Interstellar Miner

Chapter 381 Jewel Star

Chapter 381 Jewel Star
But at the moment, Mo Xuan's identity is Hua Shan, a Go teacher hired by Fuyu Culinary Academy with a high salary. He leads the freshmen to practice, but he is unable to participate in the battle of the Void Monster.

And Kong Ling is a freshman at Fuyu Culinary Academy, so it is even more inconvenient to participate.

Mo Xuan and Kong Ling could only look at each other and smile wryly, depressed!
At this moment, with two beeps, Mo Xuan and Kong Ling received a small message at the same time, it was from Mo Que'er!

Because the sending of messages can be intercepted, Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, Mo Que'er, and Xiao Yun usually contact each other only once every two or three months!
Mo Queer and Xiaoyun are going to recruit some small idle forces. The Zilin galaxy and Feiyun galaxy are peaceful and difficult to incorporate, but the Rainbow Bridge galaxy is in turmoil. There are already many idle forces that have no choice but to become rootless floating Ping is the best candidate for the Four Immortals Sect!So Mo Que'er and Xiao Yun quietly returned to the Rainbow Bridge galaxy, and learned that Hanlifang is mobilizing a crowd to round up an extremely precious void monster with the title of living fossil-Jewel Star!So he came over excitedly to join in the fun, unexpectedly, Xiao Ba sensed that Mo Xuan and Kong Ling were nearby.

Mo Que'er: Xuan, sister Ling, why are you here?

Huh!Bird is here too? !Mo Xuan and Kong Ling looked at each other in surprise, with the same thoughts!
Hanlifang saw the Four Immortals School as extremely displeasing, and has been sparing no effort to snipe and suppress the Four Immortals School!How could Mo Xuan and his party look pleasing to Hanlifang? If it weren't for the weak power, they wouldn't be patient!

After five years, the four members of the Four Immortals Sect gathered together again, and the super hole cards of the Four Immortals Sect were there. It is better to hit the sun than choose the day, and it is time to fight back against Hanlifang!

Without hesitation, Mo Xuan drove Fuyu's battleship to a valley on a nearby planet, and told Tang Feihe to keep an eye on the little guys, and then Mo Xuan and Kong Ling left the ship.

This... Teacher Huashan, student Wu, what are you two doing, don't mess around, Hanlifang is so huge, how can our little Fuyu Culinary Academy afford to offend!Hey, don't go!
Tang Feihe saw that Mo Xuan and Kong Ling had already disappeared by flying together with a sword, so he could only secretly smile bitterly, praying that Huashan and Wu Xiahuai would not be impulsive, and that they would not conflict with Hanlifang.

Mo Xuan and Kong Ling flew stealthily for a while, a faint light flashed in the void ahead, and the strategic ship Explorer with two pairs of large wings emerged from the darkness.

Mo Xuan and Kong Ling boarded the strategic ship Adventurer right away, and the strategic ship Explorer became invisible again.

"Xuan." Mo Que'er happily rushed towards Mo Xuan, just a lunge!
Mo Xuan smiled slightly and opened his arms, looking at Mo Que'er tenderly. After a few years of separation, Que'er has obviously grown a lot, such a heroic figure!

Seeing Mo Que'er flying over, Mo Xuan seemed to have seen the little girl with bright eyes and bright teeth combing her cute bun in a bun and gathering thousands of agility all over her body. Before she knew it, Que'er had already He has grown into a beautiful and heroic person today!
In a flash, Mo Que'er threw himself into Mo Xuan's arms and hugged Mo Xuan's waist tightly.During these five years, Mo Que'er missed Mo Xuan all the time, and she was really willing to part with Mo Xuan, but for the sake of the future, she had to part and fight hard!
Que'er rushed so fiercely that Mo Xuan was knocked flying by her!Mo Xuan also hugged Mo Que'er tightly, and the two spun gently in the air, staring at each other, there was no words, only affectionate words, at this moment, silence speaks louder than words.

Kong Ling looked at this warm scene with a slight smile, the past five years have been really hard!It was a coincidence that they could meet again this time.

The lips of Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er were getting closer and closer, regardless of the fact that there were still a few big light bulbs nearby, they were already stuck together, and they kissed affectionately and intoxicated.

Xiaoyun rolled his eyes, really, we haven't seen each other for five years, why should we be so anxious!

Both Xiao Ba and Xiao Tong watched the show with wide eyes and great interest.

Kong Ling rolled her eyes angrily, and acted consciously.

Xiaotong had no choice but to turn around and sneakily aimed at it out of the corner of her eye.Xiaoba pretended to be honest and covered his eyes with his tentacles, but in fact, this guy didn't need to use his eyes to see things at all!

Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er, who were kissing together, flew dozens of times in the air before landing on the ground, but they continued to kiss together selflessly.

Xiaoyun shook his head speechlessly, young people nowadays, why are they so ignorant!
After waiting for a long time, Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er still kissed each other, Xiao Yun coughed and said, "You two should go to the empty room next door."

As soon as the words fell, Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er teleported to the empty room next door, and quickly arranged a silence enchantment.

Xiaoyun suddenly became embarrassed, you two are enough, can't you hear the irony I said on purpose!

Kong Ling chuckled, and asked, "Xiaoyun, what kind of void monster is it that mobilizes so many people in Hanlifang?"

Xiaoyun raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Good baby, Kong Ling, have you heard of the jewel star?"

Kong Ling thought for a while, then shook her head.

Xiaoyun explained: "The Jewel Star is an ancient void monster that eats diamonds, agates and other gems, even older than the Skyfly, but the Jewel Star has an extremely strong body and an extremely long lifespan. So there are still survivors! This time, Hanlifang accidentally dug out a gem star hidden in the meteorite when mining a meteorite belt. According to information, the diameter of this gem star is 500 meters. Mi Kai away, I’m afraid he has lived for billions of years, and his body is full of treasures! That’s why Han Li Fang blocked a large area to keep it secret, but the jewel star is very difficult to catch, Han The fact that Li Fang is so motivating is still leaking the news, and other small forces in the Rainbow Bridge Galaxy have also been dispatched now! When they make a mess, we can fish in troubled waters!"

Kong Ling nodded in admiration. It turned out that this was the case, but we just happened to catch up. It seems that we are destined to be with that jewel star, so let's take it!
Hanlifang's communication system is still very secretive, and Xiaoyun only cracked a small part of it, but it's barely enough!Xiaoyun quietly sneaked into the encirclement of the Hanlifang fleet with the invisible strategic ship Explorer, and approached the jewel star.

The Expedition strategic ship sneaked nearby, but Kong Ling and Xiaoyun only saw seven or eight Hanlifang warships floating in the void in pieces, suffering heavy losses, and a Hanlifang fleet was carrying out emergency rescue.

Wow!Kong Ling couldn't help but exclaimed, is Gem Star really that powerful?Hanlifang has dispatched so many warships, but none of them can take it down!
Xiaoyun rubbed his chin, pondered: "Maybe that jewel star is no longer an ordinary jewel star, it has already evolved some amazing supernatural powers, it's not easy to deal with."

Kong Ling nodded in agreement, let's not act rashly and wait and see.

Xiao Yun patted Xiao Ba, it's up to you!

Xiao Ba smiled complacently, the vertical eyes flickering between his brows, and said: "There is an energy fluctuation that is very subtle, but it still can't escape my induction. It should be the jewel star, and it is escaping there. Well, there is a very The strong guy is rushing over, it should be Feng Gaojun Jinxian from Hanlifang, he is not far away."

Kong Ling and Xiaoyun exchanged glances, Jinxian is still very difficult to deal with, it seems that we still have to make a quick decision!
Under the driving of Xiaoba, the explorer strategic ship quickly caught up with the jewel star.Xiao Ba giggled and said, "Xiao Mian, Master Ba is here, you can't escape."

"Hey, where is it?" Kong Ling only saw the endless void, but did not find the existence of the jewel star!Xiaoyun squinted his eyes, the invisibility ability of this jewel star is really good!
"It's just two kilometers ahead!" Xiao Ba raised a tentacle finger and pointed at the jewel star.

Kong Ling looked in that direction carefully, and then managed to find a faint silhouette that was barely visible, so dark that it couldn't be seen clearly. Is this the jewel star?It was too different from what Kong Ling expected!

Xiao Yun explained: "The jewel star is a solid body like a condensed diamond. As long as it is not illuminated by light, it is almost colorless and invisible, and it is extremely difficult to be found. If you shine light on the jewel star, it will be colorful and colorful. Extremely bright! Because of the special system of the Jewel Star, among the five elements, only the fire system can slightly restrain it, and its body is extremely strong and sharp, and its physical attacks are quite sharp. Those torn apart warships should be destroyed by it of."

So this is ah!Kong Ling nodded her head and said, "Then what shall we do?"

Xiaoyun pondered and said: "I'm afraid this big guy still has some supernatural powers that I don't know. We are now surrounded by Hanlifang. We must succeed with one blow, otherwise we will be very passive! Let's expose his traces first, Let Hanlifang's warships come over and serve as cannon fodder to test his depth, and then wait for the opportunity to act."

Kong Ling smiled, according to you.

Xiaoba manipulated the searchlight of the strategic ship Explorer to shoot a beam of light at the gem star. In an instant, a super huge diamond burst into colorful and bright light, which was so beautiful!

Kong Ling couldn't help being stunned for a moment, is this the real jewel star?It's really beautiful!
Even Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er, who were self-forgetful and double-cultivating, were startled, and they all looked at Gem Star, wow, what is this?Super big diamond?It seems to be a creature!Although I don't know him, he is definitely a super baby!
Mo Que'er's eyes are full of little stars, but she really doesn't have much resistance to this super-large diamond. I'm going to make it, grandma!
Jewel Star realized that his figure had been exposed, and immediately became angry from embarrassment, circling quickly and rushed towards the strategic ship Explorer!

Whoops, it's quite fierce.Xiaoyun immediately took over the control of the strategic ship Exploration, manipulated the battleship to roll over dexterously, dodged the onslaught of the Jewel Star, and fled to a distance in a flash. The speed was extremely fast, and the Jewel Star was far away. behind.

Gem Star was really beyond reach, so he had no choice but to continue running.

Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er's double cultivation also had to be suspended. Mo Xuan hugged Que'er and came to the living room to inquire. It turned out that it was the gem star, and it really lived up to its name!

"Hanlifang's fleet has arrived, let's withdraw first." Xiaoyun drove the invisible strategic ship Explorer to avoid Hanlifang's fleet.

Strange, there should have been a battleship here before, right?Why is it gone?The captain of Hanlifang's fleet couldn't help but secretly frowned. Could it be that some small force's invisible battleship sneaked in and just happened to hit the jewel star head-on?Is there such a coincidence?

Hanlifang's battleship spread out swiftly, and fired at the void with the searchlight of the battleship, quickly swept out the jewel star and locked on to the jewel star.

I can't control that much anymore, first capture the jewel star, we are a fleet, and the opponent is just a battleship, which can be completely ignored!The captain of the fleet immediately ordered that the warships immediately disperse and surround the jewel star, don't get too close, keep a safe enough distance, and use a net to cover the jewel star to slow down its speed!In this way, the jewel star's attack can be dodged in time. Although the net bag is not very effective against the jewel star, covering a few more net pockets can greatly restrict the jewel star's actions, and finally successfully captured it!
Gemstar circled around and rushed left and right, but was still unable to break out of the encirclement, and his temper became more and more irritable!

At this moment, a battleship suddenly came out, and it was the forward detachment of the United Fleet of those small forces in the Rainbow Bridge Galaxy that got the news!That fleet forcibly smashed through a big gap, scrambling to rush towards the jewel star, whoever wins the jewel star will own it, hurry up!
"A group of idiots who don't understand the situation at all!" The fleet captain of Hanlifang cursed angrily, and gave the latest combat order helplessly, "Everyone, stay away from the jewel star!"

However, it was still a step too late!Seeing so many battleships rushing over, Gem Star was not surprised but delighted, and rushed towards those battleships while circling!

Between the lightning and the flint, the jewel star bounced around dozens of battleships like marbles, and the speed was superimposed faster and faster. Even if the battleship could withstand one or two impacts of the jewel star, it could not After staying three or four times, four or five times, many battleships were smashed to pieces by the gem star, and a large area was splashed!

The fleet of Hanlifang and the fleets of those small forces suffered heavy losses at once. Fortunately, the battleships were all immortals with strong strength, so there were only injuries and no deaths.

Jewel Star took advantage of the chaos and rushed out of the encirclement, fled and hid in the endless void.

(End of this chapter)

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