Interstellar Miner

Chapter 379 The enemy advances and I retreat

Chapter 379 The enemy advances and I retreat
Another month passed in a flash.

Liu Xing's patent for pumpkin dumplings was approved immediately, but the patent for pumpkin cakes had twists and turns.

The two patents are directly named after Liu Xing, and they are called Liu Xing Pumpkin Dumplings and Liu Xing Pumpkin Cakes!

At present, it has started trial operation in small stalls, small restaurants, and large restaurants. After three days of promotion, Liu Xing's pumpkin dumplings are selling well, and Liu Xing's pumpkin cakes are not selling well!After all, the public still likes strange things. Pumpkin pies are too commonplace, but pumpkin pies are so delicious, and Fuyu’s chain stores are vigorously promoting them. It's been two months!

And Liu Xing's catfish seafood noodles really sold very well, this month's bonus is full of three first-grade immortal stones!
Liu Xing also experienced the wonderful taste of not bad money!Liu Xing was not in a hurry to consign it to his family, the handling fee was still too expensive, and Liu Xing was in a lot of pain, so he decided to wait until he had saved up more and then consign it together, which would save a lot of handling fees!
Then Liu Xing received a letter consigned from his home.Everything is fine at home, the business at nine o’clock is still tepid, but food and clothing will be settled, let Liu Xing not worry, learn to cook well, if you have money, you can keep it for yourself, outside is no better than at home, you can use it everywhere to money.

Liu Xing felt relieved and studied harder!

But at this time, Mo Que'er and Xiao Yun were very upset!
Hanlifang has upgraded from a small fight to a large army, and even more shamelessly spread out the troops, covering them 360 degrees without any dead ends!
In this month, Mo Que'er's record has plummeted compared to the previous month!
First of all, there are a lot fewer contests that the Four Immortals can participate in. Hanlifang always fills in the gaps at the first time and does not give the Four Immortals a chance to join forces. The strategic ship Explorer has always hidden a powerful jumping ability. However, Hanlifang always waited until it was almost time to arrive, and Hanlifang took the first step, so the trip was in vain.

Secondly, if the Four Immortals take the initiative to attack, Hanlifang will use it in reverse, and calculate the time from multiple aspects and angles to attack the Four Immortals. This month, the Four Immortals only participated in ten competitions, and in the end there were five competitions because Not being able to arrive in time within the time limit turned into a defeat without a fight, it is simply aggrieved!
Last month, Mo Que'er won 22 games, and he rushed to the top of the list in one fell swoop!And this month, he only won five mid- and low-rank Xuanxians, which really didn't help Mo Que'er's record improvement!

Of course, Mo Que'er and Xiao Yun are not easy to bully. They have already predicted this situation, and the reason why they have been led by the nose by Han Lifang is actually also a layout. In a split second, Hanlifang's troops spread out, occupying more than half of the Rainbow Bridge Galaxy!

The beautiful Rainbow Bridge galaxy is not very rich. There are not many life planets and small fairylands, so it is only shared by some small forces. Usually, it is considered to be peaceful, and a little friction is harmless.

And when the foreign Hanlifang suddenly did this, those small forces suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of urgency, and there were so many troops in Hanlifang, it was obviously not like they would leave if they took advantage of a wave, but planned to To occupy the Rainbow Bridge galaxy for a long time is too much!
Even if the rainbow stars are not rich, they can't be considered bad either. Those small powers still have a pretty good life!The sudden entry of Hanlifang is like a big tiger suddenly coming to a forest occupied by monkeys, and this big tiger can eat monkeys one after another!
Under such circumstances, how can those small forces in the Rainbow Bridge galaxy sit still and wait for death? They have already urgently united together. Of course, one or two monkeys cannot be the opponent of the tiger, but a group of monkeys rushed up to fight with knives and sticks. You have to be cowardly too!
Just one word - do it!Drive the domineering Hanlifang out of the Rainbow Bridge galaxy!
In the final analysis, no matter how noisy the Four Immortals Sect is, it is nothing more than a sect of four people, and it will not take much advantage if they break their legs. It is impossible to threaten these small forces within a few hundred years, and Hanlifang is completely It's different, the threat is too great, we have to guard against it!
In fact, the main purpose of Hanlifang is to snipe at the Four Immortals, but it can't be regarded as invisible if you put the benefits in front of you. You should swallow it or you have to swallow it. It is inevitable to have friction with those small forces in the Rainbow Bridge Galaxy, otherwise it will come like this What are the troops doing?No soy sauce!
It's just that the sniper attack on the Four Immortals was so cool that I couldn't hold back for a while. As a result, the spread was too wide, and the battle line was stretched all over at once.

The small powers united as one, united in the same hatred, and struck out together, hitting Hanlifang by surprise, and staggered a bit!
However, Hanlifang is not easy to bully. It is also the second-ranked medium force, with three golden immortals and more than 600 mysterious immortals. Although only a small half of the troops have been dispatched, it is enough for the small forces in the Rainbow Bridge galaxy to drink a pot that's it!
Although the two sides have not developed to the extent of a full-scale exchange of fire, the contests surrounding various scales are already full of gunpowder!
Although the cards of the small forces of all parties are far inferior to Hanlifang, there are still some high-ranking Xuanxians. Together, they are also a huge elite force!

The middle and lower grade Xuanxians in Hanlifang are really no opponents, so they can only send out the top grade Xuanxians to fight!

For such a situation, Mo Que'er and Xiao Yun are happy to hear and see, all kinds of fishing in troubled waters, threading needles, shooting a gun to change a place, not on the premise of winning the record, but in order to intensify the friction between Hanlifang and the small forces of the Rainbow Bridge galaxy!

Even so, Mo Que'er still made a lot of achievements in the next month, and then Mo Que'er and Xiaoyun disappeared, leaving Hanlifang and those small forces to fight to the death!
Although Hanlifang has been paying attention to the latest developments of the Four Immortals, but now the war is raging, and the entire Rainbow Bridge galaxy is fighting everywhere, and it can't care about so many!
The enemy advances and I retreat!

In fact, Mo Que'er and Xiaoyun have quietly left the Rainbow Bridge Galaxy and hid in the Feiyun Galaxy. They waited patiently until Hanlifang and the small forces in the Rainbow Bridge Galaxy were fighting in full swing, and took aim at a perfect When the timing was right, he went berserk!
In just ten days, Mo Que'er won 40 contests, and rose another place on the black ranking list, already No.[-]!
Hanlifang was also anxious after getting the news, but there was no other way. He had already been entangled by those small forces in the Rainbow Bridge galaxy, and he couldn't escape for the time being. He had no choice but to send the elite Xuanxian Squadron who was in charge of attacking the Four Immortals Sect in the first place. In the past, snipe the Four Immortals as much as possible!
But the rest of Hanlifang's troops can't be dispatched easily. After all, there are three middle-level forces around the Heigu galaxy occupied by Hanlifang. There will be action!

One ebbs and another grows, the enemy is strong and we are weak!Those three middle-level powers would not just watch Jinghanlifang continue to grow and develop, and they have already made small moves!

Hanlifang really had no time to spare, so Feng Gaojun Jinxian led a battleship squadron to the Rainbow Bridge galaxy. Compared with the thankless sniping of the Four Immortals, of course it is more important to capture the Rainbow Bridge galaxy. This time, Jinxian has always been very clear!

A small Four Immortal Sect can still be turned over, we Hanlifang can clean it up whenever we want, and we can destroy the Four Immortal Sect with a single hand!Now that it has successfully deployed in the Rainbow Bridge galaxy, of course we must strive for more benefits!

The arrival of Feng Gaojun Jinxian immediately gave Hanlifang's troops a shot in the arm.

The small forces in the Rainbow Bridge galaxy are really helpless. After all, the lack of golden immortal combat power is their biggest flaw. Fortunately, only one rich and tall golden immortal came, which is not enough to turn the world around, and they can still fight , but it will be much more difficult!The Rainbow Bridge galaxy is our homeland, how can we tolerate the invasion of foreign enemies, the small forces are desperate, and fight with Hanlifang!

In a flash, five years have passed.

The Rainbow Bridge galaxy is still full of excitement, and the dispute between Hanlifang and those small forces has reached a fever pitch!

Although Hanlifang with the golden fairy boss sits in the town, the scene is dominant, but the Rainbow Bridge Galaxy is the base camp of those small forces after all, sitting on many life planets and small fairy worlds, and they can compete for only a small part of them when the time limit expires , Most of them are still competing for the newly born Little Fairyland and Mineral Planet!

However, after five years of hard work, Hanlifang has already occupied a considerable area of ​​the Rainbow Bridge galaxy, and has built it into the backyard of Hanlifang!
All forces are paying close attention to the disputes in the Rainbow Bridge galaxy. In such a comparison, the strong rise of Huo Qingling of the Four Immortals is not so conspicuous!
After five years, Mo Que'er and Xiao Yun traveled to Zilin galaxy and Feiyun galaxy, and fought guerrilla warfare with the small sniper troops squeezed out from between the teeth of Hanlifang, and the record was quite brilliant!

Huo Qingling has now reached No. 40 on the Profound List, which is no ordinary shock!One must know that Lei Batian didn't reach the rankings so fast back then, but after all, Huo Qingling had already defeated No. 20 No. [-] Jingxi Xuanxian, and people were not so surprised to be able to achieve such an achievement!

Going forward on the Xuanbang, you can't easily improve by defeating some first-rank Xuanxians, you have to challenge the masters on the Xuanbang to win the record!And there are only [-] great powers on the Xuanbang, distributed in various regions of the four layers of time and space, how can they be encountered casually, so Huo Qingling's entry into the list has been suspended for more than half a year and there has been no movement.

In fact, Mo Que'er and Xiao Yun didn't intend to be so radical all of a sudden, and started to challenge the power of Xuanbang!In Xuan's words, the Xuanbang ranking is just a false name, Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, the real benefits are real!

It's also quite boring to fight with not-so-good opponents all the time, so Mo Que'er didn't have much interest after reaching the top of the rankings, and switched to giving priority to the Four Immortals to grab money, food and territory, and ranking second. She deliberately kept a low profile, so it took five years for Mo Que'er to only rank No. 40 on the Prominent List.

However, the poor and white Four Immortals have quietly changed drastically!
Now the Little Immortal Realm of the Four Immortals Sect alone has been ranked No. 16, and there are a lot of other natural treasures, meteorite belts and so on!
The 1-year period of use is not a long period of time for these large and medium-sized forces, but for the Four Immortals, 1 years is really long!
You must know that Mo Xuan and his party have joined Tianjianmen for only a little over 1000 years!The oldest Kong Ling in the group was only two thousand years old, and Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er were even younger, but Xiao Yun's age has always been a mystery.Mo Xuan privately speculated that Xiaoyun might be unimaginably older!
A full 1 years is enough for the Four Immortals to do many things!

It's just that Mo Que'er and Xiaoyun have been busy grabbing money, food, and territory, and they don't have time to take care of the sixteen small fairy worlds. The meteorite belt they occupy is easy to deal with. The most valuable meteorites are cleared immediately. It has been fully contracted out, and you can get bonuses easily.

If those sixteen fairy worlds are left alone, it would be a waste of money, so Mo Que'er and Xiao Yun's next strategy is to recruit some idle small forces and put them in those small fairy worlds to thrive and grow together!

Time is still a bit tight, the original plan was to return to the third layer of time and space within ten years, and before I knew it, eight or nine years had passed!After all, Taishi Li is still practicing in the fairy palace of the third level of time and space, and it would be a big trouble not to send him back to the second level of time and space sooner.

(End of this chapter)

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