Interstellar Miner

Chapter 520 Immortal Fate Conference

Chapter 520 Immortal Fate Conference ([-])

The three assessments on the first day of the Four Immortals' Fate of Immortals Conference ended one after another.

It turns out that you can still take care of the food before the results are announced, and Jiwotou Xiaowa immediately feels relieved.There were a total of ten questions in the test, and he answered eight of them. He didn't know if he could pass the test. Anyway, he answered the most questions in the same test room.

It doesn't matter, one more meal is one meal, and the little boy in Jiwotou drank and sauntered back to the house for a good night's sleep.

The onlookers watched with great interest for a whole day, and their good eyesight has already seen that the three assessments on the first day of the Four Immortals Sect are mainly to get a feel for the contestants, and the emphasis is on basic skills!
Those who don't know the truth listen to the professional host's narration, and then understand, so it is like this!Compared with other forces or sects that only pay attention to the fairy roots and talents of the Xianyuan Conference, the Four Immortals are obviously far-sighted!
Although many people think that the first day of the Four Immortals Sect's Xianyuan Conference is so-so, but everyone knows that the first day is just an appetizer, and the most powerful ones must come later. Let's just wait patiently.

While the contestants were resting, the Four Immortal Sect's base camp was operating at full capacity. The examiners quickly summarized and screened the candidates' total scores in the three assessments, and then eliminated nearly one-fifth of the unqualified candidates.Then reclassify and plan branch venues.

When the contestants woke up, the total scores of the three assessments yesterday had been announced on the regional rankings.

Ji Chengyan smiled complacently, and took a look at the top few names on the big list, huh?without me?what happened?Could it be that Xuanxian is ranked first?

Ji Chengyan frowned and looked around, and finally found his name among the hundred or so. After counting carefully, it was No.90 eighth!What a joke, Ji Chengyan is very sure, I don't dare to say that I will get full marks in the three exam papers, at most, I may make mistakes in one or two relatively uncommon questions!

Could it be that the guys ahead of me did even better?
Hmph, these are just unpopular topics, and I haven't officially started to show my abilities yet, so let's let you be complacent for now, and let you know how powerful this genius is later!

Ji Chengyan clenched his fists secretly, and walked into the sub-session for the fourth assessment. Next, he should test Taoism, which is my strong point.

Ji Chengyan glanced at it, and there were not all angels in this sub-venue, there were several mysterious immortals, some angels, and some earth immortals.

The question of the sub-venue soon came out, a complete magic circle disk, limited to two hours, and scored according to the degree of repair and function.

Ji Chengyan smiled complacently. As expected, it was just repairing the magic circle. Although he was not the best at it, he was quite good at it, so let's start quickly.Don't be in a hurry to repair it, but find out what type of magic circle this magic circle is. Oh, it turns out that it is a magic circle that controls temperature, moisturizes and protects against wind, and is used to assist in the cultivation of spiritual plants and vegetables.Easy and simple, Ji Chengyan immediately began to repair.

Huh!Ji Chengyan repaired for a while, and then found something strange. The contestants in this sub-venue were repairing the magic circle very fast. One by one, their palms were flying, and ten fingers seemed to come alive.

What, an Earth Immortal player has basically completed repairs and is in the process of debugging!so fast? !Ji Chengyan frowned, and hurriedly speeded up.

Finish!Ji Chengyan breathed out, glanced at it, and was shocked to find that most of the contestants in the sub-venue had completed repairs and were busy with debugging, and the Earth Immortal contestant who was the first to complete it had already begun to integrate the auxiliary compound formation!Do you want it so fast?
How can Guangkuai do it? Ji Chengyan gritted his teeth, ignored the other players, and concentrated on debugging the integrated magic circle according to his own rhythm. Before he knew it, the two-hour time limit was up!
Ji Chengyan stopped, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked at the magic circle he repaired with great satisfaction. It not only restored the function of temperature control, moisturizing and wind protection, but also added six auxiliary functions such as timed light, which has already exceeded the quota. Repaired the magic circle.

Ji Chengyan took another look at someone else's repaired magic circle, huh?All of them look good, and the magic circle repaired by the Earth Immortal player is even more interlocking and complicated. Please, don't be so exaggerated!Ji Chengyan stared at the magic circle for a while, and was a little dumbfounded. It was obviously much higher-end than the magic circle he had repaired himself!
The examiner took away all the repaired magic circle disks from the candidates, let him take a short rest, and then started the next assessment.

"Brother Zhuge, it's better to be famous than to meet, I admire you."

"Brother Zhuge, you really deserve to be the shocking genius of the number one family in the magic circle."

"Brother Zhuge, you are hiding too deeply, I almost didn't recognize you."

"The No.1 magic circle genius throughout the ages is really extraordinary."


The earth fairy was immediately surrounded.

Ji Chengyan's brows twitched, and he suddenly thought of a person. Zhuge Tianyou, who made a fuss 2000 years ago and was hailed as the most outstanding genius of the Zhuge family, is this guy?Later, I didn't know what to do, and suddenly disappeared, maybe it was retreat.The Zhuge family is quite good at tinkering with the magic circle, after all, there is a specialization in the arts.

"Fellow daoists are really flattering me. I just happened to meet the assessment that I am good at. Don't talk about the No. 1 magic circle. I don't deserve it. There are many people who are better than me. "

"Brother Zhuge, you are too humble. You are not, so who is!" "Exactly."

Zhuge Tianyou secretly smiled wryly. At that time, his heart was higher than the sky, and he ended up competing with an unknown earth immortal on a fair stage. The result was a disastrous defeat. Only then did he realize that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. Since then, he has devoted himself to studying hard and never I dare not call myself No.1.And this time, that person also came to participate in the Immortal Fate Conference of the Four Immortals, and maybe he can compete on the same stage with him again.

Zhuge Tianyou was humble, and then began to close his eyes and rest his mind. The first three rounds were just a preliminary assessment, only weeding out those with poor foundation or poor talent, and the next one was the real show!The fourth round is already not easy, and the subsequent assessments will definitely become more and more difficult. You must race against time to recharge your batteries.

The other contestants were also very aware of this, and they all sat back in their seats, closing their eyes and resting their minds.

The screen shifts to the side of Jiwotou Xiaowa.

In the huge sub-examination room, there was only a child like Jiwotou Xiaowa, and the other [-] were adults, all of them had at least the Golden Core stage or above, and there were even several celestial beings.

How did such a brat end up with us? The adult contestants were very puzzled. When the test questions came out, they were even more confused.

A grotesque high-precision instrument as big as an adult buffalo, made up of crooked pipe links!

Twenty of the pipes were pasted with the examinee's number, and the test question was to find the exit of that pipe within the time limit of one hour. Of course, the premise was that it was not allowed to disassemble and damage this high-precision instrument.

Adult players have been wandering around this instrument for a long time, so how can I find it?The interior of the instrument is full of twists and turns, and it is not easy to see through. Even if you use your mind to perceive it, it will become like a maze, making you dizzy.

The grown-up contestants tried various ingenious methods, such as sound waves, light waves, etc...the results were useless, and they were all desperate.

How can this be fixed?

The time passed by every minute and every second, and the contestants tried every means, and the top of their heads was almost scratched, but there was still no way!
Jiwotou Xiaowa has been staying on the outside, yawning with his nostrils buttoned. The main reason is that the instrument is surrounded by adults, and he really can't squeeze in. Really, he can't do such a simple topic. What are the adults doing? yes!

Before I knew it, it had entered the countdown stage. The adults were discouraged, and it was a disaster.The adults retreated to the side disheartened, secretly saddened.

Jiwotou Xiaowa finally waited for the neutral position, pulled out an incense stick from the incense burner, drilled to the front row, found his entrance pipe, then put the burning incense to his open mouth, took a puff of incense, Then block the mouth of the tube and blow, breathe in through the nostrils, and blow again, and so on.

Um?What is this little kid doing?What time is this, you are still playing, and it is too indiscriminate, if you break it, can you afford it!The adults were so weak that they didn't bother to reprimand them.

After a while, a nozzle on the opposite side began to spew out smoke rings.Jiwotou Xiaowa immediately ran to the opposite side, found the nozzle that was still slowly emitting smoke rings, and that was all, put a label on it, and called it a day.

Just right, the time limit is up.

Uh... The grown-up contestants were collectively dumbfounded, this... Isn't it... Can it still be like this? !Why didn't we think of it?

The examiner was also stunned. Although he knew the correct answer, he really didn't know how to answer it!Or rather, I never thought it would be so simple!But if it wasn't for this chicken nest boy to demonstrate, who would have figured it out!


The one with the highest attention is naturally the special sub-venue that ranked the top [-] in the first three rounds of assessments.

A problem seems to be very simple. A very thin steel pipe requires a thin layer of aluminum sheet to be crimped inside, which requires uniform thickness and no gaps.

Those who don’t know may think this topic is very simple, but those who really understand the market are frowning secretly. This was a big problem in the history of warship technology back then. Countless experts failed to solve it. It has to be replaced with other high-tech, the cost is a bit higher, so the accumulation of small amount over the years is quite a terrifying amount.

It is too much for the Four Immortals to use this question as an assessment question!But if anyone can solve this technical problem, it will be really great, and it will make a great contribution to the entire four-layer space-time!

The audience is waiting to see, whether our geniuses in the fourth layer of time and space can solve this problem?

A Xuanxian contestant was the first to complete this test question, but he used a high-precision ultra-miniature puppet to operate inside the steel pipe. Experts have done this before, but the high-precision ultra-miniature puppet is expensive. Mass production is not easy, and it is easy to be damaged. After all, it can only be done occasionally.

Immediately afterwards, a Celestial player also completed it, but through the high-precision operation of mind power, those who can achieve this level of precise mind power operation are very few among Xuan Xian, and they cannot be popularized.


In another sub-venue, Yu Wenyu was also stumped by this topic. He couldn't think of a good solution, so he could only be secretly anxious. He never thought that the Xianyuan Conference of the Four Immortals would be so difficult. Today's assessment results are only ranked outside the thousand.

Yu Wenyu sighed secretly, and could only hope that the double pupils in the next few assessments would work wonders and achieve good results.


It’s still the chicken nest boy, grinning and grabbing the chicken nest head. Although I don’t know the specific operation principle of crimping, it doesn’t seem to be difficult, but I can’t do it yet!

"Who would freeze water?" Jiwotou Xiaowa yelled.

All the grown-ups and contestants looked over in unison, little brother, your question is really untechnical, who should you ask? It can be done easily!

However, Jiwotou Xiaowa's outstanding and almost weird performance before made the adult contestants also have to pay attention. An immortal raised his hand, I will.

Jiwotou Xiaowa let out an oh, put the steel pipe on the ground, rolled up the aluminum sheet and stuffed it in, then filled the steel pipe with water, and gestured to the fairy, what are you doing in a daze, it's freezing!

The fairy blinked blankly, and with a little finger, it was all right.

Jiwotou Xiaowa fiddled with the steel pipe, squeezed his eyes to look at the steel pipe, nodded, tapped the steel pipe a few times, and knocked out the icicles, and the aluminum sheet was pressed on the inner wall of the steel pipe, with uniform thickness and no gaps .

Jiwotou Xiaowa clapped his hands, it's done!
Uh... this... the grown-up contestants were once again shocked.

The examiner was also shocked, this... so simple?The technical problems that have baffled countless experts for so many years were solved by a little kid!no? !

(End of this chapter)

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