Interstellar Miner

Chapter 392 God of Cockfighting

Chapter 392 God of Cockfighting
Next, Shu Hongxuan will give you a detailed introduction to the cockfighting conference!
A long, long time ago, this cockfighting conference was purely a cockfighting conference. The residents on Chicken Nest Planet specialized in breeding and breeding gamecocks. From the heavenly aristocrats down to the common people, they all love cockfighting. It can be said that it has a long history.

The sun is sinking and the moon is rising and there is a cockfight. Don't ask whether the sky is high or low when you are drunk.

In the city of cockfights every day, winning merits is good for cultivating immortals.

From these verses that have been handed down, you can experience the warm atmosphere of cockfighting in December.

Fighting cocks are not ordinary chickens. They are rare birds known for being good at fighting, also known as fighting cocks.When two cocks meet or fight for food, or fight for the mate, they can fight to the last breath regardless of life or death.

Fighting cocks are the treasure of chickens. They are burly in shape, strong in physique, well-proportioned and compact in structure, well-developed in muscles, well-developed in muscles, strong in sex, and good at fighting.

Fighting cocks have well-developed bones, dense and hard bones.The head and neck are raised, and the neck, chest, and shins are almost in a straight line.The crown, beard and earlobe are underdeveloped.The eyes are big and sharp, the beak is thick and short, hard and wedge-shaped, the tip is slightly curved and very sharp, the neck is thick and flexible, the legs are strong and powerful, the shin is long, the spur is well developed, long and sharp, and grows upward.The claws are thick, hard and sharp.The whole body feathers are thin, thick, short and close to the body surface, and rich in luster, with various feather colors, mostly black feathers.The wing feathers flap vigorously.

The color of the feathers of fighting cocks is very particular, usually blue, red, purple and soap.

Cyan is jet-black feathers, with turquoise flashes on the front, and white sand tail under the fleece. Cyan gamecock is also called black cloud cover snow.

Red means that the back of the neck is red, the fringe is taupe, the tail is black or with white sand tail, and the fluff of the red chicken after hatching is white, so the red cockfighting cock is also called white fluff.

Purple means that the feathers on the back of the neck are dark red or black red, and there are two kinds of blue and white feathers.

Soap color means that the whole body feathers are evenly black, as black as soap cloth without light.

The above four coat colors are the top grade, and the other white, beautiful waist, reed flower, and persimmon yellow coats are the lower coats.

Other fighting cocks are very particular about character, bone, body shape, weight, head, eyes, crown, legs and claws.

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin. Speaking of cockfighting, he couldn't help but think of a comedy movie about cockfighting he watched when he was a child. In the movie, the protagonist of a cockfighting cock was very brave and invincible. After drinking alcohol, the general fighting cock must be sloppy, wobbly, and its fighting power is greatly reduced after drinking alcohol, but that game cock is drinking like water, and it is even more brave after drinking alcohol!The opponent lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot, which made him laugh out loud.

As a result, Mo Xuan became very interested in cockfighting. He heard the knowledgeable elders in the village talk about the history of cockfighting. It has a history of more than 2000 years in China, and it was most popular in the Tang Dynasty.

Poet fairy Li Bai once got red-eyed because of cockfighting when he was young and vigorous, drew a knife and hacked a few rogues to death, but fled far away and became a fugitive, and later became an immortal poet.

During the period of Tang Gaozong, princes and officials loved cockfighting.Once King Pei and King Ying fought fiercely in a battle of chickens. Wang Bo, one of the four great poets of the early Tang Dynasty, wrote a special essay for King Pei, denouncing King Ying’s cockfighting. King Ying staggered angrily.

As a result, the former royal brothers almost turned against each other for this, and finally had to rely on Gaozong's mediation before giving up. However, Wang Bo, the author of the essay, was dismissed from office in a fit of anger by Gaozong, and became an idler.

Some people are dismissed because of chickens, but others are promoted because of chickens.Once Tang Xuanzong was wandering out of the palace, and saw a child named Jia Chang playing with a wooden mechanism chicken on the street. One person and one chicken were seamless, and a human was a chicken, and a chicken was a human.Seeing this scene, Xuanzong was very happy, and immediately called Jia Chang to the palace to take charge of raising fighting cocks.

And Jia Chang was also very competitive, and immediately showed his skills in the palace, training the emperor's fighting cocks to the top.

Because Xuanzong loved cockfighting, he often held large-scale cockfighting competitions in Chang'an, especially during the Lantern Festival, Qingming Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival every year. Tang Xuanzong must gather crowds for cockfighting to show peace in the world.

Whenever it comes to the day of cockfighting, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty will send out the palace band collectively, and the beauties of the harem will also appear one after another.Jia Chang, on the other hand, wore a carved emerald gold crown on his head, wore brocade underpants, and held a Duo Fu in his hand, guiding the group of chickens to the middle of the field in a majestic manner.Under Jia Chang's command, the flock of chickens advances and retreats with discretion, looking forward to flying like a general on the battlefield.After the battle, Jia Chang ordered his chickens to line up in order of victory and defeat, accept Xuanzong's inspection, and then return to the Royal Chicken Square in a uniform order.

There is even a fairy chicken nursery rhyme: a child does not need to be literate, but a cockfight is better than reading.The Jia family's child is thirteen years old, and his wealth and prosperity are not as good as those of his generation.

In modern times, this chicken nursery rhyme has been evaluated as reflecting the drunkenness of the Tang Dynasty, distorting the trend of life, and misleading teenagers.How should I put it, it is inevitable to be one-sided and objective when evaluating ancient people from the perspective of modern people.

What kind of era created what kind of characters and events? Modern people have really traveled to ancient times. Language barriers are the most important thing. Their modern thoughts were too rebellious in ancient times, and they were easily attacked by groups. It's terrible, in short, it is enough to support a family in nine out of ten cases, and it is even more desolate and tragic when there is war.

History always exists coldly, but those who do things always hope to put the word "if" on history, and guess whether history will have another result, which is a pain in the ass.

Although Mo Xuan can go back in time now, he has not found any supernatural powers that can return to the past. Everything has a cause and effect, and returning to the past is tantamount to cutting off the cause and effect, and the seriousness of the consequences is unimaginable!
And even if it really goes back to the past and changes the history, it can only be a brand new world. The previous historical world still exists and remains unchanged from ancient times.

It is true to live in the moment!
Keke, get back to business.

The chicken coop star has always been popular in cockfighting, and has gradually become extravagant and arrogant.

At the beginning of the cockfight, the brocade is given, and the dancing horse is on the bed.

The five-acre field is flat, and the footprints are new, and there is poultry dust around the group.It is often said that peace and life are still not achieved, who is instigating the bloody fight?

From the criticism of these poems, one can understand the excess of cockfighting at that time.But the current situation is like that, and cockfighting is still popular.

The chicken kings produced by the cockfighting conference are also constantly changing, and the competition is extremely fierce.

Later, Jiwoxing finally gave birth to a cockfighting god, who was invincible in all battles and won countless championships in his life. Myths and legends!

Later, the God of Fighting Cock passed away, and all the residents of Chicken Nest Star saw him off, and the scene was extremely shocking.

It is said that although the God of Fighting Cock was buried in the earth, but because people have been enshrining the tablets of the God of Fighting Cock and offering incense continuously, his soul has never dissipated. .

It is precisely because of the invincibility of the cockfighting god that the championship of the cockfighting conference has no suspense at all. The gambling industry that has been repeatedly banned has naturally gradually decreased. Coupled with the high-pressure policy promulgated by the wise immortals, the phenomenon of cockfighting has gradually decreased. Chicken for ingredients.The cockfighting has gradually become the traditional culture of the cockfighting star, which has been passed down to this day. It is no longer a life-and-death fight, but is used as an exhibition game of the cockfighting conference to pay homage to the god of cockfighting.

So it was so, Mo Xuan and Kong Ling couldn't help but looked at each other in surprise, and nodded in admiration.

Shu Hongxuan will introduce the current cockfighting competition in detail. In the final analysis, it is a chicken cooking competition!Delicious chicken dishes are made by the chefs of the restaurants of Chicken Nest Star and foreign contestants!
There are two main points. One is chicken with ingredients. Ordinary chickens do not need to participate in the competition. It is definitely useless. Only Baoji with the best variety, the most delicious and the highest nutrition can hope to win a good ranking; the second is the cooking skills of the chef. Can't even make it into the top [-].

Shu Hongxuan has participated in many cockfighting conferences, and the best ranking is more than 200, which is already quite good, and it is an important foundation for Shu Hongxuan to gain a firm foothold in Babaoji Town.

At this time, it was less than fifteen hours before the official start of the cockfighting meeting, and the registration was closed.But it doesn't matter, everyone can participate in the name of Hongxuan Hotel.

It is really difficult!

Chao Qian, Zhang Xiaomei and the others couldn't help but secretly frowned, feeling that we were simply here to make soy sauce.

Shu Hongxuan spoke bluntly, and said directly: "My competition dishes have been decided, but if you guys have any better ideas, you can compete with me, and the winning work will be the final dish to participate in the cockfighting competition." Shu Hongxuan These words were naturally addressed to Kong Ling and Liu Xing.

Liu Xing is very self-aware. Although he is pretty good now, senior Shu has been specializing in chicken dishes for so many years, and the dishes he usually makes are already so beautiful. If he doesn't have any particularly good ideas, he must not be the opponent of Senior Shu!

Kong Ling nodded without hesitation, and said, "I have to choose the chicken as the ingredient first, and then we will have a duel at night."

Shu Hongxuan nodded, not at all unhappy, nor did he show any contempt for Kong Ling, whose alias was Wu Xiahuai. Although Liu Xing's three patents were selling very hotly, Wu Xiahuai's patented Starlight Cold Noodles was a top three. , It's crazy!

Brand-new taste, brand-new deliciousness, and refreshing cold noodles, eating a bowl of cold noodles in hot areas can cool off the heat; eating a bowl in severe cold areas, because the cold noodles are accompanied by many peppers, the whole body becomes warm!
Shu Hongxuan has great expectations for Wu Xiahuai and Liu Xing, if they really cook a great chicken dish and get a good ranking, Hongxuan Hotel will also be able to enjoy a lot of glory!

"You can use the chickens in my store as you like, but the number of Baoji chickens I carefully prepared for the cockfighting competition is limited, so you should save some." Shu Hongxuan said in a big way.

After the meal, everyone took action immediately. First of all, they went to visit the kitchen of Hongxuan Hotel. Wow, besides Chef Shu Hongxuan, there are nine senior chefs, each chef has a sous chef and several assistants, Dude, the whole assembly line operation is efficient and fast.

This is called a big restaurant. Liu Xing's eyes widened and he looked around with great interest. The Liu's restaurant opened by his family is really incomparable, the grade is much worse!Liu Xing clenched his fists tightly. In the future, I will definitely build our Liu's restaurant into a restaurant that is much more grand than this Hongxuan Hotel!
Chao Qian and Zhang Xiaomei are very self-aware, they help out in the kitchen, learning while practicing.

Wang Er and Li San, the two second-generation ancestors, also worked honestly as handymen, and did not dare to make the slightest mistake. After leaving the academy, the two of them were really very honest.In fact, it is not so easy to be domineering. If one accidentally bumps into an iron plate, it is easy to bruise and bleed. The two second-generation ancestors only dared to pull and shake prestige.

Kong Ling glanced at the hundreds of chickens raised in the chicken coop. Although the energetic Baojis looked pretty good, Shu Hongxuan must have put a lot of effort into the cooking of these chickens, using those chickens to make I am afraid that the chicken dishes that come out will not be easy to beat him.Moreover, just using these few Baoji, I am afraid that they will not get a good ranking.

Either don't do it or do it best!Kong Ling's goal is always No.1!
Kong Ling took Mo Xuan's arm and went out shopping to see if there was any good Baoji.

Accompanied by Tang Feihe, Liu Xing also went out to find the powerful Baoji. With three patents in hand, he is now considered a little rich man, not short of money.

(End of this chapter)

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