Chapter 378

Liu Xing didn't think it was anything special, compared to the cucumbers made by Master Bao and Wu Xiahuai, it was still far behind!
The shopkeeper is about to sign an endorsement agreement with Liu Xing. Although Liu Xing can only be regarded as quite famous in Fuyu Xiaoxianjie now, he has to take a long-term view. If Liu Xing makes a fortune in the future and becomes a star chef, Now this endorsement agreement is a fortress!

Liu Xing listened to the crackling of the display cabinet and talked a lot about how to use this kitchen knife in daily life and competitions, and he is obliged to cooperate with merchants to promote kitchen knives.What is this?Liu Xing was dizzy when he heard it, he waved his hand, okay, okay, let me go back and think carefully.

Liu Xing put down the kitchen knife and left the shop as if fleeing.

Conditions are negotiable!Be sure to think about it!The shopkeeper yelled at Liu Xing, who ran away, and sighed regretfully, but he couldn't negotiate immediately. If he had known it, he would have made a quotation first!
Zhang Xiaomei and Chao Qian actually wanted to buy a kitchen knife in this shop, but they are now Liu Xing's bodyguards, so hurry up!

The three of them went to another kitchen knife specialty store, but they were also pestered by the shopkeeper to speak for them, so they retreated helplessly.

The three of them could only keep a low profile and went to the third kitchen knife specialty store, but they didn't like the cheap ones, and the good ones were too expensive to buy. The sun was about to set, and the kitchen knives still couldn't be bought after all!

Liu Xing sighed secretly, let's wait for the next time, and return the money to the squad leader after receiving the bonus, to see if there is enough to buy another good kitchen knife or two.

"It's getting late, we should go back! Everyone gather here at Feizhou Rental!" Chao Qian yelled several times in the class group.

Soon the students in the class were assembled, and there were not many of them.

Liu Xing looked at everyone with a satisfied face, it seems that the results of the big purchase are remarkable!Liu Xing touched the Na Baozhu in his arms, it was not bad!Finally, I have the first treasure storage treasure in my life. This treasure pearl is a treasure that I never dared to have in my dreams before. I used to think that it would be very good to have a treasure pouch.

Liu Xing obviously felt that his little dream had grown up a lot, thinking that he could spread his wings and soar above the nine heavens!
When I came here, the special class was a rented white jade flying boat. There were 19 people sharing the same boat, which was quite crowded.

But now, many students have bought flying magic weapons and walking beasts, and they are all released at this time!Hey, it's not short of money, all you want is to be cool!

Liu Xing was amazed again and again, wow, what a big crane, hey, what is this big tortoise used for?Is it pets or food?Holy shit, this turtle can fly?So amazing!
Two male students bought cranes, and one male student Zhang Lang bought tortoises. Although it is troublesome to raise fairy beasts and you need to buy animal control bags to store them, Fuyu's culinary students really don't lack food. The leftovers in the cafeteria are enough to feed them.

Most of the students still buy flying magic weapons, such as white jade duck, white jade boat, flying sword, butterfly, etc. The male students have the same thoughts, if they want to buy at least two people, I don’t need to explain!
At this moment, the male students greeted the female students eagerly one by one, would they share the ride?But there are too many monks and too little porridge!
"Zhang Xiaomei, take my tortoise, it's safe!" Zhang Lang warmly invited Zhang Xiaomei.

Zhang Xiaomei smiled slightly, shook her head and said, "No, I have it myself." After speaking, Zhang Xiaomei released the dragonfly flying artifact she bought, and said to Liu Xing, "Xiao Xing, sit behind me, and I will take you back."

Liu Xing groaned, sat behind the dragonfly, and clamped the special groove on the dragonfly's body with his feet.

The rest of the people have all matched up, only class leader Chao Qian successfully invited a female student Miao Dan to ride the gourd flying magic weapon he bought, and the rest of the male students can only ride together in twos and threes, and they can only look forward to it. Looking at the squad leader's proud face.

The female students actually wanted to invite Liu Xing to take the ride, but Zhang Xiaomei had already taken the lead, so they had to quickly match up.

"Go back." Chao Qian yelled.

Cranes screamed and spread their wings.

The big tortoise kicked on all fours and jumped into the sky. A white cloud suddenly overflowed from its body and floated in the air. It was really stable and its speed was not bad!
The flying magic weapons of the rest of the students flew into the sky one after another, because they were all just getting started, and they were not very stable in flying, and they gradually got used to them.

Zhang Xiaomei greeted: "Ah Xing, sit still."

Liu Xing responded, clamping the dragonfly tightly with both feet.Although Liu Xing is still young, he also understands the principle of intimacy between men and women, and keeps a certain distance from Zhang Xiaomei.

Zhang Xiaomei smiled slightly, and the dragonfly jumped up into the sky, head up and down.

Liu Xing exclaimed, leaned back, and subconsciously hugged Zhang Xiaomei in front of him in a panic.

It was not easy for Zhang Xiao to control the dragonfly to stabilize it.

After the shock, Liu Xing realized that smelling the fragrance, his face was actually pressed against Zhang Xiaomei's fragrant back!Oops, Liu Xing hastily let go of Zhang Xiaomei's waist, blushing.

"Sorry, I'm not very familiar with this dragonfly magical weapon." Zhang Xiaomei apologized. Although she tried to fly it when she bought it, it was not the same after it was loaded with people. wrong!If Liu Xing was injured, the crime would be too great!

Zhang Xiaomei's face was also flushed, and it was the first time she had such intimate contact with a boy.Ah Xing is just a child, so he cannot be considered a man, Zhang Xiaomei thought so.

Liu Xing faltered, for a moment he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

The rest of the male students in the class saw it, and they were all kinds of jealous and envious!Why is it not me who is sitting behind Zhang Xiaomei?
Squad leader Chao Qian blinked his eyes. He actually has a lot of experience in flying magic weapons, but it's obvious that he has to degenerate into a novice right now!
As a result, the gourd that Chao Qian was driving began to sway and jerk, and the figure of Miao Dan sitting behind suddenly jumped forward.

Come on baby, hurry up and hug brother!Chao Qian fantasized happily, hey, where are people?
Looking back, Chao Qian saw that Miao Dan had already started flying, and was flying towards the dragonfly.

"Xiaomei, give me a ride." Miao Dan landed directly behind Liu Xing.

The body of the dragonfly is still very long, and it can seat up to four people.It's just that when Miao Dan sat down so suddenly, Dragonfly's head suddenly turned up again, shaking for a while!
oops!Liu Xing was so dizzy that he was caught between Zhang Xiaomei and Miao Dan tightly, woo woo...I couldn't breathe!

Wow, Ah Xing is too happy!The male students were all red-eyed, gnashing their teeth in various ways, why wasn't I the one sitting in the middle?How unfair the law of heaven is!

Chao Qian cried even more, the cooked duck flew away when it reached his mouth, and it was even cheaper for Liu Xing, woo woo woo...

Dragonfly finally stabilized her figure, but Miao Dan still hugged Zhang Xiaomei tightly.Liu Xing was deeply trapped in the mountains, and his nosebleeds were about to spurt out!

Zhang Xiaomei wondered: "Okay, Xiaodan, you can let go." Come on, you can fly by yourself, what are you afraid of!

Only then did Miao Dan let go of the arm holding Xiaomei, but she still turned to press Liu Xing's shoulder.

Liu Xing heaved a sigh of relief, oh my god, just now I have a deep understanding of what is called the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire!It's too much!

After flying for a while, everyone gradually became familiar with the mounts and flying magic weapons, and they could fly very steadily.

The white clouds are blossoming, the breeze is gentle, how happy it is!

Chao Qian raised his head, shook his head and hummed: "Let's go, let's go, everyone, come with me!"

The students looked at each other with a slight smile, and began to hum one after another:
Traveled all over the mountains and rivers, people are not old

Young ambitions without worries

Mo ah Mo look back

Let the years flow with the water

Huangliang, a dream, the situation changes again

Sprinkling to the world is resentment
paddle a boat

let me travel

Happy world and I compete for freedom
share a glass of wine
Love is hard to find in the world

Lovesickness is difficult, pride reappears
Flying through the chaotic clouds is still leisurely

paddle a boat

Who wants to hang out with me
Tian Ruo Qing Tian Yi Lao

It's better to compete with the sky for freedom


Cha classmate is a teenager, in his prime!A getaway, unforgettable tonight!The students in the special class [-] were laughing and chatting happily, walking around in a leisurely way!
After returning to the academy, Liu Xing bid farewell to his classmates, came to Moxuan's courtyard humming a little tune, and walked into the special kitchen as usual.

"Teacher Huashan, Sister Wu, Master Bao." Liu Xing greeted them one by one.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, Xiaoxing is very happy today, did something good happen?
Liu Xing smiled and took out the precious pearl as if presenting a treasure. I bought it today when I was shopping. It’s amazing!

It's Na Baozhu, and Xiao Xing finally has his magic storage tool. Mo Xuan sighed for a while. He still remembered that he tightened his trouser pockets and gritted his teeth to exchange for a small space of only one cubic meter, although it was the last time. But the treasure bag that Mo Xuan has been fascinated by for a long time!

And that treasure bag, Moxuan, has been used for more than 140 years!Later, after Mo Xuan cultivated into a fairy, he borrowed the teacher's transport spirit ship to go to work in the void. With luck, he encountered a small meteorite belt, and then met Xiaoba. It was given to Que'er, and not long after, Que'er had her own eliminated Na Baozhu, and gave the Nabao pouch to Huali, which has been treasured by Huali until now.

It really is like smoke in the past!Mo Xuan and Kong Ling glanced at each other, and couldn't help but sigh, thinking of many past times.

After listening to Mo Xuan's narration, Liu Xing and Bao Qingyun couldn't help being deeply shocked!I never thought that Mo Xuan would have such a past!
Bao Qingyun finally knew why Mo Xuan was so different, and sighed for a while.

A small treasure bag of one cubic meter is completely defective. Liu Xing remembers that the last treasure bag he saw in the refining workshop was three to four cubic meters in size.And Mr. Huashan has used it for more than 140 years, good boy!Liu Xing finally found out, he was really a prodigal, the first magic storage artifact was such an expensive Na Baozhu, it should not have been done!In the future, we must be diligent and thrifty, and thrifty and thrifty!Look up to Teacher Huashan!

Mo Xuan smiled slightly. Of course, those are old calendars from the past. Now I wear a storage ring on my right hand and a storage bracelet on my left hand. They are the most exquisite storage items in the third level of time and space, which can be encountered but not sought after. Treasure!
And the value of the massive fairy stones, magic weapons, and treasures contained in storage rings and storage bracelets can no longer be estimated with numerical values!

Mo Xuan is not complacent at all, everything has to look forward!
Liu Xing suddenly remembered the endorsement of the kitchen knife, so he asked the three of Mo Xuan for advice.

Endorsement?Bao Qingyun didn't have such high-end goods in that era, and he blinked, expressing that he was helpless.

Mo Xuan shook his head slightly, and said to Liu Xing: "Xiao Xing, you have a patent, so you are not short of money! The most important thing for you right now is to learn cooking skills and work hard to cultivate immortals! Then I don't care about any endorsements, etc. You will cultivate into a fairy and become a star chef in the future, and receiving endorsements will not be [-] times better than now!"

Liu Xing nodded again and again, I know!After playing for a day, Liu Xing started to continue to learn how to cook!

Oh, it's still cool to use this black iron kitchen knife!Liu Xing really couldn't put it down, so he asked Master Bao, how can this black iron kitchen knife be sold?

However, Bao Qingyun knew that this mysterious iron kitchen knife was the masterpiece of Mo Que'er and Xiaoyun, and it was specially made for Kong Ling's learning chef. There are three sets in total. For practice!
Mo Que'er and Xiaoyun are not here at the moment, Bao Qingyun said to Liu Xing: "Little Xing, your foundation is not too solid, and a very good kitchen knife will hinder you, so use your three A kitchen knife is good for your cooking skills, and I will prepare a good set of kitchen knives for you when you are good enough."

So this is ah!Liu Xing still nodded wildly, put down the black iron kitchen knife, and began to practice hard with his three ordinary kitchen knives!

(End of this chapter)

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