Interstellar Miner

Chapter 516 Fighting Each Other

Chapter 516

The Yaozu Alliance led by Bai Meier and Zhang Desheng took the route of underground warfare, quietly growing themselves.

It's just that Bai Mei'er has been devoting herself to making a living for the Yaozu, and she hasn't improved much in terms of cultivation, and she's always stuck outside the gate of the Celestial Immortal, feeling helpless.

On the contrary, the leaders of the five earth immortals, the bear, the tiger, the leopard, the eagle, and the wolf, don't need to think too much about it, or that the sniper Zhang Desheng was taught by Zhang Desheng how to be a demon, and he was greatly stimulated. Work hard, work hard, and practice hard.

Xu is the blessing of the spirit of the monster clan, and the three leaders of the tiger, leopard, and wolf have become gods one after another.

When she was just an Earth Immortal, the leaders treated Bai Meier like a goddess, obeying what she said, and hitting wherever she pointed.But the only one who can achieve immortality, the three leaders of tiger, leopard, and wolf gradually felt a little swollen in their hearts, and they took themselves more and more seriously.

The three leaders of Tiger, Leopard, and Wolf have already experienced how powerful Zhang Desheng is. Although they intend to seize the power of the Yaozu from Bai Meier, they dare not act recklessly. Influence.

Zhang Desheng has already noticed something and warned Bai Meier.But Bai Meier preconceived too much trust and indulgence in Yaozu members.

The Yaozu Alliance is gaining momentum, and the human forces will naturally not sit idly by, and have organized several large-scale encirclement and annihilation campaigns.If it weren't for the secret help of copper coins, the Monster Race Alliance might have been taken over!
The Yaozu Alliance also fought head-to-head and organized several battles to save their compatriots, with brilliant results.The Yaozu Alliance has thrived in the face of adversity.

After going through untold hardships and a series of bloody battles, the Monster Race Alliance successfully occupied two small galaxies, established the Monster Race Heaven, and set its capital on the Sky Monster Star.

The Yaozu finally have a beautiful paradise where they can live and work in peace and contentment in the third layer of time and space.

The three celestial leaders of the tiger, leopard and wolf who have made great military exploits have already gained enough prestige to become kings themselves!Tiger King, Leopard King and Wolf King are the three major demon kings!

And Bai Meier was named the saint of the demon clan, with a detached status.Zhang Desheng was named the Great Guardian of the Kingdom of Heaven, which is purely an empty name.

With the passage of time, the Tiger King, Leopard King and Wolf King took credit for their pride, and their desire for power expanded day by day, constantly expanding their power.And the power of a saint like Bai Meier is getting more and more restricted.

If it weren't for Zhang Desheng, a super angel who has always tried his best to protect Bai Meier, Bai Meier would have been directly emptied by the three demon kings.

The power has been divided up by the Tiger King, Leopard King and Wolf King!

However, the third level of time and space is ultimately dominated by the human race. The strong rise of the Yaozu Alliance has attracted the attention of various forces. The main reason is that the third level of time and space is very chaotic. , Let the Yaozu dance for a few days first.

The indifference of the human race made the Monster Race Alliance gradually become arrogant from top to bottom. It was no longer possible to tell how much it weighed. It clamored to rush out of the small galaxy and occupy more territories until it rescued all the sufferings. The monster clan, so that all the monster clan can live a good life in peace and contentment.

The three kings will gather an army of monster races to kill every human race in the surrounding galaxies.

Of course Bai Meier would not be so stupid, the Yaozu finally gained a firm foothold and had a place to settle down, and if they didn't take the time to recuperate, they would still go to war, isn't that a crime!Even if he wins a few games and his head gets hot, he can't mess around like this!That is digging its own grave!
Bai Meier tried to persuade her with all kinds of talk, but the militants inside the Monster Clan made a fuss, clamoring for a fight to the death with the Human Clan!

With the successive victories in some small battles in the surrounding area, the Yaozu tasted the sweetness of winning the battle. It is generally felt that the human race is in turmoil at the moment, and it is a great opportunity for the Yaozu to rise, and the opportunity must not be missed!

Taking advantage of Bai Meier's cultivation in seclusion, the three major demon kings assembled an army of demon clans and began to attack the surrounding galaxies.

Although the human race was on guard, they didn't pay too much attention to it. They were swept away by the army led by the three demon kings, throwing away their helmets and armor, and fled in embarrassment.

The army of the Yaozu was so powerful that it captured three small galaxies in one go, more than doubling the territory of the Yaozu.

While the Yaozu were rejoicing, their morale was boosted at the same time!If it weren't for the limited manpower, the monster army would continue to attack other small galaxies.

The good times didn't last long. After the human race recovered, they immediately formed an army to suppress the monsters. The Huangwu Xiaoxianjie and the human races of the Anti-Huangwu Alliance put aside their previous suspicions and united together, and fought back fiercely.

The monster army was beaten all over the ground by the powerful battleship army of the human race, and it was completely defeated.

The three monster kings were also beaten and forced. Seeing that the monster army was surrounded by the human army, they had no choice but to divide the monster army into three parts and break through separately.

As a result, only the wolf demon king successfully led the demon clan to join the army to successfully break through and retreat back to the sky demon star.

The Tiger Demon King was attacked by Huanglong Xuanxian, and he was shot to death as soon as he met him, and the tiger skin was taken as a trophy.

The Leopard Demon King was surrounded and beaten to death by the three Xuanxians of Huanglong, not even a piece of skin remained.

Once the two demon kings died, the demon army was leaderless, and was quickly wiped out by the crowd army!
Cut the grass to get rid of the roots!The human army didn't stop, and directly charged towards the Sky Demon Star.

The situation of the Yaozu became extremely critical at once!
Bai Meier has practiced well in retreat, and seeing that she is expected to become a celestial being, she has no choice but to leave the retreat urgently!Looking at the miserable remnants of the monster clan, Bai Meier's heart was bleeding, how could this happen?After a lot of hard work, it was not easy for the Yaozu to have a place where they could settle down, how did it become like this!Is this the day that we are going to kill our monster race?
The wolf demon king was really ashamed to face Bai Meier's scolding, he could only cry bitterly and fell to his knees, regretting his mistake!

Zhang Desheng remonstrated at the right time: "Meier, the human army is coming menacingly, I'm afraid we won't let it go, we have to evacuate as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will be too passive, and the whole army may be wiped out."

Bai Meier also understands this truth, but it's really not easy for the Yaozu to come to this day. How long has it been since the creation of the Sky Yaoxing, do they have to give up so soon?

"Meier!" Zhang Desheng stopped drinking.

With a jolt, Bai Meier suddenly came to her senses and immediately ordered the whole family to move.

Fortunately, there were still a few underground bases in the Three Caves of the Rabbit back then, and the entire Yaozu clan moved out, crying and howling no matter how reluctant they were, they could only evacuate!
The human army quickly captured the Sky Demon Star, and wiped out those demon tribes who stayed behind and refused to leave even if they died, leaving no one alive!

Then the human army dispersed.

After all, Huang Wu Xiaoxianjie and the anti-Huang Wu alliance are also in dire straits.Anyway, the main force of the monster clan has been wiped out, and the rest will not be successful for the time being.However, the human army still agreed that as long as traces of the monsters are found, they must be encircled and wiped out first!

After this battle, the Yaozu fell into a slump and could only hide in the ground, hiding in XZ, and lived a good life for a few days.

The wolf demon king knew that he was the eternal sinner of the demon clan. He had no face to see his fellow demon clansmen, so he took the initiative to withdraw his title of demon king, and kept his sinful body of a fairy, willing to be driven by Bai Meier.

Although the Yaozu's vitality was severely injured, they were also united like never before. Under the leadership of Bai Meier and Zhang Desheng, they fought steadily and started all over again.

No. [-] Xiao Moxuan knew that it was not easy for Bai Meier and Zhang Desheng, but he didn't give Bai Meier and Zhang Desheng any extra help. The monsters could be attached to Tianjianmen and live and work in peace and contentment, but they could only be vassals. There is no essential difference between being a mount.Only when Yaozu truly stands up, can they obtain the right to survive in these three layers of time and space!Everything has to be fought for by oneself!

A Niu who joined Yuanzheng Mansion also gradually grew from a silly big man with no strength to a brave, resourceful and loyal big brother.

Hao Changsheng and Niu have become immortals one after another, but A Niu has not been able to advance. The secretly anxious A Niu had to humbly ask Hao Changsheng and Niu for advice.

They are all their own people, both Hao Changsheng and Ni Qiang have passed on their experience and knowledge of becoming a celestial being.

After a lot of reference, A Niu finally found out his own way of becoming a fairy. After a lot of hard work, he finally got his wish and became a fairy.

A Niu naturally became the top leader of Yuanzheng Mansion.

The monkey worked hard in the Chiyu Little Fairy World for many years, and "coincidentally" became a celestial being, and finally got reused.

It's just that Monkey has never been able to meet a satisfactory Taoist companion, and has always been a bachelor, which makes him a little depressed.

Baitiao is really romantic and happy in Peony Pavilion, and Yanfu is definitely the leader among the friends.

The cooperation between Peony Pavilion and Zhenbao Pavilion is getting closer. Now that you have me, and I have you, the results are quite gratifying. Although the territory has not expanded much, the real benefits are that they have made a lot of money and made a lot of money. It is a successful example of strong cooperation.

Of course, in addition to Tie Dan, Hao Changsheng and the others who are the demon kings who stir up wind and rain, there are also many angels born in the third layer of time and space.

Most of the newly-promoted celestial beings are cultivated by major forces spending a lot of resources and resources, and some are from small and medium forces, who have been looted by various kinds, and only a very small number of them have not switched jobs.

Although everyone now knows that even Celestial Immortals are divided into ranks, six or nine ranks, but in the absence of new Profound Immortals being born, Celestial Immortals are the top combat power in the third layer of time and space.

The biggest difference between the big forces and the small and medium forces is that the number of angels is completely dominant!

Among the newly born angels, there is an unusual one, none of the forces has joined, but running a single gang, doing business in repairing and refitting warships, he is Jia Guan.

Before that, no one knew where this Jia Guan came from. Even if Jia Guan became a fairy, he had always kept a low profile.Even if you are in the business of repairing and refitting warships, it is still a small business.

Not to mention, Jia Guan's battleship craftsmanship is really good, and the maintenance and renovation fees are not high. Nowadays, Jia Guan's battleship workshop is always full of people, and the business is extremely hot.

With small profits but quick turnover, Jia Guan is also earning a lot of money.

After watching the recent situation of the little guys, Mo Xuan couldn't help sighing. They really are all inefficient lamps, that's all, let them make a fuss. The third layer of time and space is just their testing ground, and the fourth layer of time and space is just their trial ground. The beginning is the main battlefield!To conquer the world in the future, we will still rely on these outstanding disciples a lot!
Right now, only Bai Meier and Chen Ye haven't become celestial beings yet, and the rest are all celestial beings, awesome!

However, as the power of the little guys is getting bigger and bigger, the originally huge three-layer space-time is not big enough for them now, and there will inevitably be some friction between the various forces.Mo Xuan is still the same old saying, it's okay to be noisy, but fighting in the nest is strictly prohibited, everyone must grasp that degree in their hearts!This can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words. It is also part of the experience to control it by yourself.

Mo Xuan waited patiently for a few days, and Mo Que'er and Kong Ling finally left the customs.

Without further ado, Mo Xuan and his party hurried to the fourth layer of time and space. After leaving for more than 200 years, they don't know how the Four Immortals are doing now.

(End of this chapter)

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