Interstellar Miner

Chapter 398 Cockfighting Conference

Chapter 398 Cockfighting Conference ([-])

After a short rest, the semi-finals will start again!

The first game is Iron Claw vs. Steel Beak. It can be said that the match is matched, and the battle is extremely fierce!

Mo Xuan drank the wine leisurely, with a strong petty bourgeois sentiment.

Dahei fluttered his wings and yelled, oops, kick with a chain of feet, are your wings just for display, but fan, so clumsy!Dahei, who was watching the battle off the field, was even more excited than the two fighting cocks fighting fiercely on the field. It turned out that this guy was still a militant, but he obviously didn't feel pain in his back when he stood up and talked.

Mo Xuan gave a big black look, don't make noise!
Only then did Dahei calm down, watching the cockfighting battle, and then looking at Mo Xuan drinking a small wine, his eyeballs wandering around for a while.

Steel Beak and Zi Ling won the two battles respectively. After a period of rest, the final battle will be held. The winner will be the king of cockfighting in this cockfighting conference!Naturally a super breeder of the decade after Coop Star!But under normal circumstances, it will die of exhaustion within ten years!
And at this time, the chef who was nimble has already completed the work. Generally speaking, the dish that is completed first has certain advantages, and the ranking will be slightly higher.

There are five rounds of judging for this cockfighting conference.

First of all, there are ten senior judges in each contestant's area. Only chicken dishes with enough grades can enter the next round of judging. Just like this round of judging and screening, the grade of each round of judging will be higher, and finally the fifth round , the five ultimate judges are all well-known five-star chefs and gourmets!

There are only about [-] chicken dishes that can enter the fifth round of judging!
With the flashes of brilliance one after another, exquisite chicken dishes were completed one after another. There are still many high-level chefs participating in the cockfighting meeting. The review process is quite complete, and several dishes have already been passed to the five ultimate judges.

Mo Xuan looked towards Kong Ling, there was a steamer on the big stove, and he didn't know when it would be finished, but seeing Kong Ling's smug smile, there shouldn't be any problem.Mo Xuan was not worried about whether Kong Ling would get a good ranking, but worried that the proud and arrogant she would be unhappy if she didn't get the ideal ranking.

Mo Xuan relaxed his mind for the time being, picked up his glass and took a sip of the wine, huh?Why is there only a little wine left in the glass?Didn't just take a sip when it was filled up earlier, there should be half of it left!

Mo Xuan looked at the empty wine glass in surprise, what's going on?Only Xiao Hua was sitting next to Mo Xuan, there was no one else!Xiaohua definitely doesn't know how to drink, and Mo Xuan's eyes quickly locked onto Dahei.

Dahei watched the final battle of the cockfight with great interest, clucking and thumping excitedly.

Mo Xuan rolled his eyes speechlessly, it's all right, it's this guy!Mo Xuan doesn't even need to go back in time, he has already smelled the alcohol escaping from Da Hei's mouth!

Mo Xuan was a little dumbfounded, please, my fairy wine is something you can drink casually like a poultry!Of course, Mo Xuan is not reluctant to part with the fairy wine, but worried about Dahei!

Moxuan's fairy wine was brought over from the third layer of time and space. The ingredients are all precious herbs that are more than 10 years old, and it has been carefully brewed for hundreds of years!Drinking a few cups in their spare time will help Mo Xuan and the others to some extent.And Dahei is just a poultry, only a little smarter, and has never practiced at all. He drank half a cup of fairy wine and fell asleep for a few years.
Mo Xuan lightly pointed at the big black head to see if he could help him dissolve the immortal wine in his body, if it couldn't, he had to spit it out.

Hey, the structure of Dahei's body is different from that of ordinary chickens, but it can absorb some of the medicinal power of immortal wine!It's just that the medicinal power of the fairy wine is still too strong for Dahei, even with the help of Mo Xuan, it is still not enough.

After a while, Dahei became groggy, shaking his head and belching constantly.

Oh, what's wrong with Dahei?Xiaohua was startled, and shook Dahei in her arms, what's wrong with you, Dahei, it's okay, why did you suddenly sway?
Mo Xuan laughed and said: "It's okay, this guy drank my fairy wine secretly, and ended up getting drunk."

You guy, it's really worrying, Xiaohua hit Dahei angrily.

Dahei shook his head, what's the matter, he's all right, why did he suddenly have two or three little flowers?Dahei was dizzy, and continued to watch the fierce battle of the cockfight. Gradually, Dahei's body became hotter and hotter, and his blood was already boiling!

Dahei groaned, flew out of Xiaohua's arms, fluttered his wings and landed on the competition platform, swaying to and fro and taking drunken steps.

Xiaohua is in a hurry, oh, what are you doing, Dahei, come back quickly!
Mo Xuan originally wanted to stop Da Hei, but the cockfighting god attached to the statue was watching Da Hei with great interest. Mo Xuan blinked, but did not interfere.

There was an uproar.

Why? !What is this black chicken doing?Where did it come from?Is it also a cockfight?Is it an add-on to the cockfight?

Wait a minute, is this black chicken the legendary silky chicken?What is it trying to do?
The organizing committee was also puzzled, what was the trouble?If it is an ordinary chicken, dare to hinder the sacred cockfighting battle, just slap it to death.But this black chicken is very likely to be the silky chicken, and, from the location of the rest area, it can be seen that Mo Xuan and his party are by no means ordinary immortals, as the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog, so this is not a good shot ah!

The two fighting cocks, who were in the middle of a fierce battle, couldn't help but stop, tilting their heads and looking at Dahei, what are you doing?
Dahei glanced at the two chickens contemptuously, and clicked, "You two can't do it!"
What?Heck, you bastard, dare to say that we can't do it, if you have the guts, come here, we promise not to kill you!

Dahei gave a disdainful click, cut!It's easy for me to beat you both alone!

so arrogant? !
Steel Beak and Zi Ling are able to reach the finals, their strength is absolutely leveraged, and they have extraordinary confidence in themselves, and now suddenly an inexplicable black chicken appears, dare to despise us!

Steel Beak and Zi Ling glanced at each other and nodded, let's drive this arrogant guy out first, and then continue our decisive battle!
Steel Beak and Zi Ling rushed towards Dahei at the same time!

Well done!Taking advantage of the strength of the wine, Dahei flapped his wings and rushed over, but he swayed here and there, couldn't stand stably, and staggered.After only one face-to-face meeting, Dahei suffered a great loss, being grabbed, pecked, and slapped several times by Steel Beak and Zi Ling!

Dahei shook his dizzy head violently, what the hell is going on, I'm upset!Da Hei made a fierce attack, one against two, and his opponents were Steel Beak and Zi Ling with extremely rich combat experience, Da Hei was very thankless!Dahei is not one-sided, the situation is unknown, so he quickly retreated temporarily, staggering to fight against Steel Beak and Zi Ling.

Xiao Mian, why are you running!Steel Beak and Zi Ling chased Dahei fiercely, never thought that Dahei was so wobbly, it was really difficult to judge its gait routines, and several times of combined attacks failed.

Dahei immediately regained his spirits, hey, it looks like there is something going on!Dahei just swayed eastward and westward, and fought back from time to time.

Steel Beak and Zi Ling secretly worried, what's going on with this guy?Obviously watching the footsteps be vain, but why were we restrained!

The audience who didn't know the reason gradually came to their senses. Although they still don't know the reason, the three-chicken fight is really interesting!Although the black rooster was quite embarrassed at the beginning, but now it is really powerful, and the two quasi-champion and runner-up fighting cocks can't even take it down!
"Come on!" "Go!" "Go!"


The cheers are getting louder!
The eyes of the statue of the God of Cockfighting also shone with deep light, as if watching this extraordinary cockfighting battle with great interest!
Zhang Xiaomei, Chao Qian and the others worked hard to cheer for Dahei, Dahei is brave, Dahei is strong...

Xiaohua was very worried. Although Dahei fought fiercely, he was only bullying the black chickens in the same chicken coop. Steel Beak and Zi Ling were professional gamecocks. Dahei is so crazy about drinking, he still wants to fight two , what if the injury is serious?
Mo Xuan smiled, Dahei has his own way, it would be a pity not to be a fighting cock.

Dahei fought more and more bravely, moving like a rabbit, dodging with drunken fists, and gradually gained the upper hand.

However, the two professional fighting cocks, Steel Beak and Zi Ling, were not easy to bully. They huddled together with rich experience, waiting for an opportunity to fight back without leaving any openings.

For a while, the battle situation fell into a stalemate.

At this time, Kong Ling finally lifted the lid of the steamer, but it was completely different from the earth-shattering chicken soup before, this time it was calm!
The chefs and judges who were paying attention to the Hongxuan Hotel couldn't help but frown. The chicken soup in the Hongxuan Hotel is amazing, so how come the dishes that are officially participating are not chicken soup?
With the help of Liu Xing, Kong Ling finished the final cooking, smiling and not clapping, and called it a day!Only then did Liu Xing have time to wipe off the beads of sweat all over his forehead, and it was finally done!
Shu Hongxuan took a deep breath, took the plate and sent it to the judges to wait in line for the judges.

Kong Ling left the venue directly with another dinner plate, walked into the rest area, and sat directly beside Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan took out a handkerchief, carefully wiped the sweat from Kong Ling's forehead, and said softly, "Thanks for your hard work."

Kong Ling smiled sweetly, and carefully prepared dishes for you, which is not hard at all!Xuan, try my craft.

Mo Xuan nodded with a smile, lifted the small bowl that was upside down on the bowl, and underneath it was a bowl of golden rice.

Huh!rice?What does it mean?The cockfighting conference has always been a competition of chicken dishes!What's wrong with this rice?
The audience who secretly glanced at Mo Xuan's side were puzzled.

Mo Xuan saw that there was not much rice in this bowl, but he had already promised Gang Niu before, so he used a small spoon to even out a small half of it into a small bowl, and asked Xiao Hua to serve it.

Gang Niu was very flattered, he was just talking casually, and found a step for himself, but he didn't expect Huashan to be so honest, Gang Niu stood up in fear, and bowed to Mo Xuan, thank you.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, you are welcome, we are actually our own family.

Gang Niu casually rewarded Xiao Hua with a night pearl the size of a fist.

Xiaohua thanked her with a smile, grabbed the Ye Mingzhu and bounced back, and handed the Ye Mingzhu to Mo Xuan.

How could Mo Xuan ask for it, and said, "Xiao Hua, this is your travel expenses, please collect it."

Xiaohua just regarded it as an ordinary bead, nodded obediently, and stuffed it into her pocket.

Although the half-bowl of rice was scarce, Gang Niu still made three more portions and shared them with the three female Xuanxians.

At this time, Mo Xuan had already scooped up a spoonful of rice and poured it into his mouth, and chewed it lightly, um... Mo Xuan's thick eyebrows were jumping, this... this is...

Gang Niu and the three female Xuanxians took a small sip together, um... woo woo... Ouch! !

(End of this chapter)

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