Interstellar Miner

Chapter 514 Engagement

Chapter 514 Engagement
Mo Jiaojiao finally came back to her senses, stared at Mo Xuan, blinked, then stared at Mo Xuan again and again!

"Am I that good-looking?" Mo Xuan asked with a smile.

Mo Jiaojiao stuck out her little tongue, still staring at Mo Xuan non-stop.

Mo Xuan shook his head, took Mo Jiaojiao's hand directly, and led Jiaojiao to his small courtyard.Don't bother, just give Jiaojiao the enlightenment teaching of cultivating immortals in the pavilion.

However, Mo Jiaojiao couldn't concentrate, thinking about it, why was such a precious quota of cultivating immortals suddenly given to me?Do you think that I will not be able to win the first place in the next test?

Mo Xuan frowned, and said to Jiaojiao: "Jiaojiao, don't think too much. You will definitely get the first place in the exam again. I didn't give you the place to cultivate immortals on impulse, but after careful consideration."

"Although my Mohist family is at its peak and thriving, it lacks the ruthlessness of barefooted people who were not afraid of wearing shoes! There are too many aspects involved, complicated and cumbersome, and the tail is too big to lose.

For the Mohists, these two quotas for cultivating immortals would do more harm than good.The little ones felt that the quota was in their hands, and they could use the quota if they got the top ten in the exam, or they could go to the third level of time and space through the back door to cultivate immortality.

With this kind of thought in mind, it is inevitable to slack off.The big exam is where thousands of students go hand in hand, and a little slack will be left behind.

Now that one quota is used, the remaining one is to remind the Mohists, and there is only one left. Only the top ten will definitely not work, unless you have the ability to get the top three of No.2!The best, of course, is the first!
I'd rather the last resting spot rot to the end, and I don't want Mo Jiaerlang not to be diligent enough to charge forward! "

That's it!

Although Mo Jiaojiao didn't quite understand it yet, she also knew that she was good enough to be able to get the quota, and she immediately felt at ease. She studied hard and made progress every day.

Half a month passed in a flash.

Mo Jiaojiao's progress is very ordinary, only she has a talent far beyond ordinary geniuses in the magic circle, Mo Xuan is not in a hurry, and works steadily, laying the foundation for Mo Jiaojiao to cultivate immortality.It is true that Jiaojiao has excellent talent in magic circles, and she will be able to master all kinds of magic tricks in the future, but if her foundation is not solid enough, it will be useless in the future.

At this time, Ding Yu brought Ding Xinjie and Ding Junxian to visit as promised.

Ding Yu actually didn’t want to drag it so slowly, but the Mo family is not what it used to be. Back then, when visiting the Mo family, just picking up some items from the inventory would make the Mo family feel flattered. It's too light, so as not to be underestimated by the Mo family, so it was delayed for several days.

Mo Xuan has been a fairy for so many years, so he just glanced at the gift prepared by Ding Yu, said a few words of politeness, and then ordered to hold a banquet for Ding Yu and the three of them.

When Mo Xuan returned home, Liu Meilin, the super chef who has been supporting Mo family's major restaurants all year round, naturally returned to Lingdao immediately to take charge of Mo Xuan's daily meals.According to the usual practice, every time Liu Meilin returns to Lingdao, she will prepare a long table of delicious food for the people of Lingdao.

Of course, most of the people who enjoy the delicious food are the children who spend their days leisurely and leisurely.

Mo Jiaojiao also ran to the long table whenever she had free time. In just half a month, her originally thin and tender body became more and more rounded. If she continues to develop like this, she will become a chubby man in a short time.

Randomly taking a few plates of untouched dishes from the long table is enough to support a whole table of good dishes, but it was Mo Xuan's order anyway, Liu Meilin still carefully prepared a large table of good dishes.

Mo Shi, Mo Tian, ​​and Mo Zhu have all met Ding Yu several times, and they are considered familiar, so they also attended the banquet.The two sides had a good time, and then the host and guest were seated.

After a while, four beautiful single female immortals of the Mo family walked into the hall, all of them earth immortals.

The four girls saluted gracefully and sat down on the second seat.

Ding Yu secretly admired, as expected of a girl from the Mohist family, all of them are beautiful and beautiful, and their temperament is even more outstanding!Ding Yu took a look at Ding Xinjie, and found that not only Ding Xinjie, but also the little boy Ding Junxian was dazzled and his face was hot.

Everyone knows that the Mo family never interferes too much in their children's marriage, if the children don't want it, then never force it!Even if you want to marry the rich, it is based on the principle of your love and my willingness.No one can force the Mohist children!Even those who do not believe in evil have already reaped the consequences.

The more powerful the Mohist family is, the more sought-after the Mohist children are, so the vision of the Mohist children is getting higher and higher. Anyway, the immortals have a long lifespan, and the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm did not meet suitable ones. Layers of time and space, naturally more and better choices, don't worry.

Ding Yu still has great confidence in Ding Xinjie, but things like marriage are also uncertain, and it has to be done by God.

There was still a seat vacant at the round table, so Mo Xuan called Mo Jiaojiao over.

Mo Jiaojiao hadn't finished the homework that Mo Xuan had arranged for her today, she was a little dizzy, but soon Jiaojiao's attention turned to the delicious food on the table, wow, looking at the The ones on the long table are even more delicious, I can't help swallowing secretly, when will I start eating.

Mo Xuan gave Mo Jiaojiao one of the two quotas of cultivating immortals in the Mo family without publicizing it, and there was no need to hide it. The Tianxian family basically knew about it. We have to admire Mo Xuan's courage and determination from the bottom of our hearts, and we can't lag behind either!
1000 years is not a joke, if there is too much fault, it will not be able to keep up with the requirements of the times in the future!We must pay close attention to the newborn baby, and we must start to pay close attention to it from now on!
Ding Yu quietly looked at Mo Jiaojiao, she is really young, she will definitely achieve extraordinary things in the future, she may even be the second Mo Que'er!Ding Yu took another look at Ding Junxian, the two teenagers will study together in Taiyuan College and cultivate immortals together, if they can take the opportunity to get closer and get closer together in the future, that would be a good thing.

However, Ding Junxian kept looking at the four beautiful female fairies of the Mo family, and was not interested in the young Mo Jiaojiao.

Mo Jiaojiao, on the other hand, kept staring at the delicious food, and had no interest in Ding Junxian at all.

Ding Yu secretly smiled, they are all little kids, Junxian is also stupid, although Jiaojiao looks very inconspicuous now, she will definitely be a peerless beauty in the future, don’t worry about it when you are young, there will be you in the future The kid regrets it!But the future is long, and who can say for sure what will happen in the future.The most important thing right now is Xinjie's marriage. Xinjie has been in trouble for so many years, and it's time to wake up.

Ding Xinjie was indeed amazed by the four female fairies of the Mohist family. Looking at this and then that, he felt that even compared to the goddess Mo Queer, he was no different.Moreover, I haven't seen Mo Que'er for many years, and my memory has been blurred for a long time, but the real and beautiful girl in front of me is more attractive!Ding Xinjie's heart was pounding, his ears were burning hot, and he thought a lot.

The four fairies of the Mo family smiled sweetly, and secretly looked at Ding Xinjie and Ding Junxian, making eye contact from time to time.Why is the ancestor Mo Xuan personally holding the red line, then it will definitely be the same!Moreover, both Ding Xinjie and Ding Junxian are handsome and talented, and the smiles on the delicate dimples of the four girls are even bigger.

Mo Xuan clapped his hands lightly, and said: "Since everyone is ready, let's eat, brother Ding, we are all our own people, so don't be restrained."

What I want is my own person, Ding Yu nodded cheerfully, picked up his chopsticks, and winked at Ding Xinjie and Ding Junxian, okay, no matter how old you are, calm down, if you perform poorly, you will lose points

Ding Junjie and Ding Junxian hurriedly looked serious, sat upright, and ate slowly, wow, what kind of dish is this, why is it so delicious?
Ding Junjie and Ding Junxian are also from the Tianxian family. It can be said that they have eaten countless delicacies, but they have never eaten such delicious ones, darling!
Even Ding Yu couldn't help speeding up the speed of serving dishes, this cooking skill is simply amazing!

Mo Jiaojiao couldn't wait to use both hands and feet, eating in a daze.

After all, Mo Shi and Mo Tian are puppet bodies. Although they have a taste system, they have long since lost the real feeling they had when eating. Secretly funny.

Everyone ate quickly, several plates were quickly emptied, and then were taken away by the maids and replaced with new dishes.

It's not that many immortals don't want to eat bigu, but they really can't eat delicious food to satisfy their hearts.

As for this good table, Mo Xuan, the three masters of the Ding family and the four fairies of the Mo family were all full of praise and couldn't stop their chopsticks.

Mo Xuan secretly nodded in admiration, Liu Meilin's culinary skills are really at the pinnacle, almost comparable to the master chef Bao Qingyun.

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin sighingly. At the beginning, he said that Liu Meilin would learn from Bao Qingyun as his teacher. As a result, Ling'er had already taught Liu Meilin all the cooking skills she learned, which made Liu Meilin's already excellent cooking skills to a higher level.When the day Liu Meilin and Bao Qingyun meet, it's still uncertain who is more powerful!

After all, Mo Xuan wanted to lead the red line. Seeing that everyone was overwhelmed, he coughed lightly and said, "It's rare for everyone to get together, so let's cheer on a few pairs, and there will be rewards for every second." , I'm sorry to punish you with three glasses of wine."

Both Ding Xinjie and Ding Junxian couldn't help cheering up, and quickly wiped their mouths. It's finally time for us to perform well!

The four fairies of the Mo family were also full of expectations. After all, men are much more attractive in appearance, but there are very few men with real talents in their stomachs.

Mo Xuan smiled lightly: "Then I'll start by throwing bricks and stones to attract jade and publish a couplet. But I will teach my children with poems and books."

Ding Xinjie and Ding Junxian racked their brains. Although this pair is simple, it is not easy to get it right.

Have!Ding Xinjie stood up and said, "Don't judge success or failure as a hero!"

The four fairies couldn't help but their beautiful eyes lit up, and they stared at Ding Xinjie with admiration.

Mo Xuan nodded approvingly, and rewarded Ding Xinjie with a heavenly magic weapon.

This gift is too expensive, how can I accept it!Ding Xinjie was terrified.

Ding Yu also clicked his tongue secretly, I don't even have such a good magic weapon, brother Mo is too polite!Ding Yu pursed his lips and said to Xinjie: "The elders can't deny the gift, so you can accept it, Xinjie."

Ding Xinjie gave Mo Xuan a deep bow, carefully put it away, and sat back.

Mo Xuan winked at the four fairies.

The four fairies understood, and each made a pair.

Ding Xinjie made three matches, and Ding Junxian made one match.

Mo Xuan has his own rewards, Ding Xinjie is given a very good magic weapon, and Ding Junxian is a jade pendant to ward off evil.

Ding Yu also wrote an upper couplet in praise of Mo Xuan: "He is a man of virtue and talent, and he is immortal with history, and he is admired by the world."

Mo Shuqin, one of the female immortals of the Mohist family, showed her knowledge, and wrote the next couplet: "I am my father, my brother, and my brother, and my family has a long history of learning, so you have a high reputation."

The guests and the host had a good time.

Mo Xuan said to Ding Yu: "Brother Ding, you and I haven't been together for a long time, why don't you just stay with me for a few days."

The kindness is hard to come by, Ding Yu agreed, which is also to provide opportunities for Ding Xinjie and Ding Junxian.

After Ding Yu knew that Mo Xuan was giving Mo Jiaojiao a leisure enlightenment, he stuffed Ding Junxian there too.

Mo Xuan naturally doesn't care, teaching one is teaching, teaching two is also teaching.Moreover, Ding Junxian has already had a very orthodox study, so he can give Mo Jiaojiao some necessary guidance after class, and the two of them can also promote and improve each other when they study together.

Although the grandfather Ding Yu told him to have a good relationship with Mo Jiaojiao, Ding Junxian is a mature young man after all, and he prefers a mature and charming fairy like Mo Shuqin, but he really has no interest in Mo Jiaojiao who is like a young girl Whenever I have time, I will go to Ding Xinjie's side and make friends with Mo Shuqin and the others.

Ding Xinjie is still very good at two things. After some contact, he gradually developed a feeling for Mo Shuqin.With the help of Mo Xuan and Ding Yu, the two soon had a fierce fight and made a private decision for life.

After Mo Xuan and Ding Yu got together, they formally confirmed their good deeds and completed the engagement ceremony.

However, the exact date of the wedding is yet to be determined. After all, Ding Xinjie will follow Mo Xuan to the fairy palace on the third level of time and space to practice.

Anyway, Mo Xuan was used to opening the back door, so Mo Shuqin naturally went to the third layer of time and space together.

The young couple can form a group to practice well, and it can also enhance their relationship with each other, isn't it?The wedding is just a formality, and the relationship between the young couple is real.

After all, Ding Junxian hadn't formally started cultivating immortals. It was the mule or Madra who took him out for a stroll to find out. The remaining three female immortals of the Mo family were not in a hurry.Ding Junxian also had no choice but to cheer himself up secretly. He must work harder and harder to cultivate into a fairy as soon as possible, and he will be able to marry a good daughter of the Mo family just like Grandpa Xinjiezu!
(End of this chapter)

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