Interstellar Miner

Chapter 503 Negotiations

Chapter 503 Negotiations
"Attack!" Feng Lei shouted coldly.

With a roar, Lei Batian swung his big iron stick towards the ancestor of the Xi family!This time, Lei Batian's waving movements with enough power are no longer slow, but swift as electricity, swaying freely, relaxed and comfortable!Lei Batian clicked his tongue, so this is the correct way to use Fenglei, he can only blame himself for being too weak, like a child holding a peerless dragon-slaying knife, it can't produce much lethality at all, killing a chicken is enough!

And that giant purple lightning was even faster, and a flash of light blasted on the defensive shields inspired by the protective magic weapons of the four Xuanxian ancestors of the Xi family!
To deal with Lei Batian with the thunder attribute, the four patriarchs of the Xi family specially prepared the ultimate defense magic weapon that can resist thunder and lightning. Safety comes first, so be prepared!However, the protective shields inspired by those top defense magic weapons were just bombarded by the giant lightning, and they shattered like soap bubbles!
The four ancestors of the Xi family who were huddled together paled in shock. Before they could react, they were hit by the giant purple lightning. They had no power to fight back, and crashed deep into the ground with a bang!
Fuck!what's the situation?The two Xuanxians who had been fighting with the big willow tree caught a glimpse of this unbelievable scene, their faces paled in fright, and a lightning bolt that was released casually swept the four Xuanxians away. What kind of ordinary body-refining immortals are these? It can be nothing more than that!
Making money is important, but the premise is to have that little life!Without saying a word, the two Xuanxians left the big willow tree and fled into the void!However, the five-element banning array arranged by Liuxuanxian not only blocked the escape routes of Da Liushu and Lei Batian, but actually even sealed them on this satellite!

The two Xuanxians forgot about that point in a hurry, and they were dizzy when they bumped into each other before reacting suddenly, oops, didn't they shoot themselves in the foot with a rock!The two Xuanxians glanced at each other, hurriedly got together, and ran away in the direction away from Lei Batian!However, this satellite is so big, where can it escape to, what a pity!
Feng Lei snorted coldly: "Those two guys are not good at first glance, beat them up!"

Lei Batian took advantage of the situation to reverse the direction again, and swung the big iron rod vigorously, the giant purple thunderbolt suddenly turned around with a loud bang!
Although the general direction of the giant purple thunderbolt was right, the two Xuanxians had already separated, and it was too late for Lei Batian to respond!
"Want to run? There's no door!" Fenglei sneered, and the giant purple thunderbolt split into two, and the last one came first!Accurately hit the two Xuanxians who were fleeing!

The two Xuanxians were sent flying without any power to fight back!
Wow, that's amazing!Lei Batian himself is a great expert in using thunderbolts, but he has never been able to split the thunderbolts in two and perform such precise micro-manipulation. He still has a long way to go!

"Fuck, it's too strong!" Da Liushu ran to Lei Batian's side, staring at the big iron rod with bright eyes.Easily crushed six Xuanxian powers, this big iron rod is really against the sky!

"This willow tree doesn't look like a good thing, beat him!" Feng Lei snorted coldly.

Uh... Lei Batian was speechless and didn't move.

Da Liushu didn't know that he had just passed through the gate of hell, and he was still staring at the big iron rod helplessly.

"Forget it, if you wave this satellite a few more times, it will be completely useless! Those six guys are also Xuanxian, so they shouldn't die so easily, boy, your immortal power is very limited, so just wave it and smash it. I will inject it when you inject the immortal energy." Fenglei ordered a few words, and dissipated the giant purple lightning.

Lei Batian responded, and holding the big iron rod high, he rushed into the big hole made by the ancestor of the Xi family, but he couldn't find the figure of the ancestor of the Xi family, eh, where is he?Oops, that guy is of the earth type, so it's not suitable to stay underground for a long time!Lei Batian rushed to the surface in a hurry!
"Sleepy dragon formation!" The patriarch of the Xi family shouted angrily and launched an underground formation with his three friends. Endless earth and rocks poured towards Lei Batian, trying to trap Lei Batian to death underground!

"It's okay, just smash it out!" Feng Lei said with a curled lip.

Lei Batian, who was secretly frightened, suddenly had a backbone, and swung an iron rod with all his strength, directly piercing through several earthen walls and earthen mountains, and rushed out of the ground like a broken bamboo!
The four patriarchs of the Xi family turned pale with fright again, how could Lei Batian be so powerful?It is simply unstoppable!How can I fight this?
The four ancestors of the Xi family had no choice but to hide in the ground. They are dead pigs who are not afraid of boiling water. Lei Batian, if you have the guts, you will destroy this satellite together!Who is afraid of whom!
Lei Batian really didn't dare to mess around, and squatted in the sky.

"If you have the guts, come out!"

"Some kind of you come down!"

"Come out!"

"Come down!"


The two sides fell into a stalemate.

Half a month passed in a flash, and the four ancestors of the Xi family recovered from their wounds in such a shameless place.

Lei Batian and Da Liushu also took the opportunity to recover to their peak condition.

The two Xuanxians who escaped have been squatting on the other side of the satellite, angrily asking the ancestors of the Xi family to terminate the contract: Sorry, we will not accept your job, and we will refund the deposit in full, please hurry up Lift the ban on the five elements and let us leave.

As a result, the ancestor of the Xi family pretended to be deaf and dumb, and did not reply.

The two Xuanxians were also helpless, they could only wait patiently for the effect of the five-element banning formation to pass before running away immediately.

Another half a month later, the patriarch of the Xi family contacted the two Xuanxians: two, Lei Ba genius is at the level of ordinary immortals, it is impossible to use that kind of super big move several times, as long as we keep a sufficient distance apart, he will take We're out of luck!Now that we have almost made the preparations, we are ready to start. I would like to trouble you two to play forward, and the previously negotiated price will be doubled.

The two Xuanxians are not stupid. No matter how much money you have, you have to spend your life. Do you four dare to go out from the ground now?Nonsense!We won't be foolish enough to take the initiative to run over as cannon fodder for the shield, and if you want to go up, you four will go up first, and the two of us will at most help to sweep the formation.

The patriarch of the Xi family was very helpless, since the negotiation was fruitless, he had to give up his plan to fight to the death with Lei Batian and Da Liushu, and negotiated instead!

The two sides negotiated in the air, you come and I go, it is not giving in to each other.

After all, the entire Lei Clan is currently in the hands of the Xi family, relatively passive, and Lei Batian didn't dare to push too hard, and tried his best to win some more benefits for the Lei Clan, and this incident ended like a farce.

The patriarch of the Xi family and his party lifted the five-element ban formation, and the two Xuanxians immediately ran away without saying hello, and they didn't even say a word about the refund.

Lei Batian and Da Liushu also quietly returned to the ground, and moved to the newly arranged earth cave by Lei Jingyun.

In this way, the two sides have changed back to living in peace and harmony as neighbors, with their eyes open and closed.

Lei Jingyun concluded: "Batian apprentice, you should have discovered that it is not you who are using Fenglei at all, but Fenglei is using him through you! From now on, in training, you will not only insist on body training, but also learn How to really use Fenglei. This road is very long, you have to take one step at a time and move forward steadily!"

"Yes, master." Lei Batian nodded fiercely.

Lei Batian's training journey starts again!

After the last big defeat of the Xi family, their attitude towards the Lei Clan had to be more kind.The life of the Lei Clan is getting better and better, the population is increasing, and the expenses that the Xi family needs to pay are also getting higher and higher, and they will soon be unable to make ends meet!
As a result, everyone in the Xi family is unhappy. If this continues, won't our Xi family become the full-time nanny of the Lei Clan?Eat ours, drink ours, live in ours, use ours, we have to pay back!What a big joke about the starry sky, how can there be such a good thing in the world!

The ancestors of the Xi family were naturally unwilling to do that loss-making business, so they conspired, and when the thunder ore on the satellite was mined to a high degree, the Xi family directly came to relocate the whole family and moved the entire Xi family to another place. The planet directly abandoned the entire satellite and the entire ThunderClan!

Da Liushu was very happy, he finally became the boss of this satellite again, and the eyesight flies were no longer seen!Although there are actually big brothers Lei Batian and big brother Lei Jingyun on it!But the master and apprentice have been busy with the inheritance of the Thunder Sect. Da Liushu only needs to follow behind to learn a few tricks from time to time, and he will be able to be an elder or protect the Dharma in the future, and he will be relaxed and comfortable.

Lei Batian was dumbfounded, the Xi family just packed up and moved the whole house, leaving the Lei clan with hundreds of millions of people eating, drinking, wearing and living?In the end, it was still set up by the Xi family!

Lei Jingyun didn't expect such an appearance, he is definitely a cosmic super expert when it comes to martial arts competitions and fighting, but when it comes to management and strategizing, Lei Jingyun is very self-aware, he is really not that material!The Xi family is really courageous and decisive!

Lei Jingyun taught Lei Batian how to cultivate and how to become stronger, these are all easy, but when it comes to daily management and operation, Lei Jingyun can only hem and haw, talking about other things!

At the beginning, Lei Jingyun only needed to be in charge of battles, martial arts competitions, grabbing money, food, and land. With the support of the entire Lei Ting Sect behind him, he never had to worry about food and clothing, and his own disciples were in charge!Moreover, the previous 26 generations of Lei Tingzong have accumulated countless wealth, Lei Jingyun has never been short of money!

Of course, right now Lei Jingyun is so badly injured that he can't even protect his body. How can he have money by his side? It can be said that he is so poor that all he has left is a big iron rod!Although the big iron rod is an extremely rare treasure, there may not be a better treasure in this universe, but no matter how good the big iron rod is, it cannot be eaten as food!
With the Xi family leaving like this, the entire Thunder Clan can be said to be completely liberated, but the satellite ground is so big, and there are thunderstorms raging, and within a few days, the magic circle in the Thunder Clan headquarters can no longer operate freely, and can no longer resist the thunderstorm!Lei Ba Tianxian's energy is limited, and he is seriously unable to make ends meet, and cannot last for a few days.

In the end, ThunderClan still has to live in the mines!Even if you don't have to work day and night, you will still be hungry!
People take food as their heaven!
The relocation of the Xi family and the whole family really took away everything they could, and the food left in the mine could not last for a few days at all!

Lei Batian is regretful. He knew that he would have asked for more practical benefits from the ancestors of the Xi family when he was negotiating. Now that the Lei clan finally saw the light of day and regained their true freedom, would they starve to death immediately?

Even if ThunderClan starts eating grass, bark, and everything that can be eaten on the satellite, it won't last long!
Under such a crisis situation, Lei Batian had no choice but to embark on his first trip to go out to practice and buy food!
Relying on mountains to eat mountains, and relying on water to eat water, the thunder-attribute ores of satellites are still very sought-after.Lei Batian took the thunder ore urgently mined by the Lei clan and set out on the road. According to the interstellar travel essentials taught by his master, after a lot of trouble, he finally found a relatively rich life planet, and immediately began to sell thunder ore!
However, Lei Batian has never left the satellite, and he has too little experience. He only sells at the gate of a fair for immortal cultivators. In the end, he meets a big profiteer and sells the thunder ore stupidly. Fortunately, he also got enough food .

However, Xi Jia was willing to leave the entire satellite and run away, naturally because the mine ore of this satellite was running low!
Lei Batian traded with that big profiteer several times, and 30 years passed in a flash, and then Lei Batian could no longer produce enough thunder ore!

At this time, Lei Bagenius realized that he had been deceived!

But after all, one is willing to sell and the other is willing to buy, Lei Batian really doesn't even have a place to justify it!
Although after the stalemate, Lei Batian made a big fuss, overthrew a group of celestial beings and a few mysterious celestial beings with the strength of an immortal, and shocked the eyes of the whole place, but he still couldn't get much back for the difference.

The main reason is that Lei Batian wields a big iron rod, the wind and thunder are not serious, the damage caused is too huge, many angels were seriously injured, and the medical expenses are not a small amount!
It's better than nothing, Lei Batian returned to the satellite with urgent supplies to solve the urgent need!
Fortunately, after 30 years of buffering, ThunderClan has gradually gained a firm foothold on the satellite. Although most ThunderClan members still can only live in the mine, at least ThunderClan has begun to cultivate a large area with the help of the big willow tree. , planted a lot of lightning-resistant plants, even if the food is poorer, at least it is not so easy to starve to death!

The future of Lei Clan is worrying, Lei Batian has a long way to go!

(End of this chapter)

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