Chapter 390

Mo Xuan looked at Xiao Ba and Gem Star, who seemed to be good friends, hooking their shoulders together, huh?Why do you feel a little obedient.

Jewel Star complained to Mo Xuan and his party: "Don't bring someone like this to cross the river and destroy the bridge! It took me a lot of effort to successfully break through the siege, you can't cross the river and destroy the bridge, and revenge!"

"What's the matter with this guy named Xiaoba? It's just that he doesn't respect the old and love the young at all, and he wants to eat me!"

Uh... Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help but roll their eyes, feeling a little speechless towards Xiao Bazhen.

Xiao Ba curled his lips and said, "As for your lump of dirt, I don't even bother to take a bite when it's delivered to my door for nothing. If you replace it with a big diamond, I'd be interested in tasting it."

Gem Star groaned and chirped: "The old man has lived to such an old age, and I have never seen such a shameless guy like you!"

Mo Xuan routinely acted as a peacemaker, waved Xiao Ba to let go of the tentacles wrapped around the jewel star, and persuaded him: "Okay, okay, this is the end of the joke. From now on, everyone is a family, so we have to be careful." get along."

This is almost the same, Gemstar snorted, hey wait, who is a family with you!It's okay, don't mess around, it's almost okay!Although the ban has been lifted, there are powerful enemies around at the moment, and they can't run away even if they want to. Jewel Star can only keep silent, thinking to himself that he will run away as soon as he has a chance. How good it is to be free alone. Not happy to grovel!
Xiao Ba curled his lips reluctantly, and glanced at the jewel star, the taste is really superb, unprecedented deliciousness!
Xiao Yun rubbed his chin and asked Gem Star: "Xiao Bao, how many forms can you change?"

Gemstone Star couldn't react for a while, the little treasure in Xiaoyun's mouth was calling him, what kind of stupid name, it's not as good as the original little star!Jewel Star complained in his heart, but still replied: "Apart from the original diamond form, there is only this soil form, and other forms of attributes are not needed."

Xiaoyun gave a noncommittal oh, and said, "That's okay, if you can transform all the forms of the five elements, it will be really amazing!"

Gemstar curled his lips and said: "If the old man can change the five elements freely, he would have been extremely powerful as a golden immortal, and the tall and tall golden immortal would have to escape for his life when he meets the old man!" I will be captured by you sadly, but well, it is not possible for the old man to convert all the five elements for the time being, but he has mastered the four elements, and there is only one fire left, but this fire can't be handled anyway, so I have been stuck in the golden fairy gate In addition, life and death can not be advanced, depressed!

This is the bottom of the old man's box, so I won't tell you!Gemstar is very shrewd.

However, how could Xiao Yun and Mo Xuan be so easy to fool? They exchanged glances, and they guessed very well.

Mo Xuan then said to Gemstone Star: "That's it, but you don't have to overwhelm yourself with too many skills. Que'er and I are both fire attributes, which is not bad. It should help you transform your fire attributes."

This... the star of the jewel, but Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er, who are middle-grade Xuanxians, have been able to suppress the Jinxian with their own eyes. How can it be not bad? How about a bunker!Gem Star's mind suddenly became active. If he could really get the guidance of these two fire attribute powers, maybe the fire attribute conversion that had been bothering him for many years could be solved!
The star of the jewel is irresistibly moved, and when he can also transform into a fire attribute, then the sea and the sky will be wide open, and he can travel freely in the world!

Gemstone star said naively: "Then I'll leave it to you two." It happened that there were some doubts that had troubled me for many years, so Gemstar thought about how to ask.

"You're welcome." Mo Xuan smiled, and immediately took Mo Que'er to the next room to practice double cultivation.

Uh... Jewel Star can only wait patiently.

Xiaoyun and Kong Ling paid close attention to the latest developments of the Hanlifang Fleet and conducted repeated deduction.The United Fleet is doing pretty well, but the Jedi counterattacked!
Xiaoba played with the jewel star with his tentacles from time to time, completely treating the jewel star as a toy.

If the old man cultivates the fire attribute, he must let this bad boy know how powerful he is!Jewel Star endured it, and wrote Xiao Ba's disgust into the account book in his heart, and then he will slowly settle the account with you.

Together, Xiaoyun and Kong Ling, Feng Gaojun Jinxian is seriously injured and loses his combat power. If the United Fleet collides with the Hanlifang Fleet, both sides will suffer. Bridge Galaxy gets a piece of the action.

that's it!
Xiao Yun then anonymously sent two messages to the United Fleet, telling the United Fleet the fact that Hanlifang Feng Gaojun was seriously injured. Anyway, it has nothing to do with our Four Immortals, and there are too many forces who have formed beams with Hanlifang Well, it's not just our Four Immortals family.Even if Hanlifang wants to settle accounts after the autumn, but there is no definite evidence, they can't rely on us, maybe they will think that there is a mole inside, deliberately leak the news, and organize a sweep to clean up the mole!Hey, happy to hear and see!
Sure enough, the United Fleet is still very kind, and it immediately clashed with the Hanlifang Fleet!The two sides fought so fiercely!
Xiaoyun and Kong Ling are high-spirited and have nothing to do with themselves. Ahem, to be precise, they are helping on the sidelines to prevent the golden fairy Feng Gaojun from counterattacking. We just need to keep an eye on the golden fairy Feng Gaojun!

After all, our Four Immortal Sect is only a single battleship, we are single and weak, and we can't help if we want to help, no, united fleet, come on, we are optimistic about you!
Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er were lingering to death, cough cough, and worked hard for three days and three nights of double cultivation, and now they have a little bit of fun!
Mo Xuan was still thinking about the freshman group of Fuyu Culinary Academy, so he stopped the double cultivation.

Three days and three nights were really too short, Mo Que'er pouted her mouth high and wrapped her arms and legs around Mo Xuan at the same time, so as not to let Mo Xuan leave.

Mo Xuan took a breath, kissed Que'er affectionately, and said, "Okay, now the business is important, Que'er, you should also stay in the Rainbow Bridge galaxy for a while, then we will have a lot of opportunities to be together."

Mo Que'er gave a low hum, hooked Mo Xuan's neck and gave another affectionate kiss, which ended the double cultivation.

Mo Xuan came to the lobby of the strategic ship with Mo Que'er in his arms, and saw that Xiao Ba and Gem Star were still shoulder to shoulder, and Gem Star didn't care about Xiao Ba, as if Xiao Ba didn't exist!

Mo Xuan glanced at the latest developments of the United Fleet and the Hanlifang Fleet. The two sides are sticking together, and it will be impossible to tell the winner for a while.

At this time, the blockade arranged by Hanlifang has been fragmented, and it is almost ready to jump.

Xiaoyun then sent Mo Xuan and Kong Ling to the planet where the Fuyu battleship stayed.

Mo Xuan told Xiao Yun and Mo Que'er, don't go too far, people are doing it, and the sky is watching.

Mo Que'er nodded obediently.Xiaoyun curled his lips in disdain.

"Little Treasure, come with me. Normally, don't reveal your real diamond body, just show your face in the form of dirt as big as a dusty washbasin." Mo Xuan said to the jewel star again.

The Jewel Star responded, and then shrunk down into a piece of dusty earth and stone the size of a washbasin. With his simple form, it was impossible to connect with the bright Jewel Star.

Xiao Ba reluctantly watched Gem Star leave with Mo Xuan and Kong Ling, smacking his lips, it seems that he has no luck for the time being!

Gem Star glanced back at Xiao Ba, and snorted coldly in his heart.

Mo Xuan turned around and waved to the strategic ship Explorer, and it's a good trip.

Mo Que'er smiled sweetly and waved, Xuan, come back early!
Xiao Ba also reluctantly waved his tentacles, Xiao Bao, I will wait for you to come back!
The suspended body of Jewel Star staggered, come back your sister!

Xiaoyun flew away directly on the strategic ship Explorer.

Mo Xuan said to Jewel Star: "Little Ba is actually kind-hearted, but he can't control his mouth. When you are with him, try to maintain this form. After a long time, he will be able to control himself. .”

Gemstar grudgingly hummed, but he didn't think so in his heart, anyway, Xiao Ba has already logged into the old man's account book, and sooner or later he will settle the score with him!
Mo Xuan smiled slightly, put the jewel star into the animal control bag, and muttered in his heart, Xiaobao, I advise you not to think too much, Xiaoba is a demon devouring beast, your combat power is certainly not bad, But if you want to deal with Xiao Ba, the unlucky one will most likely be yourself!
It was delayed for several days, and the time was already very tight!
Mo Xuan and Kong Ling hurried back to the Fuyu battleship that was still in the valley. Hey, the valley has collapsed a lot.

"Teacher Huashan." "Senior Wu." "You guys are back"...

Tang Feihe and the students were really looking forward to it, tears were rushing!

The battle between the Hanlifang Fleet and the United Fleet was in full swing, and Mo Xuan, Mo Que'er, and Feng Gaojun Jinxian were also fighting fiercely. This small planet was also affected, and there were constant earthquakes!
However, the two Xuanxian powers didn't know where they went, and they couldn't get in touch. Tang Feihe and the students were really in dire straits, and they were terrified!

Tang Feihe has already applied to the academy, giving up this round of freshman training, and returning safely to Fuyu Little Fairyland.The dean, Lao Xuanxian, also agreed, but Teacher Huashan and Wu Xiahuai have not returned for a long time, so they can only wait patiently, and wait again!

It can be regarded as looking forward to the return of the two, and tears are really rushing!

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and said: "The Hanlifang Fleet fought fiercely with the United Fleet, but the blockade has been lifted, let's set off quickly, there should be still time."

Tang Feihe rubbed his hands together, and said falteringly, "Well, Teacher Huashan, it's not peaceful outside, the dean told us to go back to the academy first."

Kong Ling was unhappy, and said: "Why go back, let's hurry up, there should still be time!"

The fledgling students were all terrified. They never expected to encounter the rare Star Wars once in a millennium as soon as they went out. This is too bad luck!

Wang Er, Li Sanliang, and the second generation ancestors have been crying for a long time. Mom, I want to go home, help me...

The other students were not much better. Liu Xing was also worried, had trouble sleeping and eating, and would shudder whenever there was a disturbance.

The students are really scared, Mr. Huashan, let's go back to the academy quickly, it's too dangerous outside!
Mo Xuan said in relief: "Everyone, don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen. This time's experience is rare, and it will help you a lot in the future. Alright, let's go, I'll be driving."

Tang Feihe could only say oh, but his heart was still flustered. If we crashed into the super battlefield, we would definitely be cannon fodder!

Of course, Mo Xuan would not make that kind of low-level mistake, not to mention that he had watched the battle on the spot before, and he easily escaped from the restricted area after only two transitions.

Next, Tang Feihe drove the battleship to Chicken Nest Star.

Mo Xuan sat in a circle with the students, told stories and played Go.

You must know that it is really not easy to play a game of Go with Teacher Huashan, and staying with Teacher Huashan, the sense of security is so high that the students quickly put Star Wars behind them and started talking and laughing again.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, the chess skills of the two second-generation ancestors are not bad, it seems that they have learned Go specially, but the little guy Liu Xing is actually good at playing, I thought he could only cook, and the chess skills of the rest of the students are just Too good.

Finally, without any surprises or dangers, the battleship Fuyu arrived at Chicken Nest Star before the cockfighting meeting began!
(End of this chapter)

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