Interstellar Miner

Chapter 387 The Great Reversal

Chapter 387 The Great Reversal
rush out!
Xiaoyun drove the strategic ship Explorer with its strong defense force and rushed over the artillery fire of several warships in Hanlifang. After a while, he left those warships far behind, but Hanlifang's sky and earth net had already formed , it is really not easy to rush out!

The biggest threat is naturally Feng Gaojun Jinxian. As long as he is entangled by him and besieged by the Hanlifang fleet, the situation of the strategic ship Explorer will become precarious!

Xiao Ba was always paying attention to Feng Gaojun Jinxian's movements, and found that the speed of that guy was really fast, and he rushed a long distance without paying attention!He had sneaked close to him before, if he hadn't been afraid of a sneak attack that might seriously injure Huo Qingling who was on the Xuanbang, he might have sneaked him right away!

After being hit hard, even if Mo Xuan and the others will be fine, the strategic ship Explorer is quite terrible, and if it doesn't work, it will be severely damaged and its performance will be greatly reduced!

Looking at it now, Que'er's very unobtrusive entry into the Xuanbang is really an extremely wise choice!

The chase and escape lasted for a full twenty hours!
During this period, Mo Xuan, Mo Que'er, and Kong Ling left the ship three times to face Feng Gaojun Jinxian, and only then did they narrowly avoid the situation where the strategic ship Explorer was trapped to death!Feng Gaojun Jinxian's personal energy is really huge, and he always intentionally drives the strategic ship Explorer into the dead set!

Thanks to Xiao Ba, who has a super powerful perception ability, the Four Immortals can always predict the future, so they try their best to avoid getting into a deadlock!

However, with the passage of time, the nets laid out by the Hanlifang fleet have become denser and denser, and the area where the strategic ship Explorer can move has become smaller and smaller. If this continues, it will suffer sooner or later!
In the final analysis, the Four Immortals are too single and weak, with only one expeditionary strategic ship and four immortals. Facing the group battle, they really have more than enough heart but not enough power!

At this time, Xiaoyun also regretted a little. It was really unwise to face the behemoth Hanlifang so early, but now that he has already met, he can only rush forward bravely and kill a future!

Gem Star has recovered its ability to move. Although it is still restricted by the restrictions set by the three of Mo Xuan, it can still move a little bit.Seeing the siege of the Hanlifang fleet and Feng Gaojun Jinxian endlessly, Jewel Star was also terrified, afraid that the strategic ship Explorer would not be able to resist, and he would suffer from bad luck!

Mo Xuan and the others didn't have time to pay attention to it, and took the time to rest.Fighting the Golden Immortal is not as simple as talking about it. Every time you fight, you will consume a lot of money. If you are not careful, you will be injured. After all, Mo Xuan and the others are middle-grade Xuanxian. Thankless!

Xiao Ba has been idle all this time, and has offered to fight several times, but was declined by Mo Xuan politely, so he could only squat in the strategic ship Explorer and wait for orders.

Jewel Star was worried and kept quiet as much as possible, lest Mo Xuan and the others really hand him over in exchange for freedom!Gem Star can naturally see that the situation on his side is very bad, coughed lightly, and said: "If it is critical, I can also fight, and I should be able to help you share a lot."

Xiaoyun nodded. If we were surrounded by many battleships, the crazy ejection attack of the Jewel Star could indeed catch the opponent by surprise and give the explorer strategic ship a chance to escape!
In fact, even though the surrounding void was blocked by Hanlifang, the strategic ship Explorer can still jump over forcibly, but in this way, the strategic ship Explorer is exposed again!

The Adventurer strategic ship, like Xiaoba, is the ultimate bottom of the Four Immortal Sect, and it cannot be easily exposed!Hey, there are too many time and space restrictions on the fourth floor, it's super annoying!If we were in the lower three layers of time and space, we would just walk sideways, who would dare to say a word!
But right now there is no good way to break out, if you are trapped to death, it will be very difficult to escape!Even if there are endless troubles, you still have to use your hole cards when they should be used!If you really become a prisoner, then there will be no drama at all!
So should we use Xiaoba or the strategic ship Explorer?Xiao Yun glanced at Xiao Ba and pondered.

Little Ba had nothing to do, so he simply rolled up the jewel star with his tentacles and used it as a toy to play with.

Jewel Star complained to Xiaoba: "What are you doing, what time is this, you are still in the mood to play!"

Xiao Yun looked at Xiao Ba and Gem Star, couldn't help but let out a surprise, and clapped his hands suddenly, there is a way!As long as it is done properly, it will be able to charge out smoothly without exposing Xiaoba or the strategic ship Explorer, and maybe it will be ruthless with Feng Gaojun Jinxian!
Xiaoyun immediately shared his thoughts with Mo Xuan and the others.

Do you do this?The three of Mo Xuan looked at each other a few times, as if there was something going on!Mo Xuan gave a high five, then let's do it!
Xiaoyun immediately did the ideological work of Gemstar: "Little Xing, I will trouble you later."

Gemstar responded very simply: "No problem. It's just that the old man is so old, so the name Xiaoxing is fine."

Xiao Yun pouted and said, "Age is nothing. According to the inherited memory, I am much older than you."

Mo Xuan frowned, Xiaoyun is indeed very old!
But Gem Star didn't believe it: "Old man, although I don't know my exact age, it must be at least billions of years old. How old can you be, a little girl?"

Xiaoyun snorted and said, "Anyway, I'm much older than you. Calling you Xiaoxing is to look down on you, don't be a mother-in-law. Xiaoxing, Xiaoxing, Xiaoxing..."

Gemstar is not happy anymore, and he is unwilling to accept the name Xiaoxing.The two sides just hit it off!
Mo Xuan shook his head speechlessly, and acted as a peacemaker: "Okay, okay, Ling'er's new apprentice is called Xiaoxing. It's not good to have the same name, or you can call him Xiaobao. It's catchy, how about it?"

Jewel Star also knows that it is too inappropriate to quarrel at this critical moment. Although they don't like Xiaobao's name very much, they can only acquiesce for now!When I find an opportunity, I will run away immediately, no matter what kind of little treasure or star you are, what does it have to do with me!
The name of the jewel star is tentatively named Xiaobao.

Xiaoyun coughed and said: "Xiaobao, listen carefully, you will be like this later... Xiaoba, you are like don't need to worry about other things, but there is one thing, the angle is the most important, you two must To cooperate well!"

Although Jewel Star didn't know why, he still complied.Xiao Ba patted his chest and wrapped it around me, but masters, you must protect me when the time comes.

Mo Xuan patted Xiaoba, don't worry, you are our precious lump, so I don't want to have an accident with you.

"Well, can you lift the restriction on me first?" Jewel Star said weakly.

"What's the rush, it will be resolved when the time comes." Xiao Yun rolled her eyes at Gem Star, don't think that grandma doesn't know what you're thinking, tell you boy, you're still young!
Jewel Star secretly sighed, this old-fashioned little girl is really not easy to get along with!
Feng Gaojun Jinxian gritted his teeth secretly, and finally he was about to besiege the fast warship of the Four Immortals Sect. Hmph, let's see how you escape this time!Obediently suffer!
Feng Gaojun Jinxian issued a series of orders, at all costs, to trap the battleship of the Four Immortals to death!
The subordinates suddenly responded!

Combined Fleet.

Commander-in-chief Ju Zhishi Xuanxian already knew that Feng Gaojun Jinxian led the fleet to leave suddenly to deal with the Four Immortals, and that little Four Immortals took down the Jewel Star without making a sound, indeed there are two brushes!
After Feng Gaojun Jinxian led the fleet away, the main force of the Hanlifang Fleet was still chasing the United Fleet!

Under the control of Ju Zhishi Xuanxian, although the situation has been very ugly, the United Fleet has been defeated by the Hanlifang Fleet, but it has quietly gained a firm foothold and minimized losses.

Ju Zhishi Xuanxian was not in a hurry to fight back, and patiently waited for the best time!
The Four Immortals and Feng Gaojun Jinxian fled and chased, naturally moving away from the main battlefield!But the United Fleet has always been retreating in the direction where the reinforcements came!
Right now, Feng Gaojun Jinxian is very far away from the main battlefield, and the reinforcements are about to arrive!
I can't wait!

Ju Zhishi Xuanxian made a decisive decision and issued the latest combat order: the whole army assault!beat! !
The United Fleet, which had been retreating steadily, tore off its camouflage in an instant, exposed its sharp fangs, and rushed directly towards the Hanlifang Fleet without fear of death!

The Hanlifang Fleet thought that the United Fleet wanted to fight back in the face of death, and if they tried their best to resist, they would disperse and run for their lives, so they didn't take it seriously!

The commander of the Hanlifang Fleet ordered: The whole army is on alert, ready to hunt down!

Those are all illustrious military achievements. The immortals of the Hanlifang Fleet are gearing up and preparing to make a fortune!

Unexpectedly, the violent collision between the two sides caused the Hanlifang Fleet to be smashed and bloody, and then realized that the United Fleet is not a paper tiger, it still has good combat effectiveness, and they really want to fight to the death!

The commander of the Hanlifang Fleet hastily issued the latest combat order, trying to stabilize the fleet formation as much as possible!However, it was still too late. The United Fleet was like a sharp knife, cutting the main force of the Hanlifang Fleet in half!

In the fierce battle that followed, the commander of the Hanlifang Fleet always gave orders one step behind the joint fleet. As a result, the main force of the Hanlifang Fleet lost more and more!

In such a fierce confrontation, if you kill one thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred, and the United Fleet will also suffer heavy losses, but the immortals of the United Fleet are all suffocating in their hearts, defending their home and country, who else can I!

In contrast, the immortals of the Hanlifang Fleet were beaten into a daze, what's going on?Isn't the United Fleet dying? They are about to defeat them. Why is their dying counterattack so cruel!what happened?

The commander of the Hanlifang Fleet was sweating profusely, knowing that he had been confused by the illusion that the United Fleet was retreating steadily. In fact, the United Fleet had always maintained sufficient combat power and was patiently waiting for the best time to counterattack!
But at this time, the deputy sect master is far away from the battlefield, and the message sent will take a while to arrive, and it will not be able to make it in a while, but the support troops of the United Fleet are about to arrive, it is not good!Too bad!
In order to prevent the main force from suffering greater losses, the commander of the Hanlifang Fleet had no choice but to sever his wrists, ordering a quarter of the collateral warships in the main force to stay as cannon fodder and bait, and the rest of the battleships took the opportunity to regroup and form a formation!
The joint warships were not greedy for merit, they directly surrounded the discarded cannon fodder in Hanlifang, concentrated their fire and bombarded them, and turned the cannon fodder into cannon fodder. captured!
retreat!The commander of the Hanlifang Fleet issued the latest order, and the main force of the Hanlifang Fleet fled in the direction of the deputy door master with their tails between their legs!
Chase!Ju Zhishi Xuanxian waved his hand violently, trying to wipe out the main force of the enemy army as much as possible!

It was also running away and chasing, but the situation was suddenly reversed, and the main force of the Hanlifang Fleet who fled became the former high-spirited Hanlifang Fleet, while the United Fleet, which had been miserable and miserable, was fiercely chasing after it!Feng Shui takes turns, and it is finally our turn, I want you to look good!

In terms of mobility, the combined fleet with a relatively sound organization is obviously dominant, and most of the warships with relatively strong mobility in Hanlifang have followed Feng Gaojun Jinxian to besiege the Four Immortals!

Of course, Ju Zhishi Xuanxian would not let go of such a big advantage for nothing. He temporarily reorganized four powerful fleets to harass and block the main force of the Hanlifang Fleet who was fleeing in panic. In case the Hanlifang side jumps over the wall in a hurry and turns around and pounces desperately, we will suffer a big loss if we are caught off guard!

The support troops of the United Fleet finally arrived, successfully assembled the masters, and beat the dogs in the water together!

The commander of the Hanlifang Fleet sighed, the commander-in-chief of the United Fleet is really brilliant, and the battle plan is impeccable, what should we do?It's going to be bad if it goes on like this!Hey, I can only hope that the deputy sect master will come over soon!
This time the Hanlifang Fleet suffered heavy losses. Although the command was not entirely at fault, someone had to take the blame. No matter what, the deputy sect master couldn't be blamed, so it could only be himself as the commander who took the blame!Woah!
The commander sighed deeply, he had no choice but to do his best to preserve the combat power of the Hanlifang Fleet and make up for it!
(End of this chapter)

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