Interstellar Miner

Chapter 502 Inheritance

Chapter 502 Inheritance (Fifteen)
"Old man, you are too deceitful!" The big willow tree suddenly got out from the ground, no longer in the form of a giant willow tree, but a giant Baizhang tree!

The patriarch of the Xi family frowned in amazement, good guy, it turns out that the big willow tree has turned into its current miniature form, no wonder his real body can never be found.This time the big willow tree finally made its official appearance, hehe, it is easy for you to come out, but if you want to escape back to the ground, there is no way!But for the time being Lei Batian hasn't shown up yet, it's better to catch them all!
The patriarch of the Xi family immediately snorted coldly: "Da Liushu, it's not that I deceive people too much, but that you are full of evil and have harmed countless living beings. I am doing justice for the heavens!"

Big Willow laughed three times, hahaha, and said with a sneer, "This is the funniest joke I've ever heard in my life. It's as if you have less blood on your hands than I do! What kind of shit is doing justice for the sky, old man Heaven must have been blind to let you become a Profound Immortal."

"You're so bloody and spouty!" Of course, the patriarch of the Xi family refused to admit it, and snarled to change the subject, "Where is Lei Batian, why hasn't he shown up yet?"

"For someone like you, I alone is enough!" Da Liushu crossed his arms and snorted coldly.

Just by you?The patriarch of the Xi family sneered, in that case, first use the big willow tree to force Lei Batian out!
The patriarch of the Xi family quietly sent a signal to the five Xuanxians.

The five Xuanxians immediately activated the Five Elements Sealing Formation, sealing the outer layer of the satellite's ground soil attribute, without giving the big willow tree a single chance of escape!
Done!The patriarch of the Xi family smiled coldly, and looked at the big willow tree jokingly, "It's in vain for you to be smart all your life, but in the end, you drank Lao Tzu's footwashing water, and I tricked you to death!"

The patriarch of the Xi family immediately tore off the mask of hypocrisy, and angrily shouted: "Da Liushu, next year today will be your memorial day!"

Da Liushu rolled his eyes and countered: "I'm sorry, tomorrow's today is your memorial day, not mine!"

"Da Liushu, don't you think I'm the only one who makes such a big show?"

Da Liushu chuckled, and asked back: "You bastard, you speak as if you fought with me alone."

Uh... the patriarch of the Xi family was really speechless, his face blushed, and he said forcefully: "Anyway, you are definitely dead this time!" I really have no idea in my heart, does the big willow tree have some ultimate cards?

"You can try it!" Da Liushu smiled and waved to the ancestor of the Xi family, come on, come on, come on!I'm so scared!You should hurry up!

The more Da Liushu bluffed, the more uncertain the ancestor of the Xi family was!
What is going on?Da Liushu knows that my side has always been gang fights, but he is still so confident, maybe he really came prepared!

The ancestor of the Xi family has dealt with Daliushu for so many years, and he knows that Daliushu is definitely not simple, so we'd better be careful!Let those two Xuanxians who were invited by a lot of money smash to death with Daliushu, let's sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight first, safety first!

The patriarch of the Xi family immediately contacted the two Xuanxians. After all, the big willow tree is a tree demon, and it is safer to deal with him, who is still of the wood attribute.

The two Xuanxians glanced at each other, as the saying goes, cannibals are soft-spoken and short-handed, we both received money to fight, so let's go, it's just a tree demon at the level of a fairy, no matter how powerful it is, it can be so powerful Where are we going, the two of us wood attribute mysterious immortals join forces, it's still easy to catch!Finish work early and finish work early, we are very busy!

"Oh, this is the helper you are looking for. It doesn't look good!" the old god Daliushu scolded on the ground, but his heart was full of churn, oh my god, isn't Batian better yet, hurry up Come and help!A full three Xuanxians, how can my little willow tree stand up to it!
The two Xuanxians were too lazy to talk nonsense, so they started fighting directly. Whether it will work or not, you tree demon will know if you try it!
The big willow tree stopped grumbling, and immediately bit the bullet and fought with the two Xuanxians!Whoops, whoops, I thought Xuanxian would be so powerful, but that's all, it's not as powerful as Lei Batian!
It turns out that I am already a master now!The big willow tree is full of energy, and the more he fights, the more courageous he becomes, and he fights fiercely with the two Xuanxians, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains!
The ancestor of the Xi family, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, was secretly shocked. It is really a hundred years since we have been separated for a hundred years, so we should look at it with admiration!The big willow tree is so fierce now, even against the two Xuanxians, he can still fight with vigor, but if he fights against the big willow tree himself, he might be beaten into a pig's head!Fortunately, I was more careful and didn't go to fight the big willow tree.

The faces of the two Xuanxians gradually changed, what a powerful tree demon, is he really just a fairy level?Wood attribute dryads are seen a lot, but this big willow tree even has a thunder attribute, and the thunder attribute is so fierce!
The two Xuanxians frowned and exchanged glances. It seems that it is impossible not to take out some bottoms of the box. If we can't even take down a tree demon at the level of a fairy, how can we have the face to mess around again in the future!

Make a big move!Wan Luo Tian Zheng!The powerful attraction sucked all the surface animals, plants and rocks within a radius of hundreds of kilometers into the sky, squeezing them into a big sphere!As the sphere gets bigger and bigger, so does the gravitational force!

Da Liushu only felt a sudden increase in pressure, hehe, this trick is quite powerful!However, Liu Shu is not a vegetarian either. If the most important thing right now is to procrastinate, my brother will also explode and let you know how powerful he is!
He forced him to force the breeze to blow the hills!

The big willow tree immediately took root crazily, stabilized its figure, and remained motionless like a mountain!
The eyes of the two Xuanxians are gone, isn't it? They still can't take down the tree demon, this big willow tree is really strong!If the suction continues like this, the entire satellite will be shattered!
The two Xuanxians can only change their big moves, but they still have nothing to do with the big willow tree with thick skin and dry flesh.The two Xuanxians gradually became overwhelmed. Seeing that the ancestors of the Xi family had been watching the battle all the time, and had no intention of helping each other, they felt a little unhappy. We just agreed to help, not your full-time thugs!Don't get this wrong!

The patriarch of the Xi family was stared at by the two Xuanxians, and hurriedly bowed and said: "Two friends, the main reason is that Lei Batian has not shown up yet. His sneak attack is very powerful. We have to be careful and guard against it. As long as the two of you hold Dao The willow tree is fine, Lei Batian will leave it to us!"

That's right!The Body Refining Immortal who can fiercely kill two Heavenly Immortals, if the two of us are attacked by surprise, we might be injured too!
The patriarch of the Xi family was also embarrassed to make the two Xuanxians work so hard, so he flew over to help him punch.

There is still a huge difference between a fight between two Xuanxians and three Xuanxians!The limit of the big willow tree is almost to die against the two Xuanxians, and now there are suddenly more ancestors of the Xi family, and he is able to make use of it, and the big willow tree will soon be dwarfed by each other, retreating steadily, and can only choose to passively defend!

There is a show!The patriarch of the Xi family sneered, and stepped up his attack on the big willow tree!

The big willow tree couldn't hold it any longer, and wanted to escape to the ground for a while, but the ground was sealed off at some point, and it couldn't get in at all!Oops!Crap!

"Da Liushu, you can't run away!" The patriarch of the Xi family yelled triumphantly, but in fact he had been concentrating on guarding against Lei Batian's surprise attack.

The branches and leaves of the big willow tree will soon wither and fall off in pieces, and they can only run away, Brother Batian, what are you doing, hurry up, I have been fighting for you for so long, the consumption is too huge, it is really terrible Can't stand it!
At this moment, accompanied by a huge roar, a beam of light rose from the ground to the sky!

"I'm Lei Batian here!" Amidst the smoke and dust, a figure roared and flashed out!

Lei Batian, furious and holding a big iron rod with both hands, appeared on the stage!
It was Lei Batian who tried repeatedly, although it became more and more difficult as he went forward, but Lei Batian finally managed to lift the big iron bar over his head with his incomparably tenacious willpower!

"You're interesting, so I'll tell you my name, remember it! My name is Fenglei! The wind of the storm, the thunder of the thunderstorm!" A somewhat mischievous neutral voice sounded in Lei Leibatian's ear !

With the sound of that sound, the extremely heavy iron rod became less heavy at once, and Lei Batian could barely hold it with both hands at least!Wow, it's amazing!

Lei Jingyun nodded with a smile, and said: "Batian apprentice, go, Fenglei will tell you how to use it."

Lei Batian blinked, can this still be the case?
Feng Lei ordered: "Boy, that big willow tree is almost unable to hold on, let's hurry up, lift me upright, and pour it into the immortal power."

Lei Batian hurriedly did so, and immediately pierced through the thick stratum. Accompanied by a soaring beam of light, he was forced out of the ground by the wind and thunder of the big iron rod!
Feng Lei preached: "Boy, why do you inject so much immortal energy, there is still a tough battle to be fought later, save me some money."

Lei Batian responded with an oh oh.

Feng Lei urged: "It's your turn to play, what are you doing stupidly?"

When Lei Batian was sweating, he hurriedly made a shocking debut!

Whoops, Lei Batian doesn't engage in sneak attacks, but makes such a big appearance, isn't he out of his mind?The patriarch of the Xi family and his party couldn't help but sneer secretly, if you hide in the dark, we still have a little guilt, and you have already shown up, then we don't have to hide!
The five-element ban formation is fully launched immediately!The raging thunderstorms all over the satellite were suppressed in an instant, and it became calm!
Those two mysterious immortals are still clinging to the big willow tree, and today they must take down this magical willow tree demon and refine the supreme magic weapon, so that they can be at ease in the future!

The four Xuanxians of the Patriarch of the Xi family rushed towards Lei Batian together, not giving Lei Batian a chance to meet with Da Liushu, and smashed them one by one!

Today, Da Liushu and Lei Batian, neither of you can run away!Tomorrow today is your memorial day!The patriarch of the Xi family sneered, and put up the cards he had prepared!I don't have much time to grind with you!
The patriarch of the Xi family and his three friends swiftly formed a four-phase attack formation, united together and rolled out a palm, crushing towards Lei Batian with the might of a golden immortal.

Fenglei ordered: "Lift me up, and swing at that palm with all your strength, and the immortal power will be injected with eight success rates!"

Lei Batian gritted his teeth, raised the big iron bar over his head with some effort, and swung it vigorously, looking like an old man who was slow and weak.

The patriarch of the Xi family and his party looked funny, did Lei Batian come to show off his cuteness and jokes!Forget it, you'd better die early!
Following Lei Batian's strenuous swing of the iron rod, hundreds of golden thunderbolts slammed towards the giant palm that the four ancestors of the Xi family blasted together!It looks like a chick peeing, so inconspicuous!
However, the four patriarchs of the Xi family who were waiting to see the show with a sneer were soon dumbfounded, and all four of them raised their eyeballs, what the hell is going on?
Those little chicken peeing thunderbolts easily shattered the powerful blow that the four of them launched together, which was almost as powerful as a golden fairy!
How can this be?Is this a hell of a life today?

The golden thunder and lightning of those little chickens pissed smashed the giant palm, and suddenly dispersed, rushing towards the four ancestors of the Xi family!

The four patriarchs of the Xi family were so frightened that their hairs stood on end, they backed up again and again, they must not be hit by those golden lightning!Although I don't know what kind of lightning it is, it is definitely dangerous!
Fenglei sneered and said: "Obviously only speed has no power, and you still hide like that, a bunch of idiots. Boy, lift me up, the immortal power is [-]% charged, I will let you swing it out!"

Lei Batian didn't care to catch his breath, and hurriedly began to accumulate energy!
The countless pitted spots on the big iron rod began to flicker, and then turned into countless jumping arcs, and then linked together, quickly converging into thick arcs, and then gradually spread toward the surrounding space, forming a A small lightning circle, and then converge into a huge lightning circle!

"I've been fooled, those thunderbolts have lost their power, hurry up, don't let Lei Batian recharge!" The ancestor of the Xi family reacted suddenly, and rushed to Lei Batian again with three friends!

The dense thunder and roar shook the entire small galaxy!
A huge purple lightning bolt with a diameter of 300 meters was thus born, crackling, twisting, and hideous!

So... what is that?The figures of the four patriarchs of the Xi family stopped abruptly, and while they paled in shock, they retreated subconsciously!

Shouldn't it be our six great immortals who hanged Lei Batian and Da Liushu together? How did it become like this?The patriarch of the Xi family and his party couldn't figure it out!

(End of this chapter)

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