Interstellar Miner

Chapter 527 Personal Disciple

Chapter 527 Personal Disciple ([-])

Yu Wenyu continued to adjust the layout, and finally waited for an opportunity. After all, it was the first time for the grandson Ancheng and Zhuge Tianyou to cooperate, and there was still a little gap!

Now is the time to hit the soil together!Yuwenyu's team worked together to crazily attack the defense of the earth magic circle!

The reaction of Changsun Ancheng's team was not unpleasant. They immediately turned their guns and sniped and blocked Yuwenyu's team.

Yu Wenyu's heavy pupils suddenly exerted force, and the light overflowed, breaking through obstacles one after another, successfully occupying the earth magic circle!
Seeing that the situation was not going well, Changsun Ancheng's team made a decisive decision, directly abandoned the earth magic circle, and turned to attack the wood magic circle and the fire magic circle!

After Yu Wenyu's team occupied and consolidated the territorial circle, they immediately went to snipe Changsun Ancheng's team.

However, Changsun Ancheng's team had five members after all, while Yu Wenyu's side had only four members. Although Yu Wenyu kept coming back and forth to save the field, it was still too late!
In Yuwenyu's team, only the strong men broke their wrists, gave up the fire magic circle, and stormed the wood magic circle. After all, wood can restrain the earth. Once the opponent captures the wood magic circle, our earth magic circle will be in jeopardy!
Changsun Ancheng's team successfully captured the fire circle, and immediately began to attack Yuwenyu's team!

The two sides are deadlocked again!Time passed by every minute and every second, and there was only one hour left!

In the end, the eldest grandson, Ancheng, had the upper hand in the number of personnel, and had always firmly held the initiative.

Yu Wenyu's double pupil was also a bit overdrawn, so he had to rest temporarily to prepare for the final sprint.

come on!come on!Come on... Jiwotou Xiaowa is still cheering on!

Change!The eldest grandson Ancheng suddenly divided into three groups and attacked the remaining three magic circles at the same time!

Yuwenyu's team had to deal with it hastily, but no matter how they were divided, there were only four people in total, and the team leader Yuwenyu could only come back to save the field and try his best to support it!

It's going to be bad if it goes on like this!It is best to be able to capture the golden circle in order to form a situation where earth and gold are born together, hold your ground!

Changsun Ancheng's team naturally knew this, and tried their best to stop them, but they occupied the fire magic circle, and the attack just restrained the gold magic circle, which was twice the result with half the effort!
Yu Wenyu's team saw that the situation was not good, so they had to specialize in the water magic circle restrained by their earth magic circle!

Both sides successfully won a magic circle, forming a situation of earth and water against fire and gold!Right now there is only one wooden magic circle left, but it is restrained by gold!
Judging from the current situation, the eldest grandson Ancheng's team occupying the golden circle is even more dominant!

But in the game, the final outcome can never be determined until the last moment!

Changsun Ancheng's team attacked the wooden circle with all their strength without stopping. As long as they win the wooden circle, the game will be a sure thing!
Of course, Yuwenyu's team will not just sit still, they try their best to block them, and at the same time use the water magic circle to continuously attack the fire magic circle of Changsun Ancheng's team!
Changsun Ancheng's team naturally defended with all their strength, and by the way continued to attack the wooden magic circle!
Obviously it was just a small-scale five-on-five fight, but it produced the intense excitement of fighting and fighting!
Wonderful!Master Qingyu couldn't help clapping his hands in admiration, these little guys really have a bright future!It would be great if it belonged to our Qingyu Immortal Realm!The old man Qingyu rolled his eyes, wondering if he should take advantage of the dark night and wind and take it away with one pot?With the strength of my little Taoist Lord, even if I can't hide it from Boy Xuan and the others, I can still get away smoothly, it's just like this...

Old Master Qingyu glanced at Xiaohua beside him, he finally had such a good granddaughter, but he couldn't bear to just become so different!That's all, no matter how good these seedlings are, they can't compare to my little flower!
It's the last half hour!

Changsun Ancheng's team finally succeeded in capturing the wooden magic circle, but not long after, their fire magic circle was successfully captured by Yuwenyu's team!
As a result, Yu Wenyu's team instead occupied the three magic circles of earth, water and fire, leaving Changsun Ancheng's team with only the gold and wood magic circle!Judging from the situation of the scene alone, Changsun Ancheng's team can be said to be completely behind.As long as Yuwenyu's team defends the three magic circles, they will win the final victory!

And this is exactly the layout of Changsun Ancheng's team!Although Yuwenyu's team was inferior in numbers, Yuwenyu's mobility was really strong, and it played a remarkable effect!

But now, Yuwenyu's team has three magic circles to defend. It seems to be in the lead, but in fact, the advantage of mobility has been completely lost!Next, it's time for us to work hard!
Changsun Ancheng's team immediately divided into sub-teams, did Changsun Ancheng and Shi Binyuan's team guard the golden circle and attack the water circle at the same time; Zhuge Tianyou, Zhongsun Yao, and Tao Wencheng's team guarded the wooden circle while attacking the soil circle Array!

Yu Wenyu's team can't make much use of the advantages of the three magic circles. The water magic circle is guarded by Yu Wenyu and Ji Chengyan, and the Changsun Ancheng and Shi Binyuan teams fight to the end; Shuang and Peng Chengwang each guarded one, united against Zhuge Tianyou, Zhong Sunyao, and Tao Wencheng's squad!
The two sides are engaged in the final battle!Never give up until the last minute!
From the beginning to the present, Jiwotou Xiaowa has been persistently cheering and cheering. His voice has long been hoarse, and he is still clenching his teeth!Come on, come on!
The last stick of incense!
Yuwenyu's team and Changsun Ancheng's team have already turned red eyes, roaring all kinds of rampages, kill!

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!If you don't work hard at this time, when will you work hard!
Both sides have completely given up on defense and turned to offense!

The five magic circles fell one after another, and they kept changing hands!
Mo Xuan and the others couldn't help holding their breath, waiting for the announcement of the final result!

The last point!

The advantage of Changsun Ancheng's team was revealed, occupying four magic circles!

Yu Wenyu roared loudly, and the double pupils turned rapidly, with one mind and two tasks, and he just relied on his own strength to force two magic circles at the same time!
The last snap of the fingers!
The two teams rushed together, and the scene was so magnificent!

come on! !Jiwotou Xiaowa roared one last time.

The last moment!

Certainly!Mo Xuan waved his sleeves, and the picture was frozen at that last moment!
Lei Batian raised his eyebrows, interesting, it turned out to be such a result!
The old man Qingyu happily stroked his beard and nodded approvingly. He not only praised the outstanding performance of the little guys, but also praised Mo Xuan's advanced version of the body-holding technique. , as if time has stopped!Wonderful!

Who actually won?Mo Que'er and the others took a closer look, oops, the Yuwenyu team occupied the water and fire circle, Changsun Ancheng's team occupied the gold and wood circle, but the earth circle was unoccupied!

You know, this is five magic circles. As long as the two sides occupy all of them, no matter how they change, one side will definitely have the upper hand, but right now it is two against two, and there is one free, which is amazing!
Although it is unbelievable, there is still a chance that it can become like this.

At that last moment, Yu Wenyu resolutely gave up the earth magic circle, and led the team to capture the water and fire two magic circles!And Changsun Ancheng's team naturally wouldn't let go of the big fat that fell to their mouths, and they wanted to occupy the territory circle immediately, but in such a short moment, the time limit was up!The soil magic circle has become ownerless instead!

Yu Wenyu tried his best to turn the tide, and abruptly saved the defeat into a draw!What is the trump card?This is the ace!

With a wave of his hand, Mo Xuan lifted the hold technique.

Yu Wenyu, Changsun Ancheng and the others were able to move now, and they all blinked in a daze. What happened just now? Why can't we move suddenly, as if time has stopped?How is this going?

Mo Xuan announced the result: "In this magic circle match, the two sides drew."

Oops, a draw?It turned out to be a draw?

Yu Wenyu, Changsun Ancheng and the others took a closer look, it was really a draw, what a coincidence!
Yuwenyu's team couldn't help but rejoice, and all the team members looked at Yuwenyu with admiration, captain, you are really great!

Jiwotou Xiaowa couldn't make a sound, and hugged Yu Wenyu's thigh excitedly, big brother, I will hang out with you from now on!
The eldest grandson Ancheng, Zhuge Tianyou and the others looked at each other helplessly, but they still fell short in the end, it was only a tiny bit short!
The eldest grandson An Cheng pursed his lips and blamed himself: "It's because I was too conceited and too aggressive, and my cooperation with Brother Zhuge was not perfect enough."

"Captain, where is this? We have tried our best, and it is the first time we have cooperated. Anyway, I am extremely satisfied with our performance."

"That's right, after such a match, it's worth my hundreds of years of penance!"

"We are a draw, and we haven't lost. Well, there is one less player on the opposite side, and we must win next time!"

The eldest grandson An Cheng smiled gratifiedly and nodded.

Then the ten young boys all looked at Mo Xuan eagerly, "We are a draw, how should we count it, is there going to be an extra match?"
Mo Xuan smiled lightly, applauded lightly, and praised: "You all performed very well. But time is limited, so there will be no extra competition."

Um?The young men blinked, yes, you said it!
Mo Xuan glanced around, and said: "The meaning of the final assessment is actually very simple. The winning team can choose their own master from among us, while the losing team has no right to choose and can only be chosen by us."

ha? !It turned out to be like this!You should have said it earlier, we have worked so hard, so we have already passed the test in advance!
Great!The ten young men couldn't help but beam with joy, looked at each other beamingly, and clapped their hands to celebrate.

Mo Xuan coughed.

The young men immediately quieted down and patted neatly into two rows.

Mo Xuan said: "Because you are in a draw and there is no winner, so you don't have the right to make your own choices."

Is that so?The young men frowned slightly. In fact, what we hope most is to have you as our teacher, Hua'an Da Neng!However, the other great masters of the Four Immortals Sect are also the best teachers in the world, and it is our honor to be able to learn from a teacher!
Mo Xuan comforted: "Actually, you don't need to be so clear after you become a teacher. You are all disciples of our Four Immortals. If you encounter something you don't understand, you can ask us for advice. That is to say, you are Our common disciples are only announced to the public as one of our disciples."

"As for direct disciples and registered disciples, those are also names for outsiders, and there is no difference in treatment. On the contrary, direct disciples have more responsibilities and greater pressure."

"Of course, it's one thing for us to accept apprentices, and another is whether you want to be a teacher. If you don't like it, you can refuse and find another famous teacher."

I see!The teenagers couldn't help but rejoice, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, only a fool would refuse it!

Both Yu Wenyu and Ji Chengyan felt a little hot in the face, feeling that Hua'an Da Neng was talking about himself, that's when he was young and ignorant, young and frivolous, and he could do countless things!
Mo Xuan smiled slightly and said, "I will choose first."

The young men immediately puffed up their chests, and they all felt that Yu Wenyu, who was the most outstanding performer, would most likely be selected.

But Yu Wenyu was a little apprehensive. He had rejected Hua'an Da Neng back then, so would he still have that honor now?
Mo Xuan looked directly at Yu Wenyu and said, "Yu Wenyu, are you willing to worship me as your teacher and be your personal disciple?"

Yu Wenyu's handsome face flushed red all of a sudden, his chest heaved violently a few times, he immediately knelt down on the ground, kowtowed three times, straightened up and said extremely resolutely: "Master, I am willing!"

Mo Xuan helped Yu Wenyu up with a smile, and patted Yu Wenyu's shoulder in relief.

The other young men looked at Yu Wenyu enviously, but they were also convinced!

Kong Ling took a step forward with a smile and said, "I will choose the next one."

Huh, isn't it Huo Qingling Da Neng, Wu Nianxuan is actually the second one, how smart are the young men, and a lot can be judged from this detail, in all likelihood, Wu Nianxuan is the wife of Hua An Da Neng !

ha?Is it me?Jiwotou Xiaowa was stunned for a moment before realizing that Wuming was him. He hurriedly stepped forward, knelt down to Kong Ling, kowtowed three times in a proper manner, and called Master.

Kong Ling helped Jiwotou Xiaowa up, touched Jiwotou Xiaowa's head, and said, "You don't have an official name yet, since you have worshiped me as your teacher, then you can use my mother's surname, surname Kong; as for the name, the Wuming you registered is very domineering, so from now on, you will be called Kong Wuming, and you are the direct disciple of Wu Nianxuan of my Four Immortals."

Kong Wuming, Kong Wuming, Jiwotou Xiaowa chanted it several times, I finally have my name, and I burst into tears before I knew it.

Mo Que'er stepped forward, nodded to Mi Yashuang, and said, "Mi Yashuang, are you willing to worship me as your teacher?"

Mi Yashuang naturally agreed with 1 people, Yingying prostrated herself on the ground and kowtowed three times.

Mo Que'er smiled and helped Mi Yashuang up.

Xiaoyun glanced at Changsun Ancheng and Zhuge Tianyou indifferently, and said, "Changsun Ancheng and Zhuge Tianyou, are you two willing to worship me as a teacher?"

Master Shuiyue asked this sentence, and Jinxian Da Neng was willing to rush to come to apprentice!

The eldest grandson Ancheng and Zhuge Tianyou hurriedly bowed down to the ground, "Master is above me, please accept three worships from my disciples."

The rest of Ji Chengyan and the others are waiting eagerly, what shall we do?

Mo Xuan glanced at it, and said: "The rest of you, just be wronged and be my registered disciples."

ha?Your named disciple?Is this still aggrieved?How can it be!

Ji Chengyan, Peng Chengwang, Shi Binyuan, Zhong Sunyao, and Tao Wencheng hurriedly kowtowed to the ground and kowtowed several times in one breath.

Mo Xuan waved his hand, and gently lifted the five of them up from the ground, alright, alright, we don't need so much courtesy, the most important thing is our heart.

Xiaoyun coughed and said, "I want to greet after I'm done with work, and then everyone will start practicing quickly."

drill?Rehearse what?
The ten first-generation disciples of the Four Immortals Sect looked at Xiaoyun for no reason, because they were too excited just now, and their extremely clever heads became less flexible!
Xiaoyun took it for granted: "Of course it is the ultimate assessment for tomorrow's rehearsal."

Uh... dizzy!There is such a one out!

"Don't be dazed, hurry up and practice! Tomorrow, the acting must be more real than real, and it must be so exciting that everyone will be dumbfounded and unable to pick out any thorns! Kong Wuming, I don't have you here. What's the matter, go and have a good rest."

That's a good thing, Kong Wuming grinned, ran to the side, sat down on the ground with his chin in his hands, and waited for a good show.

Yu Wenyu, Changsun Ancheng and the others looked at each other a few times, and they were really envious of Kong Wuming.

Don't worry, hurry up and practice!

"What's going on with the first team? I've already said it. It's more real than real!"

"Can the second team not be so fake, anyone can see that you are letting water!"

"Speed, faster!"


Yu Wenyu, Changsun Ancheng and the others finally discovered that the act of love is much more tiring than the real thing, it is simply suffering!
But we are already the first generation of disciples of the Four Immortals, so we are naturally obliged to perform this good show for the Four Immortals, isn't it just acting, don't believe it, we will be bad!
Well, acting is really difficult, come again!

Long-awaited and long-awaited, the final assessment of the Four Immortals' Fairy Fate Conference has finally arrived!The entire four layers of time and space are paying attention to this super event!
However, only a few people know that this is just a good show that has been rehearsed in advance!
But what people look forward to and want to see is such a wonderful show!

Four members of the Four Immortals Sect appeared, Lei Batian appeared, and ten contestants and actors also appeared. Everything was so orderly!

The whole scene is so exciting, full of ups and downs!
What the audience watched was so enjoyable, they cheered hoarsely for their favorite contestants!

Kong Wuming shouted hoarse yesterday, although he has been cured, but the feeling is really uncomfortable, so today Kong Wuming has kept silent, quietly standing aside, falling into the eyes of the audience, Can't help sighing again and again, Jiwotou Xiaowa is really sensible, knowing that he can't disturb Yu Wenyu and the others!It's a pity that there is no way to see the miraculous performance of Jiwotou Xiaowa in the final assessment!

In the end, it still ended in a draw!

The four masters of the Four Immortals Sect selected their own disciples based on this. In the end, Mo Xuan accepted Ji Chengyan, Peng Chengwang, Shi Binyuan, Zhong Sunyao, and Tao Wencheng as named disciples out of love for talents!
The Immortal Fate Conference of the Four Immortals Sect came to a perfect conclusion!

(End of this chapter)

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