Interstellar Miner

Chapter 394 Mysterious Black Chicken

Chapter 394 Mysterious Black Chicken ([-])

The family was poor, and Grandpa Xiaohua searched for a long time but couldn't find a few pieces of tea to entertain the distinguished guests, so she was extremely ashamed.

Mo Xuan waved his hand, indicating that you are welcome.

Kong Ling didn't like the atmosphere in the room, so she walked out with Mo Xuan on her arm.Xiaohua and grandpa hurriedly followed out.

All the young and old watching outside the house looked at Mo Xuan eagerly, this is an omnipotent immortal, so chic and unrestrained!Speaking of which, we have seen many immortals, but we have never seen immortals with the temperament of Mo Xuan and Kong Ling. These two are definitely not ordinary immortals!

Kong Ling walked to the hen house with Mo Xuan on her arm, and looked at the black chickens in the hen house with great interest.

Grandpa Xiaohua was very proud of the black chicken he had cultivated through untold hardships. He stroked his beard and sighed: "I saw this black chicken by accident in the valley when I was young. It is definitely not a common chicken. Since then, I have been thinking about this black chicken day and night, and finally saw it again when I was 16 years old. I followed it quietly for two days and two nights and finally figured out the activities of the black chicken. According to the law, I managed to catch two after going through all kinds of difficulties."

Grandpa Xiaohua sighed, and continued: "I thought that I would get rich quickly by relying on black chickens, but I didn't think so, but I took it for granted. This kind of black chickens are extremely picky about food, and ordinary spiritual grains are not rare to eat. The water you drink is also very particular. If you don’t eat well, you will be weak and sick! At that time, my family was not bad and I went to private school, but since I started breeding black chickens, my family has gradually been poored by black chickens. But this black chicken I couldn’t sell it at a high price, and I was so stubborn that I couldn’t bear to transfer it or give up nurturing it. I kept clenching my teeth and insisted that even if I didn’t have enough to eat, I would never be hungry for black chicken. Later, I could only sell iron, and gradually became a vain family. Even though Xiao Hua's parents have been working hard outside, they can't support the huge consumption of breeding black chickens, so they have to borrow foreign debts and become heavily in debt."

Grandpa Xiaohua's face was full of bitterness and bitterness, and said bitterly: "I have thought of giving up countless times, but I can't change my temper after all. I have spent my whole life on black chickens. I just held my breath and persisted until today. Still unable to hold on, fell ill."

Mo Xuan nodded slightly. Behind every persistence is full of countless hardships and hardships. Fortunately, God is fair and just to everyone. Hard work will not be in vain. Or less difference.What is yours will be yours after all, and no one else can take it away.

Cluck cluck, the black chickens in the chicken coop crowed together, but they were hungry. When they saw Xiaohua and her grandpa, they thought they were going to be fed.

In fact, there are only a few grains of spiritual grains left in Xiaohua's house, so there is nothing she can do.

Mo Xuan, who knew everything in his chest, took out a large bag of Linggu casually. This was leftover from a piece of food that year, and had been stored in the storage bracelet. Thousands of years have passed, and it is only a little old. It's a pity that Shen Jun The unusual one entered Xiao Ba's stomach so quickly, and now thinking about it makes me sad.

Adventurer strategic ship.

Xiao Ba, who was lying on the ground bored, shuddered suddenly, and he didn't need to guess to know that the master must be chanting something again.Xiaoba sighed faintly, one misstep would cause eternal hatred, one and one, you have been dead for so many years, why the master never forgets, obviously one has been with the master for a few days!From this point of view, if I die, the master must be even more sad.Bah, bah, crow's mouth, I won't die, I will definitely live happily with my master and mistresses.

Xiaoyun and Mo Que'er are also doing nothing. Super Star Wars is very exciting, but it's real guns and real ammunition. The immortals throw their heads and blood, and a large number of people fall, but the same scene has been watched for several days. I can't help but get bored up.Xiao Yun and Mo Que'er are sitting face to face on the futon at the moment, playing Go to pass the time.

Xiaotong devoted herself to collecting the latest information on the Star Wars, summarizing and summarizing it, so as to prepare for the Four Immortals to poach the wall in the future.

The big black eyes stared at the bag of spiritual grains anxiously, tsk tsk, you can smell the delicious fragrance of grains through the bag, it must be top-quality spiritual grains, I have never eaten good spiritual grains a few times in my life.

Mo Xuan unsealed the seal, raised his hand, and a ladle flew into his hand, and Mo Xuan scooped up a few ladles of Lingu and poured them into the trough of the chicken coop.

The black chickens swarmed up screaming, squeezing each other, scrambling to eat the spiritual grain, their tails raised high, and they clucked and clucked happily.

Dahei flapped his wings for a while, "I want to eat too, I want to eat too."

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and gave Dahei a scoop of the spiritual grain, and put the scoop on the ground directly, and let Dahei eat the rice by himself.

Dahei ate a few grains of spiritual grain, and it really was a top-quality spiritual grain, so fragrant and delicious!Dahei turned into a woodpecker, duo duo duo...

To Mo Xuan today, this spirit valley is really unworthy, it can be regarded as a second-class spirit valley, but it was the best spirit valley of the Mo family back then, and Mo Xuan paid a lot of money to feed one!The result... hey, let's not talk about it.

Mo Xuan took out another small gourd, which was filled with the Mo family's specialty longevity water, poured it into the water tank to dilute it, and the intoxicating aroma spread quickly.

What kind of water is that?It smells so good!The villagers stretched their necks involuntarily.

The black chickens ate the spiritual grain and drank the longevity water. They were really full of happiness, and soon became radiant and full of energy.

The old and the young watched the black chickens eating so happily, and couldn't help but salivate. Their food was not as good as the black chickens.

Grandpa Xiaohua has learned a lot today, and she sincerely admires him. After all, he is a fairy, and he is completely different from his petty self.

Grandpa Xiaohua rubbed his hands together, and said, "Senior Immortal, I can't repay you for saving your life, little old man. You can pick any of these black chickens, just leave a few for Xiaohua as a dowry, and you can take all the other black chickens." It's okay to go."

Kong Ling laughed and said, "It's not that we want to raise chickens. Why do we need so many chickens? It's just that we need to use a few chickens to participate in the cockfighting competition, so we won't take your black chickens for nothing."

"Cockfight?!" Grandpa Xiaohua's eyes widened in an instant, and said anxiously, "My little old man's dream is to allow black chickens to participate in the cockfight. Senior Immortal, you only need to use it, and I don't want it."

Mo Xuan made a final decision: "We never take other people's things in vain, so let's take four first in exchange, and give you this rejuvenating pill, but you are still a little weak after recovering from a serious illness, take good care of it for a while and then return." Take it, and you will regain your youth.”

Wow!Rejuvenation Pill, the legendary top-quality elixir!All of a sudden, all the old and young people in Tuji Village looked straight at it, that is the legendary rejuvenation pill!In their eyes, the ordinary rejuvenation pill seems to radiate a great light, it is so shining, I really want it.

Mo Xuan shook his head amusedly, those little brats, what are you staring at.

Grandpa Xiaohua fought with heaven and man, but in the end he couldn't resist the huge temptation of rejuvenating his youth, so he nodded his head incessantly, changing, changing, the little old man changed!

Mo Xuan directly handed over the Rejuvenation Pill in his hand.

If you find a treasure, Grandpa Xiaohua holds it with trembling hands. This is the pill of rejuvenation. Just by smelling it, you will feel a lot younger!

Kong Ling selected four black chickens.Mo Xuan put it into the animal control bag, and told Xiaobao not to mess around.

Xiao Bao glanced disdainfully at the four black chickens, how could the old man mess around with these four poultry!
Grandpa Xiaohua held Rejuvenation Pill into his arms, and even conceived the truth of his crime. Now that the black chicken has suddenly become so valuable, I'm's hard to live in peace.There are still such things as forced buying and selling, killing and seizing treasures in Chicken Coop Star!How can I protect such an old man who is about to die.

In fact, many villagers in Tuji Village thought to themselves that Xiaohua's family had never paid back their debts. Should they use one or two black chickens to pay off the debt?Repaying debts is not a matter of course!

Grandpa Xiaohua saw the demeanor of the villagers, and couldn't help frowning, hey~
Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and moved away from a big rock with his hand, and the stone suddenly shrank into a gold stone. This turning stone into gold immediately made everyone dumbfounded and exclaimed incessantly.

Mo Xuan smiled and said: "This piece of gold and stone is a little bit of a bonus to me, you just accept it. The cockfight is about to start, if you two are interested, you can go with me."

I wish for it!Grandpa Xiao Hua immediately bowed to him again.

Mo Xuan slightly raised his hand and said, "If there are any trivial matters, please deal with them as soon as possible. The black chicken can be temporarily stored in my animal control bag and taken away."

Grandpa Xiaohua nodded repeatedly, "Okay, okay, Senior Immortal, you are really too understanding!"
When the villagers came back to their senses, they immediately fell to their knees. Senior Immortal, do you accept apprentices?Well, we're a little older, let's see how our little baby is doing.

Mo Xuan waved his sleeves and lifted everyone up. Sorry, I don't accept apprentices.

The villagers knew that it was all over, so they could only stare helplessly at the gold stone and sigh.In fact, Grandpa Xiao Hua has never been ashamed to speak. He also wanted to ask Mo Xuan to accept Xiao Hua as his apprentice. Seeing this situation, he could only purse his lips and suppress his thoughts.

Grandpa Xiaohua was still extremely efficient. With the help of the village chief, he quickly divided and weighed the gold and stones, and then paid off the debts one by one. The villagers in Tuji Village and two nearby small villages were almost all his creditors.The villagers of the other two villages have already received the news and are on their way here. They are not far away and will arrive soon.

After spending an hour, all kinds of trivial matters were finally done. Grandpa Xiaohua heaved a sigh of relief. Looking at the gold and stone that was still [-] catties away, he couldn't help being dumbfounded. He really didn't know how to deal with it when he was so poor. A huge fortune.

Grandpa Xiaohua looked at the small courtyard with only four walls. He could buy back the original courtyard or rebuild a small courtyard and build a big chicken coop. It feels so good to be rich.But... what to do with this gold stone, put it in this house where the door can't even be closed, isn't it that there are twenty catties of gold here!

In the past, when I was poor, I was frowning and worried, but now that I am prosperous, it seems that I am not much better!

"Leave me here first." Mo Xuan thoughtfully put the gold stones into the storage bracelet, and put all the black chickens into the animal control bag, and then used the spiritual paper boat to carry Xiaohua and her grandfather into the sky.

The villagers of the three villages all gathered on the grain drying ground and watched helplessly as the spirit paper boat disappeared after blinking a few times. After watching it was really useless, they started talking about it: the black chicken bred by Grandpa Xiaohua ran faster. It's so fast, and it can fly. It's not a common chicken at first glance; I said back then, this black chicken must be valuable; the black chicken looks so different...

There are also many villagers wandering their eyes. Is there any black chickens in the valley where Grandpa Xiaohua caught them?Immediately after returning home, the whole family mobilized to catch black chickens together...

Afterwards Zhuge Liang a group.

After all, it was the second time to ride the spirit paper boat, and Xiaohua was bouncing around on the spirit paper boat with Dahei in her arms.

Grandpa Xiaohua is worried, girl, you can't run around, what if you fall down!
Xiao Hua smiled sweetly, and it will be fine, Grandpa, look quickly, the house below is so small even if someone looks at it!

Grandpa Xiaohua carefully held the handle of the boat, poked her head in and saw, wow, they are really small!This is the flight of a fairy, and Grandpa Xiaohua couldn't help but smile happily.

Dahei clucked and yelled with vigor, I will also fly freely in the sky in the future.

The spirit paper boat was still very fast, and it didn't take long to return to Babaoji Town, huh?Mo Xuan and Kong Ling frowned at the same time, and looked at each other in surprise, that guy, he also came to Chicken Coop Star?

(End of this chapter)

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