Interstellar Miner

Chapter 388 The Golden Partner

Chapter 388 The Golden Partner
What?When Feng Gaojun Jinxian received the news, it was dark in front of his eyes. The main force group is eating shit. Such a huge advantage was successfully counterattacked by the United Fleet, losing more than a quarter of its combat power in one fell swoop!Is the commander a pig's head?

Feng Gaojun Jinxian almost exploded with anger, and had the urge to slap the commander to death!Feng Gaojun Jinxian took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. The deal is done, and it will not help to pursue the responsibility. He can only find a way to remedy it as soon as possible!

Maybe I shouldn't have led the team to leave, and I was entangled by the Four Immortals and spent a lot of time, so I couldn't get back in time.But who would have thought that the main group would be so careless and counterattacked!
Feng Gaojun Jinxian also knew in his heart that under normal circumstances, the Hanlifang Fleet with rich combat experience would naturally not be careless. It can only be said that Ju Zhishi Xuanxian, the commander-in-chief of the United Fleet, was too clever in disguise and completely fooled his own fleet. Can succeed in one hit!
But he had been away for too long, otherwise the United Fleet would not even have a chance to turn defeat into victory!Now that the distance is so far away, it is unreasonable to be unable to rush back to rescue in a while!
Jinxian Feng Gaojun hated his teeth, analyzed the current situation, and slapped his thigh hard. Seeing that the Four Immortals were already in the urn, regardless of the joint company, taking down the Four Immortals is the top priority right now!The main team will not be defeated for a while, if they can't even escape, what's the use of them!

Feng Gaojun Jinxian made up his mind, and immediately issued a death order to his subordinates. Whoever dares to lose the chain later, I will kill him directly!
The subordinate immortals are all energized with 12 points, we must win the Four Immortals, and then quickly rescue the main group!

Feng Gaojun Jinxian speeded up again to catch up with the strategic ship Explorer, and successfully drove it into the encirclement!That's it!

This time it was really too easy, I felt that the Four Immortals were caught in a dead end without even turning over a bubble, Feng Gaojun Jinxian was a little confused, and then relieved!After all, the Four Immortals were weak and weak. Facing such a terrifying self and the siege of the Hanlifang fleet, it was already amazing that they could last for so long.
Feng Gaojun Jinxian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and when he took down the Four Immortals, he rushed back to support immediately, there should be still time!

"Our Four Immortals don't want the jewel star, let us go." Xiao Yun said.

Feng Gaojun Jinxian sneered, come whenever you want, leave whenever you want, what kind of place do you think this is!

"I'll count to ten. All members of the Four Immortals will leave the ship and surrender. I can guarantee your personal safety! If you are stubborn, don't blame me for being cruel! One!"

Xiaoyun yelled: "I warn you, don't act recklessly, if you dare to do something, we will destroy the gem star and fight to the death!"

"Two!" Feng Gaojun Jinxian reported coldly, without any intention of giving in!
Xiao Yun gave Xiao Ba and Gem Star a look, it's up to you!
The three of Mo Xuan immediately removed the ban on Gem Star.The jewel star immediately transformed into a diamond shape with countless water chestnuts, and a small flat mirror was specially left behind.

Xiao Ba wrapped his tentacles around the jewel star and flew out of the Expedition strategic ship.

"We will not surrender, Jewel Star, we can let you, but if you don't get out of the way, we will destroy Jewel Star immediately!"


The countless muzzles of the Hanlifang Fleet are aimed at the strategic ship Explorer!


Feng Gaojun Jinxian took a step forward coldly, the terrifying pressure of Jinxian made Xiao Ba and Gem Star tremble!

action!Xiaoyun gave the order.

Gemstar immediately roared in all directions with his mind: "Since you intend not to let me live, I will fight with you!"

The next moment, Jewel Star activated the dark hand arranged by Xiaoyun, and his whole body emitted a dazzling light!Xiao Ba's figure was hidden!
Is this going to explode?The immortals of the Hanlifang Fleet are secretly sorry, but the deputy sect master has already spoken. The most important task right now is to kill the Four Immortals. If the gem star is gone, it will be gone!
The time was ripe, Xiao Ba adjusted the angle, threw the jewel star abruptly, and aimed at the small piece of the jewel star's plane mirror with his brows vertically, and shot a ray of light!
Jewel Star still couldn't figure it out, why was this light attack again, how to use this at such a critical moment!How does it know how powerful Xiao Ba is!

The next moment, it was an invincible light scattering attack!
Because the angle was well controlled, Xiao Ba used his body to block all the scattered light attacks for the Expedition strategic ship, and helplessly floated stiffly in the void.

And the warships of the Hanlifang Fleet in all directions became live targets, except for a small part blocked by Xiao Ba's body, most of the warships were all hit!

Mo Xuan hugged Mo Que'er and immediately rushed behind Xiao Ba, and directly put Xiao Ba and the unknown jewel star into the animal control bag!
Then the two rushed towards the stiff Feng Gaojun Jinxian together!
Feng Gaojun, a master of Jinxianyi, was bold, and he was relatively close, and he was unavoidable, so he was shot by a few rays of light!
What?What kind of attack is this?Feng Gaojun Jinxian, whose body was stiff and whose immortal energy was blocked, couldn't help trembling with fear, and all the magic weapons were ineffective. It would be terrible if he was attacked by surprise at this time!
Really come here for whatever you are afraid of!Mo Xuan used the supernatural power of acceleration, and with Mo Que'er in his arms, he rushed to the side of Feng Gaojun Jinxian, and struck out with a palm!
Mo Que'er stabbed Fairy Feng Gaojun in the head with her beauty!
At the very moment, Feng Gaojun Jinxian glared angrily, and shouted, "It's Jinxian after all, he just turned his head away!"
As a result, the sword that Mo Que'er stabbed missed, and only cut off one of Feng Gaojun's right ears, and instantly burned his right ear to ashes!
But Mo Xuan's palm actually hit Feng Gaojun Jinxian's right chest, and there was a muffled thunder!
The eyeballs of Feng Gaojun Jinxian's eyes widened in an instant, what a pity!

Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er didn't care about fighting at all, and they retreated as soon as they got a blow, lest Feng Gaojun Jinxian would have to fight for his life and die together!
The Expedition strategic ship also took action immediately. When the immortals of the Hanlifang Fleet could not react, it sprinted quickly and directly smashed the surrounding warships that were malfunctioning and misfired with its hull. Under the cover of Mo Que'er, he abruptly rushed out of the encirclement!

Hey, what's going on?Why did the battleship suddenly stop moving!The immortals in the battleship jumped their feet anxiously.

Those battleships without misfires are puzzled, none of you are moving, what are you doing, have you forgotten the death order issued by the deputy sect master, why stop the Four Immortals quickly!
In the end, there was no way, some immortals shot out from the battleship, trying to intercept the Four Immortals.

However, the combination of Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er's swords was invincible, and all the immortals blocking the way were swept away.

Feng Gaojun Jinxian could only watch as Mo Xuan and his party rushed out of the encirclement like a broken bamboo, but they couldn't stop them. The loss of an ear was nothing, but if they really got a slap from Mo Xuan, it would really kill them!
Feng Gaojun Jinxian desperately turned the immortal energy that could be used in his body, resist, must resist!
After a while, the power of Mo Xuan's palm gradually exploded!
The body of Feng Gaojun Jinxian trembled violently, and made a loud bang bang bang, one after another!
Jinxian Feng Gaojun gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, his eyes were bloodshot, and most of the immortal energy in his body finally came back to life under the violent stimulation, using his body as the battlefield, and engaged in an extremely tragic battle. battle!

What's the matter, deputy door master?Why did the old man's right ear suddenly disappear?All the immortals in Hanlifang were shocked!

No matter how powerful Feng Gaojun's fairy body is, it is still a body of flesh and blood. With a huge bang in his body, he suddenly spewed out a big mouthful of blood, but the injuries in his body could no longer be suppressed!
Then why did the brave and invincible deputy sect master suddenly vomit blood? What happened?Could it be that he was injured by the self-explosion of the jewel star, or was he attacked by the Four Immortals?
Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er's surprise attack just now was too fast, and under the cover of the light from Gem Star and Xiao Ba, no one except the Four Immortals and Feng Gaojun Jinxian knew what happened at that moment!
Accompanied by the loud rumbling noise in his body, Feng Gaojun Jinxian spat out mouthfuls of blood one after another, as if the blood in his body didn't need money, spraying again and again!Feng Gaojun Jinxian had been shaken until his seven orifices were bleeding, and the blood stained his Taoist robe red, he was in a panic!

All the immortals in Hanlifang were stunned!The deputy sect master was injured so badly, what happened?Are we still chasing the Four Immortals?Who should be in charge?

Accompanied by a huge roar, the trembling Feng Gaojun Jinxian spat out the last mouthful of blood, and the turmoil in his body finally subsided!
Feng Gaojun Jinxian is already pale at this moment, crumbling and extremely weak!

Jinxian Feng Gaojun couldn't help being afraid for a while, if Hua An's palm didn't hit his right chest, but his heart, he was afraid that his heart would be shattered, he would die from serious injuries, and his shocking cultivation would turn into flowing water. no return!

After a moment of shock, Jinxian Feng Gaojun wondered why he was banned suddenly, unable to move at all, and could not use the magic weapon, it was too evil!

This is the first time that Feng Gaojun Jinxian has encountered such a situation in his life. It was really too much just now, and at that moment Feng Gaojun Jinxian already felt the extreme danger of falling!Fortunately, Hua An obviously didn't want to make a death feud with us at Hanlifang so soon. Although the palm was a sneak attack, it didn't have much murderous intent, otherwise he might really have to confess here!
What happened to him being banned all of a sudden?Is it really the impact of the jewel star's self-destruction?Then why the Four Immortals, which is closer to the jewel star, has nothing to do, and can sneak attack and organize a breakout in the first place?It was as if they knew in advance that there would be such an unimaginable effect!But they have such a hole card, why don't they use it earlier, why wait until they fall into such a whole situation before using it!

Was it forced to jump over the wall?Or has it been planned for a long time?

Feng Gaojun Jinxian was at a loss and really couldn't figure it out.

Jinxian Feng Gaojun coughed up another mouthful of blood, took a breath, urgently checked the injuries in his body, couldn't help but wryly smiled, the injuries were much more serious than he expected, his body was a complete mess, basically all internal organs were severely injured !It's a blessing that I didn't die, and now I'm afraid I can't even beat an ordinary Xuanxian, so I must retreat and heal immediately, otherwise the injury will only be more serious!

Feng Gaojun Jinxian sighed extremely bitterly, he was pecked blind by geese all day long, and the boat capsized in the gutter!Sure enough, if you come out to mess around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later!

Feng Gaojun Jinxian's mind changed suddenly, what should he do next?Without such a super combat power like myself, if he went to hunt down the Four Immortals, he might only return in vain. His subordinates couldn't stand Huo Qingling and Hua An at all!

That's all!Feng Gaojun Jinxian returned to the flagship and issued an order: "Integrate the team immediately to rescue the main force."

Feng Gaojun Jinxian accepted his adjutant as the commander-in-chief of the rescue plan on the spot, and then went straight into the dormitory, and there was no more movement!
The adjutant was very preoccupied, and was very worried about Feng Gaojun Jinxian's injury, but right now he couldn't wait, but he didn't have time to spare!The adjutant immediately integrated the fleet, and many warships that had ceased fire gradually recovered, and some warships had eaten a lot of glowing rays, and could not recover for a long time!

Right now, it is a race against time, the adjutant can only abandon those warships that have ceased fire, and assemble the troops to rescue the main regiment immediately!

The United Fleet got the news of Hanli Fleet's return for help immediately, and the commander-in-chief Ju Zhishi Xuanxian was thinking about chasing and killing for a while to get more benefits, so he retreated quickly!

However, a message sent through an unknown channel shocked all the senior executives of the United Fleet!

We have severely injured Feng Gaojun Jinxian and lost his combat effectiveness, so it's up to you!
ha?Isn't this too ridiculous?Is Feng Gaojun seriously injured?
(End of this chapter)

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