Chapter 396

The most shocking ones were actually Xiaohua and her grandfather!
They have actually eaten black chickens, but they are reluctant to eat live black chickens. They are old, weak, sick and disabled black chickens. The taste is indeed very delicious, but it is far from reaching this level. It is too delicious Come on!Is it the difference in cooking skills, or the difference in black chicken?

Zhang Xiaomei, Chao Qian and the others were also shocked and drooling.

The chefs and staff of Hongxuan Hotel stopped their movements long ago, and they all gathered around, nothing else, just want to share a piece of the pie, to have a taste!
Kong Ling and Liu Xing focused on the cauldron and the fire. It was the last moment. Even a slight difference in the heat would affect the ultimate deliciousness of the silky chicken.

It's now!

"Get out of the pot!" Liu Xing yelled, and suddenly lifted the lid of the pot.

A gorgeous beam of light shot up into the sky!

The fragrance that was a hundred times stronger than before burst out suddenly!
Everyone in the kitchen is intoxicated and happy, this is the ultimate fragrance, as if roaming freely among the blue sky and white clouds, the whole person's heart is completely opened, without any worries and constraints!
Wow! !Could it be that the sky-shooting beam of light is the legendary light that can only explode when the ultimate cuisine is connected with the heaven and the earth? !

The entire Babaoji Town was hit by a magnitude [-] earthquake!

It's Hongxuan Hotel!The beam of light and fragrance are both born from Hongxuan Hotel!
People rushed towards the Hongxuan Hotel, the closer they got, the stronger the tangy aroma, it was really wonderful!

The Hongxuan Hotel was soon filled with a surge of guests!
Everyone, don't squeeze, it's too crowded!The guys are sweating profusely, but what should we do?

What dishes are so delicious!Let's taste it!Alone Better Together! ...

Everyone in the kitchen also heard the huge commotion, but they didn't understand why, what's wrong?

Shu Hongxuan went out to take a look, wow, it was extremely full, this is too amazing!

Liu Xing gave Zhang Xiaomei, Chao Qian and the others a look.

Zhang Xiaomei and the others swiftly placed rows of small bowls on the long table, and Chao Qian held the big pot with open arms.

Liu Xing quickly scooped up a spoonful of chicken soup with a spoon and poured it into a small bowl.

Mo Xuan and Kong Ling first picked up a bowl of chicken soup, took a sip, oh~ Mo Xuan smacked his lips intoxicatedly, this chicken soup is simply amazing!The aftertaste is endless, it is really the ultimate delicacy in the fairy world!
Others couldn't wait to pick up the small bowls and start tasting, and they smacked their lips and exclaimed incessantly!This chicken soup is so delicious, so good, so good!
Shu Hongxuan hurried back to ask for help, the restaurant was almost packed!

Mo Xuan was holding a small bowl and drinking chicken soup as he walked towards the hall, looking at his leisurely pace, but Shu Hongxuan and Tang Feihe who followed behind couldn't keep up even if they flattered their horses!

Mo Xuan carried the chicken soup and walked to the hall, only to see that the hall of tens of thousands of square meters was packed to the brim.

This is the aroma!Hey, is it that bowl of soup?
The guests with a keen sense of smell couldn't help but stare at the bowl of chicken soup in Mo Xuan's hand, all red-eyed and desperately squeezed past, making the scene even more chaotic.

Mo Xuan flicked his sleeves lightly, and the hall of tens of thousands of square meters suddenly magnified a hundred times, crowded with people and suddenly rushed out, looking around in a daze, hey, this... this... this is not true Bar? !

Stacking space is not a difficult supernatural power. This is the product of the ten-thousand-meter hall originally being a stacking space. On the basis of this stacking, it is extremely difficult to double it.

There are several Xuanxian powers present, and they also want to stack the space to relieve the crowding!But they thought about it for a long time, but they couldn't figure out how to stack the formation through the space of the hall. If they stacked it rashly, it might destroy the hotel!And even if it can be successful, no one dares to guarantee that the superposition can be five times higher.

And that fairy just waved his hand casually, and stacked it a hundred times more. The antelopes hung horns, but they were stacked so flawlessly!

Those who knew the goods were all shocked, and those who didn't know the goods were also dumbfounded!
This is too shocking!He... Is he a certain golden immortal power?Even ordinary golden immortals can't do it, so who the hell is he?

The noisy hall suddenly fell silent like frost!

The guests who were blocked from the outside and couldn't get in the hall were as if the Yangtze River had burst its embankment. They rushed into the hall at once, and they were all shocked when they saw this unimaginable scene!

How come the lobby of Hongxuan Hotel has become so huge, even if people from the entire Babaoji Town squeezed in, it wouldn't be able to fill it up!Do you want to be so exaggerated?What's going on with this atmosphere?The guests who had just entered were a little confused.

It was so noisy outside that it suddenly became so quiet. When Shu Hongxuan and Tang Feihe came to the living room to look, there was a loud bang in their minds. They looked at the turned-up hall and the man who was standing there leisurely drinking chicken soup in a bowl. Mo Xuan, are we dreaming?
A large pot of chicken soup contained fifty small bowls in total, and after being divided by everyone in the kitchen, only the last eight bowls were left, and the second chef carried them to the hall on a tray.

Mo Xuan glanced lightly, and said: "Everyone who comes is a guest, but the shop is busy preparing for the cockfighting event, please Haihan, there are only eight bowls of chicken soup left, those who are destined can get it."

Why fate?Ahem, to put it bluntly, the one with the highest price is destined, everyone understands.It's unfair, but it's the best option.

After calming down the scene, Mo Xuan was not interested in participating in the next matter. Naturally, Shu Hongxuan, the chef and store manager, took full power to handle it.

Mo Xuan returned to the kitchen. After finishing the soup, everyone had almost eaten the chicken body of the silky chicken. They were discussing with great interest how to discover the deliciousness of the silky chicken more thoroughly, so as to make this ultimate delicacy even better. !

Zhang Xiaomei, Chao Qian, and the chefs listened carefully and benefited a lot. They came up with good ideas as soon as they had a flash of inspiration.

Kong Ling specially left a chicken leg for Mo Xuan, and handed it to Mo Xuan.Mo Xuan saw that Xiaohua was eating oily food and sucking her little finger, but she was still staring at the drumstick. She probably never had a decent meal in her life.Mo Xuan smiled slightly, picked up a large piece of chicken leg with chopsticks and put it in his bowl, then handed the chicken leg to Xiaohua.

Xiaohua happily took it, blinking her eyes, and shared the meal with her grandfather.

Grandpa Xiaohua only ate a few mouthfuls, most of which went into Xiaohua's stomach.

Only Dahei was listlessly nestling in the corner, giggling and sighing.

Xiaohua washed her hands, then hugged Dahei into her arms, and stroked Dahei comfortingly, and Dahei's spirit became better.

Now that I have a general idea, Kong Ling originally planned to practice with a silky chicken, but when she saw Mo Xuan looking at Dahei and sighed slightly, she gave up and waited until the cockfighting meeting to use another one. Bar!If it can win the top spot, the silky chicken will naturally rise and become a special existence like the eight-treasure chicken, which only needs to show up on major festivals.

"Everyone, take a good rest and recharge your spirits, and set off for the cockfighting competition tomorrow morning." Kong Ling said.

Everyone responded with a loud bang, full of confidence!
Because there were no more vacant rooms, Mo Xuan arranged Xiaohua and her grandfather in the side room of their Tianzi upper room.

Wow, what a big room, much bigger than our small courtyard, Xiaohua is really dazzled.

Grandpa Xiaohua was in a state of trepidation, alas, how embarrassing this is!Let's just find a corner and make do for one night.

"You're welcome, let's rest early." Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and returned to the bedroom with his arms around Kong Ling. Although there was not much time, he still seized the time for double cultivation and did not relax at all.

Hongxuan Hotel lobby.

The eight bowls of silky chicken soup were auctioned for extremely high prices, but in the end, the vast majority of people could only watch helplessly as the eight Xianhao drank the chicken soup intoxicated, and fell into an extremely wonderful artistic conception. intoxicated happiness.

Although Silkie has not yet officially debuted, it has become an instant hit and caused a lot of trouble in the city. Even the judges of the cockfighting competition have learned about it through various channels, and they are full of expectations.

Sure enough, concentration is the essence, and the eight Xianhao walked away contentedly.

Such a bowl of chicken soup actually costs eighteen first-grade immortal stones!Zhang Xiaomei, Chao Qian and the others who divided up a large pot of chicken soup, as well as the chefs and staff of the Hongxuan Hotel were all dumbfounded!
I wipe it!What we're drinking is chicken soup, it's clearly a bowl of shining first-grade immortal stone!The money we earn through hard work may not be worth this bowl of chicken soup!

After such a fuss, how can I still sleep, they all have insomnia!
The next morning.

Mo Xuan and Kong Ling were puzzled when they saw the big dark circles under their eyes, and they specifically told them to take a good rest yesterday, what are you doing?

Liu Xing, Xiao Hua and her grandfather were also surprised, what's going on?Could it be that the silky chicken soup was so delicious that we suffered from insomnia, but we slept so sweetly, our whole body was warm, and it was already morning when we opened our eyes!
After a little inquiring, Liu Xing and the other three couldn't calm down, what?Eighteen first-grade fairy stones and ten thousand chicken soup, aren't we dreaming?
Although Liu Xing is already a small rich man, but the total net worth is less than ten first-grade fairy stones, and [-] first-grade fairy stones were sold for [-] chicken soup!This is not true, is it?I am dreaming!

Although Xiaohua and her grandfather don't know how much the first-grade fairy stone is worth, they also know that the fairy stone is much more valuable than the spirit stone. There are eighteen pieces in total, which is definitely enough for our grandparents to lie down and eat and drink for several lifetimes. !

It seems like everyone drank a bowl yesterday!My gosh!The group is not calm again when they collectivize again!Let's rock together...

Mo Xuan shook his head amusedly, and said: "Okay, don't be surprised, aren't they just a few first-grade immortal stones! If you win No.1 in this cockfight meeting, the bowl of chicken soup in the future will be made of mysterious stones." sold."

Xuanshi? !Everyone swayed violently again, Mamma Mia, Xuanshi, we have never seen what Xuanshi looks like in this life!Are we dreaming?

Mo Xuan rolled his eyes speechlessly, released the spirit paper boat from yesterday, turned into a big boat 30 meters away, clapped his hands, and set off!
Only ten chefs and a few shop assistants were left to look after the store, while the rest of them boarded the spirit paper boat with arrogance and soared into the sky!Cockfight, here we come!
"Look, it's the chefs of Hongxuan Hotel! They're leaving!"

"Chef Shu, we must win the leader this time!"

"Come on! We are optimistic about you!"


After all, there are only a few people who can go to the cockfighting venue to watch the game. The residents of Babaoji Town cheered to see off the contestants at the Hongxuan Hotel.

Shu Hongxuan and the chefs of the restaurant smiled and waved to the people, thank you for your support, just wait for our triumphant return!
The spirit paper boat accelerated for a while, and it didn't take long to fly over half of the continent and arrived at the venue of this year's cockfighting competition!

Mo Xuan and his party looked down at the arena, ouch, a layout similar to the sixteen hexagrams, surrounded by mountains and rivers, the scenery is picturesque, and each area is clearly separated, not bad!

It can be seen that this cockfighting conference held by Chicken Nest Star is quite professional and of a high standard!It is not only a cockfighting conference, but also a comprehensive display of the chicken coop star civilization, and it is also a gold-lettered signboard for attracting investment.It is no accident that Chicken Coop Star can achieve today's prosperity!
(End of this chapter)

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