Chapter 395
The guy Mo Xuan and Kong Ling were referring to was none other than the bearded body-training Xuanxian Gangniu who had met once in the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Saint Academy.

That guy had a very hot temper, and interrupted Mo Xuan and his party for dinner, but was forcibly suppressed by Mo Xuan, and slipped away tactfully.

Qingyuan's sphere of influence in the old fairy world is quite far from here. I didn't expect that guy to come to Jiwoxing. It seems that he likes to join in the fun.

Mo Xuan and his party walked into Hongxuan Hotel, and heard Gang Niu's loud voice from a long distance away.

"What are you doing, whoever made the Starlight Cold Noodles hasn't come back yet? The cockfight is about to start, our time is precious, if you keep procrastinating, I will smash your shop!"

Shu Hongxuan is the Earth Immortal, so he can only accompany and be careful with wry smiles.

"A Niu, don't get excited."

"Let's wait a little longer. She should come back before the cockfight."

"Even if we can't eat the authentic Xingguang cold noodles, we can still go to the cockfighting meeting."

The three female Xuanxians who were walking with Gangniu gently comforted him.

Gang Niu hummed, and complained: "Fortunately, I have specially reserved a few rooms, just want to taste the four authentic snacks. Boy Liu Xing, I will make ten copies of your three patents on the spot, and I will pack them. take away."

"Okay, wait a moment, guest officer." Liu Xing responded gently, and immediately started to get busy.

"Boss, please remind me again. I will not be polite to those who make Starlight Cold Noodles if they don't come back."

Kong Ling snorted coldly, walked directly into the private room, glanced at Gang Niu, and shot back: "Even if I come back, you still won't be able to eat it. Xiaoxing, don't worry about this stuff, the cockfight is about to start, where are we going?" Take the time to pay attention to him."

Gang Niu stood up suddenly, and slapped the Eight Immortals table angrily. All the bowls and plates on the table jumped up suddenly, but they fell back to the table without spilling a drop of soup. He is extraordinary.Gang Niu snorted and glared at Kong Ling, and said sternly: "I am willing to taste your starlight cold noodles because I think highly of you, don't be shameless."

Kong Ling gave Gang Niu a sideways look, and said with a cold snort: "Gang Niu of Qingyuan Immortal Realm, right? Do I need you to give me face? Why do you like to go, please don't come here to be an eyesore again."

Gang Niu raised his thick eyebrows, you are so arrogant as a cook Xuanxian, I am a body-refining Xuanxian who specializes in fighting, please figure out the situation!Gang Niu is not as brave and foolhardy as he appears on the surface, Kong Ling should rely on something so confident.

Gang Niu glanced away, Xiao Hua and her grandfather, who were coweringly hiding behind Kong Ling, ignored the two mortals, and the ugly black chicken died, Gang Niu stared at Mo Xuan who was standing beside Kong Ling, Um?Why does this guy look familiar?Where have you seen it?

"A Niu, why don't you just forget about it."

"The less trouble, the better."

"We don't have to eat the Starlight Cold Noodles. There are so many delicacies in the world, so it's not rare."

The three female Xuanxians transmitted voices to Gangniu, since there were also two Xuanxians on the opposite side, it's better not to form a beam easily.

"It's okay, I'll try their depth. Hmph, how dare you look down on me Qingyuan Gangniu, let's see what they can do." Gangniu sent a voice transmission to the three female Xuanxians, and then strode to Kong Ling and Gangniu. In front of Mo Xuan, with his arms folded, the old god said, "Send me away, yes, that's fine, if any of you can push me a step, I'll turn around and leave without talking nonsense."

Gang Niu sneered again and again, only those who have the strength can get the money, if they don’t have the strength, go away and cool off, you don’t have a place to talk!
The three female Xuanxian couldn't help but wait and see, they knew that Gangniu was powerful, and Gangniu had played with them like this before, but in the end the three of them joined forces to force him to push him, most likely Gangniu deliberately gave way.Although Gangniu did not enter the Xuanbang, its combat power is not weaker than those powerful ones on the Xuanbang. The main reason is that it is too difficult for the body-refining Xuanxian to advance to the Golden Immortal. There has never been a precedent in the past. Immortals are rare.

Kong Ling gave Mo Xuan a look, let me do it, lest you be recognized by this guy.Mo Xuan blinked, don't go too far.

Kong Ling smiled slightly, raised her right hand, stretched out an index finger, and lightly touched Gang Niu's right shoulder.

Gang Niu gritted his teeth viciously, he dared to despise me so much, and wants you to look good later, Gang Niu clenched his fists, ready to go, and was ready to strike hard, smashing Kong Ling's index finger to a shattered fracture!
Kong Ling's index finger tapped on Gang Niu's right shoulder leisurely!
The rest of the people couldn't help but hold their breath and wait and see.

The bodies of the two trembled at the same time!
Gang Niu's face was flushed suddenly, his eyes were wide with anger, his body was trembling, but his feet remained motionless as if rooted.

There was a stalemate between the two sides for a while.

Kong Lingliu frowned slightly, this guy has two brushes, not just a simple stupid big guy.Kong Ling smiled slightly, and suddenly withdrew her index finger.

This was so sudden that Gang Niu's figure couldn't help but crooked, just for a moment, Kong Ling's left palm lightly hit Gang Niu's left shoulder.

Just now, Niu was thrown back exaggeratedly by Kong Ling's palm, but his feet still didn't move a bit!
Kong Ling didn't move anymore, it was no longer necessary.

Gang Niu flicked his arms vigorously, stood up again, his face flushed for a while, and he looked at Kong Ling's eyes, how could he dare to be contemptuous, this female Xuanxian is amazing!How come I've never heard of this character before?

Gangniu was able to break through all kinds of difficulties and dangers and become a body-refining Xuanxian. Naturally, he was not a single-minded fool. He immediately bowed to Kong Ling and said apologetically, "I'm offended."

Kong Ling bowed back, acquiescing.

Gang Niu took a deep breath, his face recovered a lot, he turned around and shrugged to the three female immortals, and said, "The cockfight is about to start, let's go there earlier."

The three female Xuanxian smiled and nodded, giving Gang Niu enough face.

"Four seniors, the ten copies you asked for have already been made." Liu Xing bubbled at the right time. Observing words and expressions are the basic skills of a chef. Gang Niu knows that Gang Niu is super powerful just by looking at it. They didn't have the time to watch the battle, so they quickly made ten copies.

Gang Niu couldn't help looking at Kong Ling, this...

Kong Ling did not make any statement.

The three female Xuanxian smiled and walked over, patted Liu Xing on the head, thanked Liu Xing, and took away ten copies.

"Young man is very good." Gang Niu generously rewarded Liu Xing with a first-grade immortal stone.

This is too much!Liu Xing looked at the first-grade immortal stone in his hand, it was really hot!
Gang Niu has already led the three female Xuanxians away.

"Let's go slowly, seniors, come back when you have time." Shu Hongxuan cheerfully sent the four of them out.

Liu Xing didn't know what to do with this first-grade fairy stone, is it considered the income of the restaurant?

Shu Hongxuan trotted back, Leha patted Liu Xing on the shoulder, and said: "Ah Xing, this time is really thanks to you, otherwise my small shop would not be safe. Since it was a reward for you, Just accept it."

Liu Xing let out a cry, it would be foolish not to have money, so he put the fairy stone into the Na Baozhu.

Shu Hongxuan turned to Mo Xuan and Kong Ling, and exclaimed: "It turns out that Wu Xuemei is so strong, I admire her!"

Kong Ling smiled lightly, nothing.

Shu Hongxuan stared at Dahei in Xiaohua's arms in surprise, and asked, "Sister Wu Xue, is this black chicken the Baoji you found?"

Liu Xing also looked at Dahei curiously. What kind of chicken is this? This is the first time he has seen a black chicken. Could it be the offspring of a crow and a chicken?It's very unlucky, why did the master choose it?

"Of course." Kong Ling smiled contentedly, and greeted Liu Xing, "Little Xing, let's go to the kitchen to prepare."

The group came to the kitchen.

"Xing, are you okay?"

"Mr. Huashan, sister Wu, you are back!"


Zhang Xiaomei and Chao Qian, who were working in the kitchen, swarmed up, chattering and asking.Wow, it turns out that Wu Xuejie is so powerful, it really is different to have strength, no wonder she has always been indifferent to the teachers of our academy.

Xiaohua and Grandpa Xiaohua looked left and right for a while, what a big, big kitchen, I have learned a lot!
Kong Ling picked out a black chicken from Mo Xuan's animal control bag and handed it to Liu Xing.

Kong Ling seldom touches such things as killing, and Liu Xing does it for her.

Liu Xing quickly hooked the black chicken's right paw with the little finger of his left hand, held the chicken's neck with his thumb and forefinger, turned it over so that the ventral side of the neck was facing upwards, fixed the black chicken, and plucked the small hairs from the black chicken's neck with his right hand , exposing the three tubes, and took the kitchen knife with his right hand and put it on its neck.

Cluck, cluck... The black chicken seemed to know that it was about to die, and struggled desperately.

Xiaohua couldn't bear to turn her head away, Dahei in her arms stared blankly at that scene, even though he wasn't the one who was about to die, she still couldn't stop feeling sad.Xiaohua gently covered her big black eyes, don't look!
Liu Xing was startled, put down the kitchen knife, stroked the head of the black chicken lightly, and recited the mantra passed down from his ancestors.

The desperately struggling black chicken gradually calmed down and accepted its fate. In the next life, I will no longer be a slaughtered animal.

Liu Xing poured a little white wine into the black chicken, quickly picked up the kitchen knife, and wiped the neck of the black chicken. The black chicken clucked and kicked, and the sound gradually disappeared as the blood drained.

Mo Xuan lowered his eyes and mourned for three seconds.

Liu Xing quickly soaked the feathers of the black chicken with warm water, wrapped all the soaked black chicken with a thick cloth, then scalded the wrapped cloth with fresh boiling water, and kept turning it to scald every part thoroughly to make the heat evenly Enter the black chicken body, let all the pores of the black chicken open, scald it thoroughly and take it out immediately.

Liu Xing opened the thick cloth, took out the hot chicken, and while it was hot, gently rubbed it along the direction of the chicken feathers, and the chicken feathers fell off, leaving the chicken intact.

There is still fluff left on the body surface of the black chicken. Liu Xing uses hair-plucking pliers to pliers upside down from the neck to remove the fluff.

Next, Liu Xing turned the black chicken with its abdomen down and its back up, made a small incision on the left side of the right wing, took out the crop, and then pulled out the internal organs from the anal incision.

Huh!Not only are the feathers and skin of this black chicken black, but the chicken and internal organs are all black, and the bones of the chicken are also completely black. What kind of chicken is this?

The onlookers couldn't help but be amazed.

Kong Ling nodded approvingly, and she really didn't miss it. This black chicken is not an ordinary black chicken, but a legendary spiritual bird, even the silkie!

What?The legendary silkie that has been extinct for many years?Everyone was moved and looked at the black chicken for a while. The meat was firm, tender and elastic. It was indeed the best chicken!
It turns out that this is a silky chicken, really knowledgeable!What wonderful chicken dishes this legendary silky chicken can make, everyone really can't wait!

Xiaohua and her grandfather couldn't help being startled and surprised.

Kong Ling said to Liu Xing: "Little Xing, first use this black chicken to make a pot of chicken soup, and get familiar with the various attributes of the black chicken."

Liu Xing nodded and quickly got ready, while the others helped.

It was ready soon, and the black chicken was put into the cauldron and started to simmer.

Wow!smell good!After cooking for a while, the aroma of the black chicken spreads everywhere!Everyone sniffed intoxicatedly, what a wonderful fragrance it is!

Just by smelling the smell, Shu Hongxuan knew that the chicken dishes he carefully prepared for the cockfight meeting were definitely not as good as this pot of ordinary chicken soup!This is completely the crushing of the ingredients Baoji!

Silkie really lives up to its reputation!
Shu Hongxuan couldn't help swallowing his saliva, he was very happy, with a silky chicken, the cockfighting competition has come to an end!Definitely be able to get a good ranking!

As the slow fire simmered, the aroma of the black chicken became stronger and stronger, gradually wafting from the kitchen window to the street!

Pedestrians on the street stopped involuntarily when they smelled the aroma. This is the aroma of chicken. It is the first time I have smelled such an aroma. Where is it?Where did the aroma come from?

Unknowingly, the mouths of the passers-by on the street were drooling, even if they had just had a full meal, their hearts were scratching in panic!
The chicken soup in the pot gradually boiled, and the aroma became more intense and mellow, and spread farther and farther. The whole Babaoji Town was covered by this wonderful aroma!
Naturally, this aroma caused a huge sensation!

People are crazy, where is the aroma coming from, they can't stop drooling, oh, I'm really anxious to death!
(End of this chapter)

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