Interstellar Miner

Chapter 517 Immortal Fate Conference

Chapter 517 Immortal Fate Conference ([-])

Mo Que'er's mount, San Mao, did not accompany Mo Xuan and his party to the fourth level of time and space this time, but resolutely stayed in the third level of time and space, choosing to help Bai Meier save the monster clan.

San Mao is already the power at the peak of the Earth Immortal, but he has always been stuck outside the gate of the Celestial Immortal. In fact, it is true. Just being a mount comfortably and comfortably is like growing flowers and plants that have never experienced wind and rain in a greenhouse. How can you whisper In the storm, only by going out and going through the wind and rain can we go further.

Sanmao made up his mind!

Mo Que'er was right, to be honest, in the fourth level of time and space where the gods are everywhere, Sanmao really can't do it!It is also a good thing that Sanmao has such courage to work hard!
How can I say that Sanmao is also my partner who has been with me for so many years. The Yaozu is in a mess, and is regarded as a street mouse by the human race, so when parting, Mo Queer forced a few life-saving talismans to Sanmao, and everything is safe. One, remember.

Sanmao really couldn't refuse, so he had to put it away, gave Mo Que'er a deep bow, and then resolutely left without looking back.

After Mo Xuan found out, he nodded approvingly, Sanmao, come on, I like you.


With ease, the strategic ship Explorer crossed the boundary membrane and arrived at the fourth layer of time and space.

Mo Xuan sighed secretly, it's still so cool to travel through like this, the drum washing machine is really suffering, I'm afraid that the life-threatening bumps like that will destroy the strategic ship Explorer!
During the period when Mo Xuan and his party left, the fourth level of time and space was relatively calm, and there were no major changes.

The aftermath of the peak duel between Hua'an Da Neng and Lei Ba Tian Da Neng is still being talked about by people from time to time.

More people are thinking about the Fairy Fate Conference that Hua'an Da Neng said, what kind of amazing talent can become Hua'an Da Neng's personal disciple?People who are full of expectations can only wait and see!Hua'an Da Neng, hurry up and leave the customs!We really can't wait for both!

Although the base camp of the Four Immortals Sect is far away from the small fairylands of the Four Immortalszong, which is inconvenient, it is also bordered by the Qingyuan old fairyland and several middle-level forces, which has received quite a lot of limitations.

However, the Four Immortals sect originally had a steady and steady strategy. No matter how noisy the outside world was, they were self-sufficient and just guarded their own gates.

After more than 200 years of steady development, the population and economy of the base camp of the Four Immortals have tripled, making it the well-deserved base of the Four Immortals.

And the rest of the Four Immortals Sect's other small fairy worlds have the same strategy, let others make trouble, the big brothers of the Four Immortals Sect have retreated and practiced, we will develop ours honestly, and we will not mess around.

Of course, it is unavoidable to snatch a little advantage occasionally, but it's just a small fight, and it can't be regarded as offending anyone.

The Thunder Sect is a completely different strategy, all kinds of proactive attacks, all kinds of turmoil, try to avoid those big forces, and mainly compete with small and medium forces.When you feel pressured, you can call on the Four Immortals to help you punch, and you can always get some benefits.

And those immortals recruited by the Four Immortals at the beginning have unknowingly become the backbone of the Four Immortals, and have taken deep roots in the Four Immortals. It can be said that they are tightly tied to the Four Immortals' chariot .

A half-hearted guy can clearly see that those who are down-to-earth and willing to work have already achieved success. Even if there is a hidden Infernal Affairs, it will not make much waves. After all, the Four Immortals are still the four masters who are practicing in seclusion. The final say.

It's just that the four big brothers of the Four Immortals Sect have been retreating for so long without any news, and there is inevitably a bit of disharmony within the Four Immortals Sect.

The main reason is that the Four Immortals have been allowed to do so for a long time. It is very common for Xuanxian to retreat for 800 years, and it is not impossible to retreat for 1 years!

As a result, the individuals in charge of the Small Immortal Realm of the Four Immortals Sect began to have no tigers in the mountains, and the monkeys became kings. They became more and more unscrupulous in the name of the Four Immortals Sect, engaged in bureaucracy, and acted like a local emperor domineering!Anyway, no one cares about them, and the nominal leader, Lei Batian, is running around all day long, with almost no one to see, and the others are at the same level.Unconscious guys naturally become restless.

At this time, Mo Xuan and his party returned to the fourth level of time and space, and naturally checked the situation of the various ministries of the Four Immortals Sect immediately.

Whoops, after all, 200 years have passed, and the Four Immortals now have a full 96 Fang Xiaoxianjie.The number is quite impressive, but the subsequent Little Immortal World can only be regarded as a miniature Little Immortal World. After all, they were all obtained by picking at the loopholes, so it is not much better.

Xiao Yun quickly compiled all the data of the 96 small fairy worlds, and listed a comprehensive ranking table. He hummed and pointed to the lower ranked small fairy worlds, and commented: "The data of the five small fairy worlds is too abnormal. There are big moths, and the data of the three small fairy worlds seem to be normal, but there are a lot of tricks in it."

Mo Que'er glanced at it and didn't quite understand it, but since the expert Xiaoyun said it, something must be wrong, so he snorted coldly and said, "Then just change the person in charge."

Mo Xuan nodded, changed, and immediately gave the order.

The person in charge of the Little Immortal Realm of the Four Immortals Sect, who didn't take chances, was stunned like a bolt from the blue after receiving the news.

In addition, those guys who are in their positions but do nothing are all replaced!The Four Immortals are full of talents, and changing people is just a matter of order, so there is no need to worry about words.

The big change in the personnel of the Four Immortals Sect announced the strong return of the four big bosses of the Four Immortals Sect.

Lei Batian: Brother, you are back, I will hurry back.

Old Man Qingyu: Boy Xuan, you are suddenly retreating and leaving the seclusion suddenly. Have you started preparations for the Xianyuan Conference? Let me, brother Bao and Xiaohua go there.

Zi Cheliang: Master, you are out of customs, and I will go over after I have finished my military training with Ah Guang.

Liu Xing: Master, I am participating in a food competition, I will pass after the competition.

The news that the four masters of the Four Immortals Sect had left the customs quickly spread, and the fourth level of time and space suddenly became turbulent!
Mo Xuan didn't disappoint everyone's high expectations, and immediately announced the exact time of the Fairy Fate Conference, just ten months later, the venue will be at the base camp of the Four Immortals!
This explosive news soon shocked the entire four layers of time and space!

Immediately, countless people flocked to the headquarters of the Four Immortals Sect, but only a handful of people wanted to learn from them, and most of them came to watch the fun!Within a few days, the base camp of the Four Immortals became overcrowded.

Mo Xuan and his party are really speechless, please, don't be so exaggerated!We are opening the Xianyuan Conference to accept apprentices, not holding a martial arts competition or something, what are you doing!
It can only be said that the people in the fourth floor are too boring, and they can't wait to see the excitement every day.

If there is more traffic, it can also drive the economic growth of the Four Immortals Sect's headquarters. Of course, the more the better, the more the better.
Mo Xuan and Xiao Yun urgently arranged several superimposed formations, which expanded the area of ​​the Four Immortals Sect's base camp by more than a hundred times.It seems that some are not enough!
Mo Xuan could only urgently transfer a few small fairy worlds of the Four Immortals Sect over here, and then leased several small fairy worlds as transfer stations, which was quite a fuss.

Lei Batian, Master Qingyu and Xiaohua arrived at the base camp of the Four Immortals Sect on the same day.

Except that Xiaohua has cultivated into a fairy and has become more beautiful and charming, Lei Batian and old man Qingyu are the same as before they left.

Master Qingyu ate and drank in Fuyu, 200 years was nothing more than a nap to him.

Hey, old man Qingyu looked at Mo Xuan and his party carefully in surprise, didn't it?Is it so easy to retreat once?Previously, the three of them were only top-grade Xuanxian, second- and third-rank grades, but now it seems that even if they haven't reached the first-grade Xuanxian, they have already stepped into it!
Old Master Qingyu couldn't help but think of the large number of Xuanxians at home, hey, it's really maddening that people are better than others!Forget it, it's better not to use Boy Xuan and the others as reference objects, there is no comparison at all!

The old man Qingyu glanced at Lei Batian again, the progress of Lei boy is not very fast, but he has been sharpening himself through actual battles, every point of progress is so solid, and when he has accumulated a lot of money, One day, it is no problem to achieve the Golden Immortal.

Although Bao Qingyun is busy from morning to night every day, constantly improving his cooking skills, he is still not used to being apart for a long time. 200 years is still too long for him.

With old master Qingyu urging him from time to time, Bao Qingyun finally did not stop practicing, and now that he has cultivated to the realm of ghosts and immortals, he waited impatiently for Xiaoyun to leave the level, and fine-tune the taste system of the puppet body.

Losing his body and tongue is almost a devastating blow to a chef, but the deal is done, Bao Qingyun feels that he is very happy to be able to pick up a kitchen knife to cook again.However, there were some mistakes. The new puppet body gave Bao Qingyun an extraordinary feeling. It was light and precise, and could easily achieve the precision that ordinary chefs would need countless years of hard work to achieve.

Moreover, the puppet body hardly gets tired and can be multi-tasking. Bao Qingyun really likes his current puppet body.

And Kong Ling's apprentice, Liu Xing, Bao Qingyun's apprentice, was more like Bao Qingyun's apprentice, always by Bao Qingyun's side, filial and obedient.

Every time Bao Qingyun sees Liu Xing's progress, he can't help but think of Kong Ling. In fact, Bao Qingyun is quite satisfied with Kong Ling, but he can't forget the dark history back then. Bumped to death.

Just like Bao Qingyun back then, Liu Xing was also devoted to cultivation. If Xiaohua hadn't become a fairy, which greatly stimulated Liu Xing, maybe Liu Xing was still in the Nascent Soul Stage.

Fortunately, it is relatively easy to cultivate immortals in the fourth floor of time and space. Liu Xing also became an immortal after bumps and bumps, and then he was too lazy to practice. He started to go out for various experiences, participated in various food competitions, and won many good rankings. The patent is also a The next one has already achieved a great reputation!
Now Liu Xing is also a rising superstar in the food industry.

When Liu Xing travels thousands of miles to the headquarters of the Four Immortals, Kong Ling, who has heard about Liu Xing from her master Bao Qingyun, immediately wants to study Liu Xing's cooking skills.

Liu Xing was unequivocal and swiftly prepared a large table of special dishes.

After Mo Xuan and his party tasted it carefully, they couldn't help nodding their heads in admiration, Xiao Xing is really amazing now.

Kong Ling wanted to be picky, but she couldn't pick out many flaws.

For more than 200 years, Kong Ling still focused on cultivation, and her cooking skills inevitably fell behind. She thought she could still stand alone in the world with her original cooking skills, but she didn't expect that all the apprentices she had accepted were about to be better than blue!How can that work!
Kong Ling couldn't help but secretly anxious. There are only more than 130 years left before the Wanchu Conference, so we have to hurry up.

After eating and drinking enough, everyone began to discuss the specific matters of the Xianyuan Conference.

Although Mo Xuan has finalized the time and place of the Fairy Fate Conference, the details are still in the making and need to brainstorm.

(End of this chapter)

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