Interstellar Miner

Chapter 526 Personal Disciple

Chapter 526 Personal Disciple ([-])

Before the words were finished, Jiwotou Xiaowa stood up with sharp eyes and quick hands, and with a pounce, grabbed the black roast chicken with her hands, and tore off a large piece of chicken leg!

Wow, the little boy in the chicken nest gnawed fiercely, and quickly gnawed the chicken legs until only the bones were left, which is great!Apart from the word delicious, I can't find any other adjectives!

One chicken leg is not enough, the little boy with the head of the chicken nest stood up and wanted to pull another chicken leg, uh...the roast chicken that was filled the whole plate just now, there is not even a chicken head left!

This... this... Jiwotou Xiaowa was speechless, looking around, these guys are so fast!

The eldest grandson Ancheng and the others smiled and tasted the dark roast chicken leisurely. Although it looked weird, it was so delicious. Oh, is this the legendary silky chicken? !

Obediently, you must know that a silky chicken is sold at a sky-high price now!
We have only heard of it, but have never seen it with our own eyes, let alone eaten it!This trip is really the right time, hurry up and eat!

As a result, only Yu Wenyu was slow to react and failed to grab the silky chicken, so he could only watch helplessly as the others kept smacking their mouths and eating.

Hey, it seems that Xiao Hua didn't eat silky chicken either!Yu Wenyu immediately withdrew his gaze and sat upright, that old man is too fierce!Really unable to control his gaze, Yu Wenyu hurriedly ate to divert his attention, picked up a chopstick of the Chinese cabbage that Xiaohua was eating, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it like an old sheep chewing grass.

Who would have thought that after this ordinary Chinese cabbage entered the stomach, the delicious volcano would suddenly erupt!Wow!This is... this... too unbelievable!
Yu Wenyu really can't calm down anymore, be good!

Seeing that the silky chickens have been robbed, the chicken nest boy can only eat other dishes. He eats meat first. He picks up a meatball, bites it down, and the juice splashes. The comfort can no longer be described in words !It's so delicious!

Although Changsun Ancheng and the others knew in advance that Wu Nianxuan and Liu Xing were superb cookers, they also had expectations, but they never expected that they would be so delicious that they would be called so delicious, it was incredible!
Enjoying this ultimate delicacy, it seems that all the troubles in the world are far away from you, detached from things, and your soul is flying, so wonderful!

Unknowingly, only the shiny plates are left on the table full of delicacies, and even the side dishes are eaten clean.

Jiwotou Xiaowa burped happily, her little face was flushed, and she was already drowsy. If she was given a bed, she would fall asleep immediately.

Yuwenyu and eldest grandson Ancheng all have endless aftertaste, and it is worthwhile to enjoy such extreme delicacy!

Mo Xuan said to the little ones: "After we are full, we habitually go back to take a walk in the garden for a quarter of an hour. If you are interested, go there together."

Yu Wenyu, Changsun Ancheng and the others got up immediately, only Jiwotou Xiaowa hung at the back with some reluctance.

When they arrived in the garden, Yu Wenyu, Changsun Ancheng and the others only felt that it was colorful and pleasing to the eye.

Smelling the intoxicating fragrance of flowers, walking in the middle of the beautiful sea of ​​flowers, the temperament has been cultivated, so refreshing.

Jiwotou Xiaowa didn't doze off anymore, and walked around the garden happily, seeing everything so novel and fun.

Zhuge Tianyou was a little worried. Although this garden is for viewing, it is impossible that there is no defensive magic circle at all. If Jiwotou ran around and touched the magic circle, it would be too much for him with his current mortal system.

"Wu Ming, don't run around." Zhuge Tianyou still couldn't help calling out.

Jiwotou Xiaowa didn't realize it at all, or he didn't realize that Wuming was him.

"It doesn't matter, this is a pure viewing garden, only some basic maintenance circles." Xiaoyun smiled lightly.

It turned out to be like this, Zhuge Tianyou nodded in surprise, and was taken aback casually, oops, isn't this Master Shuiyue, he hurriedly saluted, disrespectful and disrespectful.

Xiaoyun waved his hand, there is no need to be so polite.

Huali beckons to Jiwotou Xiaowa, come here.

Jiwotou Xiaowa blinked and ran to Huali.

Huali grinned and touched Xiaowa's chicken nest head.

Jiwotou Xiaowa was a little at a loss, and looked at Huali foolishly.

"Go and play, don't run too far." Huali warned.

Jiwotou Xiaowa scratched her head, forget it, bounced around and continued to play.

Mo Que'er approached Mi Yashuang and started chatting.

Although Mi Yashuang is of the water attribute, but she has a fierce temper, more like a fire attribute, and she hits it off very well with Mo Que'er.

Yuwenyu looked at Xiaohua eagerly, but Xiaohua was guarded by Mr. Qingyu, unable to get close, and could only look at Hua and sigh.

"Have you met Xiao Hua?" Mo Xuan didn't know when he came to Yu Wenyu's side.

Yu Wenyu was startled, and hastily bowed to Mo Xuan: "Meet Teacher Hua An."

Yu Wenyu is a student of the Academy of Chess, and Mo Xuan is a professional six-dan chess player of the Academy of Chess. It is not wrong for Yu Wenyu to directly call Mo Xuan a teacher.

Mo Xuan smiled, and said: "Time has really changed, you have grown up so much in a flash."

It really was a flash, Mo Xuan only wandered around in the time-sealed area, and the ordinary little furry kids outside have already experienced complete birth, old age, sickness and death!The more you cultivate to a high level, the less you feel the shuttle of time!
Yu Wenyu smiled foolishly, scratched his head, and briefly described the process of meeting Xiao Hua in the Tower of Infinity.

Oh, so it was love at first sight, Mo Xuan nodded suddenly, then he was taken aback, at that time you were still a kid, you didn't expect to be so precocious!

Yu Wenyu was also quite embarrassed, but still looked at Mo Xuan eagerly, and asked, "Mr. Hua An, is the immortal sitting next to Xiao Hua during the meal her senior brother?"

Mo Xuan smiled and said, "Yes, he is Liu Xing, you should have heard of it."

Yu Wenyu nodded, it turned out to be Liu Xing, but he seemed to have strange thoughts about my little flower, so he had to guard against it.

Mo Xuan was secretly amused, a brat, Xiao Hua doesn't like Liu Xing very much, if you want to chase Xiao Hua, the biggest obstacle for you kid is actually Mr. Qing Yu.Over the years, the old man has treated Xiao Hua very dearly. He completely treats Xiao Hua as his own granddaughter and guards her tightly. Otherwise, you kid would have long since lost the chance.Marriage is hard to say for sure, if you and Xiaohua are really destined, no one can stop you!Anyway, I don't know how to blend in.

It was almost time, Mo Xuan clapped his hands and led the little ones into a hall.

Where is this?Yu Wenyu, Changsun Ancheng and the others looked around in surprise. Hua'an Da Neng brought us here to test our strength?

Mo Xuan smiled faintly, and said: "You all know that all forces are waiting to broadcast our final assessment. After all, it is in public, and you don't want others to know about your secrets, right?"

That's true, what do you mean?

Mo Xuan said seriously: "So, this afternoon is the real final assessment. You have eaten and drank enough, and rested enough, let's start."

ha? !

Yu Wenyu, Changsun Ancheng and the others couldn't help shaking their bodies. They were floating in heaven a second ago, but they fell into the battlefield filled with gunpowder in a blink of an eye. Such a strong contrast is really too much to bear!
Jiwotou Xiaowa was stunned for a moment before realizing it, what, isn't it tomorrow's, it's about to start now?why?
Mo Xuan didn't give the little guys more time to react, and said: "The final assessment is very simple. You are ten people, five people in a team, and a magic circle competition. The time limit is two hours. Hurry up and draw lots."

Yu Wenyu, Changsun Ancheng and the others could only grit their teeth and concentrate urgently.Hey, that's not right, since it's going to be a magic circle match, at least you must know the magic circle, right? Jiwotou Xiaowa hasn't practiced it at all, so it would be a disaster for any team to lose him!

Jiwotou Xiaowa blinked blankly, what's wrong, why are you looking at me like that?
The results of the lottery: Yu Wenyu, Wuming, Mi Yashuang, Peng Chengwang, and Ji Chengyan are in a team of five; Changsun Ancheng, Shi Binyuan, Zhuge Tianyou, Zhongsun Yao, and Tao Wencheng are in a team of five.

The four members of Yuwenyu's team looked helplessly at Jiwotou Xiaowa, this... doesn't have such a thing!On the opposite side are the eldest grandson Ancheng and Zhuge Tianyou, two magic circle geniuses, but we have a nameless who is purely tasteless, so depressed!

It doesn't matter to Jiwotou Xiaowa, it's over sooner than the end, and it's already entered the final assessment, so it should be able to stay in the Four Immortals Sect, and from then on, it can live a good life without worrying about food and clothing!
The five members of Changsun Ancheng's team exchanged glances. It was obvious that the biggest threat was No. 1 Yu Wenyu, so we must be careful and careful, and we must not be careless.As for Wuming, although he should know nothing about magic circles, he can't completely ignore them. Maybe this little devil will exert miraculous effects beyond imagination!

In short, this is the final assessment, and you must do your best to perform!
Yu Wenyu's team and Changsun Ancheng's team stood at the designated positions, facing each other.Out of the Jiwotou Xiaowa was idly picking his nostrils, and the others all had solemn expressions, secretly clenching their teeth and clenching their fists. Success or failure depends on one action, fight!

Mo Xuan gave Xiaoyun a look.

Xiaoyun smiled mischievously, took a step forward, and with a wave of his small hand, five magic circles that were slowly rotating appeared in the open space between the two teams, interlocking and slowly rotating.

Xiaoyun explained: "Which team captures all five magic circles first will win, or when the time limit ends, whichever team captures the most magic circles will win! Start now!"

Hurry up!
In an instant, Yu Wenyu's team and Changsun Ancheng's team were running at full speed!Fighting hand to hand, the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road, now is the time to go all out!

Jiwotou Xiaowa blinked blankly, looked at his teammates who were gnashing their teeth, then at the opponents who were also blushing on the opposite side, and finally looked at the five magic circles, and finally realized, well, there is no me at all What's the matter!
The chicken coop head kid smacked his lips, but after all, he still didn't have the nerve to idle away completely, waving his hands, and shouted hard: Come on, come on, come on...

After a fierce confrontation between the two teams, they finally figured out the operation mode of the five magic circles!
It is a five-element magic circle, and it happens that each of the five elements corresponds to a magic circle!
Wood makes fire, fire makes earth, earth makes metal, metal makes water, water makes wood

Metal overcomes wood, wood overcomes earth, earth overcomes water, water overcomes fire, fire overcomes metal

Even a three-year-old child knows the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements!People are used to calling it gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, which is more catchy, but in fact, it is best to call it in the order of mutual generation and mutual restraint.

Mutual growth: metal, water, wood, fire and earth; mutual restraint: metal, wood, earth, water and fire.

So the principle of this magic circle match is very simple, first capture a magic circle, and then use this magic circle to capture the one that can be restrained, and you will get twice the result with half the effort!And once the two magic circles of mutual generation are combined, they can also get twice the result with half the effort!
The most important thing right now is to break through a magic circle first!Hurry up!
The members of the two teams have all worked hard, and they have used everything to press the bottom of the box!

Yu Wenyu's double pupils no longer hide, but appear directly, and four breathtaking rays of light continuously sweep the magic circle.

What?Double pupils!Yu Wenyu has double eyes and double pupils, good guy!Hidden enough!No wonder this guy was able to come out on top, he really has the ultimate bottom of the box!
The eldest grandson Ancheng's team gritted their teeth. Although Chongtong is unmatched, our side has the advantage in numbers after all. It is still unknown who will win the battle!
Xiaoyun smiled lightly and commented: "These little guys are okay."

Old Master Qingyu rolled his eyes, if they can't do it, there won't be many people who can do it in the entire fourth level of time and space!If you, the Four Immortals, look down on me, I will not refuse anyone, so give it all to me!

Mo Que'er focused on Mi Yashuang's performance.Xuan has recruited a large number of outstanding disciples at the Son of Destiny level, Kong Ling also has Liu Xing and Xiao Hua, but she is still a duck egg, so it is necessary to recruit one or two powerful disciples this time!
Kong Ling is also working hard to find suitable candidates for her disciples. Although Liu Xing and Xiao Hua are not bad, they are not outstanding either.Liu Xing is more of a culinary disciple, Xiao Hua has almost been abducted by Qingyu Laozi, it is not easy to inherit the mantle!It's a pity that none of these ten outstanding geniuses is of the earth attribute.

Huali, on the other hand, smiled and watched Jiwotou Xiaowa cheering hard. Running around and shouting around like this could easily distract his teammates, okay?

Mo Xuan smiled lightly, looking at the overall situation, others were concerned about who had the best performance, while he was concerned about who played the most important role in the two teams!
In Yuwenyu's team, there is no doubt that Yuwenyu is the leader, and he has played the greatest role. If it weren't for his double pupils, he could often predict the enemy first and seize many opportunities. At least one magic circle has already been preempted by the opponent , then it will fall behind in an all-round way, and it will be difficult to get back!It was Yu Wenyu who supported the backbone of the entire team alone!
Looking at Changsun Ancheng's team again, although the leader, Changsun Ancheng, has excellent personal strength and has studied the formation very thoroughly, leading the team to always occupy the dominant advantage, but the assister Zhuge Tianyou played the most important role!
Zhuge Tianyou was able to see the overall situation better, skillfully blocked and resolved Yu Wenyu's dark hands time and time again, constantly guided and corrected the formation of the team secretly, and subtly made the team more integrated, rigorous and impeccable!

Mo Xuan nodded approvingly. The two sides are still in a stalemate for the time being, and it depends on which side can kill a bloody road first!

Zi Cheliang glanced quickly around the five magic circles, and couldn't help but secretly nodded in admiration. They were indeed first-class seedlings, and their reactions were amazingly fast, and they were still making progress during the fierce battle. !

He Jiaguang, Liu Xing, and Xiaohua mostly just watched the excitement, even watching from the sidelines, they were sweating, they are really good, if we go up, I am afraid that they will lose their armor and armor a long time ago!The pressure is huge!
(End of this chapter)

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