Interstellar Miner

Chapter 530 The Last Sprint

Chapter 530 The Last Sprint

To be honest, for Tie Dan and the others, the platform of the third layer of time and space is already too small!It doesn't matter, when Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie completes its advancement, the fourth level of time and space is waiting for them!

There is a troublesome thing, there will be many unstable factors when Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie advances, so the position of appearing in the third layer of time and space is not fixed, this is a huge safety hazard!
The biggest security risk is naturally the catastrophe!The Heavenly Tribulation at the level of the Little Immortal Realm is no joke. Although Mo Xuan has successfully resisted two super-horrific Heavenly Tribulations, there is an element of trickery, and it is also because Tiandi thinks it is not worthwhile, and he does not want to waste too much energy. Mo Xuan will definitely be terrified to overcome the catastrophe!

Now the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, it is already the final sprint stage!

Mo Xuan told No. [-] to be careful!

Number two expressed his determination on the spot, and will do his best and go all out!
Mo Xuan patted No. [-] on the shoulder vigorously, and hurried back to the second layer of time and space.

The atmosphere in the entire Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is so tense. It is necessary to prepare for the final matters of the advancement of the Little Immortal Realm, but also beware of Hei Ming's sudden change of mind and sabotage!

It was really at the last moment that I realized that there was not enough time!
Fortunately, Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er have also returned to help sit in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm. In addition, Li Taishi, Taiyi, Qianzao, and Gu Xin have all quietly become Profound Immortals. Xuanxian, the high-end combat power of the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm absolutely crushes Hei Ming!
If Hei Ming really dared to make small moves, as long as the bosses dispatched a few casually, it would be enough for Hei Ming to drink a pot!
At this time, Hei Ming was holding the Celestial Fairy Conference.

Daoist Heixuan and Daoist Heiyun who were sitting on the high platform were really restless, there was no way not to get dizzy, there were too many worries!Although Hei Ming has already made an agreement with Qing Yuan for three chapters, once Qing Yuan successfully advances, the so-called contract is just a piece of paper, it all depends on Qing Yuan's self-consciousness!
When Hei Ming fought against Qing Yuanxian back then, there were heavy casualties, and the enmity between the two sides was great, far from being able to be settled even with a flimsy paper contract!
I have to worry, if Qingyuan tears up the contract after advancing, and the treasure mine that Heiming depends on turns into a garbage dump, then Heiming's advancement will become indefinitely far away!
And Qingyun took the opportunity to quickly enter the third-level space-time magic circle, and when Hei Ming finally got his head out, he advanced and returned to the third-level time-space. The third-level time-space has long been Qing Yuan's back garden, so he must obey obediently with his tail between his legs Qing Yuan's order!
At that time, Qingyun is Daozu, and we are fish and meat. If Qingyuan wants to settle the enmity during the Immortal War, we can still make it up!

However, today's Qingyuan is no longer the original Qingyuan. The battleship technology has been fully improved, and it is no longer inferior to Hei Ming, and Qing Yuan's high-end combat power is enough to crush Hei Ming. It is really about to fight, Hei Ming He must not be able to resist the current Qing Yuan!
The angels of Hei Ming can be described as polarized. Half of them think that Qing Yuan is too much of a threat. Even if we harm others and benefit ourselves, we must not allow Qing Yuan to advance successfully; If you come down, it's better not to make extra troubles, why bother to lose, and in all likelihood, you won't be able to beat Qingyuan.

The two camps have been quarreling for many days, and the quarrel has caused the two Taoist monarchs, Hei Ming, to have a big head.

In the noisy hall, there is only one celestial god sitting on the futon, sipping fairy tea leisurely, looking so detached!

The two Taoist Lords of Hei Ming frowned secretly, we are discussing the life and death of Hei Ming, you guys are still so leisurely, are you sincerely embarrassing us!
Daoist Heixuan directly called the name: "Feng Chang Tianxian, what's your opinion? You might as well say it for everyone's reference."

Stared at by the two Taoist monarchs and Hei Ming so many angels, Feng Chang was still calm and composed, took a sip of the fairy tea leisurely, and analyzed leisurely: "It's actually very simple. In this battle, we Hei Ming have a one-point chance of winning." None; without a fight, once Qingyuan succeeds in advancing, we will fall behind step by step, and it will be difficult to stand up again."

That's right, that's why we're so entangled, what the hell are you trying to say, let it go if you fart!

Feng Chang smiled lightly and said: "Actually, there is nothing to worry about. Don't be confused by appearances. Who can say what will happen in the future? Even if Qing Yuan succeeds in advancing, life may not be easy. Qing Yuan and us Hei Ming has been away for too long, and no one knows what the third level of time and space has become. Therefore, let’s not think too much about uncertain things! The most important thing right now is that we Hei Ming must maximize our interests and try our best to Guarantee that Qing Yuan will keep his promise!"

"Qingyuan's advanced stage may not necessarily be successful. If it fails, Qingyuan's vitality will be seriously injured, and our chance to turn around will come! If Qingyuan's advanced stage is successful, it can be regarded as finding out the way for us. As long as the treasure mine The field is still there, and sooner or later we Hei Ming will be able to advance to the third level of time and space, and it will be more secure."

"It's very simple. Qing Yuan can do whatever he wants, and we can just wait and see."

Is that so?It seems that this makes sense!Yes, who can say clearly what will happen in the future, maybe the third level of time and space has long been dominated by some other powerful force. Even if Qing Yuan succeeds in advancing, his vitality will definitely be seriously injured, and he will not have a good life. Without Qing Yuan in the second layer of time and space, there is no need to be on guard everywhere, and you can flex your muscles at every step, upgrade the Little Immortal Realm at full speed, and advance as fast as possible!

Daoist Heiyun frowned and said, "Are we really doing nothing?"

Feng Chang shook his head slightly, and said: "No, we need to send a mission immediately to show our determination, and at the same time let Qingyun give us enough guarantees. In the most ideal situation, we will send a group of people from Heiming to join Qingyuan together. level, and Qing Yuan also dispatched a group of troops to station in our Heiming."

It's a high-sounding thing, isn't it a hostage!

This seems unrealistic!If we Hei Ming sent people to advance with Qing Yuan, there would definitely be many people scrambling to sign up. Even if Qing Yuan offered a hostage, it would not be such an important hostage.

Moreover, who will go to such a dangerous thing as sending an envoy to Qingyuan?

Heilong Tianxian Laozi has already been there once, and this time he said that he will not go there!
The rest of the angels either bowed their heads in silence or talked about other things.

Daoist Heixuan and Daoist Heiyun glanced at each other, then looked at Feng Chang together, and then turned their eyes away.Feng Chang is Qing Yuan's traitor, even if he wants to go on an envoy, we can't agree to it!

Feng Changle chuckled, and said, "If my status is embarrassing, I would definitely volunteer for the job. This is a beautiful miss."

American errand?Where does this start?All the angels in Hei Ming looked at Feng Chang in puzzlement.

"Everyone should know that Qing Yuan is not the one who wants to make peace the most now. They really don't want to make troubles at such a juncture, so they will definitely entertain our Hei Ming's envoy well and try their best to appease our Hei Ming. Even in the worst case, if Qingyun takes him as a hostage, Qingyun will never dare to act recklessly, and his safety is absolutely guaranteed. Anyway, if it were me, I would definitely be willing to go."

Hei Ming celestial beings, you look at me, I look at you, it is indeed so!Since there is definitely no danger to life, why don't we fight it!

You must know that there is still one vacant position in Hei Ming's Taoist monarch!At this juncture, Qingyuan is sent as an envoy to stabilize the overall situation, that is Hei Ming's great hero, paving the way for the future superiors!

Immediately triggered all kinds of looting, let me go!I go!I am the most suitable!
Old God Feng Chang was sipping tea on the ground, and knew the final result long ago.

Sure enough, the last one named by the two Taoist lords was the Black Dragon Celestial Immortal again. The reason? Of course, the Black Dragon Celestial Immortal has already been on a mission once and has valuable experience. Experienced is definitely better than inexperienced!
In fact, to put it bluntly, the benefits of two Taoist lords are much more than three Taoist lords, and the two Taoist lords do not want to give birth to a third Taoist lord so early.

In full swing, the Black Underworld Mission headed by the Black Dragon Celestial Immortal has set off!

To be honest, Heilong Tianxian was still a little flustered in his heart, but he was someone who came here anyway. He had met Mo Xuan Da Neng several times last time, and he also talked freely when facing Qingyuan's big bosses, at least he was self-righteous Such.

Moreover, Celestial Feng Chang had already analyzed so thoroughly, and Celestial Black Dragon had much more confidence than last time, so he didn't procrastinate, and arrived at the Void Station set up by Qing Yuan directly according to the agreed time.

The person in charge of receiving the Black Dragon Celestial Immortal is the Immortal Lin Chengbi of the Taiyi Sect.

At the beginning, Lin Chengbi defeated the two angels, Hei Ming and Hei Ming, with one against two, and his reputation spread far and wide.But after all, it wasn't facing Mo Xuan's great power, the Black Dragon Celestial Fairy was really calm and eloquent this time.

After a tense discussion on Qingyuan's side, the four Taoist monarchs received the Black Dragon Celestial Immortal together.

Heilong Tianxian walked into the main hall of Lord Taiyi unhurriedly, glanced at him, hey, this time Moxuan and Mo Que'er are not here, so be kind!Immediately, the waist of Heilong Tianxian straightened a lot, and Shi Shiran paid a visit to the four Taoist monarchs of Qingyuan.

After all, he is the special envoy of Hei Ming, and the Hei Long Tianxian represents the entire Hei Ming.

It's just that the big brothers of Qingyuan still clearly remember the extremely embarrassing performance of the Black Dragon Celestial last time. This time it was still in the main hall of the Taiyi Lord, and we were present, but the Black Dragon Celestial was so calm and composed. The only difference was that Mo Xuan, Mo Que'er was delayed by something and was unable to attend.

All the elders in Qingyuan couldn't help sighing secretly, they had always heard that Hei Ming feared Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er like tigers, and now they finally realized it.

Hei Ming is willing to take the initiative to express his position at this juncture. Of course, Qing Yuan can't ask for it, but on the surface, he still needs to go through some official procedures and bargain.

Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er knew that there would be no second outcome to this matter, so they were not happy to attend. Of course, Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er were also really busy!
Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie is about to advance, and Mo Xuan always feels that it is not safe enough. It is Mo Xuan's motto to be prepared for everything, let alone such a major event related to the life and death of the family, of course Mo Xuan is more cautious!
So these days, Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er have been arranging and consolidating the Mo family's Lingdao, and Xiao Yun also tried his best to give the best plan and supervise the work.

Kong Ling and Huali are also racing against time to arrange and consolidate their home spirit island, just in case, it is of course good for Qingyuan to advance successfully, but if there is a big catastrophe and Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie really can't stand it Hold on, at that time, they must have to disperse and flee, one by one!
The great catastrophe is no joke, you must prepare for the worst in advance.

The five of Gao Shan and the others are also racing against time to make the final arrangement; Jin Lengyu also rushed back from the first level of time and space, leaving a clone on the first level of time and space to help No. [-] Xiao Moxuan manage the Xiuxian Academy and the first level of time and space.

If the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm advances to the third level of time and space, then the guiding fairy platform will naturally cease to exist, and it will be troublesome to ascend to the first level of time and space!There is no other way, but to ascend to the black world for a while.

For this reason, Mo Xuan deliberately approached the Black Dragon Celestial Immortal very politely.

The Black Dragon Celestial Immortal was terrified. Although he had no way to make decisions, he still did his best and reported to the two Taoist monarchs as soon as possible.Mo Xuan and Hei Ming quickly reached a consensus that human monks on the first floor of time and space can ascend to Hei Ming, and then Hei Ming will arrange an errand to return Qingyuan after Hei Ming advances.

Mo Xuan is still worried. Although Hei Ming's advancement is far away, he has already considered the relevant matters after Hei Ming's advancement!
In the end, Qing Yuan and Hei Ming jointly invested, and a small fairy world immediately began preparations, and it was built near the treasure mine.In the future, whether it is a human race in the first layer of time and space or a monk of the demon race, they will have a place to live and work. With the support of the treasure mine, it is just around the corner to advance to the third layer of time and space.

This is the power of Mo Xuan, what a foresight!Daoist Heixuan and Daoist Heiyun couldn't help sighing again and again, why Mo Xuan was not born in our Heiming.

As a matter of course, Qing Yuan and Hei Ming reached a final peace agreement, exchanged hostages, and that's it!
Qing Yuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, of course he wasn't completely relieved, at least he already had a lot of confidence in his heart.

The final sprint!
(End of this chapter)

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