Interstellar Miner

Chapter 525 Personal Disciple

Chapter 525 Personal Disciple ([-])

Those battles in the dark are unknown to the general public. What they are most concerned about is which of the ten geniuses who broke into the final assessment will become Hua'an Da Neng's personal disciple!
The top three Yuwenyu, Wuming, and eldest grandson Ancheng are definitely the most likely, while the other seven peerless geniuses are not easy-going, and the final assessment will definitely be full of exciting competitions!
I am looking forward to it!

Hurry up for the final assessment!Can't wait!
But everyone also knows that in order to break out of the encirclement, the ten peerless geniuses must have tried their best. They are very tired and need a good rest.

Moreover, this Xianyuan Conference has too many wonderful things, and each branch venue is full of excitement. How the top ten peerless geniuses stand out from the encirclement is worthy of attention!

Before the final assessment, everyone has wonderful content to watch!Absolutely enjoyable!

Mo Xuan didn't keep everyone waiting for a long time, and quickly gave the date of the final assessment, which is tomorrow!In other words, the ten peerless geniuses can take an extra day off today, and they will go to the battlefield again tomorrow!
At this time, ten peerless geniuses had already moved into the VIP Palace of the Four Immortals Sect's headquarters.

Wow, what a big moon!
Jiwotou Xiaowa stared in amazement at the huge bright moon that occupied half of the sky outside the window. Those who didn't know thought it was the big sun!

In fact, there is indeed no sun in the base camp of the Four Immortals. During the day, it is illuminated by this super big moon, and at night, it is replaced by a small moon for illumination.

The power of double yin, Yu Wenyu's eyes flickered slightly, and she smiled confidently, and then Yu Wenyu turned her eyes to the huge palace where the four masters of the Four Immortals Sect live, she should be living there now!I don't know if she recognized me.It won't be long before I will stand in front of you again and let you know me again!
The eldest grandson Ancheng paid more attention to the magic circle system of this VIP palace, wow, although he could only get a glimpse of it, this one spot is already so ingenious, it's amazing!

Zhuge Tianyou hesitated for a while, but walked to the side of the eldest grandson Ancheng, and bowed in greeting.

The eldest grandson Ancheng smiled back and bowed.

The two looked at each other, sympathetic to each other.

The rest of Ji Chengyan and the others were unavoidably a little excited. They finally reached this point. Looking back, it was really not easy to see that the ground was full of thorns.

An immortal sent an invitation, and the four masters of the Four Immortals Sect invited ten peerless geniuses to have lunch at noon.

Wow, all ten people couldn't help but feel refreshed.

The difference is that Jiwotou Xiaowa is thinking about delicious food and drooling, but he has already heard that Wu Nianxuan Da Neng of the Four Immortals Sect is a super chef, and her legendary super chef disciple Liu Xingke is also there Here, there must be a lot of delicious food.

Jiwotou Xiaowa counted the time on her fingers, and finally it was noon!

"It's time, let's eat." Jiwotou Xiaowa danced and shouted.

Yu Wenyu and the others smiled and nodded, stood up and prepared to set off, secretly amazed in their hearts, the timing was so precise, they could tell the exact difference with their fingers, amazing!
"Let's go, it's all about you." A gentle voice sounded.

The ten people turned their heads and looked, wow, it turned out that Hua An Da Neng himself!Immediately panicked, oh my god, what virtue and ability do we have, how dare we bother Hua'an Da Neng to invite us in person.Only Jiwotou Xiaowa blinked her curious eyes and kept staring at Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan smiled, waved his hands, and said: "You don't have to be so restrained, just a simple meal, treat it as your own home, let's go."

Mo Xuan is now leading the way.

Jiwotou Xiaowa was the first to follow behind.

Yu Wenyu and Changsun Ancheng looked at each other a few times and followed closely behind.

Looking at the back of Mo Xuanwei'an, Yu Wenyu and Changsun Ancheng felt so relieved, this is the legendary mighty Hua'an!In the entire four layers of time and space, Lei Batian was the No. 1 loser!Gradually, Hua'an Da Neng's back seemed to emit endless light, making it difficult to look directly at.

Mo Xuan smiled cheerfully and said, "I'm just an ordinary person, so don't think too much about it."

Yu Wenyu, Changsun Ancheng and the others were so excited that they came to their senses and looked at the bouncing Jiwotou kid. We can't lose to such a brat, right? What an age!

Yu Wenyu, Changsun Ancheng pursed their lips and straightened their backs. We have come this far with our real talents and knowledge. Isn't it just a simple meal, there is nothing to be afraid of!
Mo Xuan smiled lightly, and led the little ones into the main palace.

From the outside, the main palace is big, beautiful and imposing, and there are no flaws to be found, but after entering, Yu Wenyu, Changsun Ancheng and the others were a little dumbfounded. Even worse than the VIP Palace we live in?
Just trying to save money?Or really poor?Not so!Even if it's for outsiders to see, it doesn't have to be so straddling!
After walking for a while, the more you go inside, the more empty it becomes. Yu Wenyu, Changsun Ancheng and the others finally confirmed that the four masters of the Four Immortals are really saving money!It is true that the Four Immortals are still very weak now, and it is far from the time to deliberately enjoy happiness!
I was finally able to see her, much sooner than expected, that is to say, the accuracy is not enough!Yu Wenyu took a deep breath, but still couldn't stop being nervous. What should I say after meeting?
haven't seen you for a long time?It's too ordinary.

We finally meet again?What if she doesn't remember me?
I really miss you?It's too nasty, it would be embarrassing if she misunderstood me as a disciple.

Heck, what to do?

Changsun Ancheng and the others were not very nervous at first, but when they saw Yu Wenyu suddenly so nervous, they also became nervous. Oh, since it is a simple meal, the four great masters of the Four Immortals should all be there!Will Lei Batian be there?Be calm, be calm, well, I really can't be calm!
Mo Xuan was secretly amused, it wasn't a Hongmen Banquet, so there was no need to be so nervous?
A group of people walked into a side hall.

Two tables of banquets have been arranged neatly, one table is almost full, and the other table is empty.

Seeing Mo Xuan leading the little ones in, old man Qingyu, Bao Qingyun, Lei Batian, Xiaoyun, Mo Queer, Kong Ling, Huali, Zi Cheliang, He Jiaguang, Liu Xing, A group like Xiao Huaqi glanced over!

Wow, it's stressful!

The eldest grandson Ancheng and the others couldn't help but secretly swallowed their saliva, bowed incessantly, and paid respects to the seniors.

Jiwotou Xiaowa also swallowed her saliva, but she looked at the delicious food on the empty table, wow, it smells so good!Jiwotou Xiaowa even took a glance at the black roast chicken. The last time it was just a chicken leg that made his own soul almost fly out of his body, and now he can finally eat it again!

This is the mighty Huo Qingling, a hero among women!Mi Yashuang looked at Mo Que'er adoringly.

The eldest grandson Ancheng and the others first stared at Lei Batian, wow, brother idol, you are indeed there!
Yu Wenyu, on the other hand, stared at Xiaohua in despair. She was still the same as back then, with pale eyebrows like autumn water, jade skin accompanied by a gentle breeze, without saying a word, and her spirit was like an orchid. After so many years of dreaming, she finally saw her again at this moment!
All the thoughts and words before were forgotten, Yu Wenyu just stared at Xiaohua infatuatedly.

Xiaohua frowned slightly, this kid is so annoying, why is he staring at me so hard, hey, there seems to have been such a scene before, when did it happen?

The old man Qingyu frowned, this brat, the public dares to stare at my little house non-stop, well, this kid did the same thing last time!

Old Master Qingyu glared at Yu Wenyu angrily, as if I didn't exist!

Yu Wenyu was still undecided, still staring at Xiaohua bewilderedly.

Huh!Mo Xuan and the others were all aware of it, and they were also surprised. Judging from Yu Wenyu's appearance, it seemed that they had already deeply rooted in Xiao Hua, but they probably hadn't had any interaction before, what happened?

Liu Xing was stunned. Isn't this the No.1 Yu Wenyu? Why does he keep staring at my Junior Sister Xiaohua?This look is very wrong, Liu Xing frowned, and casually took out a shining kitchen knife from the Na Baozhu, and blocked it in front of Xiaohua's pretty face.

Um?Yu Wenyu frowned, kitchen knife?Is this a man's hand?Yuwen wiped his head and stared at Liu Xing, who are you, and what is your relationship with Xiaohua!Yu Wenyu's eyes became more and more fierce, and double pupils appeared inadvertently!

Liu Xing didn't take it seriously at first, even if you are No.1, you haven't cultivated to become a fairy yet, but I'm already a fairy, I'm afraid you won't make it!

When Yuwenyu's double pupils suddenly appeared, Liu Xing felt a chill in his heart, as if his soul was about to be sucked in by Yuwenyu's double pupils, endless darkness whizzed towards him, it was so terrifying!
Oops, Yu Wenyu woke up with a jolt, and hastily put away her double pupils.

Although it was only for a short moment, the eldest grandson An Cheng who was in the row with Yu Wenyu and the others were all focused on the four great masters of the Four Immortals and Lei Batian, but they didn't notice it, but Mo Xuan, old man Qingyu, Xiaoyun, etc. , Lei Batian and who they are, naturally they can clearly see Yu Wenyu's double pupils.

Good guy!It turned out to be binocular and double pupil!No wonder this little guy was able to win the leader with an absolute advantage at such a young age, it really wasn't his fault!

It has to be said that Xuan's vision is really a fortress, so long ago he fell in love with Yu Wenyu, and he was first to be accepted as a disciple. What kind of strategizing and foresight is this!

Even the old man Qingyu is a little jealous and envious. Although he doesn't want to be old, the facts are in front of him. Now is really the age of young people!
Mo Xuan was also very surprised. He didn't expect that he really dug up the treasure at the beginning. No wonder this little guy refused to worship him as his teacher at that time. Double pupils are not a joke. If someone with ulterior motives finds out, the whole The Yuwen family may suffer catastrophe!

Mo Xuan greeted: "Everyone sit down, eat first, and talk after you have something to say."

Jiwotou Xiaowa rushed out, and was the first to sit at the empty table, staring straight at the dark roast chicken, drooling.

Yu Wenyu, Changsun Ancheng and the others were not restrained, and sat down one by one.

Yu Wenyu still couldn't help but glance at Xiao Hua, but his eyes collided with Xiao Hua's, and both of them blushed immediately, just like before.

Hey, it's him!Xiao Hua finally remembered that he was the little guy who said he was good-looking back then!In a flash he has become so handsome!Xiaohua couldn't help but feel her heart pounding like a deer, she lowered her head shyly, not daring to look at Yu Wenyu again.

Yu Wenyu, on the other hand, was very bold, staring straight at the shy Xiao Hua, wishing to kick Liu Xing who was next to Xiao Hua into the air, and then sat beside Xiao Hua, hugged Xiao Hua, and narrated his lovesickness for so many years. bitter!
Liu Xing was stared at by Yu Wenyu just now, his whole body was cold and his scalp was numb, but now he is still terrified, and he dare not look at Yu Wenyu again!
Master Qingyu is not happy anymore, this brat, no matter how big or small, my little flower is something you can look at casually!The old man Qingyu glared at Yu Wenyu viciously. Double pupils are amazing. It's not like the old man has never encountered it before, or he was beaten into a dead dog by the old man.

Yu Wenyu's whole body trembled, his eyes darkened, and he staggered, almost falling to the ground!
This... this is... Yu Wenyu glanced at the old man Qingyu fearfully, isn't this the old man who was next to Xiao Hua back then, what a terrifying strength!

Yu Wenyu was startled, didn't dare to do it again, and sat down in a well-behaved manner.

Mo Xuan clapped his hands: "Dinner is ready."

(End of this chapter)

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