Interstellar Miner

Chapter 389 The Greatest Crisis

Chapter 389 The Greatest Crisis

At first glance, this is a ridiculously fake news. Our United Fleet has tried our best, but we haven't hurt a hair of Feng Gaojun Jinxian. If you just tell him that he is seriously injured, he is really seriously injured Ah, what are you being a golden fairy?Is the name of the Invincible Golden Immortal called for nothing?
However, this news without any signature is very likely to be delivered by the Four Immortals!Could it be that the Four Immortals Sect had some ultimate bottom line that really seriously injured Feng Gaojun Jinxian?

According to the information obtained from the death-defying scout ships dispatched, the Hanlifang fleet has been desperately besieging the Four Immortals. Seeing that the Four Immortals have been completely trapped to death, it seems that something major happened suddenly. The Fang Fleet was in total chaos, and the battleship of the Four Immortals Zong broke out of the siege. After the integration of the Hanlifang Fleet, they did not continue to chase and kill the Four Immortals, but came back urgently!
There are indeed some unspeakable tricks in it, which makes people have to pay attention!But the time interval is too short. Could it be that in that short period of less than a stick of incense, Feng Gaojun Jinxian was seriously injured by the Four Immortals?This is too unbelievable!

If that news is true, Feng Gaojun Jinxian was really seriously injured, but we retreated early, wouldn't it be a waste of this extremely rare and excellent opportunity to counterattack?
But in case that news is fake news, we will bump into a super iron plate, and we will be smashed, and it will be very difficult to escape!
How to choose?All the top executives of the United Fleet are at war with heaven and man!
Just then, another message came.

I know that you are doubting the authenticity of the news, but I advise you to use your energy to formulate the latest battle plan and give Hanlifang Fleet a vote.And we'll be there to help.We and you can be said to be grasshoppers on the same rope. When you collapse, we will be the ones who will be unlucky.I hope you are not so courageous!

It really does not hurt my back when I stand and talk!The high-level executives of the United Fleet couldn't help but roll their eyes, extremely speechless!
The guy who sent the message is hiding his head and showing his tail. Is it the Four Immortals?Or is it the fake news deliberately released by Hanlifang, trying to lure us into the bait?
But in case the Four Immortals really have a super bottom of the box and beat Feng Gaojun Jinxian seriously, then it is indeed a god-sent opportunity and must not be missed!

what to do?time is limited!Everyone looked at the commander-in-chief Ju Zhishi Xuanxian!

Xuanxian Juzhishi looked around and said: "There is no doubt about the strength of Hanlifang. We only have one golden immortal, and we have no chance of winning! It is an unchangeable fact that we are at a great disadvantage. Even if we can still support it now, But in less than 1 years, Rainbow Bridge Star will surely become the back garden of Hanlifang! By that time, we will either become vassals of Hanlifang, or we will just be rootless duckweed floating around!"

Xuanxian Ju Zhishi clenched his fists, raised them high, and said decisively: "Even if we fight with the Hanlifang Fleet right now, we will lose both sides, and we will not get much practical benefit! But we will definitely show our prestige! Even if we lose in the future Despite everything, we have at least fought hard! It has been brilliant!"

Ju Zhishi Xuanxian took a deep breath and roared, "Hit!!"

The immortals of the United Fleet were stunned for a moment, and then shouted together.

"Fight!" "Fight with them!" "We are not easy to mess with!" "Fuck them!"...

Now that they have made up their minds, the United Fleet no longer has any fear, and fires all their firepower, attacking the fleeing main force of the Hanlifang Fleet desperately!
Casualties on both sides increased sharply!
The immortals of the Hanlifang Fleet's main force were all dumbfounded. Are the immortals of the United Fleet crazy? Are you really desperate?Do we need to work so hard? We are all immortals, so we just need to sit on a high platform and enjoy our happiness.You are not afraid of death, we are still afraid of death!
Although the commanders of the main fleet of the Hanlifang Fleet boosted their morale in various ways, the morale of the Hanlifang Ship is obviously still far from that of the United Fleet!

In such a fierce and courageous decisive battle, morale can exert a huge power beyond imagination!
Eight hours passed in a flash!
The main force of the Hanlifang Fleet finally joined forces with the supporting force to resist the United Fleet together!

However, at this time, only one-third of the original warships remained in the main force of the Hanlifang Fleet, and the losses were extremely heavy!

The United Fleet is not much better, it has already lost nearly half of it!Seeing Hanlifang's support force and the main regiment master, the immortals of the United Fleet couldn't help but sweat. Our fleet is no longer able to form a super defensive formation like before. It can't resist Feng Gaojun Jinxian The onslaught!

However, time passed by every minute and every second, and Feng Gaojun Jinxian of Hanlifang never showed up!
Could it be...Feng Gaojun Jinxian was seriously injured and could no longer fight?That news that looks more false than fake news is actually true?No matter how much the immortals of the United Fleet didn't believe it, they couldn't help but believe it a little bit.

Even if it was fake news fabricated by Hanlifang, we have been fooled now, and Feng Gaojun Jinxian should come out, otherwise the more it drags on, the worse it will be for Hanlifang!
Xuanxian Juzhi Shi gave a high five, and it seemed that he was close, and Jinxian Feng Gaojun really couldn't fight!God help me too!
The immortals of the Hanlifang Fleet have never seen the deputy sect master Feng Gaojun Jinxian go out to battle, and they feel heavy in their hearts. They are afraid that the deputy sect master is really injured. They can't show up at such a critical moment to boost morale. What happened? What, can the deputy sect master's injury be effectively controlled?Could it be that the deputy sect master died of serious injuries and is about to fall.Bah, bah, no, the deputy sect master is so powerful, nothing will happen!There must be nothing wrong!Hanli Fang officially became the second largest middle power because it has three golden immortals. If something happens to the deputy sect master, it would be too bad. Those middle powers ranked below Han Li Fang are all eagerly waiting for the opportunity Take a bite out of our Hanlifang!

After all, the Hanlifang Fleet still has more meaning of being wise and safe. It did not fight against the completely desperate United Fleet, but retreated again and again!


Adventurer strategic ship.

Jewel Star is facing the biggest crisis in his life!

Xiao Ba happily hooked his shoulders with his arms and carried the jewel star on his back, he couldn't put it down!
The star of the jewel, which is still dusty and dusty, can't cry at the moment, it doesn't take such a river to tear down the bridge!It took me a lot of effort to successfully break through the siege, you can't cross the river and tear down the bridge, avenging your favor!

Mo Xuan and his party shook their heads amusedly, and were really speechless to Xiao Ba.

It started when Xiao Ba and Gem Star were taken into the animal control bag by Mo Xuan together!
I don't know what's going on outside?No matter how worried Jewel Star was, he could only resign himself to fate, and secretly prayed that Mo Xuan and the others would be able to rush out!

Hey, the current animal control bag is really high-end, it is too different from the animal control bag in my memory, and the skills of the human race are really superb now, I can't accept it!
Hey, Jewel Star looked curiously at Xiao Ba, who had been stiff all the time, where did this play out?

Although it has been a while, but Xiaoba ate too much scattered light, and only his eyeballs can go around for the time being, but he can't help but think of an incident from the beginning.

In order for the tragedy to recur, Xiao Ba viciously warned the jewel star with his thoughts: "Be honest with me, the master has a kind heart, and didn't abandon you there as cannon fodder, you have to be grateful."

Jewel Star sneered and snorted, the old man has been able to gallop for so long, the most important thing is not his strength, but his own reputation!I have always said one thing, dare to act bravely, and never touch such things as taking advantage of the fire to rob, and throwing stones into trouble!
As for gratitude, this time, in the final analysis, it was because of your meddling that caused us all to be rounded up. I am a victim of you!
Gem Star didn't bother talking to Xiaoba, and visited the internal facilities of the animal control bag by himself, tsk-tsk.

Little Ba finally regained his ability to move. Seeing that Gem Star had already regarded this as his own home, he immediately refused to follow him. He yelled at Gem Star, I am the boss here, and you are at most the second child. Know how to respect your predecessors!

Just you little brat, you're still a senior!In front of the old man, there is no one who can rely on the old to sell the old. Uh, that little girl named Xiaoyun's film is an accident!
In terms of qualifications, even if you add eight lifetimes, you are still far behind me!If there are nostrils, Jewel Star is definitely in a state of nostrils facing the sky at the moment!
Xiao Ba was furious, and wanted to shoot the jewel star with light, to let him know what power comes first, and how is the name of Master Ba worth nothing!

It's just that the jewel star is in the form of a diamond, and Xiao Ba also knows that he can only be unlucky if he shoots him indiscriminately.Since the invincible light is not easy to use, Xiaoba uses his good tentacle whip to compete with the jewel star!

Although the interior space of the animal control bag is quite large, Gemstar and Xiaoba are both super big, so it is relatively crowded!In this contest, Xiao Ba, who has many tentacles, easily blocked the movement of the jewel star, entangled it and took it down.

With such a small place, what is the ability to beat the old man? If you have the ability, go out and fight!Gem Star is very unconvinced!
Xiao Ba would not fall into the aggressive method so easily, tied up the jewel star with five flowers with his tentacles, and sneered at the jewel star.If it weren't for you being so unpalatable, Eighth Master would have swallowed you up straight away!
Hey, now the gem star in the shape of a diamond looks delicious, Xiao Ba greedily took a bite, wow, it is really the best delicacy!Why is it so delicious?The little eight was drooling, and he opened his big mouth and gnawed at the jewel star!Even if you can't bite it, you can still use the super powerful acid to slowly digest and absorb it in your mouth!

Hey hey, what are you doing!Don't mess around!Such a solid body of mine actually melted a little, what a horrible acid, Gemstar panicked immediately, why did he still eat this stuff, why do you eat everything, I am not your food, if you continue to behave like this I just yelled, old man!
help!Come help!

Xiao Ba sneered and curled his lips, even if you screamed, no one would come to save you, so just obediently enter Ba Ye's stomach, it's very warm!

Gemstone became angry, and immediately transformed into a dusty earth form.

Bah, bah, bah, it's so unpalatable!Xiao Ba hastily spat out the jewel star from his mouth.Xiao Ba frowned and sized up the transformed gem star, threateningly said: "Hurry up and change back, or don't blame Ba Ye for being rude!"

You take me for a fool!The jewel star didn't bother to pay attention to Xiao Ba's low-class threats, being an old man is too frightening!You little brat, you're too young!

Xiao Ba snorted coldly, and shot a ray of light directly at the jewel star!
Gem Star froze immediately, hey hey...what's going on?What kind of light is that? It's too scary!Gemstar was dumbfounded immediately, struggling desperately, but it was of no use at all, he was completely banned!Such a terrifying light, Gem Star realized that Xiao Ba is the bottom of Mo Xuan's pressure box, and he can scatter the light, which is equivalent to transforming the light of Xiao Ba's single attack into a group attack!

Combining myself with Xiao Ba is simply infinitely powerful!However, the little Ba in front of him obviously didn't realize this, he only knew how to eat when he ate and ate. Was this guy a pig in his previous life?
"Warning you, change back later, or I'll keep shooting at you until I can't take care of myself!" Xiao Ba continued to threaten.

Gemstone Star is really speechless, you treat me as my second, and I even change back for you to eat!ignore ignore!
The gem star has always maintained the earth attribute form, and does not give Xiaoba a chance to speak!Xiao Ba angrily whipped the jewel star with his tentacles, will you change back?
Jewel Star was lazily enjoying Xiaoba's whip massage, young man, use a little more force, just enough to loosen the old man's muscles and bones, don't stop.

Xiao Ba was panting from the beating, and there was really nothing he could do about Gem Star, who was not good at oil and salt.

Then, Xiao Ba and Gem Star were released by Mo Xuan!However, the strategic ship Explorer has successfully broken through, and Feng Gaojun Jinxian was seriously injured again, so he can already sleep peacefully!
Why?This is?Mo Xuan and his party took a surprised look at the stiff gem star, it must be Xiaoba's masterpiece.

This time he was able to break through so smoothly and seriously injured Feng Gaojun Jinxian, all thanks to the cooperation of Xiao Ba and Gem Star!These two are really golden partners!

(End of this chapter)

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