Interstellar Miner

Chapter 515 Fighting Each Other

Chapter 515 Fighting Each Other ([-])

A month passed quickly, and Tai Academy was about to officially start school.

Mo Xuan would always go over to say hello to Teacher Kong Jian in person before departure, and then Mo Jiaojiao and Ding Junxian went to the Taiyuan Academy together on the way.

Now that he has arrived at Tai Academy, Mo Xuan naturally cannot avoid saying hello to Grand Master Li.

After Grand Master Li became a Profound Immortal, his life was quite pleasant. He drank a little wine every day, and then beat up Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the other three Profound Immortals, which was very comfortable.

Although Mo Xuan sympathized with Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three of them, if Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the other three revealed too many secrets to the old Qingyuan Immortal Realm, it would be a big hidden danger.So Mo Xuan also opened his eyes and closed his eyes, delaying the time as much as possible.

Although Mo Xuan had fine wines from the fourth level of time and space, such as the extremely precious Xing Kongzui, which had several vats, they were easily recognized by Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the others, so Mo Xuan only offered a few jars of fine wine produced by the third level of time and space to Taishi Li.

Taishi Li accepted it happily, touched his now smooth chin, and said, "Xiao Xuanzi, we haven't competed for a long time, why don't we have one." I don't feel any challenge at all, it's more exciting to compete with Xiaoxuanzi and Xiaoqueer!
Mo Xuan shook his head again and again, forget it, let it be next time!
Grand Master Li smacked his lips and said: "Oh, let's just play one game, you can only improve faster if you compete with an evenly matched opponent! Why, Xiao Xuanzi, are you afraid?"

Mo Xuan frowned, and said: "I'm not afraid, I'm just in a hurry, next time I come back, I will definitely have a good discussion with Li Taishi."

"Okay, that's the deal!" Li Taishi smiled happily, and sat back on the Taishi chair, Erlang raised his legs, and began to taste the fine wine.

Before leaving, Mo Xuan said hello: "Master Li, Jiaojiao is just begging you."

As soon as Grand Master Li raised his head and wrapped it around the old man, you can put 1 hearts on it.

Mo Xuan still attaches great importance to Jiaojiao, so he deliberately found his enlightenment teacher, Teacher Su.

Although Mr. Su is gray-haired, he is full of energy. He is not hunchbacked at all. He is neatly groomed with a bun and goatee. He wears an ancient golden crown, and his eyes are piercing.

"Teacher Su." Mo Xuan bowed respectfully.

"Xiaoxuan, why are you busy looking for the old man today?" Elder Su smiled and gave Mo Xuan a teasing look.

In today's Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie, there are only a few super bosses who can call Mo Xuan a junior!

Although Teacher Su is an Earth Immortal, his qualifications are second only to Grand Master Li, and he is a well-deserved treasure in the Qingyuan Small Immortal World!Even the three Taoist monarchs had to respectfully salute when they saw Mr. Su.

Mo Xuan smiled innocently, scratched his head, and brazenly entrusted Jiaojiao to Teacher Su.

"I know that you will go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, okay, leave it to me." Su Lao nodded.

Mo Xuan's thick eyebrows frowned slightly. Although Elder Su looked energetic, he still felt that Teacher Su's aura was a little weak. Obviously, Elder Su hadn't absorbed the immortal power of the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm for a long time, and the immortal body was inevitably a little sluggish. .

Mo Xuan took a step forward, lightly held Elder Su's right hand, and without any explanation, input a gentle force of immortality to Elder Su.

Elder Su was startled, and was about to refuse in a hurry, but he couldn't compare to Mo Xuan's speed.

"Old Su, see you later." Before the words finished, Mo Xuan had already fled away.

Why!This kid!Elder Su looked at Mo Xuan's back with great relief. He had taught countless disciples, and heard that many disciples who stayed in the old Qingyuan fairy world had become Xuanxian, and there were countless heavenly immortals.But Mr. Su firmly believes that among his disciples, the ones who can achieve the highest achievement must be Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er!
Mo Xuan was thinking that the quota of Immortal Palace is full this time, next time he will take Mr. Su to the Immortal Palace. After all, Mr. Su is old, and the lifespan of an Earth Immortal can't last long, so he should become a Celestial Immortal. Waiting too long is not good for Mr. Su's cultivation of immortality in the future.If it doesn't work, let's just kidnap the ticket, um, say hello to the big guys in advance, so as not to cause misunderstandings.

Mo Xuan greeted Teacher Kong Jian, picked up Huali, and then hurriedly prepared to set off.

This time, the two fairy palace places were won by two masters, Koma Ye Tianxian and Lin Chengbi Tianxian.

It's rare to come back, Mo Xuan is still soft-hearted after all, unable to stand the elders' soft words, he opened the back door for Mo Jia Erlang again, and brought ten of them, plus Mo Shuqin.

Set off!It was still the suffering drum washing machine, which finally reached the third layer of time and space.

Mo Xuan first sent Immortal Juye and Immortal Lin Chengbi to the Immortal Palace to practice, and then asked Xiaoyun to open a back door for Ding Xinjie and Mo Shuqin to form a team to practice together.

Afterwards, Mo Xuan gave some instructions and sent the ten sons of the Mo family to the Tianjianmen novice camp for training.

The last batch of ten sons of the Mohist school have all become immortals, and then started from the bottom in Tianjianmen. Now they have been completely reborn, and they no longer have the temperament of the second generation of immortals.

Mo Xuan nodded secretly. After all, No. [-] had managed Xiuxian Academy when he was on the first level of time and space, and he was indeed very good at education.

And No. [-] had previously applied for a Taoist cultivator, and Mo Xuan agreed after thinking about it. He couldn't be happy and happy by himself, but the avatar was forced to be a bachelor all the time.

But after so many years, number two has been busy all the time, failed to meet a suitable partner, and is still single.

When Mo Xuan was in Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie, he mainly accompanied Xiao Que'er and Xiao Ling'er. Huali spent most of his time at his hometown. If he missed her, he would go to Mojialing Island to stay for one night.

The same clone, although Mo Xuan's three clones are all outstanding, there are still quite a few differences.

Number one is lively and active, and likes to tinker; Number two is calm and stable, and actually likes tinkering quite a bit; Number three is still a bit jerky for now and needs to grow up.

The summary is that Mo Xuan himself is restless and likes to mess around.

But there is someone more capable of tinkering than Mo Xuan!It's Mo Xuan's disciple of the Demon King of Confusion!
Back then, Mo Xuan or No. [-] and No. [-] were in charge, and the little guys kept themselves safe.Mo Xuan transported them to the third layer of time and space, allowing them to develop individually, paving the way for the future advancement of Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie.

The little guys were pretty low-key at first, but then it was really a tiger out of the cage, all kinds of unscrupulous!
The third level of time and space has also become chaotic due to the nonsense of the little guys.

Fortunately, the vast majority of battles have avoided the common people as much as possible. Immortals fight in groups, and mortals watch the show, so the impact is naturally unavoidable.
Time flies.

The Longevity School created by Hao Changsheng and Niuniu was just a couple of kittens, they were all crying and fussing, which made the two Sons of Destiny feel extremely overwhelmed.But time has passed, and now the little boys have grown up. To the surprise of the two sons of destiny, most of them have cultivated into immortals. It can only be said that cultivating immortals in the third level of time and space is much easier than the first level!

The neighbor Tianji Pavilion has always regarded Changshengzong as a thorn in his flesh, and he wants to get rid of it quickly!
There have been hundreds of conflicts between the two sides, big and small, but the Longevity Sect always has the last laugh.Tianji Pavilion is like subsidizing the Changshengzong time and time again, lifting a stone and shooting himself in the foot.

Even the old man Tianji personally dispatched and competed with Changshengzong three times!

The result caught everyone's eyeballs, the old man Tianji, who is recognized as a genius of the sky, lost to Hao Changsheng and Niu Niu, and finally lost to Changshengzong one to two!

Since then, Changshengzong has been out of control and flourishing, from a small sect to a middle sect.

Hao Changsheng, who had been honed for many years, finally became a celestial immortal, and his combat power was unrivaled. Even the old man Tianji had to be afraid.

Tianji Pavilion naturally tried every means to suppress the Changshengzong, but after the Changshengzong moved its base camp in time, it was not so easy to suppress.

Changshengzong has now become the backbone of the Anti-Tianjian Pavilion Alliance, fighting against Tianji Pavilion without showing any weakness.

Seeing that Hao Changsheng is now a celestial being, Niach, who has joined the Black Star Sect and also experienced body training, no longer took the opportunity and quickly took the lead. Fairy Palace experience quota.

After the experience, Loach finally became a celestial being, and quickly got ahead, becoming a giant of the Black Star Gate.

However, the most core battleship technology of the Black Star Gate has always been in the hands of the real Black Star, and Niach is helpless, but he has already mastered enough battleship technology.

In his free time, Loach always likes to lead a large group of younger brothers to play the autumn wind everywhere, and his personal pockets are getting bigger and bigger.

After joining Fengshengfang, Mazi became a celestial being early on. He led Fengshengfang's sesame blossoms steadily and flourished. He has already become the big brother of the Anti-Black Star Gate Alliance.

Mazi and Nixie also often meet each other, and the double-hung performance is so smooth, that's why the two of them rose so fast!
The Taozi who joined Qianlong Mountain is also incredible. Now he is under one person and more than ten thousand, and has become the veritable deputy suzerain of Qianlong Mountain.

And Chen Ye, who joined Youming Mountain, is already the leader of the Anti-Submarine Longshan Alliance, and he and Taozi are naturally double-crossed.

Xiao Hua, who joined the Blue Flower Sect, is called the Peerless Double Flower with the head of the Blue Flower Sect, leading the anti-Baifeng League to flourish.

If you want to say that the most beautiful among the friends is Tie Dan!

Even though Bai Feng deliberately suppressed and made things difficult, the more he did that, the harder the iron egg bounced!

No matter how unconvinced Bai Feng is, he can only be convinced. It seems that all the problems in this world are no longer problems when they are in front of Tie Dan. They can be easily solved, exceed the quota, and then get various rewards!
In short, if you follow Brother Tie Dan, you will definitely have meat to eat!Naturally, more and more people turn to Tie Dan, willing to eat meat with Tie Dan.

Now Tie Dan's prestige in Baifeng Xiaoxianjie is second only to Bai Huan Daojun, a veritable super boss.

Under such circumstances, if Bai Feng suppresses it again, it will push Tie Dan out. With Tie Dan's ability, it is nothing to stand on his own, and there will still be many followers, but Bai Feng will Hurt!Moreover, if Tiedan wants to quit, other forces will definitely take the lead, so I can't ask for it!

Therefore, Bai Feng also had to change his strategy, all kinds of tenderness.

The best thing, of course, is that Ouyang Ruhua and Tie Dan achieved good things, and Tie Dan naturally became his own, and was completely tied to Bai Feng.

It's just that Tie Dan's vision is really high, and Bai Huan Taoist offered a price for Ouyang Ruhua and the tenth beauty Wei Shicui to pack together, but Tie Dan was not interested at all.

Daoist Bai Huan is very entangled, it is indeed a great joy to have Tie Dan as a genius, but... why is he so uncertain in his heart!I was really afraid that one day, I would be stepped on by Tie Dan!

But it's even worse if you squeeze the iron rod away, Bai Feng lost the iron egg, then the tiger has no teeth, in short, it's just entangled!
The young couple Erwazi and Zhang Qinxin have not been idle, they have already dominated all forces around Tianjianmen, clearing the way for Master.

After joining the Fenghuo Academy, Qi Haoxuan, through unremitting efforts and sincerity, he finally embraced the beauty, and got his wish and became a Taoist couple with Qiu Yemeng.

The sisters Linglong and Zheng Ling will serve as dowry girls.

Qi Haoxuan's sex is really not shallow, making other friends who are still single jealous and envious.

Fenghuo Academy has also gradually recovered its vitality, and it is just around the corner to regain its former glory.

The other friends are all doing well, but Zhang Desheng and Bai Meier's life is more difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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