Interstellar Miner

Chapter 397 Cockfighting Conference

Chapter 397 Cockfighting Conference ([-])

In the center of the cockfighting competition arena, there is a huge sculpture of a cockfighting cock that is lifelike, stands tall, and stands proudly. This is the legendary god of cockfighting!
Mo Xuan and his party landed in the special area of ​​Babaoji Town, and there was a large statue of Babaoji in the center!
A total of 32 restaurants in Babaoji Town participated in this cockfighting meeting. The number of participating chefs was not too many, but the number of support groups was extremely large, and the area of ​​Babaoji Town was crowded.

Hongxuan Hotel was the last to arrive, but it was definitely a famous brand. As soon as it showed up, the bustling area of ​​Babaoji Town suddenly became quiet.

The huge commotion caused by the silky chicken was not only in Babaoji Town, the surrounding areas of several towns were all quiet.

Everyone paid attention to the Hongxuan Hotel and the group!Is the black chicken that the little girl is holding in her arms the black-bone chicken that is the source of the huge sensation!The whole body is black and shiny, without any stray hairs, even if it is stared at by countless people, the black chicken still stands tall with its head upright, with a graceful posture, it looks like an ordinary chicken!

It was the first time for Xiaohua to be stared at by so many people, trembling, far inferior to Dahei who was looking around curiously in her arms.

Mo Xuan patted Xiao Hua's head lightly, "Annah."

Xiaohua's stiff body immediately relaxed, and she followed behind Mo Xuan with peace of mind.

The guys from the Hongxuan Hotel swiftly set up a tent in the area assigned to the Hongxuan Hotel, and a group of people filed in, and did not show up until the cockfight officially started, keeping a low profile.

The auspicious time has come, colorful flags are fluttering, and gongs and drums are loud!This year's cockfighting conference has officially started!

The participating chefs entered the arena in an orderly manner and found their own big stoves!The main ingredients, chicken, are all prepared by yourself, and only the on-site production is required, and the rest is optional, and the time limit is two hours!

Kong Ling led Liu Xing and the top four chefs of the Hongxuan Hotel into the arena. Soldiers are more expensive than elites, not more expensive than many, so the rest of the chefs, waiters with dark circles, Zhang Xiaomei, Chao Qian and the others were left outside the arena. As a cheerleader, I can only smile secretly.It is very possible that the black-bone chicken will be born out of nowhere and be famous forever in this cockfighting meeting, but we have no way to participate in it, what a pity!Zhang Xiaomei was so angry that she stomped her feet, while Chao Qian beat her bald head hard with her fist, and the others were also very sad, if you don't have a good rest, it's a big loss!
Mo Xuan smiled faintly, glanced at the crowd meaningfully, and said, "Fame and fortune are double-edged swords. Sometimes you gain both fame and fortune. It seems that you have gained a lot, but you have lost more at the same time. What is yours will eventually be What is yours is useless if it is not yours. If you get it in advance, you often need to pay more hard work!"

Zhang Xiaomei, Chao Qian and the others looked at each other in a daze, yes, we came here to make soy sauce, the most important thing is to learn, we are not even junior chefs, and we want to gain fame and fortune, it is too overpowering !
Everyone bowed deeply to Mo Xuan, grateful.

Mo Xuan waved his hand and said, "Let's go, find a better place first."

Everyone blinked dumbly, how can there be a good position at this moment?

While the chefs were busy, the ceremony to pay homage to the god of cockfighting officially began!

While the petals are flying all over the sky, handsome men and women carefully selected by Chicken Nest Star sing and dance around the huge statue of the God of Cockfighting.

The elder of the Chicken Nest Star leads the elders from all towns to worship and offer incense to the God of Fighting Cocks, and then the visiting immortals offer incense to the God of Fighting Cocks.

The incense of the immortal is naturally no small matter, it is all voluntary, not forced.However, most of the visiting immortals will offer a stick of incense.

Mo Xuan casually lined up in the middle of the immortal team, but Gang Niu and his three female companions, Xuan Xian, were at the front.There are not too few Xuanxians from other forces, and there are even more heavenly immortals.

Gang Niu led the three female companions to offer incense to the God of Fighting Cocks slowly and vigorously, while the rest of Xuan Xian could only wait patiently.You can tell by looking at the female companions. Ordinary male Xuanxians are basically accompanied by fairy-level female companions, but Gang Niu is surrounded by three female Xuanxians.
As the immortals offered incense one by one, the statue of the Fighting Cock God gradually seemed to come to life, and the whole body shone with aura.And more incense was transmitted through the statue to the fighting cock god who spread his wings and guarded the entire chicken coop star!

The god of cockfighting absorbs the incense, stretches his body comfortably, and the aura of the whole chicken coop star becomes active.The people of Chicken Coop Star couldn't help but become happier.

Before he knew it, it was Mo Xuan's turn to offer incense. Without thinking too much, Mo Xuan took a stick of incense, walked forward, bowed to the statue of the God of Cockfighting, and then inserted the incense into the cauldron.

A bit of lavender incense floated up into the sky and merged into the body of the fighting cock god.

The God of Fighting Cock was shocked, this is... the God of Fighting Cock widened his eyes, and the little purple incense in his body split into two and gathered at the eyes of the God of Fighting Cock.

The God of Cockfighting closed his eyes and brewed for a while. When he opened them again, his eyes became much more lively, with a faint purple color, making him look even more handsome!

The god of cockfighting suddenly bent down and rushed to the venue of the cockfighting meeting, and the aura of the whole chicken coop star suddenly became surging!
All the immortals in the venue felt it at the same time, and raised their heads in astonishment, only to see a majestic mixture of divine sense and aura piercing through the thick clouds, and suddenly injected into the statue of the God of Fighting Cocks!
The turbulent aura in the venue gradually returned to calm!And the eyes of the statue of the God of Cockfighting shone with dazzling aura, as if scanning the entire venue!

This is... the coming of the possessed god? !

The god of cockfighting has descended on the statue!This kind of legendary event where the guardian spirit descends with a god is rare in ten thousand years!What is going on?

Mo Xuan was also a little surprised, the god of cockfighting will come when he comes, why do you keep staring at me, Mo Xuan smacked his lips speechlessly, don't you still want me to offer incense to you?One stick of incense is enough, no more you can't take it!
Soon, the residents of Chicken Nest Star who got the exact news gave out deafening cheers, God of Cockfighting!God of cockfighting!God of Cockfighting...

The god of cockfighting suddenly descended on the statue. This is the first time in the history of the chicken coop star. This cockfighting conference will be famous forever!

Immortals who originally didn't want to offer incense also lined up to wait for it. How can such a rare event that is rarely seen in thousands of years be just an official, why should they participate in it?

As more and more immortals offer incense, the statue of the God of Fighting Cock is full of inspiration and looks like a steed!
Seeing more and more guests queuing up to offer incense, the preset passageway was already overwhelmed, and the organizing committee had to advance the cockfighting exhibition.

The wonderful cockfighting performance really relieved the pressure on Shangxiang's side, but because of the performance nature, eight cockfighting cockfights were prepared, and only three rounds of competitions were available to determine the champion and runner-up.

Mo Xuan Shi Shiran returned to the rest area.

Originally, the good position in the rest area had been carved up long ago, but it was not enough, but an acquaintance of Mo Xuan occupied the front row of the rest area, where he could have an overview of the whole situation, and it was the best place in the entire rest area!

It's none other than the old Qingyuan Immortal Gangniu Xuanxian!

After Mo Xuan said hello, he unceremoniously divided half of the table and told his companions to bring their own tables and chairs and sit down.

Gang Niu looked at Mo Xuan in a daze at the time, although the three female Xuanxians who were with him pulled him a few times, but Gang Niu was still angry, why should I give you half of the excellent position that I worked so hard to seize!Don't think that you are the Taoist partner of that female Xuanxian chef, I will let you, you little boy, I am most annoyed by a guy like you who eats soft food!

Just walked over with a bully grunt, kicked up without any explanation, and got out of the way.

"Fellow Daoist, why get angry." Mo Xuan gently put his arm around Gang Niu's shoulders, causing Gang Niu to take a big step back.

Gang Niu's boundless kick flew into the air, and Gang Niu looked at Mo Xuan with a slight smile in a daze, his heart suddenly felt cold, his scalp went numb, that smile seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while !

Gang Niu didn't know that he had hit a super iron plate again, this one is not some bad boy, but a genuine super power, no wonder he can have that female Xuanxian chef as a companion of cultivating immortals!

Gang Niu put down his right foot, grinned dryly and said, "For the sake of Daoist friends, I can share my good position with you in half, but let us have a taste of your entries in Hongxuan Hotel."

Gang Niu only found out later that the silky chicken soup caused such a huge commotion as soon as they left.

Mo Xuan nodded slightly, yes.

Gang Niu then happily sat back, and continued to show courteousness to the three female Xuanxians.

The three female Xuanxian smiled and dealt with Gang Niu, but their eyes couldn't help but kept drifting to Mo Xuan's side. Who is this male Xuanxian?Being able to let Gang Niu suffer without a trace, no matter how you think about it, only those great powers who rank high on the Xuanbang have such powerful strength, but this male Xuanxian is obviously not on the Xuanbang, and he has never heard of it. ah!

However, the three female immortals are also very clear that there are still very few supernatural beings in this world who are obviously amazingly talented but very low-key. They are indifferent to fame and fortune and have nothing to do with the world. those great powers!
The male Xuanxian and the female Xuanxian chef in front of him should be such characters!
On the surface, Gang Niu was calm and talking and laughing, but in private, he thoroughly checked Mo Xuan's information through the intelligence network of the old Qingyuan Immortal Realm.

Huashan?The Go teacher of Fuyu Culinary Academy?What are you kidding?At first glance, Gang Niu thought it was his own eyesight, but then he felt that the intelligence agency must have made a mistake!Can a Go teacher suppress Lao Tzu?What a starry sky joke!

Wait a minute, Huashan?Huaan? !Gangniu is a thrill, isn't it!By the way, I remember that Hua'an Fifth Stage of the Four Immortals Sect had such an indifferent smile. Could this Huashan be Hua'an? !

No, shouldn't the Four Immortals be still playing drums in the Rainbow Bridge Galaxy, and this Huashan has been in Fuyu Culinary Academy for more than five years!If it's really Hua An, he must be really smart!It is absolutely impossible to go to the remote Fuyu Culinary Academy to become a Go teacher without waiting for the safe, reliable, comfortable and comfortable Chess Academy!
The most important thing is that the status of the Chess Academy is detached, and how can it be inquired casually? Gang Niu can only guess.

However, Huashan, Huaan, and the Taoist priest of Huashan is also called Wu Xiahuai, who has the same surname as Wu Nianxuan Taoist priest of Huaan. If it is a coincidence, it is too coincidental!
So, this Huashan, and Wu Xiahuai also belong to the Four Immortals?Or are they actually from the huge force behind the Four Immortals?

Hua An, Huo Qingling, Wu Nianxuan, and Shuiyue are just four bright cards placed on the table by that huge force? !

Hua Shan is Hua An's brother?Or seniors?

All of a sudden, Gang Niu thought a lot!

Mo Xuan ignored Gang Niu's sneak peeks, You You Ziruo directed the guys to arrange the tables and chairs, build a pergola, and then enjoy the time, cracking melon seeds, eating fruits, playing cards, full of comfort.

Later, seeing the immortals offering incense to the God of Fighting Cocks one by one, Mo Xuan also had a whim, so he went to line up to offer incense to the God of Fighting Cocks, but he did not think that it would trigger the God of Fighting Cocks' possessed spirit to descend.

Xiao Hua was standing on the wooden bench, pointing her toes and looking at the shining statue of the God of Fighting Cocks. It was a little far away, but she couldn't see it clearly.

Xiaohua actually wanted to offer incense sticks to the God of Fighting Cocks, but it was a pity that being able to offer incense to the God of Fighting Cocks on the spot was either a fairy or a famous family in every area of ​​Chicken Nest Star, and a country girl like her couldn't get her turn.

Dahei in Xiaohua's arms is not very interested in the God of Fighting Cocks, and keeps aiming at the Fighting Cockfight.

Mo Xuan carried Xiao Hua off the wooden bench, and scolded: "Standing so high, what if you fall and hurt yourself?"

Xiao Hua stuck out her clove tongue, and sat down on the wooden bench obediently, holding Da Hei in her arms to watch the wonderful cockfight.

In other words, this location is really amazing, the cockfight is just around the corner!

Xiaohua is not deeply involved in the world, and she doesn't know about those ways. She leisurely nibbles on melon seeds and eats fruits, and dangles her two little feet happily.

Grandpa Xiaohua is clear in his heart, this fairy named Huashan is definitely not someone who is waiting for nothing!That Gang Niu knew that he was very powerful just by looking at it, and he was able to occupy such a large and optimal area so ostentatiously, the energy behind it must not be small!
However, senior Huashan took care of Gang Niu lightly. Such a character must be much more powerful than Gang Niu!Grandpa Xiaohua glanced at Xiaohua, and the thought in his heart revived again, if Xiaohua could worship Huashan as his teacher, that would be great!

It was the first time for Zhang Xiaomei, Chao Qian and the others to enjoy such honorable and special treatment. Sitting on the wooden bench, they felt their buttocks getting hot.

Although the second ancestors Wang Er and Li San were often domineering, it was the first time they enjoyed such honors. Uncharacteristically, they ate fruits in silence, keeping a low profile.

Eight fighting cocks fought fiercely in twos, and finally decided the top four!They are Iron Claw, Steel Beak, Gold Wing and Purple Plume.

(End of this chapter)

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