Interstellar Miner

Chapter 501 Inheritance

Chapter 501 Inheritance (fourteen)
"Five fellow Taoists, I am grateful for your kindness and help!" The patriarch of the Xi family cheerfully raised his glass to the five mysterious immortals who rushed over from thousands of miles away!

"Fellow Daoist Xi is too polite. The demon tree is rampant and has harmed so many miners. Damn it! We are obliged to wait!"

"Back then we joined forces to encircle and suppress the demon tree, but we ran into a super thunderstorm, and he escaped by chance. This time, we will definitely kill the grass and roots!"

"Subduing demons and eliminating demons, who would give me less!"

The three Xuanxian friends of the ancestors of the Xi family kindly took care of the children to brighten the atmosphere.The four of them were close friends when they were immortals, and they formed a common advance and retreat alliance!Difficulties are shared, and blessings are shared!
Later, the patriarch of the Xi family took the lead in becoming a Xuanxian, and he was very generous to his three friends. He assisted the three friends to become Xuanxian successively, and the alliance would become even more unbreakable!

The two wood attribute mysterious immortals who were hired by the patriarch of the Xi family paid a lot of money to look at each other tacitly. It's better not to talk about those imaginary ones. We are not interested in helping to kill demons and demons for free. Jin and the big willow tree that is very likely to be super top grade, after being wiped out, an important part of it can be used to refine the top grade wood attribute magic weapon, this is true!
Xuanxian's time is precious, after enjoying the banquet, the ancestor of the Xi family and the five Xuanxians took action immediately!
The six mysterious immortals joined forces to form the five-element ban formation, which sealed the entire satellite tightly, and never let Lei Batian and the big willow tree escape from life!

In the big cave where Lei Batian practiced, Lei Jingyun frowned and snorted coldly, stopping Lei Batian and Da Liushu who were fighting fiercely: "The Xi family has made a big move, you two should recover quickly. "

Da Liushu had no temper at all when facing Lei Batian, but the last time he assisted Lei Batian, he was appreciated by Lei Jingyun. He specially trained him and taught him a lot of ways of giving strength. He was able to fight well with Lei Batian again!

Da Liushu also knew very well in his heart that senior Lei Jingyun was willing to teach him, most of it was to help Lei Batian cultivate an evenly matched opponent!The big willow tree also has the mentality of making a fortune in silence, not in vain, and working hard to become stronger and stronger!
Da Liushu yelled: "The Xi family still dares to mess around, Ba Tian, ​​let's go together this time, and kill every single one of the Xi family!"

Lei Batian gritted his teeth and nodded, wishing for it!
Lei Jingyun coughed lightly, and said: "This time the Xi family invited five Xuanxians, plus the ancestor of the Xi family, there are six Xuanxians in total."

Uh... Daliu is going to be a horse, isn't it? If there are only two or three Xuanxians, I and Lei Batian can still fight, but right now there are a total of six Xuanxians, so I am happy to go to die Woolen cloth!The previous rhetoric was thrown into the clouds by the big willow tree, and I shrank back, my life is the first!
Although Lei Batian frowned secretly, he didn't have the slightest fear. The six mysterious immortals are indeed extremely powerful, but he is not a vegetarian now. Even if he dies in battle, he will definitely pull one or two backs!

Lei Jingyun analyzed lightly: "Batian disciple, now you are not the opponent of the six Xuanxians, and you can't even add Xiao Liushu."

Da Liushu nodded again and again, that's right, let's bear with it for now, and when the ancestor of the Xi family places an order, we will attack him together!
Lei Jingyun glanced at the big willow tree, and said lightly: "The Xi family is so fanfare, it must be to cut the weeds and root out the roots, I am afraid that even if you dig [-] feet, you will be dug out! So blindly evading will only be counterproductive, we must take the initiative attack."

Da Liushu nodded again and again, looking at Lei Jingyun expectantly, senior, are you going to make a move?

Lei Jingyun glanced at the big willow tree unhappily, and snorted coldly: "I said before, I only have one chance to make a phone call. Although I can kill the six Xuanxians in one fell swoop, my lifespan will also be exhausted quickly! But I don't have much life left, Batian apprentice, do you want to act for the teacher?"

The big willow tree's eyeballs are gurgling and rolling, of course it is the first, senior, you should make a move!After you die, Batian and I will definitely enshrine your memorial tablet day and night, and burn some paper money for you every year and festival!

Lei Batian shook his head resolutely, and said: "Master, I will find a way to solve the matter of my Lei Clan! If it is impossible, let's give up this satellite and rush out. The Xi family will also be wary and dare not act rashly!"

Lei Jingyun nodded approvingly, Ba Tiantuer is a good mind, he is worthy of being the No. 20 eighth generation heir of our Thunder Sect!

"Since this is the case, I will hand over this weapon to you as a teacher in advance! Your current strength is far from enough to use it. As a teacher, you have already sealed [-]% of it. You can give it a try." Lei Jing Yun's tree root body squirmed for a while, and an embroidery needle fell out of the gap. As it fell, the embroidery needle gradually became larger, and finally turned into a big black and pitted as if eaten by billions of ants. Iron rod!

Lei Ba Tianxia stretched out his right hand to catch it, how could he have thought that the weight of this iron rod is so terrifying!The left hand reached for the first time, but exerting force with both hands was useless!With a loud bang, Lei Batian sank deep into the ground. If Lei Batian hadn't practiced his body for many years, his hands must have been shattered and fractured!

This... what is this?Lei Batian turned pale in astonishment, and looked at this strange big iron rod in disbelief!

Da Liushu also widened his eyes, looked at the big iron rod again and again, how heavy is this iron rod, Batian's strength can't hold it at all!
Lei Jingyun looked at the big iron rod with sighs, and sighed: "This is the master who spent countless years traveling through several universes and finally collected all the rare treasures. I invited a master blacksmith to polish it for countless years, and it was formed. After countless years of careful cultivation, this shocking treasure was finally completed! It is precisely with this big iron rod that I have galloped across the universes and achieved great fame!"

Wow!The eyes of the big willow tree were shining brightly. It turned out that this big iron rod is so powerful, a real top-grade treasure!
Lei Jingyun explained: "The weight of this big iron rod is heavier than a super giant star, and its power is unmatched. Batian disciple, you are an immortal. The difference is too far. Even if you are a master, you have already sealed it. Ninety-nine percent of the weight and power, it is difficult for you to use it freely. There is still some time, you should lift it first, otherwise you are not even worthy of knowing its name!"

name?Lei Batian blinked in surprise, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and wanted to lift the big iron rod from the ground!Ouch, it's so heavy!Not moving at all!

Lei Batian gritted his teeth, squatted down, set up a weightlifting posture, sank into his dantian, and suddenly exerted force, get up! !

Lei Batian had blue veins popping out of his forehead and neck, glaring with anger, he lifted the big iron rod from the ground little by little with a growl!However, I don't know if it's an illusion, but the higher the big iron rod is, the heavier it gets!As long as the position of the knee was mentioned, Lei Batian couldn't continue, he let go, and the big iron rod sank deep into the ground with a bang!
Lei Batian frowned in disbelief, what's going on?I still don't believe it, come again!
Lei Batian tried several times, and the best one was to lift the big iron bar above his knees! can't even take it out, so why use it?

Taking advantage of the Leiba weather, the big willow tree was panting and resting, and tried to use countless roots and branches to lift the big iron rod, but it didn't move at all.

The patriarch of the Xi family has already completed the preparations, flew high into the sky, and roared at the entire satellite: "Da Liushu, Lei Batian, get out of here! I already know that you have been hiding on this satellite. If you are sensible, hurry up!" Leave this satellite quickly, I will never make it difficult for you, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude!”

The roar of the ancestor of the Xi family spread throughout the entire planet.

The Xi family shouted and cheered in unison, get out, get out!This satellite belongs to our Xi family!
After finally living a good life, everyone in the Lei Clan is a little confused. Liu Shen and Lei Batian are both the patron saints of the Lei Clan. The Xi family wants to expel our two patron saints. Our good days are coming to an end, maybe we will have to turn back into slaves at the mercy of others!

Liu Shen, Lei Batian, you two must not have any accidents!

Although Lei Batian and Da Liushu were in the depths of the ground, they both heard the roar of the ancestor of the Xi family, and their faces changed involuntarily!
That guy is really arrogant!Da Liushu gritted his teeth secretly, but he didn't dare to act rashly. He could only look at Lei Jingyun helplessly. Seeing the big brother's calm and calm, as if he was just an overconfident ant shouting indiscriminately, Da Liushu felt at ease immediately. A lot!

Lei Batian's face was heavy, but his eyes were as firm as ever. He took a deep breath and tried to lift the big iron bar again!

People are often forced out!This time, Lei Batian gritted his teeth and raised the big iron rod to his waist with all his strength. However, the weight of the big iron rod suddenly increased, and it still fell short. With a loud bang, it smashed deep into the ground!

Lei Batian took a breath and continued to try.

"Da Liushu, Lei Batian, I know you two have heard it. I will give you three sticks of incense. If you two don't show up again, you must know the serious consequences!" Although the ancestor of the Xi family didn't say it clearly, But Lei Batian and Da Liushu knew very well that the damn guy actually used innocent Lei people as bargaining chips!

Da Liushu couldn't help being furious, despicable and shameless guy, well, that guy has always been despicable and has nowhere to go!
Lei Batian grunted, but he crushed a tooth!Get me up!Lei Batian roared wildly, his long hair suddenly turned into an explosive head, his eyes were red and he lifted the big iron rod from the ground again, this time, Lei Batian lifted it to his chest!

It's almost there, it's almost there!Da Liushu secretly cheers for Lei Batian, it's all up to you!
Time passed by every minute and every second, and Lei Batian raised it higher and higher every time!But it's getting harder and harder!Time is running out, it's almost time!
Lei Jingyun called at the right time: "Batian, to fully lift it is not just a matter of physical strength."

Um?Lei Batian was stunned, so that's the case, no wonder he aroused the immortal energy in his body a few times in a panic, and he lifted it up a lot!
Lei Batian concentrated and calmed down, the celestial power in his body kept running at full strength, and once again grabbed the big iron rod with both hands, huh?This time I felt much lighter, not as heavy and thick as a mountain.Lei Batian maintained the circulation of the immortal energy in his body, and easily lifted the big iron rod to his knees, feeling a little heavy, slowly lifted it to his waist, and then began to lift it up to his shoulders, and finally to his head. Again!
So heavy!It's getting heavier!Lei Batian gritted his teeth, his arms trembled, and the celestial energy in his body gradually became a little confused, but he still couldn't raise it to the top.

What a pity!Big Willow hit his thigh hard.

Lei Batian was not discouraged in the slightest, anyway, his spirit was greatly shaken, and he had already mastered certain tricks. If he tries a few more times, he will definitely be able to do it!But time is no longer allowed, and the ancestor of the Xi family has already started counting down!
Da Liushu gritted his teeth, and said to Lei Batian: "I'll go out and fight against it first, Batian, your speed!"

Lei Batian nodded resolutely, please!

"Three! Two! One!" The patriarch of the Xi family was counting down coldly, and when his right palm reached the critical point, he was about to shoot at the mine below!

Hmph, death and injury in mine accidents are inevitable, even if other forces track it down, they can't find out why!Now there are too many Lei Clan miners, and the Xi family can't afford to support them. It would be great if some of them died!

(End of this chapter)

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