Chapter 510

Mo Xuan looked through the regular reports of Tiedan and the others over the years, tsk tsk, the little guys are really the reincarnation of the devil king in the world, and they made all kinds of noises, turning the three layers of time and space upside down.

Mo Xuan just smiled lightly, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, let them go.

Mo Que'er and Kong Ling have been to the time-sealed area several times, so they won't go this time, and stay in the third layer of space-time to seize the time to practice hard.

After all, Kong Ling had lost to Niu Xu in the Mysterious Immortal Arena of the Endless Tower, so she was temporarily unable to enter the Xuanbang.Kong Ling is very clear that although she already has the strength of the Xuanbang, she can only be ranked in the lower reaches of the Xuanbang, and she still lacks a lot if she wants to be promoted to the middle and upper reaches.

And Huali stayed in the third layer of time and space last time, and she was a little worried about her home, so she had to go back and have a look.

So this time, Mo Xuan, Huali, Xiaoyun, Xitian Tianxian and Jiang Zuo Tianxian returned to the second layer of time and space together.

The Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm and the Black Underworld Immortal Realm have been living in peace, and the Mo family and Huali's family are also safe.

In the past 100 years, except for the ten outstanding sons who were secretly taken to the third layer of time and space by Mo Xuan, there is no one who can cultivate immortality, not even the top ten in the big exam.

But the Huali family is different. Xu Shi, the ancestor of Huali, has been away all the time. The Huali family is under a lot of pressure, and there are actually two leaders in the exam.

This made Mo Xuan a little jealous, but Mo Jia Erlang is really fast!Although the Mo family still has two pre-determined quotas for cultivating immortals, they can't be used indiscriminately, they have to be used wisely!

In case I leave for too long or the time-sealed area is too time-consuming, the two quotas for cultivating immortals will play a vital role!

Mo Xuan and his party took a short break, and the trip to the time-sealed area immediately started in full swing.

The Qingyuan training group headed by Mr. Taiyiyi, Mr. Qianzao, and Mr. Gu Xindao are full of expectations. The mystery of time, the ultimate secret of the Qingyuan ancestors, is that even a little bit of groping is enough to benefit a lifetime!We don't dare to expect too much, and we have nothing to do if we can't figure out anything, so we should just gain insight.

Get in!

Fast ten seconds!Unloading complete!

go out!

ah?Is it over?This is gone? !
The Qingyuan training group was all dumbfounded, this is too fast!The Devil Devourer and the super warship only took a rough look, so there was nothing to look at!
But soon they felt that time was passing by, and hurriedly replenished the large amount of merits prepared in advance, and then immediately meditated and enlightened.

Mo Xuan has experienced it many times, and now the impact of the passing of time on him is very small, almost no need to meditate to recover, the old god is checking the time with his hands behind his back, um, this time it's okay, only 200 years have passed!

Mo Xuan smacked his lips sighingly, thinking back then, let alone 200 years, two years felt like a long, long time. It took 200 years of uninterrupted struggle to become a fairy, and now it has passed in a flash Hundreds of years and thousands of years, it really has changed!
Unknowingly, ten hours passed, and the Qingyuan training group came out one after another, still immersed in a very wonderful artistic conception.This trip to the time ban is really worth it, even if you can't figure out the mystery of time, you can definitely improve your cultivation to a higher level!
The Qingyuan training group were all smiling and satisfied.

After all, after groping and realizing that everything is everyone's secret, Mo Xuan didn't go to inquire about anything, and nodded with a slight smile, let's go back.

After returning to Qingyuan, the Qingyuan Experience Group immediately went to retreat to practice.

The rest of the angels in Qingyuan have been watching eagerly for a long time. Although the time-sealed area has spread miraculously, no one knows the effect. In addition, the price of a trip is too expensive. Most angels wait and see first. , waiting to see the effect.

Now that the Qingyuan Experience Training Group has returned, they almost didn't even say hello, and went to collective retreat to practice hard. There is no need to say anything. If there is no effect, how could it be like this!

You don’t need to guess, you know that the ticket price for the next trip to the time-blocked area will definitely skyrocket, or even double.

In the past 200 years, the Huali family has produced three more test leaders, while the Mo family still has only one duck egg.

Mo Xuan couldn't help clicking his tongue secretly, and went to Huali's house to learn scriptures.How to put it, Huali is actually copying the Mohist development model, but it is more thorough in some aspects.

When Huali went to report to Taiyuan College, she was still wearing a large patched suit, which shows the poverty of the family.

The Mo family frugally remembers the bitterness one day a month, but Huali thinks that one day is too little, and it can be passed after a while. How can she truly appreciate the poverty and embarrassment at the beginning, and how can she know the hard-won sweetness without knowing the true bitterness.Therefore, Huali directly increased the days of frugality and memory of bitterness to five days.

In addition, the strength of the Mohist military training system has also been doubled by Huali, with all kinds of strictness.

In addition, the teaching system of Hualijia is very complete. In order to cope with today's big exams, all the best talents are used to educate the next generation. The survival of the fittest is trained from generation to generation, and the remaining elites are the elites.

Putting it all together, it means that you can be a master if you endure hardships!

However, the Mo family is still too generous. The elders of the family have suffered too much, and they are always reluctant to let the children and grandchildren suffer so much. The life is too moist, and the ancestor of Moxuan can open the back door, so there is not enough sense of urgency. Otherwise, the Mo family's current stately super Zhouwang family has at least hundreds of children born every year, and it would not have been so many years without even winning a place to cultivate immortals.

Mo Xuan sighed secretly, as expected, it is easy to be outstanding when you are poor and humble, while rich and noble are often mediocre.

Back on the Mo family's Lingdao, Mo Xuan immediately issued the latest order to No. 1000, [-] years is just a short moment to me now, but it is a very long period of time to the Mo family!
A total of fifty generations, if one generation is not as good as one generation, no matter how big the family business is and how strong the Mo family is, it will be seriously weak in succession. It must be firmly grasped and must not be relaxed!
Mo Xuan's tone became more and more severe: "On the [-]st, you put your heart into me, and stop messing with those miscellaneous things! Focus more on training the new generation of the family! I opened the back door for the outstanding children of the family because I had to do it, and I despise it the most. It’s the guy who walks through the back door! Those who have the ability to go to the top, and those who don’t have the ability to stand aside consciously! The big waves wash the sand, and no one can play against it!”

"I'll go say hello to my father and grandpa. Just be strict! When you come back next time, if you don't get good grades, I'll just ask you!"

Little Moxuan No. [-] kept silent, gritted his teeth secretly, and nodded with a serious expression.

Mo Xuan eased his tone, and said: "I know that you have been doing your best for the family on the [-]st, and you have done a good job. But if you go against the current and do not advance, you will retreat. The Mo family must take a longer-term view, and the reference object must be high-level The big family of time and space, such a reference comparison, the Mo family is really far behind."

No. [-] Xiao Moxuan nodded in agreement, I understand.

Mo Xuan stopped talking and nodded to Number One.

Little Moxuan No. [-] bowed respectfully, Xiao Suibu exited the hall, secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and wiped the sweat from his forehead. The aura of this deity is so strong that it is terrifying. I really don’t know how this deity cultivated. awesome?I'm afraid No. [-] has surpassed himself by a lot!

Mo Xuan originally planned to return to the third level of time and space immediately, and then go to the fourth level of time and space, but when he said goodbye to Master Kong Jian, Kong Jian suggested: "Xuan'er, the big exam will be in three months, this time it is our turn to Kong Jianmen Come up with the questions, why don't you come up with the questions for this big exam."

That's it, it's only been three months anyway, so there's no need to rush at this moment.Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, nodded, and agreed.

Naturally, it was impossible for Mo Xuan to come up with questions as casually as he did when invigilating the exam. With reference to the third and fourth layers of time and space, he carefully drafted a set of comprehensive test papers.

After reading the test paper, Kong Jian couldn't help being speechless for a long time.

Kong Jian stroked his goatee in admiration, Xuan'er was far-sighted, his eyes were always looking so far away, now is indeed the age of young people!
Now that the exam is so strict that it is abnormal, no one should try to cheat for personal gain.Mo Xuan didn't intend to open the back door for his own children, it would be very unfair to other children!
Exams should be fair and just!Everything speaks with strength!

In full swing, the big exam will be held as scheduled!
This time it was Kong Jianmen's turn to come up with the questions. In order to get good grades in the exam, the examinees naturally studied the question bank that Mr. Kong Jiandao used to ask over and over again.

The leader of the big exam entered the Taiyuan Academy and began to cultivate immortals, and although the second place in the list was a thousand miles away, he was able to be cultivated by the state and county.

Quite a few of the second-best candidates have nothing to do, and can make a lot of money by writing and publishing their own experience in the big exam.

And this time the big exam, the candidates were dumbfounded the moment they took out the exam papers, hey, what is this?The first page is just one question, but it is the endgame of a game of 21-way Go.

Could it be that the first question is to solve the endgame of Go?

this... this...

At least [-]% of the candidates are studying hard, how can they have the time to play Go, what kind of mess is this Go endgame.Even if a small number of candidates can play Go, they can only relax their tense spirit in the next game in their spare time, so how can they study in depth.

The invigilators can only see the exam paper at the moment when the exam starts. When they see the first page, the invigilators are also dumbfounded. This... what kind of exam question is this?

Even the invigilator immortal stared at him with wide eyes. How could it be a Go endgame? Didn't the test papers go wrong?
With the rigor of today's exams, it is of course impossible to hand out the wrong exam papers!

Everyone knows that Mr. Kong Jiandao loves to recite poems and recite poems. Occasionally, he will add a couplet or a que in the big exam paper as a bonus question.

What kind of trouble is this sudden appearance of Go?Without such a sudden attack!

Candidates managed to recover from the state of darkness in front of their eyes, rubbed their eyes, okay, it’s still a Go game, and they don’t even understand the rules of Go, what else can they do, hurry up to the next question.

Uh... an incomplete compound magic circle, complete.

This... What kind of trouble is this?We are just children, we have never cultivated immortality before, even if we have been exposed to magic circles, we can only understand superficially, and even have a half-knowledge of the operation mode of magic circles, how can we repair magic circles?
The invigilators and the invigilator Immortal couldn't help but look at each other.

The third question, still no words, an extremely complicated maze of Taoism!Find safe routes and exits.

Candidates are already in tears, we want to have a good exam, what the hell is this, don't play us like this!
The fourth question, a crooked symbol, write a paper based on this symbol.

Who the hell knows what this symbol is!Isn't this nonsense!

The fifth question discusses the relationship between cultivating immortals and heavenly catastrophe from both broad and narrow senses.

Uh... this is so deep and difficult!But at least it's a text topic, so let's start writing!
The sixth question is the relationship between man and the universe.

The seventh question is to write a daily paper on the assumption that immortals and mortals live together equally.


There are only ten questions in total, and the majority of candidates can generally write answers to only two questions, and the rest of the questions can basically only stare blankly, to the extent that even if you want to write blindly, you can't do it!
This year's exam has become the most difficult exam in Qingyuan Little Immortal World's history!
(End of this chapter)

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