Interstellar Miner

Chapter 386 Fierce confrontation

Chapter 386 Fierce confrontation

So Mo Que'er's mother was only at the Xuanxian level back then, but her extremely powerful single fire attribute was enough to beat the middle and low-rank Jinxian without temper, and she could already experience across the universe!

In the fourth level of time and space, there are many mysterious immortals who have been polishing for millions of years, but in the end there are still one or two shortcomings, and they can't cultivate no matter what, I can only sigh that the golden immortal is far away!
In this regard, Mo Xuan is very envious of Junior Brother Jin Lengyu, who is a fellow practitioner of the Five Elements. He is very likely to come from behind when he advances to Jinxian, far ahead of Gao Shan and the others!

At the beginning, the blow of Qing Yuan Lao Jinxian's seal almost wiped out Mo Xuan and his party. It was a painful experience, and the three of Mo Xuan never slackened in their cultivation.Even though Kong Ling has been concentrating on learning how to cook, she still works hard with Mo Xuan to improve herself at night!
After all, Feng Gaojun Jinxian is only a seventh-rank Jinxian, and he is not one or two grades behind the first-rank Jinxian Qingyuan Patriarch.If they were fighting alone, Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er might not be able to defeat Feng Gaojun Jinxian for the time being, but this time it's not a one-on-one martial arts duel, directly teaming up with two against one, it's completely worthy of him!
Although Jinxian has no shortcomings, the seventh-rank Jinxian also means that its strengths are not bad.But the fire attribute of Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er is exceptionally outstanding!
Of course, for Xuanxian, the most powerful thing about Jinxian lies in the comprehension of the Dao, but Mo Xuan and Mo Queer's strongest is also the comprehension of the Dao, and their realm has already surpassed the scope of Xuanxian. After getting up desperately, Jinxian also has to panic!
This was the first time that Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er confronted Jinxian head-on. Both of them were fighting fiercely, so let's see how much Jinxian is!

Kong Ling had already fought Wu Li, the fifth-rank golden fairy before, and although she deliberately kept her hand, Wo Li, the golden fairy, is indeed inhumanly powerful!Comparing the two golden immortals at this moment, although there is only a difference of two ranks between the fifth rank and the seventh rank, they are middle-rank golden immortals and low-rank golden immortals, and the obvious gap can still be seen!

The more Feng Gaojun Jinxian fought, the more surprised he became. What's going on?I didn't let go of the water at all, and I still couldn't take down the two Xuanxians. unreasonable!
Although the Xuanxians in the top ten of the Xuanbang are able to fight against Jinxian, but that is when the two sides do not have much killing intent in a time-limited martial arts competition. If they really fight hard, no matter how powerful Xuanxian is, it is impossible for Jinxian to be an opponent!
Xuanxian and Jinxian are like two stones. Even if the quality of the two sides is almost the same, there is no difference in the collision, but the volume of the Jinxian stone is several times that of the Xuanxian stone, and it has a huge advantage that can be crushed!
Feng Gaojun Jinxian is full of murderous intent at this moment, Jinxian Dao magical powers have been used to the extreme, but in the Dao confrontation, he is actually at a disadvantage!This is simply wonderful!These two rookies, Xuanxian, are so powerful, it doesn't make sense!
Feng Gaojun Jinxian had a deeper understanding of how great the potential threat of the Four Immortals Sect was. When Huo Qingling and Hua An became Jinxians, the lower-rank Jinxians themselves might not be able to hold out for a few rounds!Feng Gaojun gritted his teeth and made up his mind that he must completely destroy them before they are fledgling!
Huo Qingling defeated Jingxi Xuanxian and successfully entered the Xuanbang. It is indeed a major mistake of our Hanlifang, but the sniping is so weak. Now Huo Qingling has been promoted to 44th in the Xuanbang. There is no accident, and it is impossible to go to the Xuanbang again. Fall out of Xuanbang!Mistake!
Although the Hua'an fifth-dan Xuanxian of the Four Immortals Sect is a famous figure in the Chess Academy, he has not entered the Xuanbang after all. Even if he was killed by mistake, he publicly apologized to the Chess Academy and barely exposed it!That Wu Nianxuan was still unknown, and if he died, he would die in vain. After all, Master Shuiyue is the strength of a celestial being, and there is nothing he can do if he accidentally falls.

After all, it was the Four Immortals who took the initiative to provoke Hanli Fang this time, and the reason is on our side!Even if the three little Daoists are worried, they can't blame us.

Jinxian Feng Gaojun tightly clenched his fists. This time, he must seize this rare opportunity and completely defeat the Four Immortals. Except for Huo Qingling, the other three will be killed if they can be killed. If they cannot be killed, then they will be killed. If he can't do it anymore, he will be captured and punished by black hands, destroying his foundation of cultivating immortals, and fundamentally solving the potential threat of the Four Immortals!
Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er looked at each other, and they already felt the change in Feng Gaojun Jinxian's aura, this guy seems to be about to kill him!Then let's stop hiding it, you want to kill us, and we took the initiative to trouble you this time, so how could we come here to make soy sauce!Hmph, is the Golden Fairy great? It’s still the same old saying, if the tiger doesn’t show its power, you think we are hellokitty!
It drove us into a hurry, just close the door and let Xiaoba go!

Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er gave Xiao Ba a standby order at the same time. To kill Jin Xian, he still had to rely on Xiao Ba's assist for the time being!
However, Xiao Ba is the ultimate trump card of the Four Immortals School. It is best not to use it if you can, as long as you have enough confidence to kill Feng Gaojun Jinxian with one blow, otherwise Xiao Ba will be exposed prematurely, and there will be endless troubles!Moreover, killing Feng Gaojun Jinxian is tantamount to forging a death feud with Hanlifang, and the Four Immortals will be exposed to other big and medium forces prematurely. Hey, if you can't bear it, you will mess up the big plan, so let's run first let's go!

Jinxian Feng Gaojun gritted his teeth, originally he didn't want to reveal his hole card too early, but now it's all right if he doesn't show it, if he can't even win the two juniors, what shame will he have in the future!
Jinxian Feng Gaojun turned his palm and took out a vajra circle, and threw it at Mo Xuan: "Go!"

In that Golden Immortal War, Feng Gaojun and Ge Yixian were originally evenly matched, but when Ge Yixian took out the Qiankun Fan, the situation suddenly became one-sided, and he was no match at all!Since then, Feng Gaojun's golden immortal has been attached to the magic weapon. After all, he became a golden immortal by chance and coincidence at the beginning with the impact of a middle-rank Xuanxian. Golden Immortals are very tough, if they want to improve their strength, they can only work hard on magic weapons!
This vajra circle was acquired by Feng Gaojun Jinxian through selling pots and iron with great difficulty. It was kneaded by kun steel, and it cultivated a whole body of spiritual energy, good at changing, and invulnerable to fire and water!Although it was not as good as the Qiankun Fan, it was not far behind. With this diamond ring, he could face Ge Yixian who had the Qiankun Fan again, which was enough to last for a month, and he wouldn't lose immediately!
It is precisely because of this that Feng Gaojun Jinxian, who has a breeze in his sleeves, took the initiative to invite Ying to fight in the Rainbow Bridge Galaxy. Isn't it just to earn some extra money, it is not easy for Jinxian to earn a living!

Facing the galloping King Kong circle, Mo Xuan's expression remained unchanged, and with a flick of his right hand, red tears of the super fairy sword appeared in the palm of his hand.Mo Xuan clenched his red tears tightly, and stabbed vigorously towards the diamond ring!
Be a bang!
Mo Xuan's whole body trembled, his jaw hurt, and he was repelled by the diamond circle in one go!Such a powerful magic weapon, Mo Xuan couldn't help frowning.

Mo Que'er made up for it in time, and hit the vajra circle hard with her hand in hand, knocking the vajra circle back!
Feng Gaojun Jinxian couldn't help frowning, good guy, Huo Qingling's and Hua'an's fairy swords are not ordinary, and they can withstand head-to-head confrontation with the Diamond Circle!Hmph, but you two are only Xuanxian after all, and this vajra circle is the treasure of the Golden Immortal rank, let's see how many rounds your two immortal swords can last!
Feng Gaojun Jinxian commanded the diamond ring to attack Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er!
What kind of material is this diamond ring made of? It's amazing!Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er's red tears and beauty were too much to bear, and if they kept knocking, they might damage the fairy sword!However, Feng Gaojun Jinxian is so old and cunning, as long as Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er back down a little, he will command the King Kong circle to attack the strategic ship Explorer. Although there is Kong Ling guarding the strategic ship Explorer, he can't hold King Kong The continuous pounding of the circle!
Xiaoyun, who was paying close attention to the battle group, couldn't help but secretly frowned. He wanted to move the strategic ship Explorer to a far enough distance several times, but he was always entangled by Feng Gaojun Jinxian, so he could only become Mo Xuan and Mo Que at the side. Son's weakness!

Xiaoyun grinds his teeth viciously, how unreasonable he dares to treat his aunt as a soft persimmon that is easy to pinch, and when his aunt changes her body, he will want you to look good at that time!But right now, Xiaoyun is really helpless, the strategic ship Explorer cannot afford to lose, so he can only endure the impulse to protect himself wisely!
Xiao Yun glanced at the timid Gem Star, really, this guy was worth two to five to eighty thousand before, so why are you so cowardly now!

Xiaoyun deliberately sighed: "It seems that I can only hand you over."

Jewel Star hurriedly shouted: "No, I was just joking, I'd better go with you!" Just kidding, what will happen if it falls into the hands of Jinxian, it will definitely be chopped into pieces, Refined into the top-grade magic weapon material, although Gem Star has lived for an extremely long time, it has not lived enough. I don't want to die so early!If he followed Xiao Yun and his group, he could run away at any time.

"You guys are a big disaster, who knows what you think in your heart." Xiao Yun hit the nail on the head.

Gem Star called Qu and said, "Old man, I always say one thing, you can inquire about it." Of course, the one who really knew the details of Gem Star has long since passed away, and there is nowhere to inquire about it!

Xiaoyun sneered and curled her lips, the older a creature is, the more he is a chicken thief, and my aunt is not so easy to fool.

Xiaoyun said directly: "Right now we are grasshoppers on the same rope, you'd better be honest."

Gem Star repeated yes, yes, yes, we are all in the same group now, if we want to be united, we must not be suspicious of each other!
Xiaoba reminded: "Hanlifang's fleet is about to rush over, we are surrounded, it's not good."

Xiaoyun couldn't help but secretly frowned, this is a little troublesome!Xiao Yun hastily sent the message to Mo Xuan and the others.

The three of Mo Xuan took the time to glance at the news, and they also frowned secretly. Right now, it is a bit difficult to deal with Feng Gaojun Jinxian alone. If the Hanlifang fleet comes over again, it will be quite stretched.

It seems that a quick decision must be made!
Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er exchanged glances, and immediately stopped holding back, and made a big move!
Huohuo Thousand Handprints, Three-Blade Red Flame Claws, Raging Flames, Mo Xuan unleashed three tricks in one go, and secretly stuffed a mighty palm in the middle of the flames!
Mo Que'er also used all kinds of big moves, the power of which is not inferior to Mo Xuan's moves!
Kong Ling was not idle either, and assisted two big moves!

Xiaoyun snorted coldly, and manipulated the strategic ship Explorer to fire a few shots at Feng Gaojun Jinxian, venting his anger!

Immortal Feng Gaojun immediately became very embarrassed, and had to retreat again and again, secretly startled, the current new generation of Xuan Xian is also too fierce, one-on-two is a bit difficult to deal with, one-on-three is quite enough!Feng Gaojun Jinxian has a dark old face, but he really can't win the Four Immortals, damn it!Fortunately, the subordinates had already arrived at this time, and the heaven and earth net had been formed, and the four immortals of the Four Immortals could hardly fly even with their wings!
Taking advantage of Feng Gaojun Jinxian's retreat, the three of Mo Xuan hurriedly returned to the strategic ship Explorer, and shifted at full speed. After a while, they encountered several warships in Hanlifang forming an formation to intercept!

Feng Gaojun Jinxian recovered his breath, and hurriedly pursued him, not giving the Four Immortals a chance to escape!
It is true that there are wolves in front and tigers in back, and it is impossible to escape with wings!
(End of this chapter)

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