Chapter 511

At the end of the big exam, the examinees were dazed and confused, and even the enthusiasm for watching the opening results was seriously lacking!

The exam papers for this year's exam were not drawn up by Mr. Kong Jiandao, but by Mo Xuan!Occasionally go!
Well, this is actually nothing, but... Mo Xuan Da Neng, aren't you a well-known poet and poet, how come the exam paper you drafted doesn't even touch poetry at all!In vain, we hang our heads on the beams and awl our buttocks, and recite poems and songs desperately, but in the end we are all in vain!Woah!
There are ten questions in the examination paper, each question is ten points, and the total score is one hundred.

Such an examination paper, I still don't believe it, who can get a high score.

Lord Taiyi, Lord Qianzao, and Lord Gu Xin also took time out to read the examination papers during the retreat, and couldn't help but stare for a long time.Time has really changed, Mo Xuan boy's vision has far surpassed ours!
Even Zhuan Sun Hongsheng, who came from the fourth level of time and space, couldn't help but click their tongues secretly after reading the examination paper, and they were speechless.

Grand Master Li sighed for a while, he is really old, now is the age of young people!
The entire Qingyuan Small Immortal World was shocked by the examination paper drawn up by Mo Xuan. People had to sigh, the times are really different!
At the beginning of the big exam, each state and county was asked according to their own conditions, and the three Taoist monarchs and the chief examiner made the questions, and the rankings depended on the personal preferences of the chief examiner.The top three in the examination room of each state and county are always the children of the Wangmen family.

Today, the scoring standards are strictly unified, and any favoritism and fraud are strictly prohibited. In the end, the top three in the examination rooms of each state and county are judged by the Taoist himself, which is fair and just.

So now the top three are mostly children from poor families!

After all, there is only one pathetic quota for cultivating immortals in a county, after all, only geniuses among geniuses can have this incomparably precious quota for cultivating immortals.

In the final analysis, there are only four words - those who can go to the top!
In a flash, it was the opening day of the exam. Even if the candidates were not enthusiastic, they had to go and have a look. They wanted to see how many points the No. [-] candidate could get for such a difficult exam paper.

In Qingshan County, the square outside the examination room was already crowded with people.

No matter the candidates, their teachers, or their parents, they are all full of expectations.

The vast majority of people don't dare to expect extravagance from the leader. No. 1 among hundreds of thousands of candidates is simply not human!It is an existence that can only be looked up to!
In the past, there were only [-] places on the big list, but now it has increased to [-]. As long as you are on the list, you can always find a good position, which will bring a lot of convenience and benefits to the family.

Of course, there are also a small number of candidates and parents who go for the leader!

However, not to mention Qingshan County, the entire Anzhou is dominated by the Mo family, and Mo Xuan is able to produce the test papers. Everyone said in private that there are nine out of ten that the leader of the Qingshan County exam will It's a Mohist boy!

Ding Yu and Ding Xinjie stood in a corner of the square very low-key, waiting patiently for the big list to be announced.

Over the past 300 years, the Ding family still has a leader who is about to cultivate into a fairy.

And this time, the Ding family produced another outstanding son, Ding Junxian, who won No.8 in the last big exam. He answered the exam papers quite well this time, and he is very hopeful to sprint to the top. Ding Yu and Ding Xinjie are full of expectations.

"Senior Brother Ding, long time no see." A gentle voice sounded from one side.

Ding Yu was startled, and looked back in disbelief!
Plain Taoist gown, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a gentle smile is always the same. It is none other than Mo Xuan!

Although Mo Xuan drew up the test papers, he did not participate in the marking. It didn't mean that Mo Xuan couldn't mark the papers, but that he specialized in the technique, and Mo Xuan's speed of marking the papers might not be as fast as those professional examiners.

Coupled with the fact that the new generation of the Mohist family has been weak for so many years, Mo Xuan didn't want to take the initiative to be hit, so he became a hands-off showcase again. He just came here today to watch the opening of the list. He didn't expect to meet his acquaintance Ding Yu, so he went to call Say hello.

Ding Yu was terrified, as a newly promoted celestial being, how could he be qualified to sit on an equal footing with Mo Xuan, to be called a senior brother, so he hurriedly wanted to pay respects.

Mo Xuan raised his hand lightly, Senior Brother Ding, there is no need to be polite between us seniors.

Ding Yu couldn't bend down no matter what, so he could only smile and bow to Mo Xuan, but he was shocked in his heart. It is rumored that Mo Xuan has become a Xuanxian, and now it seems to be true. Mo Xuan is a few years younger than me , I just became a fairy, and Mo Xuan is already a fairy!This gap is too big!

Mo Xuan, who was impoverished and embarrassed back then, is now a prosperous, domineering and mighty Mo Xuan, they are totally different!
Ding Yu took a closer look at Mo Xuan, it seems that there is not much difference from the past, the sincerity and trust are the same as before, the only thing that has changed is Mo Xuan's cultivation.

Ding Xinjie gave a deep bow, respectfully paying respects to Mo Xuan Da Neng!
Mo Xuan glanced at Ding Xinjie lightly, not bad, not bad, his whole body is round and free, if it is not for the promulgation of the prohibition order now, the Ding family's resources are relatively limited, and he should have become a god.

Mo Xuan couldn't help but nodded his head approvingly, and said to Ding Yu in the tone of treating an old friend: "Senior Brother Ding, I heard that your family has produced another outstanding person this time. Congratulations."

Ding Yu laughed happily, still a little bit complacent, but he didn't dare to show too much, after all, the Mo family is a duck's egg!
Actually, when it comes to outstanding people, there is no one in the Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm who would not envy the Mo family for the amazing pair of Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er!The Mohists are truly amazing!
Everyone said in private that the Mo family's luck was too much because of the emergence of Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er at once, so they didn't work very hard in the end, and they couldn't always produce outstanding people, but as long as Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er were there, the Mo family would It will never fall!
Ding Yu complimented: "Brother Mo's exam papers are really good! The teaching of children in our Qingyuan Little Immortal World will definitely be turned upside down!"

Mo Xuan chuckled, and said modestly: "It's also the need of the times, we have to integrate with the high-level time and space as soon as possible. By the way, this time Ling'er and Que'er stayed in the third-level time-space to practice, and there was one more quota for experience in the fairy palace, so let's stop by for a while." Your family is Xinjie."

ah? !This... this... Ding Yu and Ding Xinjie couldn't help being flattered!The price of a fairy palace experience quota is not a joke. After all, the Ding family is only a newly promoted fairy family, and they are not eligible to participate in the auction!

Ding Xinjie secretly swallowed his saliva. If he could go to the legendary fairy palace to practice, he would not be able to say that he would be sure to become a god, but at least he could be sure of it!

Ding Yu turned to look at Ding Xinjie, and stammered to Mo Xuan, "Brother Mo, this is not good."

Mo Xuan smiled lightly and said, "They're all from my own family, so why not be polite. I also watched your Xinjie grow up. Xinjie doesn't have a Taoist partner yet, so I'll go to my Lingdao when I have time later. I am a female fairy of the Mo family. It’s still a good deal, let Xinjie see if there’s anything he likes.”

Ding Xinjie was in a daze. This... In fact, for so many years, he has been thinking about Mo Que'er all the time. He has never thought about the matter of Taoist companions. He has devoted all his attention to cultivation, and this is how he has achieved his current cultivation level!

Ding Yu winked at Ding Xinjie, silly boy, what are you doing in a daze!Mo Que'er is already Mo Xuan's Taoist partner, so you have to limit your messiness. Besides, Mohist female fairies are notoriously beautiful, and they are more or less similar or similar to Mo Que'er. You can't even ask for it, you kid will be content!

Ding Xinjie came back to his senses, and hurriedly paid respects to Mo Xuan, thanking Grandpa Mo Zu for his support, Xiaojie is very grateful!

Mo Xuan smiled and gently lifted Ding Xinjie up, patted Ding Xinjie on the shoulder, don't be too cautious, maybe we will be a family in the future.

Ding Yu was secretly delighted. Although the Ding family and the Mo family had a marriage before, they were all below the level of immortals. If Xinjie and the Mo family fairy form a Taoist couple, the Ding family and the Mo family will become real relatives.

The big list is finally about to be announced.Mo Xuan and his party wait and see.

On the high platform, a golden big list scroll was hung horizontally, with three thousand names densely packed.

Everyone is looking forward to it, whether it is a mule or a horse, it will be revealed soon!
Mo Xuan let out a slight snort, a little surprised.

The vocalist with a loud voice starts from No.1.

Ding Junxian, 71 points.

Although Ding Yu and Ding Xinjie saw that the name of the leader of the list was Ding Junxian at a glance, they still couldn't help being startled, and then they looked ecstatic, that's great!Our Ding family has obtained another extremely precious quota of cultivating immortals!

At the forefront of the big list, a handsome young man raised his right fist high and roared to the sky!i did it!

In high spirits, right now!
All the examinees around looked at Ding Junxian with envy and envy, but they were also convinced. Such a perverted test paper can score 71 points, it is simply inhuman!
As soon as No. 1 of the big test came out, everyone's doubts about Mo Xuan's power disappeared completely.

No.2, Mo Jiaojiao, 68 points.

Um?Mo Jiaojiao, could it be from the Mo family?

The reason why Mo Xuan snorted earlier was because he saw Mo Jiaojiao's name.

Mo Xuan checked, this Mo Jiaojiao really belonged to the Mo family, but she lived far away, and did not live in the Mo family's Lingdao, but lived in Huanxi Village, Mingyu County, which is the hometown of the Mo family.

Now the Mo family's Lingdao is the current headquarters of the Mo family, and the Mo family in Huanxi Village is only second. Most of them are lived by distant relatives. I didn't expect Mo Jiaojiao to appear in the distant house!
What, Mo Jiaojiao is only 11 years old, and it's her first time to take the big exam!Mo Xuan couldn't help being taken aback too, this surprise is a bit big.

The entire Mo family was in an uproar. Where did this Mo Jiaojiao come from? I've never heard of it before!

Be darling, our Mo family has finally released another amazing talent!Very good!
Everyone in the square is exclaiming!

Who is Mo Jiaojiao?where?where is it?
Soon, there was a large space among the candidates, and a weak little girl was watched by everyone.

The leader, Ding Junxian, also stretched his neck and looked at the little girl. Is this Mo Jiaojiao?So small!

There was a lot of discussion in the square, how could such a young girl get 68 points in the test?Really, don't you just go through the back door!Uh... It's impossible even if you think about it. What kind of person is Mo Xuan Da Neng, how can he cheat for personal gain?
So, this little girl got 68 points in the test based on her real ability?Be good, it's against the sky. If Ding Junxian hadn't been superior, this little girl would have won the ringleader this time!

Mo Jiaojiao was very unaccustomed to being watched by so many people, she shrank her somewhat frail body.Mo Jiaojiao was also dumbfounded, I'm actually the second place?real or fake?
Ding Yu couldn't help turning his head to look at Mo Xuan. Brother Mo is really selfless, and it's no accident that he can achieve today's astonishing achievements!
Mo Xuan smiled lightly and ordered to go on.

Immediately, several Mojia boys hurried over, guarded Mo Jiaojiao closely, and escorted her away.

After the top [-] entries were completed, no one from the Mo family could make it to the list.Mo Xuan sighed slightly, not interested in the next ranking, turned to Ding Yu and said, "Senior Brother Ding, I'm going to read Ding Junxian and Jiaojiao's exam papers, you guys should go too."

Ding Yu nodded, naturally wishing for it.Ding Yu took Ding Xinjie and followed Mo Xuan to the examination room.

Kong Jianmen is fully responsible for this exam. Ding Yu belongs to the Taiyi School, so there is no way to get involved, but who is Mo Xuan, the party is naturally unimpeded!
(End of this chapter)

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