Interstellar Miner

Chapter 393 Mysterious Black Chicken

Chapter 393 Mysterious Black Chicken ([-])

However, the cockfight was just around the corner, and the high-end Baoji had already been sold out. After visiting several towns, Kong Ling failed to meet a Baoji worthy of the show.

Kong Ling couldn't help frowning, it's a bit troublesome now, could it be that they can only make a fuss about the few Baoji prepared by Shu Hongxuan?

Time is running out, Mo Xuan and Kong Ling hurried to the next town.

A timid, seven or eight-year-old girl with a somewhat dirty face was standing alone by the gate of the market, holding in her arms a half-dead black strange chicken with dull eyes and drooping head, watching the people coming and going. Pedestrians yell weakly from time to time.

However, people around are avoiding it. The black chicken looks really eye-catching, and it is a typical plague chicken. It is more unlucky than a crow, and only a fool would buy it.

Kong Ling's beautiful eyes lit up, she let out a surprise, and walked over holding Mo Xuan's arm.

"Little girl, what kind of chicken is this?" Kong Ling asked while looking at the strange black chicken.

Finally a guest came to the door. The little girl blushed and timidly replied: "This is a chicken that my grandfather bred with great difficulty, and it is called a black chicken."

Black chicken, the name is really not good, Kong Ling said: "Put it on the ground and let me see."

The little girl looked embarrassed, and said weakly: "Dahei runs so fast and can fly. If I let go of him, he will definitely run away."

Kong Ling smiled slightly and said: "It's okay, we are immortals, it can't escape, if it does escape, we will accompany you for money."

The little girl oh, and carefully put the black chicken in her arms on the ground.It turned out that there was a rope tied around the little girl's wrist, which was tied to the black chicken's feet.

The black chicken sluggishly clucked and walked a few steps on the ground, then quickly pecked off the rope, rushed out, flapped its wings and jumped into the sky, the speed is really not slow!
The little girl exclaimed, and hurried to catch up, but before it was too late, the black chicken had already flown far away, alas, what should I do!The little girl stomped her feet anxiously.

Oops, this black chicken has become fine!Mo Xuan blinked in surprise, and flicked his sleeves lightly, a breeze swept the black chicken and flew back.

Cluck, cluck... The black chicken screamed and struggled desperately, I don't want to be in the pot, I don't want to die yet!Help, Xiaohua, how can you be so cruel, you actually want to sell me!Even if you want to sell, then sell other black chickens, why do you have to sell me!The black chicken was so anxious that tears came down.

Xiao Hua pursed her lips, and she was extremely reluctant to part with Da Hei, but now her grandfather was sick in bed and was waiting for life-saving money. In order to breed the black chickens, she not only sold out money, but also piled up debts.Xiaohua chose the most handsome Dahei and walked thirty miles to this town to sell it, hoping to sell it at a good price, but Dahei pretended to be that plague chicken, and no one cared about it.

Why!What chicken?It is black and not slippery, but it runs so fast and flies so fast!At first glance, it is no ordinary Baoji!A lot of discerning immortals and street vendors gathered around, pointing at the struggling black chicken.I thought it was a plague chicken that was about to die of illness, but I didn't expect it to be so energetic!It really doesn't look like a chicken by its appearance!

People are gathering more and more.

On the contrary, Xiao Hua felt uncomfortable, she shrank her body timidly, and hugged Dahei who was flying back into her arms with sharp eyes and hands.

Dahei suddenly froze and didn't move.

But everyone can see that it is playing dead on purpose, this black chicken is really smart!

If Mo Xuan and Kong Ling were not able to stand with Xiao Hua, they would have swarmed up to snatch Da Hei.

Mo Xuan and Kong Ling looked at Dahei amusedly, this guy is really unusual.Mo Xuan touched Dahei's drooping head, and comforted him: "Okay, don't pretend to be dead, we don't want to eat you, you are so handsome, you are the best breeder, how can you be willing to eat you?"

Say it earlier!Breeder I like it!Dahei immediately stood upright with his head upright, giggling and shouting a few times with vigor, his eyes sparkled like lightning.

Oh, the onlookers were amazed, what a black chicken of Shenjun, this guy has become a master!
Kong Ling smiled and said to Xiao Hua: "Are there any other black chickens? I still need a few good Bao chickens for the cockfight. If your black chickens are of good quality, the price is not a problem."

Xiaohua nodded again and again, some of them, although it is extremely difficult to breed black chickens, but grandpa has worked hard for so many years, and he has carefully bred 36 of them. Being bullied by him always makes the coop uneasy, and makes grandpa uneasy lying on the hospital bed.Xiaohua was so angry that she brought Dahei to the market to sell.

"Where is your home?" Kong Ling nodded and asked.

"My home is quite far away. It's about thirty miles to the west of this town." Xiaohua said weakly. She walked for a whole morning to reach the town, and she might be too late.

"Did you come here alone?" Kong Ling couldn't help being surprised, such a young girl.

Xiaohua nodded and gave a low hum.

It's not easy, Kong Ling patted Xiaohua's head approvingly, and said, "The cockfight is about to start, time is running out, let's go directly to your house to buy."

Xiaohua nodded, okay.

Mo Xuan and Kong Ling usually walk on the road with super fairy swords or Sanmao, but Sanmao is in Que'er's animal control bag.

Now that Xiaohua was about to be carried, Mo Xuan took out a piece of spirit paper and quickly folded a delicate paper boat. He exhaled the fairy energy, and turned into a spirit paper boat five meters away and fell to the ground.

Huh!These days, there are still immortals folding spirit paper boats and rushing on their way. These two are at least angels, they are really weird!But for a weak girl like Xiaohua who has never practiced, the spirit paper boat is very gentle and stable, it is indeed quite suitable.

Xiaohua blinked in surprise, is it for me to ride?
Mo Xuan and Kong Ling floated into the spirit paper boat and greeted Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua then stepped into the spirit paper boat with flushed cheeks, and looked left and right in amazement.Dahei also widened his eyes and looked at the spirit paper boat curiously.

Mo Xuan said to Xiao Hua: "It's about to take off, Xiao Hua, please sit down first, so as not to wobble."

How did Senior Immortal know my name is Xiaohua? Xiaohua hummed in surprise, sat down, and hugged Dahei tightly.

Mo Xuan clicked his finger, and the spirit paper boat flew up.

Many immortals also released magic weapons of flight, ready to share a piece of the pie, and rushed to buy a few black chickens.Instead, in the blink of an eye, it flew so far away that ordinary flying magic weapons couldn't keep up with it.

Why!This... what's the situation?Didn't the spirit paper boat be folded out by that male fairy under the watchful eyes of everyone? I didn't see anything special about it. How could it fly so fast, and it didn't fall apart at all? How did it happen?

Only a few heavenly immortals hang behind the spirit paper boat reluctantly, and the more they follow, the more frightened they become. Those two are definitely not ordinary Xuanxians. It is unimaginable that the spirit paper boats that were folded at random can fly so fast.

With just such a clone effort, the spirit paper boat flickered a few times, and then disappeared from the eyes of those angels!
Why?Where did it go?The celestial beings searched everywhere, but to no avail, they could only return with a sigh.That mysterious immortal is really powerful. Since he doesn't want us to follow, let's be conscious, so as not to annoy his old man.

The spirit paper boat was actually not far from those angels, but they couldn't see it.

Seeing the fly go away, Mo Xuan asked, "Xiao Hua, where is your home?"

Xiaohua looked down and saw three small villages in the shape of finished characters, ah, this is already here?It's too fast!This is the fairy!

Xiaohua pointed to the small village in the middle with admiration and said, "My home is in the chicken village in the middle."

Mo Xuan nodded, told Xiao Hua to finish it, and flew the spirit paper boat to the grain drying field in the village.

Wow!It's a flying boat!Is that a little flower?
The children in the village danced and yelled, and the adults also gathered.

Could it be that the unlucky black chicken that can't be sold is really favored by a fairy?impossible!But if it looks bad, it really is!

Xiao Hua led Mo Xuan and Kong Ling to her small courtyard, tsk tsk, it can be seen at a glance, the mud-walled mud house is full of poverty, and the chicken coop built with a fence is still decent, with more than thirty black chickens in the hen coop Walking leisurely, Dahei was taken away by Xiaohua early in the morning, and their life suddenly became much more comfortable.Seeing Dahei came back again, the black chickens clucked and made a commotion.

Dahei glanced contemptuously at his younger brothers and sisters, what are you arguing about, have you seen a handsome chicken!
Mo Xuan and Kong Ling heard a weak coughing sound in the room, and looked at each other in amazement. The sound was probably not good enough!
"Xiaohua, is Xiaohua back?" Grandpa Xiaohua called weakly.

"Grandpa, it's me, I'm back." Xiaohua rushed into the house with Dahei in her arms.

"Xiaohua, why are you holding Dahei, Dahei can't be sold! It's the lifeblood of grandpa, ahem."

"Grandpa, lie down quickly, I'm not selling Dahei."

Mo Xuan and Kong Ling walked into the house. The smell in the house was not very good. It smelled like a chicken coop. The old man lying on the bed was sallow and emaciated, his hall was dark, and he was coughing intermittently.

"Xiao Hua, who are these two?" The old man looked suspiciously at Mo Xuan and Kong Ling who walked into the room. Although his old eyes were dim and he couldn't see clearly, the bearing of these two people was really amazing, something he had never seen in his life!
"Grandpa, these two senior immortals fell in love with our family's black chicken and came here to buy it." Xiaohua explained.

"Really?" The old man couldn't believe it. He had gone to many town markets to sell it, but people always thought black chicken was bad luck and ominous. He was reluctant to sell it at a low price, but no one wanted to buy it at a high price. Wow. !

Mo Xuan frowned slightly, sat on the side of the bed, and gently held the old man's wrist. The old man's physical condition was immediately clear to him. Fortunately, it was just that he had been depressed for many years. The vitality is almost exhausted, but if there is no good conditioning, I'm afraid it won't last long.

However, for Mo Xuan today, it was just a matter of lifting his hands, inputting a stream of immortal energy into the old man's body, and easily dispelling the pent-up stagnation.

The old man's body trembled slightly, and he just felt that his body became much more relaxed and comfortable. Well, it couldn't be a flashback, could it?

Mo Xuan rummaged in the storage ring for a while, and finally found the leftover longevity pill that was used back then. Back then, for such a longevity pill, he had to tighten his trouser pockets to get one. Now, let alone longevity pill Dan, the rejuvenated Dan who made Mo Xuan hopeless back then has become a useless thing that is better than nothing and can only press the warehouse.

The old man is still very weak and cannot withstand the potency of the Rejuvenation Pill, but the Yannian Yishou Pill is relatively mild, so it is very suitable to nourish the old man.

Mo Xuan said to the old man: "This is a warming and tonic elixir. After taking it, your body will almost recover."

The old man was taken aback, healed?Could this be the legendary elixir?

Mo Xuan directly threw the longevity pill into the old man's mouth.The old man swallowed it whole, and after a while, he felt a hot current rise from his stomach and quickly spread throughout his body, as if bathing in a hot spring, it was indescribably comfortable.

Seeing her grandpa's face gradually turning rosy, and her eyes becoming more energetic, Xiao Hua couldn't help but wept with joy, that's great, grandpa's illness is really cured!Dahei in Xiaohua's arms also watched this scene in shock.

The young and old watching outside the house exclaimed incessantly, what a fairy, everyone said in private that Grandpa Xiaohua would not be able to last for a few days, but unexpectedly the fairy saved him in a few moments, he really deserves to be a fairy!

Grandpa Xiaohua took a long breath, coughed out a mouthful of black and blue old phlegm, and spit it into the spittoon. Immediately, a huge change took place in the spirit of the whole person.Grandpa Xiaohua rolled over and got out of bed, and bowed to Mo Xuanna.Xiaohua followed suit.

Mo Xuan gently raised his hand, and with a gentle force, he lifted Grandpa Xiaohua up, and said, "It's just a little effort, there is no need to be polite."

Your little effort saved the old man's life!Xiaohua and grandpa were really grateful and could not repay.

(End of this chapter)

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