Interstellar Miner

Chapter 522 Immortal Fate Conference

Chapter 522 Immortal Fate Conference ([-])

Soon, the examination questions for the branch venue of Jiwotou Xiaowa came out in the afternoon. It should not be called an assessment, but a class!

The Earth Immortal examiner gave a class to the young contestants, and then assessed the content of the class at the end of the class.

The content of the course is very simple, and almost all the viewers who watched the broadcast understood it. At the beginning, it was equivalent to addition and subtraction within ten, then it became multiplication and division within ten, and then it became a multivariate equation. It's still too fast for children, it's better to proceed step by step.

But the final assessment questions made most of the audience dumbfounded, as if they couldn't even understand the questions, this is too difficult!This shit has something to do with the content of the lecture!
The audience with a higher level who can understand the topic is also frowning. This jump is too exaggerated. They are just some young men who are not familiar with the world. Is it necessary to make things difficult?
Audiences above the immortal level couldn't help but groan and wait and see.

Contrary to most people's expectations, more than half of the group of young doctors answered within the stipulated time limit.The rest are more or less answered nearly half.

The chicken coop boy just picked his nostrils a few times, then blinked his eyes, bounced the booger, and then wrote the correct answer.

In the past, when everyone saw a very smart child, he always yelled about a genius child, but now everyone really knows that this is a real genius!

If you really are not afraid of comparing goods, you are afraid of comparing people!The elites are grouped together, and only true geniuses can emerge quickly!
After the assessment in the afternoon, people naturally have more attention and interest in the little boy of the chicken nest. After many inquiries, the information they can get is very little. They only know that the little boy of the chicken nest has no name and lives by begging in the streets and alleys , full and hungry, that's why he was so sallow and emaciated. When registering, he must have a name, so he registered a nameless one.

Knowing this, the professional scouts of countless forces really want to find a piece of tofu and beat them to death. The peerless genius that we can't find with all our efforts, actually leads a miserable life of begging, and no one cares about him in the ordinary streets and alleys!

When the policy of the Four Immortals Sect's Xianyuan Conference came out, countless professional scouts sneered at it, and even accepted some beggars who ate and drank. Hit loudly!
Except for the most outstanding Jiwotou Xiaowa, most of the young men in that branch venue came from poor backgrounds, and as a result, all of them are such geniuses!If it weren't for the Four Immortals Sect's Fairy Fate Conference, they wouldn't be able to enter the eyes of scouts in their entire lives, and they could only waste their lives!
It turns out that our fourth level of time and space does not lack geniuses, but lacks the bright eyes of discerning people like the four great masters of the Four Immortals!What can I do, they are Hua'an Da Neng, Huo Qingling Da Neng, Master Shuiyue and Wu Nianxuan Chef!
The aftermath has not subsided, and the sixth assessment will arrive soon.

More audiences are turning their attention to Jiwotou Xiaowa. How much more shock will this young man who shocked the entire four layers of time and space bring us?
The Four Immortals School obviously also attaches great importance to Jiwotou Xiaowa. The examiner for this round is He Jiaguang, one of the double stars recruited by Hua'an Da Neng in the Chess Academy, and one of the parties involved in the millennium endgame that caused a great disturbance some time ago!

Tsk tsk, as expected, a hero is born in a teenager, He Jiaguang is so heroic now, he is completely different from before.

Wow, this is a good show to watch!The audience involuntarily stretched their necks and widened their eyes.

He Jiaguang looked around with a faint smile, and introduced himself: "I am He Jiaguang, a fourth-dan professional chess player of Chess Academy."

Wow!The young men thought that He Jiaguang looked a little familiar, but they didn't expect that it was the legendary He Jiaguang fourth stage, and He Jiaguang, a powerful disciple of Hua'an, came to give us an assessment!What this means, the young man is clear in his heart, even if he is exposed to the light of the chicken nest, at least it can show how much the Four Immortals value us.

After all, Jiwotou Xiaowa is too young, or he usually only cares about the problem of having a full stomach, and doesn't know He Jiaguang, but seeing other young men looking at He Jiaguang with admiration, he can't help but look more After a few glances, it seems that there is nothing special about it. Obviously, there is still a big gap with the gentle fairy yesterday.

He Jiaguang smiled and said: "I don't have any other skills, so I will give you a Go lesson. The assessment is naturally Go. It doesn't matter if you haven't played Go before. My scoring standards vary from person to person, and it will be fair and just." .The class will start next."

"Go, as the name suggests, is to encircle the territory. The outcome of Go is very simple. Two people play against each other. The chessboard is only that big. Whoever occupies the larger territory wins. Let me explain to you the attack and defense of Go."

The young men listened intently.

And countless viewers who watched the broadcast also listened with their ears upright. You must know that generally only the students of the Academy of Chess and Xianhao can listen to the professional chess players of the Academy of Chess, let alone the lectures of He Jiaguang's fourth stage. !Earn a lot!

On the other hand, He Jiaguang's senior brother, Zi Che Liang, was not idle either, and served as the examiner of Jiagan No. [-] branch venue.

Unlike Jiwotou Xiaowa's sub-venue where young players are concentrated, other sub-venues really change players every time. This sixth assessment can be said to be a watershed.

Zi Cheliang was in charge of proctoring the No. [-] sub-venue of Jiagan, which can be described as a gathering of heroes, all of whom are the leaders of Xuanxian, Tianxian, and Earth immortals.

Ji Chengyan was also assigned to this sub-venue, but Ji Chengyan, who used to have his nostrils upturned and arrogant, now had a heavy face, looking at the other 39 contestants in the sub-venue very vigilantly.

Really, if you don’t go out, you don’t know how big the world is!From childhood to adulthood, Ji Chengyan has always crushed his peers, and he has never had an opponent in his life.But after participating in the Four Immortals Sect's Fairy Fate Conference, powerful guys sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain!
Ji Chengyan gritted his teeth and tried his best to finally reach the No. [-] sub-meeting of Jiagan in the sixth assessment.

In this venue, there were Zhuge Tianyou, whom Ji Chengyan had met before, and two super-high-level players. Although the rest of the players didn't know each other, they were definitely not cheap!

And the No. [-], [-], and [-] sub-meeting halls behind the Jiagan may not be as good as this one. Maybe there are still people who haven't used their full strength and are silently observing their opponents.

Zi Cheliang walked into the branch venue unhurriedly, nodded slightly to the stunned contestants, and immediately announced the start of the assessment without introducing himself.

To everyone's surprise, the content of Zi Cheliang's assessment was not Go, but Taoism.

Zi Cheliang took out a Dharma array disk, turned the sub-meeting into a Taoism practice hall, and then started the assessment items, performing various Taoism, and it was up to the contestants to find the way to break it.

The number of Dao methods is limited, there are only one hundred in total, and they can only be answered quickly.There is no doubt that the more cracked, the higher the score.

The contestants couldn't help cheering up, like a taut bowstring, ready to go.

Zi Cheliang immediately displayed the first Taoism, a fire-earth hybrid defensive Taoism.

Ji Chengyan was about to make a move, his brows twitched, no, this method seems to be simple, but in fact there is a universe inside it, so don't be careless at all.Yes, just as Ji Chengyan raised his hand, the Taoism has already been deciphered first.

Zi Cheliang has practiced the second Taoism at hand, which is a combination of water and wood attacking Taoism.

The third one is a combination of metal and fire attack method; the fourth one is a combination of wind, fire and thunder; the fifth one is a combination of light and magnetism; type……

Not to mention the contestants present, even the onlookers were stunned. Zi Cheliang is simply a Taoist expert. No matter whether it is the five elements or the partial five elements, any type of Taoism is easy to master. How about being so comprehensive? There is no dead end!
All along, I only knew that Zi Che Liang was the most potential professional chess player in Chess Academy second only to Hua'an's sixth dan. Who would have thought that his Taoism would be so powerful!It is simply an encyclopedia of Taoism!

This is Hua'an Da Neng's disciple? !Obediently, it really wasn't covered!
Unknowingly, thirty Taoisms have passed, but Ji Chengyan failed to decipher even one Taoism first. Ji Chengyan's forehead was already covered with beads of sweat, but he was still undecided.No, my energy is limited, if I go on like this, I might not be able to grab any of them. It seems that I can only give up selectively. I am best at the Taoism of the two attributes of gold and earth, so I will keep my eyes on these two The way of attributes is good!

I've had it, I've got it!Ji Chengyan immediately started to run quickly, and with it, Ji Chengyan hurriedly shot to crack it, but a player came first and cracked it first!
Ji Chengyan gritted his teeth, veins throbbing on his forehead, he could only wait for the next one!
Time really passed so fast, a hundred Taoisms were all performed by Che Liang in a flash.Ji Chengyan worked so hard and only managed to grab two Taoism skills, which is considered to be at the middle level.

Zhuge Tianyou, who Ji Chengyan focused on, grabbed five magic circles, ranking second; while the one ranked first was a very humble earth fairy, who grabbed a total of eight!

They're all so inhuman!It's too fast!If this is converted to a martial arts competition, that is a huge advantage!

Ji Chengyan stared at the Earth Immortal for a few moments, then turned his gaze to Zi Cheliang, if he were to say that he was the least human, of course it was this one!A hundred Taoisms of various mixed attributes, he released them one by one without blushing or panting. If it was him, no matter how hard he tried, he could only use sixty of the hundred Taoisms at most. Left and right, and definitely not as fast as Zi Cheliang!

Even the Earth Immortal who got No. 1 looked at Zi Che Liang in shock, and had no doubt that he couldn't even win Zi Che Liang in the assessment of competing with Zi Che Liang!

Sure enough, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!

Kong Ling's two disciples, Liu Xing and Xiao Hua, each served as an examiner for a relatively late branch venue. Seeing that these contestants destined to be eliminated are actually not bad, they still have outstanding features. Liu Xing and Xiao Hua both Feeling a lot of pressure, I don't seem to be much better than them!

After knowing it later, Liu Xing and Xiao Hua secretly made up their minds that they must be self-reliant and self-reliant in the future, bury their heads in hard work, and never embarrass their master!

He Jiaguang, who was picking twenty, raised his head for the third time and glanced at Jiwotou Xiaowa. Is this little guy really playing Go for the first time?Time is limited, and I don't teach many tricks, but Jiwotou Xiaowa has perfectly controlled it, and can draw inferences from one instance, and use it extremely skillfully. If it is not obvious that there are still some flaws, she can go to the examination institute.

He Jiaguang clicked his tongue secretly, it seems that this little guy will most likely become our junior brother!

The audience watching the game between He Jiaguang and Jiwotou Xiaowa were almost stunned. There are a lot of people who love Go, but they just watched a beginner Xiaowa able to play He Jiaguang's four-stage game after only one Go lesson. There are comings and goings, are we feeding the dogs the chess skills we have honed so hard for so many years?

Hey, I am not afraid of comparing goods, but I am afraid of comparing people!Forget it, he is a peerless genius, let's not think too much about it, just watch it!
(End of this chapter)

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