Interstellar Miner

Chapter 513: Immortal Cultivation Quota

Chapter 513: Immortal Cultivation Quota
Soon, Mo Jiaojiao was escorted back to her hometown in Huanxi Village, and received a grand and warm welcome second only to Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er's ancestors.

That scene was really full of gongs and drums, firecrackers blasting, red flags waving, and crowds of people!
Mo Jiaojiao couldn't help smiling, and flew into her mother's arms.

The mother hugged Mo Jiaojiao with tears in her eyes, mother is so Jiaojiao.

When the good news spread back home, no one could believe it was true. Mo Jiaojiao, who has always been unknown, could get No.2 in the big exam!
Mo Jiaojiao's parents also looked incredible, but facts are facts, and Jiaojiao really won No.2 in the big test.Ancestor Mo Xuan was already waiting for Jiaojiao to pass by at Mojialing Island.

While Jiaojiao's mother was excited and happy, her heart was also a little sad. In the future, Jiaojiao might embark on a journey of cultivating immortals, so there is a gap between immortals, and it may be difficult to meet again in the future.At that time, it will be Jiaojiao, the black-haired person, who will send us white-haired people, hey~
Jiaojiao's father, on the other hand, was beaming, as expected of her father's own daughter, Jiaojiao really gave our Mo parents face, well done!

You must know that after Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er, no one of the Mo family's children can win the top three in the big exam, even the top ten can be counted with one hand!

This time Mo Jiaojiao was able to win the No. 2 exam, which was naturally a great joy for the Mo family.

After the celebration carnival, Grandpa Mo Huazu drove over in a starship and took Mo Jiaojiao to Mojialing Island.

With tears in her eyes, Mo Jiaojiao waved goodbye to her parents and family, and boarded the starship.

Mo Hua still looks like a boy back then, standing with Mo Jiaojiao is like a brother and sister.

Mo Jiaojiao did not dare to show the slightest disrespect, and remained respectful.

Mo Hua smiled and said: "Jiaojiao, there is no need to be so restrained. Our Mo family is not another family, and there are not so many red tapes. When we arrive at Lingdao, what happened before, what will happen in the future."

Mo Jiaojiao blinked, nodded, and quietly looked at Grandpa Mo Huazu.

As a high-end immortal second only to Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er, Mo Hua is also considered a high-ranking immortal. He often runs between Lingdao and his hometown. Mo Jiaojiao has also met Grandpa Mo Hua, but it is the first time that he is so close I saw Grandpa Mo Huazu.

Mo Jiaojiao secretly exclaimed, Grandpa Mo Hua looks almost like his cousins, but Grandpa Mo Hua has four grandparents, it's amazing.

Mo Hua also quietly looked at Mo Jiaojiao. He was limited by his talent and chance, or the four Taoist companions had scattered too much of his experience, and he was still unable to advance to the rank of Celestial Immortal, which caused another big gap in the Mohist immortal class.But becoming a fairy is not as simple as it is said, nor can it be achieved by working hard, and it is useless to rush!Mo Hua himself was also very uncertain.

Now that the Mo family has another Mo Jiaojiao, Mo Hua is also very happy. With Jiaojiao's outstanding talent, she can become a celestial being relatively easily in the future, so as to solve the urgent needs of the Mo family.

Soon, the starship battleship arrived at Mojialing Island.

Under the auspices of Mo Shi and Mo Tian, ​​the clansmen of Mo Family Lingdao also prepared a grand welcome party for Mo Jiaojiao!
That scene was really full of gongs and drums, firecrackers blasting, red flags waving, and crowds of people!
Although Mo Jiaojiao was young, she also deeply felt the extremely ardent expectations of her tribe, and her small shoulders became a little heavy.

Mo Hua took Mo Jiaojiao off the starship battleship, flowers were flying, and applause shook the sky!
The little babies rushed forward with flowers in their hands, and surrounded Mo Jiaojiao.

Mo Jiaojiao managed to catch her breath and looked around curiously. She was a little disappointed that she didn't see the previous one, nor the long-awaited ancestor Mo Xuan.

Soon, Mo Jiaojiao's attention was attracted by the delicacies carefully prepared by Liu Meilin on the long table, and she stuffed her little mouth to the brim, wishing she could use both hands and feet.

"Don't eat too much at once, as long as you live in Lingdao, you can always taste it." A gentle voice sounded from Mo Jiaojiao's side.

Mo Jiaojiao turned her head in surprise, and sure enough, it was the one from last time, so she couldn't help but smile sweetly.Everything on Mojia Lingdao is so strange, although everyone is so kind, but Mo Jiaojiao is still under a lot of pressure.Although I have only met him once, I feel so kind, and I always want to see him again.

Mo Jiaojiao asked with a smile: "I haven't asked for advice yet, what should I call you?"

Mo Xuan raised his eyebrows, and said with a faint smile: "So Jiaojiao, you haven't recognized me yet, just call me Grandpa Zu."

I'm so young, and there are so many immortals in my family, how can I know all of them, Mo Jiaojiao blinked, eh, why are there so many different generations, if only I could call my cousin.Mo Jiaojiao still uttered an oh, and called Grandpa Zu.

Even shouting so reluctantly, Mo Xuan chuckled and said, "Eat your meal carefully and slowly, after a while, come with me to the ancestral hall to worship your ancestors."

It's so troublesome to worship the ancestors, Mo Jiaojiao let out a bit of reluctance, and seized the time to continue savoring the delicious food.

After eating and drinking enough, Mo Jiaojiao rubbed her chubby stomach and followed Mo Xuan all the way.

"Grandpa." "Hello, grandpa."...

Along the way, the little ones greeted Mo Xuan sweetly, and the parents had said hello in advance, so it was rare that they did not go to pester Mo Xuan as usual.

And the adults greeted Mo Xuan happily from the bottom of their hearts.

Mo Jiaojiao blinked in amazement, this grandpa is very lucky, there are only a few outstanding grandpas in the family, which one is this?No, Mo Jiaojiao really doesn't have much impression.

Before I knew it, I arrived at the Mohist Ancestral Hall.

"Grandfather." The two earth immortals of the Mo family who were on duty to guard the ancestral hall gave Mo Xuan a deep bow.

Mo Xuan nodded slightly.

Mo Jiaojiao was a little stunned. Aren't these two two outstanding grandparents in the family?Mo Jiaojiao let out a big belch in shock.

The ancestral hall is important, be serious!The two Mohists gave Mo Jiaojiao a glance.

Mo Jiaojiao stuck out her little tongue, straightened her appearance, and hurried into the ancestral hall, following Mo Xuan's footsteps.

In the hall of the ancestral hall, the elders of Mo Shi, Mo Tian, ​​Mo Zhu and other families are already there.

Mo Jiaojiao was startled, and hastily called Grandfather several times in succession.

Everyone in Moshi nodded with a smile, good, good, good.

Only now did Mo Jiaojiao have time to look at the Mohist ancestral hall.

Huanxi Village also has the former site of the Mohist ancestral hall, which has been refurbished many times. It is small and old, and is regarded as a haunted house by children who are not familiar with the world, and they are always far away.

The ancestral hall on Mojia Lingdao is no longer what it used to be. It has been expanded several times, and it is completely a big palace.

According to the rules of "everyone, three immortals, five lands, seven heavens and nine heavens" in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, the Mo family can offer sacrifices to nine generations!

Therefore, there are nine sacrificial high platforms in the main hall of the ancestral hall.On the highest platform is an exquisite small palace, which was made by the ancestor Moxuan who hired soul wood back then.

The souls of the deceased ancestors of the Mo family were all transferred from the Netherland to the small palace, where they lived in a safe and comfortable place.Nourishment wood nourishes the soul. It is not blown out, and even several ancestors of the Mohist family have become ghosts and immortals!

Mo Xuan lit a stick of incense, sincerely worshiped three times, and offered the incense on the incense burner.

Mo Jiaojiao blinked, seeing that everyone was looking at her, she came to her senses and hurriedly offered incense to worship her ancestors.

Mo Xuan nodded to his grandfather Mo Shi.

Mo Shi cautiously took out a bronze key from his pocket, carefully opened the bronze lock on the small box next to the small soul-cultivating wooden palace, and took out a piece of withered and yellow talisman paper from the small box.

Mo Jiaojiao glanced curiously, there was an ink character on the talisman paper and a signature of a flamboyant dragon.Um?This is... I seem to have heard of it somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while.

Mo Shi locked the small box again, carefully put the bronze key into his bosom, and then handed the talisman paper to Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan glanced at Mo Jiaojiao, and said, "Jiaojiao, back then Daoist Gu Xin rewarded my Mo family with three quotas for cultivating immortals, Que'er used one, and the remaining two quotas for cultivating immortals have been idle until now."

ah!It turns out that this is the legendary quota for cultivating immortals!Mo Shi Patriarch suddenly took it out... Mo Jiaojiao's heart beat faster and faster.

Mo Xuan smiled gently, and said, "Don't be nervous, Jiaojiao, you got No.2 in the big exam, this spot should be yours!"

Mo Jiaojiao was stunned immediately, her delicate body was swaying like falling into a cloud, she didn't put any effort into her body.I'm not dreaming, am I?
Mo Jiaojiao really didn't expect it to be like this. The family just said that she won No.2 in the big exam, and she will definitely be cultivated as a key point. She is very hopeful that she will win the top spot in the next few big exams and get the precious quota of cultivating immortals. He didn't expect that one of the two extremely precious quotas of cultivating immortals sealed up by the family would directly fall on his own head!Is this true?

Seeing Mo Jiaojiao like that, Mo Xuan couldn't help but smile, Que'er was like that back then, I really miss it!Mo Xuan directly took out the talisman pen, and added the word Jiaojiao after the ink word on the quota of cultivating immortals!
Mo Xuan instructed Mo Jiaojiao: "Jiaojiao, bite your index finger and make a fingerprint on the name."

Mo Jiaojiao took several deep breaths, but her delicate body was still trembling uncontrollably.Mo Jiaojiao looked at Mo Xuan incredulously, do you really want to give it to me?I can wait to take the exam later, so that I can save the next precious leisure spot!
Mo Xuan nodded, don't be dazed, press it quickly!

Mo Jiaojiao gritted her teeth, put her trembling index finger to her mouth, bit the skin, and pressed hard on the name on the talisman paper.

After a while, the talisman paper suddenly ignited, turning into a breeze that circled Mo Jiaojiao several times, turning into a ray of spiritual light that flew through the roof and flew up into the sky.

A moment later, a red aura mixed with a bit of purple descended from the sky, completely covering Mo Jiaojiao.

Mo Jiaojiao only felt that she was surrounded by a warm spring, and she was indescribably comfortable.

Mo Shi, Mo Tian and the others looked in amazement, hey, why is it different from Que'er back then, it seems that Jiaojiao hasn't changed much!Is it still different from person to person?

Mo Xuan knew in his heart that Que'er's great changes back then were because the source of fire in her soul, which had been exhausted for a long time, was nourished by lush aura, and that little spark gradually started a prairie fire!And Mo Jiaojiao is still a mortal girl, she just obtained the authority to cultivate immortals, so there shouldn't be any changes in the first place. Jiaojiao is the normal model.

The aura of light gradually faded away, and Mo Jiaojiao was still in a foggy state. I can now cultivate immortality. God, I must be dreaming, or the most wonderful dream in the world.

It is indeed too unrealistic. My grades in the school are only at the upper-middle level. How can I get No. 2 in the big exam!The quota for cultivating immortals is so precious, how could it be given to me!

It's enough to dream this way, it's time to wake up, if you keep doing this, maybe you won't want to wake up again!Wake up, Jiaojiao, don't be obsessed, wake up!

Mo Xuan coughed lightly, and winked at Mo Jiaojiao.

Well, since I can't wake up temporarily, let's do it for a while.Mo Jiaojiao let out a sigh of relief, kowtowed to Mo Xuan and the others, kowtowed three times, knocking hard, she was about to wake up.

"Take it easy, it's fine if you want it." Mo Xuan laughed and helped Mo Jiaojiao up from the ground.

It hurt so much, Mo Jiaojiao stroked her slightly swollen forehead, it was strange, why didn't she wake up yet?No, it shouldn't hurt when you are dreaming!Am I not dreaming?
Mo Jiaojiao suddenly returned to the foggy state.

Mo Xuan snapped his fingers to wake up Mo Jiaojiao, and said, "Okay, I'll be happy when I'm happy, I don't have much time, I'll teach you every day, come with me."

Mo Jiaojiao gave a dumb sound, and followed Mo Xuan out of the ancestral hall.

Wait!Mo Jiaojiao blinked, looked at Mo Xuan, and suddenly realized, hey!Is it possible? !

Mo Xuan looked back at Mo Jiaojiao strangely, what's wrong?
Mo Jiaojiao secretly swallowed her saliva, then stammered and asked Mo Xuan: "Grandfather, you Grandpa Xuan?"

Mo Xuan nodded amusedly, it's all like this, you only recognized me, it's so cutely slow.

Mo Jiaojiao was stunned immediately, my God!Grandpa Xuanzu! !
(End of this chapter)

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