Interstellar Miner

Chapter 523 Immortal Fate Conference

Chapter 523 Immortal Fate Conference ([-])

The first six rounds of assessments of the Four Immortals Sect were all over.

Fun!So much fun!
It's really worthy of the Four Immortals Sect's Fairy Fate Conference, it's so exciting!
Countless viewers in the fourth layer of time and space watched with enthusiasm, and it really became more exciting and beautiful as it went forward!

The latest news will come out soon, each of the next three assessments will be held every day, it will definitely be a good show!

Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang have already shown up, and the four great masters of the Four Immortals will naturally show up sooner or later.

Although almost everyone in the fourth layer of time and space has seen the peak duel between Huaan Daineng and Lei Batian Daineng, the signal is really bad and the picture is very blurry. This time we must watch it carefully.

Looking forward to it!

The contestants are in dire straits and panic. Nearly one-fifth of them were eliminated in the first three assessments. Now that three more assessments have passed, how many will be eliminated?Thinking about it, it is impossible to be one-fifth again, and it is good to keep one-fifth!

The average contestants in these three examination rooms couldn't sleep, tossing and turning, sighing.I really don’t know if I don’t go out. There are too many geniuses and masters out there.

Even the contestants who did well in the exam still have some insomnia. They don't know how much they can rank in. If they are really strong, there are even stronger players. Although I am very good, there are inevitably shortcomings, while other masters have more advantages. Excellent, fewer shortcomings!
After all, Hua'an Da Neng only recruits one direct disciple, and the number of registered disciples must be extremely limited. If you don't fight, you will die!
The next morning.

The contestants in each region finished their breakfast with all sorts of apprehensions and waited for the opening of the rankings.Those who are on the list can continue to move forward, while those who are not on the list can only pack up and leave.

My palms were sweaty, I was so nervous, my heart was beating so fast, most of the contestants were restless.

Even players who think they will definitely be on the list can't calm down, after all, the real test begins today!
Finally, the Four Immortals Sect opened the list.

The players are looking forward to it, is there me?Is there me?Is there me?
The big list announced by the Four Immortals this time is still as big as last time, but the names and test numbers filled in it are many times larger, and the elimination rate can be imagined.

In the end, when the audience counted, only one-tenth of the contestants remained.

The unnamed contestants on the list are also helpless. In fact, if they can continue to move forward, they will definitely not reach the end, so let's get together and break up!After going through this Fairy Fate Conference, I finally know how much I am and what I lack, which is actually not bad. Ordinary experience is far from achieving such a good effect!
Of course, disappointment is inevitable, if you can continue to move forward, you will definitely gain more!

The well-known contestants on the list secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and were not overly happy. The appetizers and stir-fries have already been eaten, and the next assessment is the real main course!
Ji Chengyan looked at his own ranking, and he was only No. 40th, so he couldn't help but sighed slightly.Ji Chengyan glanced at the top ten names in front of him, and saw Zhuge Tianyou's name, ranked No.8.Ji Chengyan gritted his teeth secretly, there are still three games to come, I must catch up, I must prove myself.

On the other hand, Zhuge Tianyou looked at the No.3 eldest grandson Ancheng with sighs. He had worked so hard for so many years, but he still couldn't catch up with him after all, and he never thought that there would be two people above the eldest grandson Ancheng!The world is so big!

Yu Wenyu, who ranked first, was naturally surrounded by the players and countless audiences. It seems that this little brother has not yet cultivated into a fairy, but he actually beat the crowd and ranked first, amazing!
The most shocking ones were of course the students from the Chess Academy who came to the Xianyuan Conference together with Yu Wenyu!

Unfortunately, there are a lot of students from Chess Academy, but there are only six on the list together with Yu Wenyu.And although there are quite a few professional chess players in the Chess Academy's list, most of them rank in the middle and lower reaches, and there are only a few who can be in the upper reaches.

Is this number one ranked Yu Wenyu really Yu Wenyu from Class [-] of the Student Department of our Chess Academy?Is it the same name?
Uh... It really is Yu Wenyu from our Chess Academy!What's happening here?He can get No.1, is he that good?

But it's not right, isn't his performance always very ordinary, even in the qualifying rounds, his performance is not impressive, he only advanced to class [-] by luck!What is going on?Has he always been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?Only now are the sharp fangs exposed?

Yu Wenyu's classmates were dumbfounded. This... this... Could it be that a peerless genius like Yu Wenyu has been hidden among us all this time?
The audience soon knew, oh, this Yu Wenyu was originally a student of Chess Academy, and he was ranked No.1, really amazing!Chess Academy really wasn't built!

The client, Yu Wenyu, was also a little confused. You must know that he was only ranked outside the top 1 on the first day, so why did he jump to No. [-] all of a sudden!

Didn't this expose himself early?Four, five, six, three assessments, I shouldn't have performed so outstandingly!It may still be possible to enter the top 1, but this No.[-] is too much!Could it be... Hua An Da Neng recognized that I was the little boy who rejected his kindness back then, and deliberately made things difficult?

No matter what, I have been completely exposed in front of everyone, and there is no way out. Anyway, I have already made up my mind, so come on, let the thunderstorm come more violently!

Kong Ling smiled lightly, although Xuan didn't care, but at the beginning this little guy still rejected the olive branch thrown by Xuan, which made Xuan feel very embarrassed, now that he knew Xuan's true identity, he hurried over to participate in the Xianyuan Conference , Dangxuan's disciple is so easy to be!
Tie Dan, Erwazi, Hao Changsheng, Niu Niu, Bai Meier... Randomly pulling out one of Xuan's disciples, his talent is enough to shock the entire fourth layer of time and space.

Since you, Yu Wenyu, want to participate, I will let you participate, but I will not make it easy for you. I will directly push you to the front. You can withstand the pressure. That is your ability. Xuan will naturally accept you as a disciple , but if you can't stand it, then pack up and leave as soon as possible!Our Four Immortals don't support idlers!

When Mo Xuan knew about it, he just smiled slightly and followed Kong Ling.

The second place is none other than the little Jiwotou who is registered as nameless. His excellent performance is obvious to all, and there is no need to elaborate too much.

On the third side is a little-known grandson of the Earth Immortal, An Cheng. You must know that the last seven of the top ten are all well-known super geniuses, and they can be said to be worthy of their reputation!
This eldest grandson An Cheng is already an Earth Immortal, but he has remained silent. It can only be said that he is really low-key!

Although the current ranking is not yet the final ranking, it is obvious that the top ten or even the top one hundred players are the most powerful competitors for the Hua'an Da Neng disciple quota!

The Immortal Fate Conference of the Four Immortals is in full view, fair and just!Although the eliminated contestants were helpless, they were not unconvinced, and honestly packed up and left.

However, some of the contestants still received a letter from the Four Immortals Sect, which meant that, even if they couldn't become Hua'an Da Neng's disciples, the door of our Four Immortals Sect is still open to you, you should think about it carefully.

Many players who received the letter chose to stay on the spot and accepted the arrangement of the Four Immortals.There are also many players who have actually joined a party or have various worries, which need to be carefully considered.

Without further ado, the seventh round of assessment officially begins, which is the labyrinth trial Mo Xuan is best at.

Because the strength of the players varies greatly, the maze is also divided into areas, and the scoring mechanisms are also different.

The broadcaster was a little embarrassed, there were too many restrictions in the maze, and it also involved the secrets of the Four Immortals and the privacy of the players, so there was no way to carry out a detailed broadcast, but after hard work, they still managed to obtain the full broadcast rights of Jiwotou Xiaowa .

After all, Jiwotou Xiaowa has not practiced yet and is just an ordinary child, so the labyrinth area for experience is not very difficult, it is just a simple changing channel, and there is not even a fog or anything set up.

Seeing the chicken coop head boy running around in the maze like a headless fly, the audience couldn't help but hold back their laughter, what a straightforward young man.

What a broken place, Jiwotou Xiaowa sighed speechlessly, then picked his nostrils, flicked his boogers, and then strolled in the maze with his hands behind his back, and walked out of the maze after a while, and went back Rested.

ha? !The audience was stunned once again, this... how he got out, we are just spectators, but Jiwotou Xiaowa should be a fan of the authorities!And he was obviously clueless just now, how did he pick his nostrils and immediately find a way out?
Is there any mystery to this nostril picking?Picking his nostrils immediately opened up Ren Du's second pulse, and his intelligence exploded?

The audience's wishful thinking is all imaginary after all.Since there is no good show for Jiwotou Xiaowa, let's hurry to see other mazes.

Wow, I don’t know if I don’t look at it, I’m shocked when I look at it!
The first person to walk out of the maze was none other than Yu Wenyu, who ranked first in the total score of the previous six assessments. He actually walked out of the maze in less than a quarter of an hour. What a speed!

Even Kong Ling was also surprised. Although Yu Wenyu's trial was only a fairy-level labyrinth, the difficulty was not much less than that of the earth immortal and celestial immortal, and it was deliberately added. It's really amazing that he came out. Could it be that Xuan wanted to accept him as a disciple at the beginning, it was really unusual!

After Mo Que'er and Xiao Yun knew about it, they couldn't help but clicked their tongues, full of anticipation for this Yu Wenyu.

Huali is more interested in Jiwotou Xiaowa, looking at this little guy as if seeing the second baby back then, they are so simple and honest.

Lei Batian has always been paying attention to the young boy from the Lei Clan. He didn't know that this little guy would participate in the Four Immortals Sect's Immortal Fate Conference, and he only found out later!
Lei Batian was a bit dumbfounded, this little brat, but his performance was pretty good, he broke into the top [-], but he still had some strength left to wait for the later stage to explode.Forget it, let him go.In the aspect of educating apprentices, I do lack a lot, but my eldest brother is completely different. Just look at the two disciples Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the top-ranked players left the maze one after another, and some players who were not well-ranked suddenly broke out of the encirclement.

It was noon in a flash, and while Jiwotou Xiaowa and the others were enjoying their meals in the cafeteria, [-]% of the contestants were still struggling in the maze!
In the empty cafeteria, Jiwotou Xiaowa ate with great joy, his mouth was full of oil, so carefree, for him, being able to fill his stomach was the most important thing in the world.

Yu Wenyu and eldest grandson Ancheng couldn't help staring at the little boy at Jiwotou. Not surprisingly, this little boy was already Hua'an Da Neng's default disciple!It is so full of vigor, like an excellent rough jade waiting to be carved by the master, it is so good to be young!

In the afternoon, the contestants broke out of the maze one after another. At night, nearly [-]% of the contestants still failed to get out of the maze.

At the end of the time limit, the maze closed by itself, and all the remaining contestants were teleported out. It was inevitable to be a little disheartened, but it was not yet the time of despair, there were still two assessments to come, and there was still hope!
Even if the hope is slim, we must never give up!

Whether it is for the contestants participating in the Xianyuan Conference or the audience watching the Xianyuan Conference, it feels that time flies too fast!In two days, the eighth and ninth assessments passed in a flash!
It's the tense and exciting time to wait for the opening of the list again!

Who can break into the final assessment and accept the personal selection of Hua'an Da Neng?It will be revealed soon!

But before that, the gate of the martial arts test practice field, which had been closed for many days, was opened for the first time these days.

After a while, a large group of Xuanxians and Tianxians headed by Yu Tianrui came out with ashen faces, each of them seemed to have been greatly stimulated, and the slightest disturbance could frighten them.

No matter how proud and arrogant a person is, after staying in this martial arts test training ground for so many days, his temperament will be worn out!

Yu Tianrui Mumu turned around, looked back at the training ground of the martial arts test, shivered involuntarily, his cheeks twitched a few times, and left this sad place without looking back.

It's tears to say, when I went in, I was clamoring for an hour and then rushed through. As a result, after teleporting in, I found that it was a five-element formation with one line missing.

Yu Tianrui sneered at what kind of broken formation, five elements and five elements, five elements are called five elements, it is so obvious that there is a lack of fire, and he deliberately created the five elements formation, it's just for fun!It doesn't take an hour, I can get out in a quarter of an hour.

A quarter of an hour passed in a flash, and Yu Tianrui's face froze slightly. Why is this big formation so weird? It's clearly out of fire. How can it switch so freely and quickly? I can't keep up with the rhythm of the switch at all!
An hour passed.Yu Tianrui has no clue, what the hell is this strange big formation, what is it doing, let people not go through it properly!
A day has passed!

Yu Tianrui has no temper at all, how should he break through?
Two days have passed!
Yu Tianrui wants to cry but has no tears, what's going on?Why don't I go through the barrier, go to the head office, let me out!I want to go out!

Three days have passed!
Yu Tianrui joined forces with the immortals who broke through the level to turn the formation upside down, and finally found the core hub of the formation - a khaki spherical stone.

As long as you destroy it, you can go out naturally!

But... For two full days and two nights, Yu Tianrui and the others bombarded that khaki spherical stone indiscriminately!But the khaki-yellow ball of unknown material didn't even have the faintest mark, and it didn't move at all, let alone shattered!
What the hell is this? Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?
In the end, Yu Tianrui, who tried his best, and the others all gave up. There was really nothing they could do, and they could only resign themselves to their fate!
Finally, the door opened and you could go out.

There was no need for the Four Immortals to say anything, Yu Tianrui and the others left consciously.

Ideas are always beautiful, but reality is always so cruel!
(End of this chapter)

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