Chapter 382

Wow, great!Mo Xuan and his entourage couldn't help but exclaimed, this jewel star obviously has a super high IQ, and its combat power is not bad, it is very different from ordinary void monsters.

I'm afraid it will be quite difficult for us to win the Gem Star in one go.Moreover, the fleet of Hanlifang and the warships of those small forces have almost mixed together, forming a huge encirclement, blocking the transition system. Even if we win the Jewel Star, it will not be easy to break through!

Mo Xuan and his party summed it up, and for the time being, quietly followed behind Gem Star, waiting patiently for a good opportunity.

The flagship of Hanlifang.

After Feng Gaojun Jinxian heard the team leader's report, he just smiled lightly, and those small forces really came to join in the fun, just right, this time, he took advantage of the opportunity of the Jewel Star to clean them up and make them suffer for several years. Pave the way for Hanlifang to dominate the Rainbow Bridge galaxy!

Feng Gaojun Jinxian immediately ordered: "Loosen the outer defensive circle, let their fleet break in, and let's catch a turtle in one urn!"

"The deputy sect master is wise and mighty."

"This time it's hard for them to fly with wings!"

The immortals in Hanlifang sneered again and again, sharpening their knives, and those small forces were too overwhelmed, trying to be a car with their arms, this time they are going to look good!


The combined fleet is commanded by Juzhi Shixuanxian, the master of Zhishimen.

After listening to the report of the surprise attack fleet, Ju Zhishi couldn't help but frowned, and fell silent. He never thought that the jewel star was so difficult to deal with. He and the Hanlifang fleet caused considerable losses and broke out of the siege!

In the final analysis, although Gem Star is famous, its specific information is mostly legends, and it is difficult to tell whether it is true or false. Hanlifang has engaged in such a big battle but failed to capture Gem Star quickly. It is too whimsical for a small fleet to make a surprise attack!

Right now, the powerful enemy Hanli Fang is on the lookout. Although the fleet of Party B is superior in number, it is after all a patchwork of various factions. Fang fleet on a par.And according to the information, the Feng Gaojun Jinxian from Hanlifang is about to arrive, we don't have the means to suppress the power of the Jinxian, and we will be extremely passive by then!
Is it time to fight or evacuate in time?

Although Ju Zhishi Xuanxian is the commander-in-chief, he can't make such a crucial decision. He can only convene a council urgently, and the top leaders of all forces will discuss countermeasures together.

As a result, there was a lot of noise. Many suzerains looked at the ruby ​​star and wanted to take the food from the tiger's mouth; Watch again and again, fight if you can beat it, and run if you can't beat it...

Sure enough, it was like this again, Ju Zhishi secretly sighed, and rubbed his sore and swollen temples with his thumbs. Thanks to countless bloody historical lessons, everyone knew what the result would be if he sought skin from a tiger. , Ignored Hanlifang's continuous sowing and discord, otherwise it would be really bad!
The final result of the discussion is to fight first, and Ju Zhishi can only do his best to formulate the best combat strategy that can be attacked, retreated or defended, and is preparing to fight head-on with Hanlifang!
Since there was going to be a wave of attack, Ju Zhishi attacked decisively and issued orders to the fleets. The main force group immediately gathered together, mainly battleships with strong attack and defense capabilities; the auxiliary attack fleet consisted of battleships with strong mobility. Formed into four brigades, see every stitch; the backup fleet controls the distance and is on standby at any time!
Ju Zhishi waved his hand violently, taking advantage of the time gap before Feng Gaojun Jinxian arrived, the thunder struck and caught Hanlifang by surprise!
The top leaders of various forces jointly elected Ju Zhishi as the commander-in-chief of the joint fleet. Naturally, they were extremely convinced of his combat commanding ability, and they should have taken action immediately!


Mo Xuan and his entourage quietly followed the jewel star, swaying their swords, cleverly avoiding fleets one after another, and moved towards the periphery of the encirclement.

"Xuan, it seems that this place is already quite remote, why don't we just do it." Mo Que'er was gearing up for the jewel star.

Mo Xuan pondered: "Que'er, don't worry. Xiao Ba, how is the situation of Hanlifang's fleet and the fleet divisions of those small forces?"

The vertical eyes between Xiaoba's eyebrows flickered for a while, and Xiaotong assisted in projecting a simulation map of the entire battlefield in an instant!
Huh!The United Fleet has gathered together, but Hanlifang's fleet is still scattered, and the support force led by Feng Gaojun Jinxian is not far away!This is……

Mo Xuan and his entourage looked at each other in amazement, it seems that the United Fleet is not just here to fight for soy sauce to snatch the gem star, but is really going to confront Hanlifang head-on!
That being the case, then it's not too late for us to wait until the two sides fight together!Since the Expedition strategic ship is following the jewel star.


In fact, Jewel Star has already discovered the sneaky warship hanging behind him. Before, it was hiding well and took a picture of itself, but it was surrounded. If we don't solve it, it will be difficult. Escape Ascension!

The jewel star quietly led the strategic ship Explorer to a direction.


The war is about to start!
The Hanlifang Fleet, sharpening their knives, never imagined that it was the United Fleet that first sounded the charge, and the United Fleet fought so resolutely, so decisively and swiftly!

Although Hanlifang's fleet has rich combat experience, after all, the divisions are too scattered, and the United Fleet seized the weakness in a short time. In just one charge, Hanlifang's fleet was destroyed by concentrated fire, and two and a half squadrons were enough More than 300 warships!

Without the protection of the battleship, under the bombardment of countless artillery fire, the immortals with low cultivation could only be reduced to cannon fodder and turned into cosmic dust; Aiming at it, he had no choice but to raise his hand and surrender. According to the decree promulgated by the four little Taoist monarchs, the personal safety of the captives is still guaranteed!
Good guy!How dare you!What the hell is it easy to bully when we Hanlifang!The Hanlifang Fleet immediately began to operate crazily, quickly assembled together, and head-to-head with the United Fleet!

Although the United Fleet was inferior to the Hanlifang Fleet in terms of integrity, Ju Zhishi cleverly used the shortcomings of its wide variety of warships and became a sharp weapon. After a fierce exchange of fire, it defeated the Hanlifang Fleet. Back and forth!

After all, the Hanlifang Fleet has rich combat experience. Although the scene is not good-looking, in fact there is not much loss. Even if the battleship is damaged, the immortals inside can always retreat in time to hide in the other warships under the cover of the other warships at the first time .

After Feng Gaojun Jinxian got the news, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and ordered the Hanlifang Fleet to hold back the United Fleet. To be able to fly through, it will take at least two hours to reach the battlefield!Feng Gaojun Jinxian secretly gritted his teeth, since you guys did it first, then don't blame me for being rude!

Just when the warships of the two sides were fighting in full swing, Mo Xuan and his party were ready to attack.

However, the jewel star suddenly accelerated and rushed into a large meteorite belt.

Why?This... Mo Xuan and his party looked at each other in amazement. Could it be that the jewel star has discovered our tailing?Or do you just want to hide in this meteorite belt?

No matter what, it would be more beneficial for us to do it in this meteorite belt. We have to see how many catties this jewel star weighs.

Xiaoyun and Xiaotong are on board the Expedition strategic ship, while Mo Xuan, Mo Queer, Kong Ling, and Xiaoba have formed an arresting team, dispatch!
Before entering the meteorite belt, Mo Xuan asked: "Xiaoba, where is it hiding?"

Xiaoba's brows and eyes flickered, hey, why can't I find it?Where did the jewel star hide?

Even Xiao Ba couldn't sense it, Mo Xuan, Mo Que'er and Kong Ling couldn't help but look at each other in amazement, it seems that this jewel star really has two brushes!

Xiaoyun, the self-proclaimed commander, sent a message urging: "Jewel Star is so big, just use the fireball as a searchlight! Speed!"

Xiaoyun really does not hurt his back while standing and talking, Mo Xuan gave the two girls a look, let's be careful, we are each other's horns, Gem Star has at least Xuanxian-level combat power, and should not be underestimated.

Xiao Ba's current combat strength is comparable to that of ordinary immortals, and he obediently follows Mo Xuan.

After entering the meteorite belt, the three of Mo Xuan each released a big fireball to irradiate the large meteorite. It took a full two hours to irradiate all the big meteorites to one side, but nothing was found.

Mo Xuan couldn't help frowning secretly, it's weird, maybe the jewel star has already escaped?

Xiao Ba shook his head, I have been staring at it, it must still be hiding in the meteorite belt!
Mo Que'er, a man of high art, suggested: "Why don't we spread out, we'll stay together all the time, I'm afraid that guy won't take the initiative to show up!"

Kong Ling nodded in agreement. We don't know the full strength of Jewel Star, but it also doesn't know our strength. As long as one person entangles it for a while, it won't be able to escape!
Mo Xuan pondered for a moment, looked at Mo Que'er, then at Kong Ling, and knew that he had been caring too much for the two girls, which was actually not good for the growth of the two girls.Que'er has grown a lot after fighting for five years, but under her protection, Ling'er is probably the only one who has improved a lot in cooking.The flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand wind and rain. Thinking of this, Mo Xuan nodded, be careful.

Mo Xuan was still a little worried about Kong Ling, so he asked Xiao Ba to follow Kong Ling, and in case of any sudden situation, let the thick-skinned Xiao Ba go up to him.

Xiao Ba rolled his eyes speechlessly, but he still tried his best to protect Kong Ling, ready to be a meat shield at any time!With his self-healing ability, even if he is torn to pieces, he will be a running around in minutes!It is indeed the No. [-] meat shield in Tianzi!
The three of them split up and searched in the meteorite belt.

Mo Que'er gradually became impatient, and slapped a large meteorite belt flying away, nothing; another large meteorite belt flew away, still nothing, where did that guy hide!

Kong Ling is on the defensive, and Xiaoba acts as a radar to scan at close range, and may be able to capture the traces of horses.

Mo Xuan frowned, stroked his chin, and scanned the meteorite belt many times with his mind, but found nothing. How did he get the jewel star?There is no breath of life at all!Wait a minute, Jewel Star, can this guy change his form from a living body to a non-living body, so neither we nor Xiao Ba can perceive his existence!
But it’s not right, his body can refract light, we’ve already irradiated it with a fireball, there’s no refraction phenomenon anywhere, it’s so big, once it moves, we’ll be able to spot it, so it’s hard to hide at all?Could it be that he got into a large meteorite?In this way, it can indeed avoid the light.

Try it out, Mo Xuan specially selected a big meteorite to cut open the shell, looking for the jewel star.

Mo Que'er and Kong Ling did the same!
At this time, Feng Gaojun Jinxian led the fleet and finally arrived at the battlefield!
The battle is fierce at the airport, and the Hanlifang fleet has been shrunk by the United Fleet, which is quite terrible. Fortunately, the battle time is not long, and the loss is acceptable!
Feng Gaojun Jinxian snorted coldly, jumped out of the flagship, and punched the combined fleet's flank!
A blow from the Golden Immortal is no small matter!

(End of this chapter)

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