Interstellar Miner

Chapter 519 Immortal Fate Conference

Chapter 519 Immortal Fate Conference ([-])

Of the 370 contestants who came to participate in the Four Immortals Sect's Xianyuan Conference, at least 1 out of 99 came to apprentice sincerely, perhaps with the idea of ​​testing themselves and seeing the world.However, there is also one of them who did not come to apprentice!

Most of them came here to make trouble on purpose, why are you Four Immortals so awesome, a small, ordinary Xianyuan Conference can actually disturb the entire time and space.Your Four Immortal Sect is just a small power that is not even considered a medium power, so why not!

There are also professional scouts from other sects who come here to scout out outstanding talents ahead of the Four Immortals.

But there are also other thoughts.

A rich and handsome celestial being stood with his hands behind his back, with his mouth slightly slanted, he glanced at the gate of the sub-venue of the Xianyuan Conference, and sneered secretly: "I, Ji Chengyan, didn't come here to be a teacher, but to prove myself, other so-called geniuses In front of me, a true genius, you are nothing more than Wagoner! You, Huaan Sixth Stage and Lei Batian, are just objects that I will surpass sooner or later!"

A stern Xuanxian crossed his arms with his hands on his chest, with a look of disdain on his face, isn't it just the Xuanbang, Lao Tzu is not rare to be on the list, each one is dragged like [-] to [-], as long as Laozi Yu Tianrui debuts, you All those so-called great powers in the Xuanbang have to be sidelined by Lao Tzu!

There is also a little boy with a chicken nest head, eye feces hanging from the corners of his eyes, and a child who keeps picking his nose. He just came here to eat and drink.

That day he was squatting in the alley of the harbor and begging with a broken bowl. He heard that the passing immortals were eagerly discussing how good the treatment of the Four Immortals Sect's Xianyuan Conference was, including food and accommodation, and even a special pick-up warship. If you can't be Hua'an Da Neng's disciple, but you can join the Four Immortals Sect, that's awesome.

The other little ones shy away and didn't even dare to think about it. He got up and patted his butt, followed those cultivators and boarded the pick-up warship of the Four Immortals Sect, and started a wonderful life of eating and drinking. As for what? The Fairy Fate Conference, it's none of my business, just try to grab a few more meals, and we'll slap our ass and leave.In other words, I eat well and sleep soundly here, and I can play casually, and no one dares to bully me, so I really don't want to leave!Or just stay with the Four Immortals to beg in the future, but I heard that there is not a single beggar in the territory of the Four Immortals, so I'm afraid they will be driven away.


Ding Kunyi NO.19 branch venue.

Yu Wenyu looked around at the sub-meeting venue. There was a boxy classroom with forty desks and chairs neatly arranged in all directions. Is this for a literary test?

There are four windows in the classroom, and you can see the four scenery of spring, summer, autumn and winter respectively, which is quite strange.

Yu Wenyu found his seat and sat there quietly.

The melon-eaters who watched the live broadcast and the rebroadcast whispered to each other. In general, the Fairy Fate Conference tests the fairy root first and then the other tests. Those who fail the fairy root are all swept out.What will happen to the Fairy Fate Conference of the Four Immortals?It must be very unusual, let's wait and see.

Whoops, it seems that each branch venue is different.Careful observation reveals that the sub-venues are not randomly selected players to enter, but categorized and planned.

For example, the few Mysterious Immortals are divided into one examination room, the Heavenly Immortals are divided into several examination rooms, the Earth Immortals are divided into dozens of examination rooms, those of the same attribute are in one examination room, those of similar age are in one examination room, and those with similar cultivation levels are in one examination room , A certain star field is in an examination room, and they all pay attention to the doorways.

The examiners distributed the test papers, and with a melodious bell, the first assessment began.Exams are different and time limits are different.

Yu Wenyu quickly glanced at the first page of the test paper. Fortunately, they were all basic questions. Yu Wenyu looked at the second page, which was a bit difficult; and then looked at the last third page, but it was a question that he had never seen before.

Yu Wenyu frowned, quickly finished the first and second pages, and began to focus on the third page.

Yili No. [-] Tianxian branch venue.

Ji Chengyan quickly finished answering all seven pages of the test paper, didn't bother to look at it again, and handed in the paper directly.What is the Four Immortals doing, this kind of thing that tests children is also embarrassing.

Ji Chengxuan glanced at the other examinees who were frowning in the classroom, smiled, and Shi Shiran was about to walk out of the examination room.

The examiner stopped Ji Chengyan: "This candidate, there are three exams in total today. If you want to leave, you have to finish answering the next two papers before leaving. But you can take a rest first."

Ji Chengyan frowned, and said, "I don't need to rest, I finish my answer early and rest early."

"This is the second volume, and the time limit is one hour."

Ji Chengyan took the second volume and looked at it. They were all off-the-wall topics, which were a little bit interesting.Ji Chengyan sat back and began to answer, still answering quickly.

Jiaqian No. [-] Xuanxian branch venue.

Yu Tianrui finished answering the first five pages of the test paper impatiently, and looked at the next five pages, which were all questions that he didn't know the so-called, what the hell, what's the matter, what's the meaning of this!Yu Tianrui had the urge to tear up the entire examination paper!
Yu Tianrui looked at the other Xuanxian contestants in the examination room who were writing furiously, gritted his teeth, and continued to answer patiently.Yu Tianrui secretly became ruthless, waiting for the next assessment, I'm going to fight and blow your entire bullshit void arena to pieces!

Gui Zhen NO.18 boy branch venue.

This is a rather special sub-venue, and the boys participating in the assessment are all illiterate, so there is no broadcast, and no one cares about it at all.

The chicken nest boy was assigned to this sub-venue, and accepted a special assessment with his children.

The first is the first test question. The examiner standing on the podium will explain the question. A small bamboo tube with rice grains is placed on each person’s test table. Hands are not allowed to touch the bamboo tube and rice grains. Only one tool is allowed. Use chopsticks to transfer the rice grains in the bamboo tube to a large bowl on the side.Starting now, the time limit is a quarter of an hour.

ha?How to do this?The children were dumbfounded. Even if they want to pick up rice, they must use at least two bamboo chopsticks. Just such a round bamboo chopstick can't pick up a single grain of rice.

The children tried to use a bamboo chopstick to hold the rice, and the result was obvious. Many children used the chopsticks to pick up the rice grains in the bamboo tube, but they easily overturned the bamboo tube, and the rice grains spilled on the table. His head was sweating profusely, but there was nothing he could do about it.

There are also children who simply use chopsticks to pick up the bamboo tube, spill some rice grains and just spill them, it's better than not getting a single grain of rice in the bowl!

The chicken nest boy grabbed the chicken nest head, looked around, and wondered why everyone was so stupid for such a simple question.

Jiwotou directly turned the chopsticks upside down, squeezed the rice grains in the bamboo tube a few times with the round butt end, then turned the chopsticks upside down again, inserted the pointed end into the rice grains in the bamboo tube, and then lightly With a light lift, the entire bamboo tube and all the rice grains were lifted up, and then raised above the big bowl, knocked on the mouth of the bowl obliquely, picked up with chopsticks, and immediately all the rice grains in the bamboo tube were poured into the big bowl. Not a single grain was missed.

The examiner on the podium saw this, and couldn't help but be amazed, this little baby is really smart.In other words, he thought for a long time before he found the correct method. He didn't expect this little guy with a chicken nest to get it done so quickly.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly, and only Jiwotou won the first question.

Next is the second question.

The examiner pointed to a small plate and said: "The powder on it is pepper and salt mixed together. Everyone uses this small spoon to separate them. The time limit is still a quarter of an hour."

ha?Do you want to separate the pepper and salt mixed together?It must be a small amount, it only takes a quarter of an hour, how could it be too late!Do you want to be so exaggerated? The little boys put on a bitter face, quickly rounded their eyes, and slowly fiddled with that small spoon, separating them one by one. It’s so small, pepper and salt are really bad. Distinguish ah, very fastidious eyesight ah!
Trouble!Jiwotou Xiaowa yawned, clasped his nostrils, fiddled with the little spoon, had nothing to do, scratched his scalp with the little spoon, and then threw the little spoon away!I'm going to lie down and sleep.

Jiwotou Xiaowa was stunned, and found that the small spoon thrown by the side of the small plate had absorbed some powder. Jiwotou Xiaowa carefully looked at the powder on the small spoon, and it was all pepper powder. It turned out to be like this!There is no need to stare at each grain one by one!

Jiwotou Xiaowa acted immediately, spread the powder on the plate evenly, and then used a small spoon to swirl on it, oops, why did it all suck up?

Why can't I suck it up again?It was clearly able to absorb it just now, what is going on?

Jiwotou Xiaowa blinked in surprise, groped for a while, and finally figured it out, it turned out to be the case, interesting!
Jiwotou Xiaowa laughed, scratched his scalp with a small spoon, then controlled the distance, and stroked lightly on the powder, all the pepper powder was sucked to the small spoon, leaving only salt.

This is quite fun!Jiwotou looked at the other babies, almost cross-eyed, how stupid they all are!

Anyway, there was still a lot of time, so Jiwotou Xiaowa started to play happily, mixed up, separated, and played over and over again.

The third question is to float a needle on the water surface of a bowl of water in any way.

No matter how much the little ones try, the needle always sinks down.

Jiwotou Xiaowa wandered around her eyeballs, and drew them from the previous two questions. There must be some ingenious method. Don’t be in a hurry, try more.

Since it is not possible to place the needle by hand, I put it away with other things. I just saw a small fork and gently put the needle into the water with that small fork. Oh, the needle really floated on the water!So interesting!
Jiwotou Xiaowa seemed to have discovered a new world, and started to play and try enthusiastically.

And the other little ones couldn’t even cry, it’s such a stupid question, play us on purpose, look down on us and just say it, why humiliate us like this!

Yili No. [-] Tianxian branch venue.

Ji Chengyan quickly finished answering the second set of test papers, smiled contentedly, and asked the examiner for the third set.

Um?Ji Chengyan frowned, looked through the exam papers, and found that they were all the types of questions he hated, but he couldn't help himself, it was just a little troublesome, so he hurriedly finished and left.

Jiaqian No. [-] Xuanxian branch venue.

After Yu Tianrui finally finished the first test, he was about to start the second test immediately, but it was still the literature test, what the hell is going on?We are powerful Xuanxians, we have always been fighting with magic weapons, and we are constantly using pens to play chicken feathers?It also prevents people from participating in the assessment properly!I want to compete, I want to go crazy!

Yu Tianrui became more and more impatient, and couldn't sit still anymore. He slammed the table and yelled at the examiner: "Take the chicken feather literature test, it's so annoying, I want the martial arts test, give me the martial arts test immediately!"

The rest of the Xuanxians glanced at Yu Tianrui unexpectedly, and continued to answer the paper.

The examiner smiled and said to Yu Tianrui: "This contestant, if you want to take the martial arts test, of course you can. Our suzerain has specially set up a training ground for the martial arts test. Just wait a moment, I will call someone to take you there. But for the time being, please Please be quiet, so as not to affect other candidates' answer papers."

Hey, it's possible to take the martial arts test earlier. The rest of the Xuanxian players have all come to their senses. Most of them put down their brushes and stood beside Yu Tianrui. We also want to take the martial arts test.

Soon, an examiner rushed over and led a group of people to the fully enclosed martial arts test training ground.There is a teleportation array outside the closed gate.

"Everyone, please stand on the teleportation array one by one. This teleportation array will randomly teleport you into the training field of the martial arts test. As long as you can break out within 24 hours, you can directly skip the next two days of assessment and directly Participate in the final assessment."

That's okay, this is what we want!

Yu Tianrui snorted coldly: "Hurry up, I'll be out in an hour."

The examiner smiled faintly, nodded to the Xuanxians, waved his hand lightly, and activated the teleportation array.

(End of this chapter)

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