has caused some troubles for the promotion of pumpkin pie and pumpkin pie, but as long as you can get the patent, you don't have to worry about making money, it's just a matter of earning more and earning less!

Customers with status and status go to big restaurants to eat, and they don't just go for the patented specialties of the big restaurants!

Soon it was the rest day.

The special class organized a group activity, and the group took a white jade flying boat to the commodity street of Fuyu Xiaoxianjie!

After all, Fuyu is a small fairyland, which has everything it should have.This commodity street is a street formed by the collection of specialty shops from various forces!The main focus is food materials, knives, etc., and there are other refining workshops, alchemy rooms, treasure workshops, stone betting shops, magic weapon specialty stores, and other animal workshops!
First of all, the special team came to a reputable Treasure Workshop, and all of them melted one or two first-grade immortal stones!Because it was a group purchase, Zhang Xiaomei, a master bargainer, fought for half an hour, and finally every first-grade fairy stone turned into [-] third-grade fairy stones and [-] top-grade spirit stones!

The little friends waited on Zhang Xiaomei, served tea and water, and fanned the horse. You have worked hard!

Then, the friends came to a reputable consignment store, and every student consigned at least one first-grade fairy stone to send home.

Liu Xing even consigned one first-grade fairy stone and one hundred third-grade fairy stones, and there was also a letter!After paying the expensive handling fee, there are only more than 200 high-grade spirit stones left in Liu Xing's pocket.

Liu Xing took a deep breath and nodded secretly. With so much money to support, the family should not have to worry too much.

In fact, just relying on the cooking skills I have learned from Master Bao and returning to Yejuxing, it is enough to revive the Liu Family Restaurant, and even surpass the peak of my grandfather!
It's just that Liu Xing followed Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, and Bao Qingyun, and his horizons have increased a lot. With his own big dreams, a small restaurant owned by Xiaoye Juxing really can't enter Liu Xing's horizons!
Influenced by Bao Qingyun and Kong Ling, Liu Xing often talks about the Ten Thousand Chefs Competition in his dreams, hoping that one day he will be able to participate in the Ten Thousand Cooks Contest and compete with other chefs with his superb cooking skills Down!
After the consignment was completed, the friends scattered in twos and threes!
After all, Liu Xing's strength is humble, and he is outside the academy, so Chao Qian, who was cultivated at the Yuanying stage, and Zhang Xiaomei, who was cultivated at the Jindan stage, were the personal guards!

In fact, in the Fuyu Small Immortal Realm where immortals walk everywhere, the Nascent Soul Stage and the Golden Core Stage are not enough to see, but after all, it is much safer than Liu Xing alone!
(End of this chapter)

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