Interstellar Miner

Chapter 377 The Big Purchase

Chapter 377 The Big Purchase

Liu Xing first came to a refining workshop, wanting to buy a magic weapon for storage. It is really not safe to have so many spirit stones scattered on his body.

The fairy Xiao Er of the Artifact Refining Workshop is full of tongues and sells them vigorously. If you want to buy a magic weapon for storage, you have to buy a better one. You can use it for thousands of years. On average, it only costs a little money a year, which is definitely a bargain!

Both Chao Qian and Zhang Xiaomei nodded in agreement. They were not willing to spend money back then, and the treasure box they bought was no longer enough, but they were still reluctant to replace it. They could only make do with it.This time we also change to a powerful one!The price can be cheaper if the three of you buy a group together.

The three began to carefully select!

Nabao pouch, Nabao box, Nabao beads, Nabao bracelet, Nabao ring, all kinds of magic storage objects dazzled Liu Xing's eyes.

you get what you pay for!

The last one is the Nabao pouch, which can be won with a dozen top-grade spirit stones, but the built-in space is only a pitiful few cubic meters. The best Nabao pouch in the store has a space of [-] cubic meters, and it takes [-] pieces. Top grade spirit stone.

The Nabao box is slightly more high-end than the Nabao pouch, mainly because it is much stronger than the Nabao pouch, and has a much longer service life, but the internal space is almost the same as the Nabao pouch.

However, these two storage tools are relatively low-grade, so they can't be used!
Nabao bracelets and Nabao rings are rare items, and ordinary cultivators can't afford them, so they mainly look at Nabao beads.

In fact, Liu Xing doesn't care, as long as he can have a better Nabao bag, he is already very satisfied, but seeing Chao Qian and Zhang Xiaomei's enthusiasm for Taobao, it's not easy to dampen their interest!

Zhang Xiaomei quickly fell in love with a Na Baozhu with 46 third-grade fairy stones. It has a large space of [-] cubic meters, with distinct areas. The energy of the fairy stone does not leak out. In addition, it also has a fresh-keeping and heat-preserving function area, which can store food, ingredients, medicinal materials, vegetables, fruits, etc., and the cost performance is super high.

And Chao Qian fell in love with a Na Baozhu with 66 third-grade immortal stones, which has a large space of 650 cubic meters.

Zhang Xiaomei glanced at Chao Qian lightly, huh?
Chao Qian immediately raised his hand and surrendered, Xiaomei, the one you like is good, high quality and low price, just buy that one!
After a round of bargaining, she chopped down a Na Baozhu of 46 points and a third-grade fairy stone to 44 points and a fifth-grade fairy stone!
Zhang Xiaomei and Chao Qian quickly paid the money with one hand and got the orb with one hand!

It was Liu Xing's turn, Xiao Er quickly handed over the Na Baozhu, what are you doing in a daze, speed!
Liu Xing opened his mouth and said weakly, "That... I don't have that much money."

dizzy you!If you have no money, you still participate in a chicken feather group buying!Xiao Er rolled her eyes in a very speechless manner!

"Ah Xing, where's your money?" Both Zhang Xiaomei and Chao Qian looked at Liu Xing strangely. Didn't you also get a lot of third-grade immortal stones for the patent of catfish and seafood noodles? How could it not be enough?

Liu Xing scratched his head in embarrassment, and sent them all to his family. There are only more than 200 high-grade spirit stones in his pocket at the moment, or forget it, and just buy me one of the treasure boxes that you two eliminated!
The child refused to comply, angrily crossed his arms, what? It was agreed that it was a group purchase for three people, so I agreed to sell it at a low price of 44 points. If only two people bought it, I'm sorry, it's less than 45 points. Absolutely not for sale!Hmph, you can figure it out for yourself!

Zhang Xiaomei and Chao Qian glanced at each other, and they both thought about it. They did Liu Xing's ideological work together, and the three-person group purchase was half a third-grade fairy stone cheaper. After passing this village, there will be no such shop!Ah Xing, it doesn’t matter if you are short of money, let’s lend it to you first, and then return it to us when you get the patent bonus next month, all right.

This... 44 points, five third-grade immortal stones, really expensive, Liu Xing has never consumed more than one low-grade spirit stone at one time in his life, let alone immortal stones!
In fact, it is not expensive. If you buy it now, you can use it for 2000 years without replacing it. What a bargain!Zhang Xiaomei and Chao Qian work harder, Ah Xing, you are the superstar of our Fuyu Culinary Academy. One patent has already started to make a profit, and two patents have been applied for. Once won, three patents are in hand , Immediately, he is tall, rich and handsome, and a mere 44 third-grade fairy stone pearl is nothing.

It seems to be the same, Liu Xing scratched his head, or just take it down.Calculated in 2000 years, and the functions are so complete, it can be done, and it is indeed quite cost-effective.

What?Xiao Er suddenly jumped three feet high, looked at Liu Xing in shock, and stammered: "You...are you that Liu Xing?"

What's wrong?Liu Xing, Zhang Xiaomei and Chao Qian were all stunned.

Xiao Er took a deep breath, and finally spoke smoothly: "Are you the Liu Xing who passed the entrance examination of this year's entrance examination of Fuyu Culinary Arts Academy, and who won the No. 2 Special Class One at the welcome and send-off party?"

Liu Xing nodded woodenly, it's me!
oops!It turned out to be you, you said it earlier, Xiaoer was so excited, he looked up and down at Liu Xing, he is really too young, he really is a hero born a boy!

"Wait a minute, I'll call our shopkeeper." Xiaoer hurriedly rushed into the inner hall, and after a while a chubby shopkeeper rushed back along with Xiaoer.

"I've admired you for a long time. It's so glorious that you can come to our shop!" The fat shopkeeper held Liu Xing's hand with a smile on his face.

What are you doing?Liu Xing struggled for his hand, but he couldn't break free.

The fat shopkeeper cheerfully asked Xiao Er, did Xiao Xing come to our side for any needs, originally he wanted to purchase Na Baozhu.The fat shopkeeper immediately said: "Since it is Xiaoxing, you want to buy it, then I will give you a 27% discount, a total of [-] third-grade fairy stones, what do you think?"

Liu Xing couldn't help being stunned, so cheap? !
Both Zhang Xiaomei and Chao Qian couldn't help but roll their eyes. After haggling for a long time, we got 44 points five third-grade fairy stones. If we gave 27% off, we would directly get [-] third-grade fairy stones!Your sister, if you don't treat them so differently, we are also in the special class, okay?

"Who are these two?" The fat shopkeeper looked at Zhang Xiaomei and Chao Qian suspiciously.

Zhang Xiaomei and Chao Qian immediately held their heads high and announced their names.

"Chao Qian, monitor of Special Class One."

"Zhang Xiaomei, literary and art committee member of Special Class One."

The fat shopkeeper nodded approvingly, and said, "It turns out that he is an elite from the special first class. How about it, I will give you a 37% discount on the Na Baozhu you bought, [-] third-grade immortal stones."

This...Zhang Xiaomei and Chao Qian glanced at each other and nodded, at least it was much cheaper!
Xiaoer returned seven point five and three grade immortal stones to Zhang Xiaomei and Chao Qian each.

Liu Xing blinked blankly, what should I do about this...?To buy or not to buy?

Chao Qian said to Liu Xing: "Ah Xing, I will advance the payment for you first, and you can just pay it back to me when the time comes."

Liu Xing thought for a while, then nodded, okay.

Chao Qian paid Xiaoer 27 third-grade fairy stones.Xiao Er then handed Liu Xing a Na Baozhu!

Liu Xing eagerly took the Na Baozhu, and finally obtained the first precious magic weapon of storage in his life!Liu Xing couldn't put it down playing with Na Baozhu, it's really amazing!Liu Xing directly stored more than 200 high-grade spirit stones scattered on his body into the Na Baozhu, and felt a lot easier at once!Moreover, the storage of spirit stones, items, etc. is so convenient, and it can be easily done with one thought. This is Na Baozhu, 27 third-grade fairy stones are really worth it!

The fat shopkeeper greeted eagerly: "Do you want any other magic weapon? Xiaoxing, as long as you come over, we will give you a [-]% discount, Zhang Xiaomei and Chao Qian, I will give you a [-]% discount."

No need for now, Zhang Xiaomei and Chao Qian both shook their heads, hum, this time we admit it, what we want to buy next time, just let Liu Xing come over, enjoy a special price of [-]% off!I don't want your [-]% discount!

The fat shopkeeper and Xiao Er eagerly sent the three of them out of the shop, come and play when you have time!

For the next purchases, Zhang Xiaomei and Chao Qian have learned to be good, and they directly use the banner of Liu Xing. Not to mention, it is very easy to use, and there are great discounts everywhere, which can save a lot of money!The two looked at Liu Xing with envy, this is the celebrity effect!

Liu Xing, however, has no self-awareness at all. What he was before is still what he is now.

We can't always make big purchases, Chao Qian asked, "Ah Xing, what else do you want to buy?"

Liu Xing replied honestly: "I still want to buy some good kitchen knives."

Borrowing the black iron kitchen knives used by Kong Ling and Bao Qingyun every day, and then using the three kitchen knives they carry with them is obviously too weak, which seriously affects the performance of knife skills!So Liu Xing is going to buy a few good kitchen knives that are handy. After getting used to daily use, he will be able to show more powerful strength at critical moments!
Speaking of kitchen knives, we really should change them!Zhang Xiaomei and Chao Qian brought Liu Xing to the most famous Xingxing kitchen knife specialty store in the commodity street!

Wow!Tens of thousands of kitchen knives are displayed on five super-large shelves!For a while, the three of them looked east, west, up and down, and they didn't know where to choose!
The waiter in the store has rich experience, pointing directly at the shelf and introducing: "This shelf is for low-grade spirit stones, this is for middle-grade spirit stones, this is for top-grade spirit stones, this is for third-grade fairy stones, and this is for second-grade fairy stones." ! The better Yipin Xianshi monopoly shelf is in the inner hall!"

How much money do you have, then look at the corresponding shelves!If you don't have money, it's useless to watch!

The three of them couldn't help but click their tongues secretly, it turns out that kitchen knives can be sold so expensive!
If you want to buy it, buy the better ones. Pass the kitchen knife shelves for low-grade spirit stones and middle-grade spirit stones. Let’s look at the top-grade spirit stone monopoly shelves first!
Liu Xing picked up a kitchen knife from the shelf, and it felt different when holding it in his hand. It was better than his three kitchen knives, not one or two grades better!However, it is obviously still not as good as the black iron kitchen knife used by Wu Xiahuai and Master Bao!

It stands to reason that the material of the kitchen knife in his hand is better than black iron, but it is not as good as that black iron kitchen knife!

Liu Xing picked a few kitchen knives from the top-grade spirit stone monopoly shelf, but was not very satisfied, so he went to the third-grade fairy stone monopoly shelf, but was still not satisfied.

Liu Xing came to the second-grade fairy stone monopoly shelf again. The kitchen knives on this shelf are quite powerful, and there are cutting boards and vegetables and fruits for trying kitchen knives on the side.

Liu Xing randomly picked up a cucumber and tried to cut it. Well, although the hand feels good, the finished product is obviously not as good as a black iron kitchen knife!
Is this cut or not?Xiaoer blinked in a daze, hesitated to pick up the uncut cucumber and took a look, hey, the slices are as thin as silk, and a one-foot-long cucumber can be stretched to half a foot Outside, crystal clear, like art treasures!

Isn't this true? He is just a brat, and he can actually have such amazing knife skills?Where the hell is he?Wait a minute, he is wearing the school uniform of Fuyu Culinary Arts Academy, and he is a short winter melon. Could it be that Liu Xing from the special class? !
"Wow, Ah Xing, how did you cut it like this?" Chao Qian yelled for a while.

Zhang Xiaomei couldn't help but click her tongue, Ah Xing really didn't only have two brushes, she was really amazing!
Ah Xing?Liu Xing?Maybe this is it!Xiao Er hastily asked.

"That's right, this is Liu Xing, a super student from our Special Class One!" Chao Qian responded with his nostrils upturned.

"Wait a minute, you three." Xiao Er hurried to invite the tall and thin shopkeeper over!
The shopkeeper was straight to the point, and wanted to ask Liu Xing to endorse a kitchen knife!Xiao Er took out a shiny kitchen knife from the inner hall!

Liu Xing was not interested in endorsements, but he was very interested in the kitchen knife. He took it in his hand and fiddled with it, and then tried to cut a cucumber. It was obviously much better than the previous one, but Well, I still feel that it is not as easy to use as the black iron kitchen knife.Of course, this must be an excellent kitchen knife, and it should be able to perform better if it is used more.

The shopkeeper picked up the cucumber that Liu Xing had cut, and it was so obedient that it could be stretched nearly ten feet, admiration!The well-informed shopkeeper also gave Liu Xing a thumbs up in admiration!ox!

(End of this chapter)

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