Interstellar Miner

Chapter 524 Immortal Fate Conference

Chapter 524 Immortal Fate Conference ([-])

The Immortal Fate Conference of the Four Immortals has reached the most critical moment!
Which players can accept Hua'an Da Neng's personal review?

Mo Xuan and his party were also a bit difficult to manage. If there were too many, it would definitely not work. If there were too few, I would be sorry for the enthusiastic audience.

The last total, well, let's each choose two or three favorites.Then the name was written, but it overlapped a lot.

That's all, let's make the top ten!Mo Xuan filled out the ten names.

Opening list!What a big name!
One, two, three... eight or ninety!There are only ten names left on the big list!Although there are predictions, there must be very few people who can enter the final assessment. Everyone estimates that there will be dozens of people. Who would have thought that there would be only ten people!
It can only be said that the requirements of the Four Immortals and Hua'an Da Neng are really high!And how many of these ten people can win the favor of Hua'an Da Neng?
Check out the list now!

The top three have not changed, they are still Yuwenyu, Wuming, and eldest grandson Ancheng!
The last seven places were turned upside down, and only Zhuge Tianyou remained on the list, ranking sixth, and the rest were squeezed out of the list by those who came from behind!

Among them, Shi Binyuan, Peng Chengwang, and Tao Wencheng were quite well-known, while the rest seemed a little unknown, rarely heard of by people, and that Mi Yashuang was the only female fairy among the ten.

I have to say, one by one is hidden deep enough!The tactics have indeed achieved good results. The first ones will inevitably be squeezed out by various targets, and the few of them will come from behind and have the last laugh.

And this can further explain how strong the unshakable top three are!

Only a few people know that Yu Wenyu's first place last time was deliberately arranged, but this time the first place is his own ability!A real first!

Xiao Hua let out a surprise, why does this Yu Wenyu look familiar, where did she see it?It seems that I have no impression.

Old man Qingyu rolled his eyes, isn’t this the little kid who stared at Xiaohua in the Tower of Infinity, and he has chased him here, my Xiaohua won’t let you abduct him so easily up.Hmph, unless you join our Qingyu Immortal Realm, there is no need to talk about it.

Ji Chengyan ranked No.10, and she broke into a cold sweat from shock. She tried her best to perform well in the next three games, and barely squeezed into the top ten. It was really not easy, it was simply desperate ah!

The naive and ridiculous idea before he came here has long been thrown out of the sky by him. He wants to prove himself, breaking into the final assessment, and even becoming a disciple of Hua'an Da Neng is the real proof of himself!

Now, I have succeeded more than half of it, and the next step is to see if I can get Hua'an Da Neng's favor!Ji Chengyan secretly cheered herself up, come on!come on!
And the unnamed contestants on the list looked at the top ten who were surrounded by groups, all the bitterness and bitterness can only be experienced by themselves, but their skills are not as good as others, so what can they do if they are not convinced.Even if there is a slight difference due to impromptu performance, luck is also a part of strength, so there is no complaint.

But after all, after waiting for so long and struggling for so long, the most popular still falls short, and it is inevitable to be discouraged.Many players burst into tears and began to doubt their lives.

At this moment, a melodious bell rang, and Mo Xuan appeared in due course.

Whoa, idol!

It's the mighty deity of Hua'an!

Tai Nima is handsome, really like a god!
Radiant, ah, blinded my eyes!

Huaan Da Neng, I love you like a mouse loves rice!
Jiwotou Xiaowa picked her nostrils, hey, isn't this the one, oh, he is Hua'an Da Neng, that's him!

Mo Xuan smiled and waved his hands to signal everyone to calm down.

The chaotic scene was brought under control. All the contestants looked at Mo Xuan eagerly, and all the broadcast cameras were aimed at Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan glanced around and was still not used to such attention, so let's finish it quickly.

Mo Xuan coughed lightly, and his gentle voice clearly spread throughout the audience: "Thank you for your trust and expectation in our Four Immortals Sect. You have come from a long distance to participate. There are a lot of talents and a gathering of talents, which makes this session of Immortal Fate The conference was very successful."

"It's also my fault that Hua talked too much when he was in the Endless Tower, which triggered this Xianyuan Conference, which made everyone work hard, but the number of places is so limited. It's also because my energy is really limited, and I can't teach too many disciples. Tsk, it seems anticlimactic. Yes, let everyone down."

"What I want to say is that momentary success or failure doesn't mean anything. Even me, Brother Batian, have gradually grown up through failure after failure to get to where we are today. You still have a long, long way to go. After all, it belongs to you young people, work hard, I am optimistic about you."

The players who were originally discouraged by the failure immediately felt like chicken blood, full of energy, yes, a failure now is nothing, Huaan Da Neng and Lei Ba Tian Da Neng have both come from failure after failure Yes, it's nothing if we fail once or twice!
In the final analysis, this failure is because we are not good enough now, so just work hard to become good!Failure is not the reason for us to be discouraged, but should be the driving force for us to forge ahead!
Hua'an Da Neng, listening to your words, what you say is better than a hundred years of penance!
And the ten contestants who broke into the final assessment were all secretly vigilant except for the carefree Chiwotou Xiaowa who leisurely picked his nostrils. It is true that we broke through the encirclement and broke into the final assessment now, but it does not mean We have already left the people behind us far away, and it is more because of a little bit of luck that we won by so little, it's just a fluke!We must continue to work hard.

Mo Xuan nodded with a smile, that's what he said, so he didn't say any more, and just left without a sound.

By the time everyone came back to their senses, Hua'an Da Neng had disappeared!

Haha, we still want to take a look at it a few more times, it's too amazing to see the beginning and the end!As expected of Hua'an Da Neng, but this time we finally got to see Hua'an Da Neng's up-close face clearly, he is far more handsome than the rumored Fengshen Junyi and Yushu Linfeng!
Everyone has long been used to Lei Batian being tall and mighty. He is relatively rough, and everyone still admires him more.As for Hua An Da Neng's appearance, he is very obedient. Countless female cultivators and fairies in the fourth layer of time and space have become nympho!

Hanging the portrait of Hua An Da Neng in the boudoir, even on the bedside, I have to look at it tens of thousands of times every day, haunting my dreams.

The bottom line is that seeing Hua An misses his life!

This is a later story, let's not mention it for the time being.

The Void Arena has successfully retired, and the excited players packed their bags and prepared to leave one after another.

I thought it would be the end of this Xianyuan Conference, but I didn't expect it to be just the beginning.

The scouts from various forces are much more excited than the contestants who have played chicken blood, and finally waited for this moment!The poaching brigade is dispatched!

After going through this baptism, capable and potential players have already entered the eyes of all forces. You Four Immortals don't want it, we want it; your Four Immortals want it, and we want better conditions!
Anyway, it's just a word grabbing, and it's going through legitimate channels, allowing other players to choose freely.You Four Immortals can't say anything!Who made your Four Immortals sect so small that you couldn't swallow too many good seedlings? No wonder others!
Grab it!Grab it quickly!Even if it is a little bit late, others will strike first!
Those excellent but failed contestants were at a loss, hey hey hey, what are you doing, don't mess around, this is the territory of the Four Immortals, you can't kidnap tickets!
ah?After a long time, it turned out to be a scout!Scared us to death!Do you need to be so excited? It’s okay to speak slowly, damn it, don’t mess around!

Not to mention, the prices and conditions offered by those big and medium powers were very attractive, and most of the outstanding players were tempted. After careful consideration, they chose the most desirable alliance!

After all, the top ten have already stepped into the Four Immortals. If we don't have a famous teacher to guide us to explore on our own, we will definitely be thrown further and further away by them. How can we do that? We are already heartbroken after losing once this time. We can always lose in the future, we have to win back!
A small number of outstanding players have no intention of joining any force for the time being, and escaped like a siege. However, they have already been targeted by scouts, and they will be teased by all kinds of soft and hard things in the future.

Of course, the Four Immortals had predicted this situation long ago. It was Mo Xuan's motto to be prepared, so how could he be unprepared.

In fact, people still underestimated this Fairy Fate Conference, and the scoring mechanism of the Four Immortals is also tricky!
The scores of some players with great potential but not too good performance are deliberately lowered, and those who have already appeared in public are thrown out early to cover, in order to deceive people and facilitate the Four Immortals to attract outstanding talents!

The Four Immortals Sect can only be regarded as a small power now, but sooner or later, it will become a middle power and a big power in the future!Naturally, the more excellent talents, the better. Even if the current resources are not enough to cultivate so many talents, then let’s cultivate them first, cultivate their moral character, sharpen their temperament, and focus on cultivating them when the funds are enough!

The Four Immortals have the home field advantage, and they can attack much faster and more conveniently than other forces!When the Fairy Fate Conference was still in progress, many good seedlings had been successfully recruited with various favorable conditions!
At the moment when the Void Arena is in a mess, those invisible seedlings have been quietly and skillfully transferred to the base camp of the Four Immortals under the arrangement of the Immortals of the Four Immortals.

Although the Four Immortals Sect held a recruiting conference last time and attracted a large number of people, after all, the real talents are aiming at the Xianyuan Conference and want to become Hua'an's powerful disciples!Therefore, this Xianyuan Conference really allowed the Four Immortals to be supplied with a large number of outstanding talents, and it can be said that they made a lot of money!

Hey, let's make a fortune in silence!
Therefore, the Four Immortals Sect opened their eyes and closed their eyes to the raids of various forces, making them mistakenly think that the Four Immortals Sect was also weak in heart and strength, and could only watch the loss of talents.

In fact, the Four Immortals don't want that much, and the conditions offered are limited, so they can't grab it!
All the rich and powerful forces are having fun, and we can be regarded as enjoying the glory of the Four Immortals this time. We have discovered so many good seedlings at once, and how much manpower, material resources and energy have been saved!

Although the top ten will definitely be firmly grasped by the Four Immortals, but the ones we have in mind are not that bad!
Talent is one aspect, but cultivation merit is also another aspect!If you have merit without talent, your achievements will be very limited; if you have talent alone, you will be useless without sufficient merit.Cultivation of Immortals is a process where thousands of elites advance together, once they fall behind, it will be difficult to catch up!

In fact, talent is not inevitable for cultivating immortals. There are many cases where it is recognized that good seedlings have not achieved much.Generally speaking, even talented seedlings have a chance of achieving achievements, which must be much higher than ordinary seedlings.So everyone is still scrambling to get good seedlings!
And our biggest advantage over the Four Immortals is that we are huge in size and have enough resources!No matter how you look at it, we have a big advantage. First, cultivate these outstanding talents before the Four Immortals, and then let them join hands to resist your Four Immortals, step by step, step by step!

We are doing it so aboveboard, you Four Immortals can only watch helplessly, in the end you can only lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot, hehe, it's very sour to think about it!

(End of this chapter)

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