Interstellar Miner

Chapter 512 Mo Jiaojiao

Chapter 512 Mo Jiaojiao

The examination room was set up in the north of the county capital, a large area specially divided, covering an area of ​​[-] mu, very quiet.On the day of the big exam, there was even a ban, and the whole city was silent.

There are continuous high walls around the examination room, and the walls are all made of stone strips without a single gap.The gate was thick and iron, lacquered with vermilion, and nailed with brass nails.

Although the big exam was over and the rankings had already started to be released, there were still soldiers with swords and armor patrolling everywhere in the exam room, and the armor collided with each other, making loud noises.Before accepting the order to disband, no one dared to relax.

The big exam is of extraordinary significance to the examinees, and even the entire Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm.

Mo Xuan, Ding Yu, and Ding Xinjie strolled in the examination room, looking at the rows of examination buildings, feeling a little sad and nostalgic.

Back then, they also came out of the tight encirclement of this examination room!It's just that there was a lot of water in the big exam back then. Mo Xuan was the No. 3 obtained by Master Kong Jian's secret operation, and Ding Yu and Ding Xinjie were also No. 1 after the family purchased the quota.

Today, even the heirs of the four Taoist monarchs have to compete with countless candidates and speak with their strength!

If we had participated in today's big exam, I am afraid that nine times out of ten it would be terrible.

Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help but feel sorry for the current candidates. After all, only one of the thousands of heroes can break out of the siege and get the quota for cultivating immortals.

Compared with the default quota for the three cultivators at the beginning, the children from the poor family were full of expectations but could only be discouraged again and again. Now it is actually very fair and just.

The times are like this, no one can do anything about it!
Most of the invigilators in the examination room are child-born cultivators. More than 300 years have passed, and most of them have gray temples now.

At the beginning of the Immortal War, the ban on cultivating all cotton was lifted, and all children can cultivate immortals, but limited by their merits and talents, most children are stuck in the half-immortals, and only a few of them advance bravely, successfully challenge the half-immortals, and even become immortals.

As soon as the prohibition order was promulgated, all the immortal cultivators who were slowly grinding and suffering were dumbfounded!Isn't this fatal!
Ordinary child-born immortal cultivators live two or three hundred years longer than ordinary people. Even if they become half-immortals, they might be able to make it to Qingyun Xiaoxian Realm and then continue to cultivate immortals!

There were quite a few child-born immortal cultivators who were lucky enough to secretly cultivate immortals, but they were all killed in the end!No one can make an exception!
The prohibition order is so bloody and ruthless!
The immortal cultivators who were born in childhood have gone through a lot, and all their thorns have been pulled out. Only the honest ones can survive till now!

In the center of the examination room, there is a small wooden cabin with a table and two mahogany chairs inside.This is the office of the chief examiner and invigilator immortal.A square gold seal hangs on the beam of the house.

The three of Mo Xuan walked into the cabin.

"Greetings, Elder Brother." The chief examiner and immortal invigilator sent by Kong Jianmen respectfully paid respects to Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan nodded slightly, and said lightly, "Excuse me."

The examiner and invigilator straightened his waist, and looked at Mo Xuan quietly. This legendary senior brother of Kong Jianmen has always only heard of his name, seen the portrait, but not the real one. , Domineering side leakage, no one can fake it.

Mo Xuan explained why he came here.

The chief examiner and the immortal invigilator looked at each other blankly, could it be that senior brother Mo Xuan wanted to revise Mo Jiaojiao's ranking?

The four Taoist monarchs are extremely strict about the big test. Even if the senior brother is very capable, he can decide the ranking at will, but the rankings have already been released, and the later revisions may not have much impact, okay?

Ding Yu and Ding Xinjie didn't have the worries of the examiners. The old gods were there, waiting patiently.

The examination papers that were expected to hit the leader in the examination halls of various states and counties were sent to Mr. Kong Jiandao's Immortal Heaven, and Mr. Kong Jiandao personally reviewed them and drew up the top three rankings.According to the usual practice, the top exam papers will be sealed for a period of time, and the outstanding exam papers will be transcribed and stored in the library of Taiyuan Academy.Then it will be announced to the public, and there will always be a buffer period of several hours during the period.

But senior brother Mo Xuan had already spoken, and the chief examiner sent an urgent message. After a while, the examination papers of Ding Junxian and Mo Jiaojiao were sent back.

Mo Xuan first looked through Ding Junxian's answer sheet. He answered all ten questions fairly well. It can be seen that Ding Junxian's knowledge of cultivating immortals is very comprehensive, and the Ding family's education is really good!

But in the fifth question, Ding Junxian's discussion on the topic of Tianjie was relatively one-sided, and he only scored three points.

After all, there is almost no catastrophe in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm. Although there are rumors that the small fairy world may encounter a great catastrophe when it advances, no one knows whether it is true, and many immortals are optimistic , I feel that Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie fell from the third level of time and space, and returning to the third level of time and space should be regarded as a wanderer's return home, so there will be no so-called great catastrophe.

So this fifth question also caught the students by surprise, and there was really nothing to discuss.

Mo Xuan nodded, and then looked at Mo Jiaojiao's answer sheet.

Hey, Mo Jiaojiao's answer sheet is quite polarized. The fourth, eighth, and ninth questions are almost blank papers, and the rest of the questions are answered perfectly.It can be seen that Mo Jiaojiao's attainments in the magic circle are quite outstanding, you must know that she is only 11 years old, my dear, our Mo family has really produced another amazing girl!

Mo Xuan couldn't help being curious about Mo Jiaojiao, he greeted Ding Yu and the chief examiner, and left with Mo Jiaojiao's answer sheet.

At this time, Mo Jiaojiao outside the square has been escorted by Mojia Erlang to the Mojia Restaurant, temporarily staying in the best Tianzi No. [-] room.

What's wrong with this?Why would I be second, Mo Jiaojiao couldn't figure it out by herself, fidgeting back and forth in the room, at a loss for what to do.

Boom!The door rang twice.

Mo Jiaojiao stopped in her tracks, blinked her eyes, she must be an elder in the family, so she said softly, "Please come in."

A handsome young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes in a plain robe opened the door with a smile and walked in.

Mo Jiaojiao blinked in surprise, this uncle?Or grandpa?It really looks familiar!But it should be the first time I saw him!
Mo Xuan smiled lightly, put Mo Jiaojiao's answer sheet on the free coffee table, and asked, "Jiaojiao, did you answer this exam paper?"

Mo Jiaojiao blinked in a panic, moved her lotus steps lightly, walked to the side of the coffee table and tilted her head to look, yes, this is my answer sheet, so she nodded.

What's the matter?Is it the wrong score?That's right, I'm also surprised, others are in their twenties, ten or even just a few points, how can I get such a high score!
Mo Xuan nodded with a smile, pointed to the circle circled by Mo Jiaojiao on the first page of Go starboard, and asked, "Jiaojiao, how did you solve it?"

This Go endgame looks complicated, but it is actually very simple as long as you clear your mind, and there are several ways to solve it, with different scores.And Mo Jiaojiao's move is the best one, it can directly turn defeat into victory, so even if Mo Jiaojiao just made a circle without any reasoning and answering process, it is still a perfect score!
Mo Jiaojiao said truthfully, "I was fooled."

Uh... fooled?With Mo Xuan's current concentration, he couldn't help but sway slightly, this can be deceived, is it true or not?

Mo Xuan asked suspiciously: "Jiaojiao, can you play Go?"

Mo Jiaojiao shook her head and said, "I've never played Go, I only saw a few cousins ​​play a few games during Chinese New Year."

It shouldn't be such a coincidence that he just got that winning blow!Mo Xuan frowned, and asked, "Then how did you get fooled, Jiaojiao?"

Mo Jiaojiao had nothing to hide, she gestured at the endgame with her fingers and said, "Heizi looks so fierce here, and he is about to rush over there. Although Baizi looks weak, he is obviously accumulating strength, just like Before punching, you need to shrink your fists to accumulate strength. This side is just right for attacking, so I circled this position, what's wrong?"

Ouch, that's great!Jiaojiao, who has never played Go formally, can see the endgame so thoroughly, right?certainly not!Jiaojiao has seen through the mess of this round thoroughly, so it is no surprise that she got full marks.

Mo Xuan nodded, turned a page, and asked the second question.To make up for this incomplete compound magic circle, it is not possible to be right, one must have a more comprehensive understanding of the magic circle system!And Jiaojiao made up for this incomplete magic circle even more!

Mo Jiaojiao pursed her lips and smiled. If she wanted to speak the formation, she was the best at it, and immediately she spoke in a coherent manner. She talked for half an hour without even needing to drink a sip of water.

Mo Xuan was very pleased and nodded from time to time, not bad, not bad, such a unique insight at such a young age, our Mo family finally produced another golden phoenix!

The Taoist labyrinth of the third question is actually a compound magic circle, and it is still complete, so it cannot be difficult for Mo Jiaojiao!
The fourth question, the crooked symbol is a symbol derived from Dao. Mo Jiaojiao is only so big, so it is not surprising that she handed in a blank paper.

As for the exposition of Heavenly Tribulation in the fifth question, as long as you are a son of the Mohist family who has been fascinated by Heavenly Tribulation since he was a child, even if you hear a few paragraphs within the family, it is enough to get a high score.

Questions six and seven are similar to Heavenly Tribulation, and they are Mo's Erlang's strong point.

Mo Jiaojiao is too young for questions [-] and [-], so she hasn't come into contact with them yet.

The tenth question is a corner of a super magic circle. Although Mo Jiaojiao didn't answer it completely correctly, she answered it quite well.

The total score is 68 points, which is unambiguous at all!
If Mo Jiaojiao were a little older and beat Ding Junxian by a head, it would be a breeze to win this year's final exam!
Mo Xuan nodded with great satisfaction, and said to Mo Jiaojiao: "Jiaojiao, you got the second place in this year's exam because you relied on your own strength to get it in a dignified way! Don't be complacent, your life has just started. You haven't embarked on the journey of cultivating immortals yet, and you still have a long, long way to go."

Mo Jiaojiao nodded obediently, I know.

Mo Xuan added: "There is still more than a month before the start of the Taiyuan Academy. You must seize this time, otherwise you will not be able to keep up with the progress of your classmates when you arrive at the Taiyuan Academy. The feeling of being at the end of the crane is not good! "

Um?Mo Jiaojiao blinked strangely, no, I am the second place, only the leader can get the quota of cultivating immortals, I am lucky this time, there are many questions in the magic circle, and I got a lot of mistakes, so I don’t know if I will get it next time What kind of grades.

Mo Xuan didn't say much, he gently touched Mo Jiaojiao's little head, and said: "Go back and announce the good news to your parents, and then immediately set off for Lingdao, I will teach you for a few days first, and then No. [-] will teach you personally." you."

Mo Jiaojiao nodded her head, number one?Is it number one of King Kong Potato Man?The person who wanted to see No. [-] for a long time said, but it's a pity that No. [-] went to high-level time and space with their grandfather. Although he lived in Lingdao when he was young, he couldn't see it even if he wanted to!But I heard that grandpa has come back, so they should be back on the [-]st too!

I didn't expect it to be No. [-] when I came to teach me, that's great!

Mo Jiaojiao was so happy that she almost jumped up.

"See you later." Mo Xuan smiled and left.

Mo Jiaojiao sent Mo Xuan out of the door, she was intoxicated with joy, and then suddenly remembered, oops, I forgot to ask his identity, should I call him uncle, or grandpa, or my own seniority Actually taller than him, he still has to call me aunt, or even grandma!

(End of this chapter)

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