Interstellar Miner

Chapter 528 Personal Disciple

Chapter 528 Personal Disciple ([-])

The Immortal Fate Conference of the Four Immortals Sect is over, but the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the people in the fourth layer of time and space have not subsided, and there are still heated discussions after dinner.

The Four Immortals Sect really has too many topics. The four masters of the Four Immortals Sect all have a legendary halo, and they have legends that can't be told for a few days.

Both the Recruitment Conference of the Four Immortals and the Fairy Fate Conference had a great sensational effect. It seemed that any action of the Four Immortals would shake the entire four layers of time and space!

You must know that the Four Immortals are still a small power now, and it is not bad to be able to spread the word about any activities that ordinary middle powers do. Even those super big powers do not have such super special treatment!It can only be said that the Four Immortals Sect has unlimited potential, and everyone is very optimistic about the Four Immortals Sect!

These days, Yu Wenyu and eldest grandson Ancheng have always been in a state of mist. It is really like a dream. We have all become the first generation disciples of the Four Immortals. Those who failed to become direct disciples directly became Hua An Almighty registered disciples are like dreams and illusions, so unreal.

But we are already living in the main palace of the Four Immortals Sect base camp, sitting and eating with Master and the others every day, but it is so real.

It's just that the Four Immortals Sect's Xianyuan Conference has just ended, and there is still a lot of finishing work to be done. I can't teach you for the time being. Don't worry, it should be fine soon.

Yu Wenyu and eldest grandson Ancheng took turns teaching Kong Wuming how to read and write in their spare time of cultivating immortals. This little guy is really smart and has a good memory.

Yu Wenyu, Changsun Ancheng and the others couldn't help sighing inwardly. Fortunately, Kong Wuming has never practiced, otherwise we would be outnumbered by him in the Fairy Fate Conference!
Many onlookers who didn't know the truth felt that it was a thankless task for the Four Immortals to spare no effort to find talents out of their own pockets. Fortunately, they found ten super geniuses, otherwise they would lose money!It can only be said that the Four Immortals are too courageous!

As a matter of fact, after such a Fairy Fate Conference is held, the economic benefits brought by the huge passenger flow are extremely terrifying!The Four Immortals Sect has made a lot of money just by collecting shop rent!

What's more, the Four Immortals have extra super financial resources!
The treasures that Xiaoyun has snatched from the Immortal Palace for so many years are not a joke. In 100 years, there are a total of [-] treasures. Now they have accumulated a huge amount. If you don’t take the opportunity to sell at this time, when will you sell ah!

Xiaoyun picked out valuable and inconspicuous treasures in the fourth layer of time and space and packaged them for sale. Even if they were sold at a lower price, they couldn't hold up to the large quantity. The rush of immortal stones was like a landslide and tsunami!

Xiaoyun finished the calculation quickly, and she can't wait to hold another seven or eight Fairy Fate Conferences right away!Of course, I can only think about it.

After all, a one-shot sale is not a long-term solution. Only the steady flow of water and the accumulation of less is the kingly way to make a fortune!
After Mo Xuan and his party finished, they held a joint meeting between the Four Immortals Sect and the Thunder Tsing Sect to determine the combat policy for the next 200 years.

After all, this is the fourth layer of time and space ruled by heroes, and extraordinary methods must be used!
It has been kept for more than 200 years. Although the Four Immortals are not a discus, it is not so easy to split. It is time to push forward!As long as the Four Immortals Sect continues to grow and develop, those restless elements will gradually become law-abiding, strive to shine, and follow behind the Four Immortals Sect.

As the old saying goes, those who are able win the position!As long as you are capable, our Four Immortal Sect will give you certain privileges, and those who are incapable should just abdicate honestly. As long as you don’t betray the Four Immortal Sect and contribute your strength peacefully, you can also follow the Four Immortal Sect.

Strike while the iron is hot, the motor of the Four Immortals is running at full speed, and the expansion will start now!
The Four Immortals Sect once again shocked the entire fourth-level time and space. The Four Immortals Sect, which has been silent for many years, really either does not move, or moves to shock the sky!

In fact, the Fairy Fate Conference has just passed, and the Four Immortals are at the forefront of the limelight. According to Mo Xuan's previous routine, they must temporarily avoid the limelight and wait a few years before making big moves.

It's just that today is different from the past, the time is too tight, Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie is waiting to advance to the third level of time and space, and the third level of time and space is a mess, the fourth level of time and space has just started, and there is still a long way to go It's really long, and we must race against time!

On the surface, the Four Immortals Sect already has a lot of talents, but whether it is a mule or a horse, you can only know if you pull it out for a while!
If it doesn't work, don't worry too much, Tie Dan, Erwazi, and Hao Changsheng are growing rapidly, and when they have laid a solid foundation, they can pull up to the fourth layer of time and space to continue to stir up wind and rain!

But the most important thing right now is the advancement of Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie, everything has to revolve around it!

After all, the entire Mo family is in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, and one is prosperous and the other is damaged. You can't be half-hearted, you must go all out!

Wait until Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie has successfully advanced, and then think about the future!

In fact, Mo Xuan and the others are very clear in their hearts that it is easy to share adversity, but it is not easy to share happiness.Who can say for sure what will happen in the future, anyway, we already have the Heavenly Sword Sect and the Four Immortals Sect, so we have more than enough protection for ourselves, so there is no need to worry too much.As long as you have enough strength, you are not afraid to meet the challenge!
The trivial matters are almost handled, and it is time to teach the apprentices.

With his hands behind his back, Mo Xuan walked towards the classroom with some sighs. He was used to throwing away the shopkeeper, and now he has tasted it.

On the surface, this Fairy Fate Conference was a great success, but in fact it was full of undercurrents, involving too many aspects, and there were indeed many games in the background!
The No.1 Yu Wenyu is understandable; Kong Wuming is a seedling with super potential, so don't need to say too much; the eldest grandson Ancheng's excellent magic circle talent is full of praise even Xiaoyun.

And the reason why the last seven will be turned upside down is that only Zhuge Tianyou remains on the list, and the rest are squeezed out of the list by those who come from behind, namely Shi Binyuan and Mi Yashuang. There are a lot of games in it Element!

Of course, this does not mean that Shi Binyuan and Mi Yashuang are not as good as the previous six. Even if there is a difference between them, it is only a slight difference, which can be regarded as mutual advantages and disadvantages.

The reason why Mo Xuan and the others chose Shi Binyuan and Mi Yashuang was more because they were relatively clean and did not belong to that Fang Dazhong's strength. Once they became disciples of the Four Immortals, their families would naturally be bound together. On the chariot of the Four Immortals, advance and retreat together!

However, Zhuge Tianyou's Zhuge family is actually not small in scale, and has always been aloof, and has not officially joined any force, and has cooperated with all major and medium forces.Mo Xuan and the others also took a fancy to the Zhuge family's huge network, so they chose Zhuge Tianyou.

These are the so-called unspoken rules.Mo Xuan used to be against unspoken rules, but after being in a high position for a long time, he found that unspoken rules are everywhere, and no family, country, or world can live without these unspoken rules, it depends on how to use them!
I believe that the six geniuses who were finally squeezed out also knew it in their hearts, knowing that they were not defeated on the bright side, but on the inside, and there was nothing they could do.

Forget it, it’s enough for you to know these unspoken rules in your heart, and it’s not enough for outsiders to understand.

Yu Wenyu, Kong Wuming, and Changsun Ancheng sat in the classroom respectfully, full of anticipation, and finally could accept the guidance of the master!
Mo Xuan walked into the classroom with a smile, and nodded to the ten first-generation disciples of the Four Immortals.

The ten disciples hurriedly got up and bowed, and by the way, glanced outside the classroom, hey, where are the teachers and teachers?

Mo Xuan coughed lightly, and said, "Your mistress and master have something to do, so I will teach you."

In fact, it was Gong Shichang who came to visit. Kong Ling and the others went shopping with Gong Shichang, and they probably couldn't come back for a while, so they left the matter of teaching apprentices to Mo Xuan.

That's it, Yu Wenyu, Changsun Ancheng and the others nodded their heads and looked at Mo Xuan helplessly. Hey, even though we have different teachers, we can all accept the guidance of Hua'an Da Neng!I wish for it!

In other words, it has been a long time since I have attended class, Mo Xuan smiled lightly, and made the opening remarks first habitually: "Since you ten are already the first generation disciples of my Four Immortal Sect, then don't think about it, take it easy, and be careful." Cultivate and be a good person."

"First of all, Yu Wenyu's double pupil is the top secret of our Four Immortals. Only a handful of us know it. If anyone's mouth leaks out and causes unnecessary troubles, I will clean up the sect!"

The eldest grandson Ancheng and the others could not help but choke, sat upright, and nodded fiercely.

Mo Xuan looked at Kong Wuming, what about you?

Kong Wuming nodded hastily, I know, I will definitely not talk nonsense, by the way, what are double pupils?

Mo Xuan smiled and said, "Among you, Shi Binyuan, Peng Chengwang, and Ji Chengyan are heavenly immortals, Changsun Ancheng, Mi Yashuang, Zhuge Tianyou, Tao Wencheng are earth immortals, Zhongsun Yao is an immortal, Yu Wenyu has not yet become an immortal, Kong Wuming has not formally cultivated yet."

"Cultivating to become an immortal is a big watershed. To become an immortal is to have embarked on the path of your own choice and move forward bravely. We can only guide you. It is more up to you to work hard and persevere."

Shi Binyuan and Peng Chengwang nodded firmly.

"Yu Wenyu hasn't become a fairy yet, so I can still guide you, but we don't know much about the use of your double pupils, so you can only rely on yourself to explore. Before you can really grow up, there is a big premise , Double pupils can only be used as an aid, don't use them unless it is absolutely necessary. Usually, you and your brothers and sisters have the same strict standards, no matter how the double pupils are developed in the future, you can play an excellent effect that one plus one is far greater than two!"

Disciple understands!Yu Wenyu nodded fiercely. This time, he also used double pupils to ensure that he could make it to the rankings and renew his relationship with Xiaohua.

Yu Wenyu smacked his lips secretly. Although he has become Hua'an Da Neng's direct disciple, Xiao Hua has always been strictly guarded by that old man, and he can't get close at all. Alas!
Mo Xuan turned to Kong Wuming again, and said: "Wuming is still a blank piece of paper, and he is also your common junior brother. When we are busy, you brothers and sisters can teach him more when you have time. But before Wuming formally cultivates, Don't indoctrinate him with your ideas of cultivating immortals, just mention it a little bit, too much will make Wuming confused, and everyone will have to walk their own path after all!"

"Wuming, I have already set a daily task for you. You have to pay attention to it. The status of your completion is your meal quota for the next day. That is to say, you only completed half of today's meal, and you will have three meals tomorrow. Only one and a half meals."

ha? !This is not my life!Kong Wuming's eyes widened like copper bells, so what's the matter, it must be done!The head can be severed and the blood can flow, and you can't stop eating!Fuck it, fight it!
Seeing that the effect he wanted had exceeded the standard, Mo Xuan smiled cheerfully, and continued: "I think you have already discovered that when you are together, you can subtly promote and improve each other, and the efficiency is definitely higher than when you practiced alone. Quite a few. So, from now on, you have to discuss and discuss more, don’t keep your worries in your heart, and communicate with others actively. As a generation of disciples of our Four Immortals, I hope you can love each other and become a real family. "

We will!The ten disciples remembered all Mo Xuan's words in their hearts.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and said, "Okay, I won't babble, and the class will start next."

(End of this chapter)

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